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Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
With a little bit of acrobatics, Sinan used his incredible agility to avoid the last volley of arrows before the bow the woman was holding morphed into a sphere. With his leg aching from the burns of the arrow, the Sinner let out a giggle of amusement. "Usage limit, huh? Booooo!" Sinan cackled and loudly made his dissatisfaction know before swiping his arms out in front of himself. His right forearm morphed into a 5 foot long blade, however; it was clearly not the same as his previous creations. The reiatsu coming off of his right arm was far greater than before, and it rolled off the weapon in waves. His right forearm was buzzing quietly, like a tiny chainsaw that had just been revved up.

With his literal sword-arm ready by his side, Sinan began running at incredible speed towards the woman, his streamlined form further augmenting his speed. Once he had closed 15 feet of distance, Sinan swung his bladed arm while running in a quick arc-like motion, as if he were cracking a whip. The sword extended as it moved, covering the deficit in range as Sinan attempted to get a good slash in on the woman's midsection. Based on the reiatsu flowing off of his arm, the strike appeared to carry destructive force equal to a Hadou 50. Even with the incredibly bright light before him, the wide arc of Sinan's attack would help cover up his difficulty aiming.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) - Page 2 Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

"Nah usage limit doesn't matter to me..."said Victoria forming two balls of light in her hands "how about i help you see the light in the tunnel"She Spoke slamming her hands together causing a flashbang from the orbs colliding hiding eachother in the bright light. This was a flaw for the fact she didn't get to see the arc of the swing feeling a clean slice into her midsection that sent her back against a building getting caught in the rubble of the brand new entrance he made. Victoria shaked her head slowly climbing out of the rubble before pushing her finger tips of her index together only to pull them apart forming a sort of thread of light. She snapped her fingers forming a needle at one end as the other was still attached to her finger. "He got me good with that one."She said to herself wincing as her hand rapidly stitched her midsection together just enough to stop the massive bleeding from the cut. "Just need a few mintues and I should be fine.."she said to herself stitching her shoulder as well before she stood up. Now time to try and stall through the pain

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"Gotcha..." Sinan whispered quietly to himself amidst the chaos as he felt what had to be the best sensation in the world: his blade biting into soft, tender, juicy flesh to make a clean cut. Sinan narrowed his eyes and grinned triumphantly as he ordered the tip of bis blade to break off and separate from him mid-swing. The small metal fragment was no longer than a pinkie, but it immediately got to work once Sinan's blade arm had snapped back into place at his side. As Victoria began sewing up the large wound on her body, the small piece of metal began to burrow deeper into her body, slowly settling in and taking root while tunneling deeper into Victoria's flesh.

"Mmmmm... I'm having so much fun~" Sinan's cheeks flushed as he held his other hand out, with his bladed arm by his side. From his free hand he fired off 10 more of his blades into the hole where the woman had crashed through just moments before. Each blade fired carried the destructive force of a Hadou 20, and the crazed Sinner shot them off them into the hole in a sort of 'Z' pattern to help maximize his accuracy.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) - Page 2 Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

Victoria heatd the slicing of the blades through the air as she rolled out of the way of the hole hiding behind the wall "god this hurts"she whispered taking off her heels moving deeper into the building finding it a currently vacant hotel

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
As Victoria ran, the shard of metal in her stomach continued it's mission, spreading it's roots deeper into her body and causing more internal damage as she ran up the stairs. "Oooooh~ I love tag!" Sinan cried out as he jumped into the building with a twisted grin that stretched from ear to ear. Licking his lips, He stopped for a moment to listen for the sound of footsteps.... "There." Sinan whispered and turned in Victoria's approximate direction before beginning to run at incredible speed. The place appeared to be a hotel, though it was currently empty. It mattered not to Sinan, as he used his superior speed to catch up to Victoria.

Rounding a corner, Sinan spotted the woman clutching her high heels in one hand while desperately trying to get away. With a thrust of his bladed arm, the sword extended towards his target in an attempt to stab her thigh. "You don't look so hoooot~ Are you feeling okay?" Sinan cackled as he fired off his Hadou 50 - level attack, a look of pure ecstasy flashing in his eyes.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) - Page 2 Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

"I'm doing quite fine thankyou very much and thought i would stretch my legs"she said tossing her shoes to either side of herself at the beginning of the hall before rushing down to the end ducking under the blade before pulling a hand back causing her heels and a few vases and decorations to come flying at him from behind.

