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#1Isa Minato Empty Isa Minato Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:54 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Isa Minato Muramasa_Neikan
Matsuoka, Kazu'io - Original Doll

General Information

Kazu'io Matsuoka [松岡和夫, literally meaning 'amber eyes of a hill covered in pines', his first name is pronounced KA-ZUO, and the surname as it is written] was originally an amber-eyed boy, born in a house, that was located on a hill covered in pines, which gave him his family name. He was an eager and a young scholar as a mortal, and it must be at least two thousands of years, since he died in the age of twenty-nine, yet his intelligent and curious nature has remained the same, though a touch of cold observation has been added into his personality. Kazu'io never attended the Shinigami Academy, yet he was far more genius than the professors of school, and so on, never was to become a shinigami; he sought other ways of getting power and fame. Not very long time would have passed, Matsuoka made a discovery, that filled his needs and exceeded his desires; a form of energy, that really was nothing like one belonging to a shinigami or a hollow

Appearance Overview

Personality Overview


Background Overview
Kazu'io Matsuoka, a newborn boy with yellow eyes and white hair, had been given birth two thousand years ago, in a house, that was located on a hill covered in pines, at the outskirts of spiritual community, away from the eyes of shinigami patrols. The family of Matsuoka had been dwelling and living on that place for ages, and they had once been a known family of spiritual community, whom had several seated officers in Gotei 13 and pretty much power over Rukongai, yet a century ago, they had fallen into the class of ordinary citizen, because of their wealth and fame had vanished into nothingness. Kazu'io was no ordinary child, and his parents saw that very clearly, though they denied to believe the fact, that their child would be broken somehow; he was a prodigy in all ways, managing to learn talk and stand soon after birth, but his thoughts and ideals were rather questionable, and as much as his parents loved him, they feared the prodigal prowess, that boy had shown. The nightmares of Matsuoka's parents came into the reality, and local people started to spread out the gossip of hellish seed, who had the yellow eyes of a snake, the white hair of a demon, and the cold gaze of a bloodlusting beast. It turned out, that Kazu'io had a low immunity system against diseases, and he experienced a season full of illnesses, meaning that he was pretty much

At age of seven, Matsuoka had learned the names of every plant and animal, that resided in the nearby outskirts, and were on public knowledge. He knew a lot about the spiritual and living world, and was aware of many historical events; Kazu'io had became the walking database of the information, that the people in Rukongai had gathered in a thousand years, and he craved for more. Seeing, how much he loved to read, his father gave him several books to satisfy his hunger for knowledge.

Kazu'io showed some skill on gathering information about his environment, either by himself or asking about it, and his parents learned soon, that the boy had an eidetic memory, capable of recalling everything ever seen, heard or learnt.

Matsuoka had an interest towards development and science, in all branches and forms of it, and started to gather intelligence and information about everything, in his youngster years; at the teenager years, he already possessed a vast collection of knowledge, without ever never attending the Shinigami Academy, nor obtaining any kind of official education. Matsuoka was more genius than most of the elders of spiritual community, and in fact, he never sought to join the school, but favored the seeking of other ways, that could make him famous and powerful. As a teenager, he made test on the dead animals, then on dead corpses and finally on himself, resulting him to find reasons to his special prodigality and appearance, that was slowly changing during the puberty, which stopped his aging completely for a moment. Soon he discovered something new, something that filled his needs and exceeded the biggest dreams of his; a gene of new lifeform was found in his own DNA, that he had examined. He turned eighteen, and became an adult, resulting the gene to grow more and more stronger, while Matsuoka was still unsure about, what it really was. Soon he ran from home, as his body started to react into the transformation of his DNA; he became the Original Doll, though the creation of Bounts was about to start after a thousand and five hundred years, and the concept had not be invented yet.

