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Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Sinan was laughing. Then again, the mad cackling that spewed forth from his lips was nothing new since Sinan laughed all the time, much to the chagrin of the other Espada folks. "This... Is the best day EVER!" Sinan screamed as his arm shot forth and stabbed a woman through the chest. His fingers and wrist had morphed into a sword, a gleaming blade of dark grey steel which now had erupted from the woman's chest as Sinan slowly walked forward, occasionally swinging his free arm to chop of the heads of fleeing humans. As he walked forward, his extended blade-morph arm shortening with him as he closed the distance. Once he was right behind the trembling woman, Sinan placed his free arm on her shoulder and leaned in close to whisper into her ear.

The sound that slithered out of his lips grated the eardrums with it's inhuman nature. "I'm gonna pull out now, ok? Make sure you scream eeeeextra loud for me~" He said, his vocal chords thrumming with the sound of a thousand mechanical wasps all trapped in a jar that was just a little too small for each of them to fit. Sinan took a deep breath, the scent of death and destruction filling his lungs. Oh, how he loved that smell! God, he had the biggest boner right now. Slowly, carefully, so that she would feel each and every second of agony, Sinan pulled his blade-morph arm out of the woman's chest and let her drop to the floor. He yelled and gave her body a kick of frustration as she slammed into a building, already dead. "Worthless pieces of junk. How will I get off if they all die so fast!? Tch." Sinan frowned and used some high-speed movement to move down to the end of the street, in the direction where the majority of the humans were fleeing from while keeping his sensing activate, checking for tasty blips on his radar.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

What a morning! First getting up late, not having her morning coffee, Nearly getting ran over several times from bike messengers that dont seem to know what their eyes are for. Now an attack from the fucking arrancar. Victoria sighed standing with Aria doing their weeklyget together of information on Karaguire and her physical and mental state as well as Natasha's. She watched the cameras go crazy around the city of the attack. "Geez...Just what I wanted"Growned Victoria already not in the mood. She headed out of the lab while lighting a cigarette. She was casually walking through the building against the waves of chaos from civillians along with their own fighters getting called in and to wherever they were called to.

She headed out the building and down the street moving through the wave of people running for their life. She kept her guard up and decided to get attention away from the civilians was to do one thing. Make her presence known. Now how did she do that. Well she allowed her reistu to flair drastically as she stood still against the feeling crowd. She rested her left arm under her bust having her left hand hold her right elbow. As her right hand was up straight holding her cigarette. Her chocolate brown hair was pinned up into a high tight bun. Her open white doctir jacket flowed from the waves of pushing and shoving people revealng her buttoned white shirt along with her black pencil skirt reaching a few inches above her black pantyhose legs completing the look with some high black stilettos. Her crimson red eyes were closed half way and looked pretty annoyed and tired.

While Victoria waited to be noticed she walked slowly but casually from the chaos checking her rose red painted fingernails for any chips or damage.

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Sinan took a deep breath and exhaled as he felt a sudden, massive flare of Reiatsu wash over his tall body. He turned his head to the source, his bangs covering his left eye, his right eye a deep amber color that trained itself on the woman before him. Wordlessly, Sinan took a step forward with his long and lanky leg in the woman's direction. The first apparent thing about this man was how messy his appearance was. A half-tucked white-and-red diamond patterned shirt with black pants that couldn't decide if they wanted to cover his thin and uncannily long legs. One leg was far too long, and clearly rolled up at the ankle so he wasn't tripping on it. The other was cut off above the knee, leaving his knee and calf completely exposed.

Sinan's cheeks flushed as he began to giggle while staring the well-dressed and clearly rather strong lady before him. He licked his lips and said, "You'll do rather nicely. All these appetizers won't even whet my appetite a little, but you.... You're exactly what I've been looking for!" His voice was awful and wrong, like the sound a jar would make if you stuffed it full of aggressive robot wasps. The messy-looking veneer Sinan put on seemed to melt away as his body became just an outline for a vaguely human-shaped mass of swarming metal blades.

The uncanny-looking Sinner immediately used his proficiency in High-Speed Movement to appear 20 feet to the woman's left and sweep his right arm out in front of him. From the motion, 5 knife-sized blades shot out in a fan shape towards his target in an attempt to skewer her from the get-go. Meanwhile, his left forearm compacted, flattened, and extended into a 5 foot long sword which Sinan kept loosely at his side.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

Victoria smiled secretly sensing that the fool took the bait. She took one last drag from her half done cigarette before she tossed it on the ground smothering it under her stiletto before turning to the sinner. She sighed seeing his messy disarray of clothing. "If you are wanting to make a meal out of me the least you can do is make yourself presentable and get a cough drop for that nasty voice of yourself. Menos have more class then you obviously."Spoke Victoria disgusted by his outfit and his voice.

She gracefully moved her hands into her pockets while watching him dissappear from his spot to a new one to her left. She sighed having no issue seeing the movement and the attack coming towards her. She simply took a step back and crouch down allowing the blades to bearly miss her bun before standing back up. "You have such a boring style...Blades...Really...Why cant you bother being interesting to me to even want to play with you."She spoke not enthused about him as he was so bland the classic 'jack the ripper' type.

