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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle]Explouding works of art! (Astraea V Aria) Photo_15
Head of Research and Developement: Aria Takashi - 1-5

Aria was standing on top of a light post with a speaker phone directing fleeing citizens towards the designated shelters to get them to safety from the sudden attack.

Aria was having a great day at first. Homework was done for school in a few days. She had gotten up in time to dress herself up. Hair, makeup etc. She was in a good mood and had gotten a dozen lilies from someone that left them on her doorstep. How could thid day go wrong?

Aria had her hair up and braided in a bun having different colored streaks through out her hair. Her left purple eye and right green eyes sparkled and were painted with white eyeshadow with blue eyeliner and mascara. She had a simple clear gloss over her lips. She was wearing a short sleeve white buttoned shirt held under a high waisted flowing rainbow colored skirt with lace at the bottom. She had laced white fingerless gloves on with her nails painted in a rainbow fashion. She had simple white knee high socks with black laced heels.

"Stay calm and head to the designated shelter!"she called through the Megaphone


She was the Fraccion of the 4th Espada, Cactus Jack, who was quite the lively man in his own right. Astraea on the other hand was quite reserved, calm, and didn't seem to have much of a care for anything in the world. They were on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, yet they were forced to work together, even as he continuously spoke about this "All Might". She didn't understand most of what he was saying, even when he was being simple and forward about it. However, she didn't really care to ask for more details, nor did she care to lose any sleep over it. She didn't care about him, however she did know that she was to follow the orders he entrusted to her. Of course, those orders were along the lines of "I don't know. Kill the human scum," so here she was.

She had stepped out of a garganta a few paces behind him, but he was gone in a flash the moment his feet touched the human earth. She was left alone to do her own damage, which she didn't mind. Astraea preferred being alone, since she could make her own rules. Rule 1: she was going to kill as many humans as possible. What could be a more perfect target than a small child herding a mass of people to a designated "safe" place?

Astraea would find herself standing before the frantic crowd as she held her spear vertically at her side. Her armour of pure white and black that covered from her shoulders to her feet. The white horns rounded the top of her head ending just at the center of her forehead. Yellow eyes would look out into the crowd before they would turn up to the girl, "There is no safety." She would lift the spear from her side, pointing it out into the crowd in front of her before firing off a 20 by 20 sphere of energy. The explosion was large launching mere humans feet away from where they had stood, removing limbs from bodies, and killing but a few instantly. Of course, Astraea felt no remorse. Not for such a foul, cold hearted race of individuals.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle]Explouding works of art! (Astraea V Aria) Photo_15
Head of Research and Developement: Aria Takashi - 1-5

Aria watched the destruction begin knowing even her shield couldn't. Protect every one "Forgive me for being weak...i will avenge you"she whispered to the dead bodies before she jumped down a few feet infront of the arrancar "You are going to die now...don't worry you will be a pretty work of art."said Aria allowing a insaine twisted smile to appear on her face. Freaking nutcase stalker's eye has made wanting to fight a bit easier for aria to bring herself to do. She reached into her rainbow skirt bringing out a paintbrush as the bristle glowed "lets play shall we?" She asked letting out some insaine giggles before shaking her head getting her mind straight again


Astraea watched the girl from the top of her stand as bodies dropped in the streets. She stood by allowing the individuals to die and then jumped down before Astraea in the streets. She seemed to have been angered and in a crazed state, although she herself did nothing to stop the arrancar. She was just another lowlife human. She was bound to blame Astraea for the death of all those people, when she didn't dare lift a finger to save them. She was just as equal to blame. She was just as monsterous in Astraea's eyes and Astraea was in hers. There they stood facing eachother as the girl began speaking her crazed words saying something about playing. "I don't have time for your games, child," Astraea would speak in her monotonous voice as she would point her spear at the girl before her. Without speaking a word, another blast would emit from the tip of her blade and head straight for the girl. Perhaps, she was just another pawn. All talk, no action.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle]Explouding works of art! (Astraea V Aria) Photo_15
Head of Research and Developement: Aria Takashi - 1-5

"Obviously you do have time since you step a disgusting foot into my world and attack the civilians who did nothing to you just because you have a power of which they don't and you think you have no time for a game...your entire exstience is a game one massive kill game."Said Aria holding up hwr brush before drawing a large black circle infront of her as the inside became grey making a sheild which blocked the blast as it could take up to a gran rey in damage. Aria smiles crouching down drawing a black circle on the ground before standing back up "Come on little hollow...lets see who eats who."she said


"You humans think you're so pure," Astraea would speak as she would point a finger nonchalantly in the girl's direction. "When in reality, you're no better than us. Its your fault we're in this mess. Its your race, your technology that has us acting to protect ourselves," Astraea was calm, even if she seemed to be internally irritated. She was angry, she was bitter, and looking at this girl made her more susceptible to the pain. With a slight twitch of her finger, Astraea would release three bala in the child's direction before she would raise her spear releasing another 20 by 20 explosion. How much could this girl handle?

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle]Explouding works of art! (Astraea V Aria) Photo_15
Head of Research and Developement: Aria Takashi - 1-5

"Think we are pure? I said no such thing. We have not planned an attack on you"said Aria "but now we differently will since you invaded our home."said aria liqfting her brush up sending a black streak at one bala before making two follow up before making a volley  of streaks blocking the explousions in front of her and any remaining citizens.  "Heartless arrancar"she said


"Did you not?" Astraea would ask hastily after the girl spoke about not planning an attack. Her eyes were set on the girl ahead as very little anger had shown inside them. "You weren't planning on using a portal device to invade Hueco Mundo whenever you felt necessary? You Committee filth had already sent three of your own humankind into our desert. We're not ignorant, you brat," Astraea would voice watching the girl defend against her attacks. No matter, Astraea wasn't quite done with her yet either. Oh no, she was just getting started.

Astraea would release another 20 by 20 explosion in the girl's direction leaving her to deal with the hado 40 equivalent again. However, she would release into her ressurection, which didn't look any different from her normal state. Now, she would also release another 20 by 20 explosion. This explosion would deal the same amount of damage as a Gran Rey as it also explodes outwards of 100 feet meaning it was bound to damage something, if not her.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
[Battle]Explouding works of art! (Astraea V Aria) Photo_15
Head of Research and Developement: Aria Takashi - 1-5

"You are speaking of his prototype. My old mentor made a prototype but it was destoried on testing it"She replied writting something on her arm seeing Astrea swing again. The explousion did hit something causing a shower of black ooze to splatter from the explousion. Aria reformed from out of seeminly nowhere poking the air infront of her twenty times before a barrage of black needles were sent at Astrea's backside.

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