He fled to the endless forests of outskirts, and spent many years there, completing the transformation to become half-snake. Matsuoka worked out every day, training his physical body and sharpening the mind of his with puzzles of world; he pushed his soul and physique to the bounds of health everyday, and even let his aging process to continue for few years, resulting his appearance start a transition, once again. Kazu'io had not really acquired any powers yet, but that was to change too, because soon, his inner manifestation of snake appeared to him, and told that his name was Geifer, and that they would be working for a long time together. The snake told him everything about who he was, starting from the fact, that he was the first doll of universe, and revealed him the hidden powers of the snake transformation. Matsuoka was taught for a hundred years by the inner snake Geifer, and learned more about his dormant powers, that awaited for awakening of theirs; in this time, he managed to master the basics of his powers, and he started to develop goals and plans for the future, the snake along with him. Later, choosing to leave the forests with the snake, he choose to seek his family, just to find, that they were all killed by the former neighbors of theirs, when they were in an intoxicated condition, and filled with belief, that they should have killed Kazu'io a long time ago. The companion and closest person of his, Geifer, advised him to test his new powers on living foes, which resulted Matsuoka to burn down the nearby area of his former home and kill all of the families, that were responsible for his parents' death.

At some point after this, he officially had became into a scientist and a researcher, finishing his extensive studies for it.

Matsuoka soon started to build his own palace in Soul Society's outskirts, hidden from shinigami and invaders, and safe enough for be his own home, where no one would hurt him. It was located in the middle of vast jungle, beyond the Akiyama Forest, on a place, where his laboratory and library would be safe from everything and everybody. Using a two hundred of years, he made a fortress and a place of living into one single big building; he specifically spent the last few years on sealing and protecting the stronghold, and getting quincy and shinigami to cast spells, that would secure it in all ways. He now discovered the mind manipulation powers of his, and choose to infiltrate the Central 46, and then Gotei 13, to gain access into the Daireishokairo, after tricking a whole organization to let him in there. He copied dozens of books and smuggled them out of the library to his fortress, and had read almost everything in there. Matsuoka started to build his own base inside of the archives, because he thought there would be no better hiding location, and this is currently his secondary place of operation and plotting. After his spent time in the library, he choose to leave it for a hundred years, to build bases to the Hueco Munco and World of Living, which he succeed in. He holds an underwater laboratory in the bottom of Indian Ocean, and one in the Northern Hemisphere, still in a unknown location, while he posses an underground castle in the Forest of Menos, protected by hollows and arrancar he recruited as his bodyguards. Matsuoka developed new inventions and skills, such as spiritual energy and pressure masking and rather dangerous weaponry. After that, he returned to the Soul Society to finish his work inside of the Daireishokairo Library, and obtain the key into the top- secret files of the Gotei 13. Matsuoka planted a information bug, that would sent the all new files or adds of library into his primary base fortress, and he then choosed to move all of the secret files away from the library for a few of days. He copied them into his collection, and proceeded into the next stage of his plan.

Kazu'io entered the Division 12 Barracks in a disguise, to see how the security there works and how he could get inside of the Research and Development Institute. He did a little of changes, and soon, he registered as a seated officer of Division 12 from a long time ago, who had just recovered from the hospital. Anyone did not remember him at first, but after days everybody were wrapped under his hypnosis, that they really did not care. He started silently from the public information and then kept going to the highly secret-classified data and reports; he copied everything, meaning all the information about everything, including the backgrounds and general information of recruits and seated shinigami, and the results of their tests, shall they be tests on spiritual pressure or on their physical capability. Matsuoka had control over the captain of Division 12, meaning he practically was one of the persons in charge of the Gotei 13, and had the opportunity to rule thousands of minions. He later gained access into Division 4 files and reports, giving him the mental and physical information of each person ever joined the Gotei 13, and the data of potential recruits. Kazu'io started to gather inventions and devices around him, and had them sent to his base right away, giving him now a collection of machinery too. After fifty years, he left, but made sure, that all new and old information from any Division, would be sent to his laboratory. The captain was exposed to had to be manipulated, and this was a thing to be ashamed of for Gotei 13. Matsuoka left to the

Combat Skill Overview


General Role On Plot


#2Isa Minato Empty Re: Isa Minato Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:33 am


Please label this as a WIP or, if it is finished, post it in the NPC submission thread:

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