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Sinan watched as the woman before him gracefully dodged his probing strike by ducking under the attack. The motion was perfect, not even a hair out of place. She called him out too, taking a moment to mock his attire and everything. "Aaaah...." Sinan grinned at the provocation and thrust out his bladed arm, the weapon extending at incredible speed as he would attempt to impale her with the weapon, the stab carrying the force of a Hadou 40. "Of course, of course! I do fit rather nicely into an archetype, don't I? But if you don't want to play, I could simply leave and play with that fleeing crowd over there, couldn't I?"

The Sinner nudged his head ever-so-slightly in the direction of the fleeing crowd down the street. It would be a shame if this woman decided not to play, he couldn't legitimately force her to do so. However, there were plenty of players in this city, all running around and fleeing for their lives. "Just one is barely enough, but I'll probably be satisfied... Eventually." Sinan's grin widened, threatening to split his face in two. The vague outline of swirling blades that was Sinan suddenly morphed and changed, becoming far more streamlined and invoked a sense of speed. "But if you play or not is up to you, of course~" Sinan chimed in, his streamlined form tense and coiled like a spring.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

Victoria listened to him agree with what archtype he fit in. How brainless this one was
Enspecially for the fact he coulds even think he would have a chance to go after civilians. "I can play but you are uninteredting and might put me to sleep." She commented using Blur to move out of the way only to get a nick on her shoulder from the blade barely missing her. She stood a few feet away checking her sleeve "aw and i liked this coat."She said seeing that she was jusr grazed.

Victoria sighed taking her coat off tossing it aside "now hoe about i show you what it feels like to be a puppet on strings"She said

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Sinan quickly retracted the blade he had shot forward, returning it to it's earlier 5 foot long position. He watched as the woman discarded her ruined coat and revealed the cut in her shoulder. It was light, sure, but it was a start. He raised an eyebrow, intrigued at the woman's proposition. Brandishing his sword-arm in front of him, Sinan said "Bring it on," before swiftly retracting his blade-arm and swinging his leg for a kick. As he did so, his leg rapidly extended into a blade and swept out in front in a tight elliptical arc in an attempt to get a slash in on the woman before him. Though the motion was quite large, perhaps even a little superfluous, it carried with it the destructive power of a Hadou 40.

Right as his leg was sweeping across the street for a bladed roundhouse kick, Sinan thrust his hand out and caused his fingers to morph and fly forward with a delay from his kick in an attempt to catch the woman with one of them. Though the blades of his fingers appeared to be more fragile than the one his leg was made of, each of the five fingers still appeared to carry the same amount of destructive force as his roundhouse kick. To round things off, Sinan simultaneously morphed his other forearm (the one who's fingers weren't morphed) into a 5 foot long blade as well, just in case.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

Victoria blur to behind Sinan avoiding both attacks with ease. A bright orb floated next to her head before it began to change to a golden bow of light making her one possibility. Was she a quincy? Maybe she was..Maybe she wasn't. Victoria took ahold of the bow as it was half her size but was as bright as the sun making it hard for her enemy to look straight at her. She pulled the string back forming three arrows before letting them fly free as two had a thread like trail behind them as the 3rd third had a ball like tip that was rapidly growing as it flew through the air towards them.

Abilities used:
Ability Name: Lumination
Description: Victoria can create weapons of light making from orbs and spears to Bows and Swords, sometimes making her seem like a Quincy if she needs to trick her opponent or go on the offense. Her weapons are as duriable as a zanpackuto and stay active till she wishes for them not to existWhen one is attacked or hit with one her creations, they will gain 2nd degree burns. She can only change weapons once a post with the duration of two posts before she can change or create another

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Sinan let out a small giggle as his legs and fingers snapped back into place and returned to their previous shapes. He hadn't felt any sort of connection, meaning the woman had clearly dodged. As he planted both legs back on the ground, Sinan felt the whole area around them brighten from a source somewhere behind him. The sensation wasn't dissimilar to having the sun on your back while running through an open space like a desert or plain. The very shadows themselves were forced to re-align from the sheer photonic output, and it was quite the sight to behold.

However, the bloodthirsty Sinner didn't really have the time to marvel at beauty, nor did he particularly give a flying fuck about the pretty lights. With his entire body unbladed and the woman to his back, Sinan quickly sprang into action. As he heard the twang of a bowstring, the Sinner quickly shifted his legs into blades and rapidly extended them upwards at a 60 degree angle then retracted them once he was mid-air and used the force of the motion to evade the worst of the woman's attack. However, he let out an excited hiss as one of the arrows glanced his right thigh, leaving a nice and sizzling burn in it's wake.

As Sinan flew through the air, a wide cone of 10 knives appeared on his back and shot down at the woman. Each one carried the force of a Hadou 20, but they flew down wide enough apart that one could easily get away with only taking one hit. Sinan twisted his body in the air, and used his incredible agility to touch the side of a building with all fours. The minute he made contact with the wall in that position, it was touch-and-go for the Sinner, using his high-speed movement to warp back to the ground some 40 feet off to the woman's 11 o'clock.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

When the arrow with the large ball point grazed him it let out a small explousion adding to the 2nd degree burn. She watched him take to the sky before seeing a clone of knives coming down at her "lovely"she said back pedaling as she pulled her bow back releasing arrows at the knives having the same thread trail on them at the knives. There was one that she just couldnt knock away with an arrow as she took up a defense letting it hit her bow knocking her back a few feet. Good the impact of her hands went numb for a few seconds as she recovered sending another volley of arrows before her bow twisted and turned back into the orb floating next to her head

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