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Kung Fu? Wasn't that some mortal martial art? "Nothing of the sort. I can just tell what you're doing-" Dirt again? She steps back, letting the dirt fall and instead hit her chest and stomach before using the end of her bow to block the male's hand. "-from a mile away." The man would get it eventually. She uses the bow to shove the man back by his arm. "Come now, you were closer last time. The same trick isn't going to work on me twice, not that it worked before." She still had that same smile on her face, one that was calm and motherly. This man was nothing but a child to her, an infant even. His kicking and punching was nothing to her, as he was now anyway.

What now, she wondered? Would he show some motivation to try using his Quincy abilities? Just in case he was paying attention, she begins having Spirit Energy flow around her body, and out. The guards just outside the training field could feel it, so she was sure this man could if he focused.


Seeing her counter him and talk about how obvious his attacks were was definitely one way to piss the man off. All he had to do was hit her, and she was giving him more and more reason to with that smug mommy bear smile of hers. He clenched his fists, his right hand staying by his side as he ran at her again. His brow furrowed and his golden eyes narrowed on her own, but not on where he was hitting. Maybe she couldn't tell where he was hitting if he didn't look at where he would. Aiming his left hook at her face, his right hand would come in afterwards with an uppercut towards her stomach.


This man, he fell victim to one of the classic blunders. Never let an opponent affect how you fight.

His swings would hit harder with how mad he was, sure, but he wasn't any less predictable. It wasn't his eyes that let her on to his strikes, it was his average human speed. It was like she was casually reading a book while sitting under a tree on a calm summer afternoon. She side-steps the punch yet again, and she bends back in an impressive display of flexibility to evade the uppercut. "You are too slow, and a couple hundred years too young, to catch me off guard." She straightens up and leaps back a bit. "Think. Outright punching hasn't helped you at all. Did my lesson enter your head at all or was your earlier motivation for learning Quincy abilities all hot steam." Everyone had their motivator, and if anger was his then she would exploit it for his potential benefit. "Your 'brawn' means little if you don't use your head, young man."


Her words were annoying, like she thought she was better than him. Her? Some hoity toity broad thinking she was better than him?

That was it. He stood in place, not more than several feet from her, and cracked his knuckles. Around him, Gwynevere would be able to see what little spiritual energy Brody had beginning to focus around his hands. Whether he was really aware of what he was doing or not, even Brody didn't know, but he knew he had to land some type of fist-fucking on her.

Taking a few steps forward, at a brisk jogging speed, he sent out a punch. It wasn't even close to her, but he continued to do it. A few punches into the air in front of him, like some type of boxer warming up. Then, with the final punch, a small mold of spiritual energy formed around his hand. He could barely see it himself, just a little shimmering around his hand, but Gwynevere would have seen a larger fist encompassing his actual hand. It must have been twice as large, and it moved just as his own did.

"Is this kinda like my bow or somethin' because I fuckin' feel like I could punch God in the face right now, ya' know?" Then, suddenly, he looked at Gwynevere. God could wait. He had a boss to punch. With that new affirmation of who he was deckin' first, the Italian jumped forward, his large spiritual fist coming down to punch her in a superman-style punch.



Seems he finally took her lesson to heart. She felt proud that she managed to teach someone with such lackluster skills to actually create a weapon. "It isn't as much a bow as much as it-" Then the punch came, one she didn't expect to come so suddenly. She steps to the right, the fist barely connecting with the skin on her right arm. "Well, I guess you will be able to see it yourself after the next few lessons. Of course, it will take time to build up your reserves of energy, but you have proven that you have the determination." Oh, this was gonna be fun, especially when she puts him through Letz Stil. It was always quite the scare to lose your powers, but even more terrifying for when they go to get them back.

Normally she didn't enjoy it, but she had a feeling that in this case... it would be therapeutic. "That is enough for today, I am sure making that weapon has you already feeling drained." She de-materializes her bow and begins walking back to their waters, her senses now alert just in case he tried attacking her in the back.


When his punch finally grazed her skin, the Italian smirked rather smugly. Yep. He was still as hot shit as he thought he was. Only difference between then and now was that he could make a bigger fuckin' fist.

