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#1Suzume Midokawa (Parasite) Empty Suzume Midokawa (Parasite) Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:31 pm




Name: Suzume Midokawa
Alias: Hero Killer – Parasite
Race: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Due to the nature of her quirk, Suzume is a rather skittish and unhinged individual. She seems to have some sort of psychosis, brought on by the constant need to feed her quirk to keep it in check. If she has gone some time without feeding her armour she can seem lethargic and much more docile.

The sight of blood seems to drive her into a state of rage, with the need to draw more and more until her endless hunger is sated. This state rids Suzume of any semblance of self-preservation, which has shown to be troublesome for all involved.

Suzume seems incapable of forming meaningful relationships, all living beings seem to be little more than food for her quirk and often if she doesn’t attack on sight it is a ruse to have her prey let their guard down. Under study it seems hard to get the girl to talk at all, and when she does it seems to be little more than short sentences.  

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Blood Type: AB+
Birthplace: ???
Current Place of Residence: Always on the move


Quirk Name: Living Armour
Quirk Type: Transformation
Quirk Description: Since it first manifested, Suzume’s quirk has taken over most of her body in the form of a red carapace. In its passive state, it seems to take the form of clothing as well as a sort of armour.

In combat, the armour seems to take a mind of its own. Reacting to potential damage by coating Suzume in a sturdy exoskeleton that has been reported to effortlessly deflect small arms fire. It also provides the ability to create weapons in the form of blades, claws and whips all made of the strange red material that coats her body. These weapons can appear from anywhere on her body. Blood drawn from her foes will fuel her transformation abilities (This only works on player characters, or mod approved NPCs) and some types work better than others at extending the time she can utilize her powers.

AB: x2
B: x1
A: x1
O: x1.5

Passively, she seems to have heightened physical abilities, specifically strength and endurance.

The armour itself acts like a parasite, draining Suzume’s energy to power its abilities. Overuse can exhaustion very quickly, to the point of a coma-like state at the extreme. To counter-act this, drawing blood acts as a potent secondary source of energy that revitalizes Suzume and allows her quirk to continue functioning. When completely spent, the armour can break completely and requires some time to regenerate properly.


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: Known to authorities as a hero-killer, there is currently a bounty for her capture for study. She has been codenamed Parasite, and authorities are to be contacted should she be sighted.
History: (Optional).
RP Sample: (Write a sample post as your character. Try using your quirk too.)

#2Suzume Midokawa (Parasite) Empty Re: Suzume Midokawa (Parasite) Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:23 am

Jun T

Jun T
love the character concept, especially when considered what we discussed in chat, but the quirk have issues.

No regenerating damage. I'd allow up to two enhancements with it. Karma's was just strength, but he had other little things that kind of made up for not having a second enhancement, and his quirk is stronger on the defensive front, from what your's is, but yours also has greater offensive applications. But anyways, choose two.

I'm gonna say no on the using other people's blood as a fuel source. I don't have anything to go on other than a blood user hero in MHA only used his own blood, I'm pretty sure that's Class 1-B's teacher.

Edit: Upon discussion with Jeff and yourself, I now approve your updates. I'll let Jeef tier though.

#3Suzume Midokawa (Parasite) Empty Re: Suzume Midokawa (Parasite) Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:04 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved B+ level with A potential

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