God that pain was getting worse but she ignored it. Pain was her favorite excuse from patients. If she told them to suck it up then she needed to do the same right. She took a deep breath before beating it down another hall as she took the newly formed orb into her hands kneeding and mending it till it seem to dissappear after she let go. She slid to a stop at a window end hallway crouching down holding her finger tips together just waiting for him to round the corner "lets hope my second stage finishes him..."she whispered

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
The seed of torment burrowed deeper and deeper, it's metallic roots spreading all over the flesh of her stomach. A couple roots found their way to Victoria's stomach and began to puncture the organ. Sinan kept up the chase, easily avoiding the objects that were hurtling towards his exposed back as he gave chase to his prey. The quiet chainsaw-like whining from his blade arm ceased, but Sinan kept the blade-morph in place while his other hand remained normal. With a grin, Sinan used high-speed movement to skip the rest of the hallway's distance and appear at the end. For a split fraction of a second, he stared down his quarry before thrusting his free arm and firing another volley of 10 Hadou 20 - level blades at the woman in that same 'Z' shape as before to cover all the points in the hallway as effectively as he could.

Though his sword arm was no longer giving off the intense Reiatsu as it was before, Sinan still thrust it forward right after his volley of knives. The blade-arm split in two as it extended rapidly towards the woman, the points of the blades seeming to take their places in the two big gaps of the 'Z' formation of his volley, with each of his arm-blades holding the destructive force of a Hadou 40.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) - Page 2 Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

"Got you"she said as the air around her began to glow and form into 50 rods around her with a few inches with and 5 feet long each all sent at him knocking the knieves away before a orb of light formed in her hands before a large beam fired straight at him eneveloping the hallways with huge flash of light. When all was said and done Victoria let out a scream feeling his blade impale her left shoulder sticking through it into the wall. From that pain to the pain in her stomach from the metal having a fun time tearing into her organs. She couldnt even figure out what part of her wasnt in pain cause her whole body felt it

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
More roots began finding their way all over Victoria's body, taking painful and jagged paths through her flesh as it's roots infested her body and ripped her apart from within. The split sword arm ends sunk into opposite sides of the end of the hall, and were about to cut his prey in half when the woman fired off a final, desperate strike.

Sinan didn't even bother to snap his arm back into place, he was at his limit for Zanpakuto-strength durability but with both of them being on the outside he deemed it to be perfectly safe. Sinan dropped to his knees, narrowing an eye and tilting his head mockingly. "That's not gonna be enough, you know~" From his point of contact with the floor, a massive column of blades split the hallway almost completely in two, completely defending against the heavily weakened woman's last ditch efforts to attack him. "Oh God, it's... incredible..." The column of blades dropped, seemingly having never been there with only the scorch marks on the floor suggesting it had ever existed in the first place. Sinan retracted his arm-blades as well ass they snapped back together into one sword-appendage on his forearm.

"Normally.... I would just kill you. But lucky you~ I thought of something far more interesting!" Sinan appeared before the hunched over Victoria, his sickly amber eyes glowing hungrily as he raised his blade-arm and turned the flat-side over in preparation to make a pimp-slap motion to knock the woman out for good. The Sinner swept his arm out in a quick motion to try and smack Victoria in the head and put her to sleep. In her weakened state, he was sure he'd manage to land the hit.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle] The Thread Against The Needle (Sinan vs Victoria) - Page 2 Photo_13
Head of Medical Department- Victoria VanIsis: 1-3

Victoria winced hunching over exhausted and in pain.Her vision wanted to fade her body wanted to shut down.She watched jagged metal lines pull themselves painfully along her skin crawling to claim every inch of her in the name of pain. She closed her eyes trying her best to stay awake. I'm sorry N. I tried being part of your world. I just didn't make the cut. I gave it all I had.This is surely my end. Sorry for leaving you alone again but maybe Aria and Karaguire can fill my place..Both are good kids. Lots of potential. Victoria thought to herself excepting her end.She expected Sinan to Cut what little light she had left, to shreads. To consume her to fill that void of hunger. She snapped out of her thoughts opening her eyes the best she could manage.What was his plans with her. Was he going to actually let her live? Or was he expecting a small fight of hope to only end her. She slowly moved her head up seeing him standing over her hunched body. She narrowed her eyes glaring the best she could at him seeing him raised his bladed hand. She wasnt going to give any expression then of disgust of him if this was her end
The Darkness came swift as Victoria didn't stand a chance to avoid the strike to her head sending her down on the floor like a Sack of potatoes out cold and defeated.

-Thread End
Victor: Sinan -

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