The spiritual energy surrounding his fists wavered before disappearing completely, returning to his body to allow him to conserve what little strength he had, spiritually. "I ain't too tired, but I could go for a big bowl of some spaghetti and meatballs with some fuckin' beer. Yous got that 'round here, or is it more 'fancy' type of stuff, boss?" He didn't attack from behind. He had his win, though she was lacking more bruises than he cared to admit, but he would get better in time. Maybe some other time, when he actually knew how Quincy shit worked, he could punch his pretty boss right in her pretty friggin' eye. Goals.

Instead, the man stood by her side at the waters, grabbing another one, the other one having been lost sometime during his fight, and popping it open, and then sitting.


Seems this man was a drinker. If she had to guess, a heavy one. "I think I can have something like that made in the kitchens, and have someone bring up a mug of mead." She opens her previous drink and takes a small sip, calling a guard over with a flare of her energy. She speaks to him, relaying the order of what this man wanted before the guard left. "You show promise, but I will be honest. You have a long way to go. Starting tomorrow we will begin with increasing your exposure to Spirit Energy. The more you use it, the easier it will be to maintain that weapon of yours. Eventually you will be able to form your bow, and actually see what it is you're creating." Another sip, the cool water really was refreshing. "Once you are to the point you can properly see your weapon I will begin teaching you all the base techniques." She leans against her seat instead of sitting on it. She still had that same warming smile. "It always warms my heart when a young one seeks us out, hoping to learn more of their heritage."


The Italian nodded while she explained how the training he would undergo would... well... go. It all sounded so weird. Usually when humans train, they're sittin' there, punching a bag and running a few miles a day. But the stuff she was telling him about? Spirit Energy exposure? Base techniques?

"Spirit Energy exposure isn't gonna leave me with some type of like... cancer or some shit, is it? 'Cus if so, you can count me out. Brody don't fuck with STD's, cancer or shit like that." He tapped his knuckles against the cap of the water, pausing after. Heritage was strange. As far as he knew, all he was was some kid from Italy, with a shitty past and a serious itchin' to fight. But was there more to it?


Gwynevere giggles a bit at the man's concern. "Of course not, your training will simply increase your current levels of Spirit Energy naturally in your body. Every human has a soul, and as such has Spirit Energy. However most don't have nearly enough to experience or notice the super natural. We Quincy though, we were altered by the Soul King and were blessed to be stronger." She takes another sip of her water, half of it remaining. "We Quincy excel at using Spirit Energy for our fighting, from making weapons to raw destructive power. My bow, for example, is made entirely of Spirit Energy. Just like your creation earlier." By this point, the man's meal of choice and a cool mug of ale was brought and placed before him. "Then again, I've had hundreds of years to train myself up to the level I am at now. I am the first born of the first ever Quincy, and am old enough to be your grandmother many times over. It's why I did not expect for you to actually land a hit on me. I wanted to see your determination in learning more about yourself, and you passed that with flying colors. You even made a weapon, a great first step, even if you couldn't quite see it." She was just waiting to see how he reacted to her being so old. It always was quite the laugh when people found out how old she was, their face was always comical. She would be sure to tell him of the benefits of having levels of Spirit Energy equal to hers., because it was her vast reserves that truly gave her this slowed aging.

She lets Brody take some time to eat. "Quincy come from all across the world, it's not surprising considering we had been scattered for so long. We have the Church now to unite us, and I will happily see to it that anyone wanting to truly discover their heritage finds their answers."


Finding out that his training would be, more or less, safe to do was a good thing. Even better, his food and drinks came. Ale, something he hadn't had in ages, and authentic too, and some of the spaghetti and meatballs he requested. And man, the meatballs looked awesome.

He started to dig in, raising a brow at her mentioning her age and her standing among their kind. First born of the First. What an actual badass. But when she mentioned the church, Brody actually shook his head. "I gotta say, I don't really mess with the church. Padre's and the Pope are cool with me, but my family ain't never took me to some church or anythin' so I don't know much about no Hail Mary Full o' Grace and shit like that. If being a Quincy means I gotta become some holy dude, I don't think I can do it. I'm down to be yous soldier or somethin' like that, but I don't do religion."

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