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#1Minato Yukizaku Empty Minato Yukizaku Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:35 am



Name: Minato Yukizaku
Apparent Age: 23
True Age: 87
Sex: Male
At first, Minato appears to be a harmless priest. He's very well spoken and calm, and most of what he says contains minor religious undertones. When it comes down to it, though, he's actually incredibly cold and calculating, keeping himself a considerable distance away from any situation emotionally. As he genuinely believes there is a Deity sleeping deep within him, Minato always acts as though God is watching him directly, thus is never unsure of his actions, as God would smite him down instantly if they were immoral.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 112 lbs

Minato Yukizaku NSwLayV

General Fighting Style: Having spent the majority of his teenage years practicing different styles of mixed martial arts, Minato found that the ancient style of Pankration was the most brutal and effective that he was skilled at. He focused solely on this style and perfected it, mixing in the occasional more modern variant to certain moves. His primary goal in combat is to end it as quickly as possible.
Strengths: Speed
Weaknesses: Durability


Ability Name: Majesty [Passive]
Description: Attacks made at Minato while this ability is active always miss. This ability ceases to function in a thread once Minato launches any attack. Minato can also disable this ability at will, without making an attack, but once disabled (regardless of reason) it cannot be re-enabled that thread. This ability does not function on people who are 3 tiers or higher above Minato; they do, however, know of it's existence.

Ability Name: Absolute Resolve [Passive]
Description: Minato is immune to any form of Hypnosis or Mind Control effect. Other forms of illusion are still perfectly effective on him, but any attempt to disable his own mind are met with an impenetrable defense.

Ability Name: Left Arm: Dawnbringer
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to a Bala every post; all of Minato's punches with his left arm are made at Bala Speeds, but are not increased with their strength in any way.

Ability Name: Right Arm: Duskbringer
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to Hado 4 every post; all of Minato's punches with his right arm are made at Cero Strength, but are not increased with their speed in any way. When Minato makes contact with a spiritual being or object, this ability instead drains reiryoku equivalent to a Cero for that post.

Ability Name: Offensive Reiatsu Manipulation
Description: Minato is capable of manipulating his own reiatsu to attack at range. He can create basic level attacks up to Gran Rey Strength with raw reiatsu, though individual attacks gain a respective cooldown based on how they're used.

Ability Name: Soul of the Deity [Passive]
Description: Any body part Minato uses to attack with has Zanpakutou Durability while making the attack. This ability does not function while defending with his own body.


Ability Name: Dimension Step
Description: Minato moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage. This has a 3 post CD and can only be achieved 5 times in a thread.

Ability Name: Left Leg: Dawnbreaker
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to a Bala every post; all of Minato's kicks with his left leg are made at Bala Speeds, but are not increased with their strength in any way.

Ability Name: Right Leg: Duskbreaker
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to Hado 4 every post; all of Minato's kicks with his right leg are made at Cero Strength, but are not increased with their speed in any way. When Minato makes contact with a spiritual being or object, this ability instead drains reiryoku equivalent to a Cero for that post.

Ability Name: Karma
Description: To activate this ability, Minato must first drop any form of offense or defense and take the full damage of an attack. Upon doing so, his body glows with a white aura, and a feeling of karmic retribution is felt in all nearby, a vague warning to them of the effect: all physical damage taken by the attack is reflected back at the attacker in full. This damage bypasses all mitigation. This ability does not stop Minato from taking the damage of the attack himself, and has a 1 post cooldown, unless the physical attack was sufficiently strong enough in which case Karma gains a cooldown equal to that attack.

Ability Name: Will of the Deity [Passive]
Description: The first energy attack of Cero-strength of weaker that would otherwise hit Minato every post is negated. This does not function on physical attacks.


Ability Name: Transcendent Physiology
Description: Minato's physical form ascends during his Hyper Mode. He no longer feels any physical pain from his attacks; provided he is still conscious, he can continue to fight regardless of injury.

Ability Name: Slayer of God
Description: Minato's attacks are imbued with his reiatsu, granting them an ever-shifting vibration effect. This doubles the strength of all physical attacks Minato makes with his body.

Ability Name: Domain
Description: Minato becomes a master of the area surrounding him. He is aware of all things within 50ft of him, and can use anything within that range to attack. This ability is limited only to his creativity and imagination, and his surroundings. This ability lasts for 3 posts, and has a 3 post cooldown before it can be used again.

Ability Name: Blood of the Deity [Passive]
Description: Minato has High-Speed Regeneration, allowing him to heal from normal wounds in 1 post and major wounds in 2 posts, and regenerating lost limbs in 3 posts. He can turn this ability on and off at will.

Ability Name: Salvation [Passive]
Description: Minato is extremely difficult to kill at full power. He must suffer 3 separate fatal wounds before he will succumb to them, as the first two will be negated. The tattoo on his chest symbolizes this, with the left wing disappearing first, followed by the right wing. Only once both of these marks have been used in a thread can Minato be killed.

#2Minato Yukizaku Empty Re: Minato Yukizaku Sun May 26, 2019 1:50 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
A few notes.

Majesty shouldn't be effective against people with a certain tier advantage over him. We can discuss the specifics on Discord.

Ability Name: Left Arm: Dawnbringer
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to Hado 4 every post; all of Minato's punches with his left arm are made at Bala Speeds, but are not increased with their strength in any way.

Make the drain equivalent to a Bala.

Ability Name: Right Arm: Duskbringer
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to Hado 4 every post; all of Minato's punches with his right arm are made at Cero Strength, but are not increased with their speed in any way.

Hadou 4 if it doesn't land on the opponent, Cero if it does.

Ability Name: Offensive Reiatsu Manipulation
Description: Minato is capable of manipulating his own reiatsu to attack at range. He can create basic level attacks up to Gran Rey Strength with raw reiatsu, though individual attacks gain a respective cooldown based on how they're used.

Needs limits, this is really broad and broad Reiryoku Manip is really busted.

Ability Name: Soul of the Deity [Passive]
Description: Any body part Minato uses to attack with has Zanpakutou Durability while making the attack. This ability does not function while defending with his own body.

Needs more clarity, it's very hard to tell what qualifies as defense and such so I'd like that clarified to me in writing.

Ability Name: Dimension Step
Description: Minato can make a single step that defies physics, moving at 2x Shunpo Speeds. This ability has a 3 post cooldown.

No. The end.

Ability Name: Left Leg: Dawnbreaker
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to Hado 4 every post; all of Minato's kicks with his left leg are made at Bala Speeds, but are not increased with their strength in any way.

See above

Ability Name: Right Leg: Duskbreaker
Description: While active, this drains reiryoku from Minato equivalent to Hado 4 every post; all of Minato's kicks with his right leg are made at Cero Strength, but are not increased with their speed in any way.

See above 2, electric boogaloo.

Ability Name: Karma
Description: To activate this ability, Minato must first drop any form of offense or defense and take the full damage of an attack. Upon doing so, his body glows with a white aura, and a feeling of karmic retribution is felt in all nearby, a vague warning to them of the effect: all physical damage taken by the attack is reflected back at the attacker in full. This damage bypasses all mitigation.

Remove mitigation bypass then you're fine.

Ability Name: Domain
Description: Minato becomes a master of the area surrounding him. He is aware of all things within 50ft of him, and can use anything within that range to attack. This ability is limited only to his creativity and imagination, and his surroundings.

Need some limits, this is a stronger version of the reality marble and I'm /not/ here for it.

#3Minato Yukizaku Empty Re: Minato Yukizaku Mon May 27, 2019 2:59 am


Changes, as discussed, have been made.

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