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#1Amaya Nanashi*\" - The Lost Nanashi - Anna Nanashi - Vizard Empty The Lost Nanashi - Anna Nanashi - Vizard Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:21 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name: AnnaMaria "Anna" Nanashi
Alias: Traitor, Pink Rabbit, Kidou Queen
Real Age: 1450
Phys. Age: early 20's
Gender: Female
Personality: Anna is very much a loner and well she has every right to be. Her years of giving trust and earning trust. She uses to be a loyal woman full of knowledge and willing to share it to better those that she served and those who served under her command. She was one asset you wanted in your corner and one person you didn't want to fight. on first appearances, She was a sweet woman with a bright outlook on life and excitement for seeing who the newer generations had in store, especially those who specialized in Kidou much like herself.

That was when she was the Kidou corps commander, a Loyal asset to the seritei. An Asset that was set for execution when fate decided to hollowfy her and several others. Her heart became cold and hollow much like her inner monster.

Now and Days, she is a quiet woman keeping to herself trying to stay out affairs of the human world and the affairs of the gotei. She wishes is to remain dead for the life she once knew. To her, The past was as demonic as the Ravenous Hollow that rages inside her fighting to break out. If one does manage to get through the hollowed hearted woman they will find small embers of the woman she once was. A loyal friend that will cut ties and never be found if you ever betray her trust.  


Height: 5,5"
Weight:  120"
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style: Anna fights using her Vast knowledge of Kidou and vast intelligence and knack for strategic strategies of attacking her enemies and taking them down without really ever having to spill blood with her own blade. She mainly focuses Kidou due to her zanpackuto and skill set along with her speed and reflexes to keep out of her enemies range. Most of her plan is to annoy her opponent and wear them down

Strengths: Kidou, Speed, Reflex, Reistu
Weaknesses:Strength, Zanjutsu, Hado

Ability Name:  Nanashi Family trait
Ability Description: 2x Reistu Control in place of decrease in strength

Ability Name: Kidou Knowledge
Ability Description:Anna is fully aware of all kidou practiced within the Gotei, knows all of the standard list by heart at full effectiveness, including the advanced 'Hidden/Secret' Kidou. She will actively seek those who have created their own kidou in the attempt to add those to her roster as well. She can cast any kidou she knows by speaking the incantation mentally as opposed to calling it out with her voice.

Kidou Knowledge:  Anna knows all the public known kidou but has a few of her own as shown below:TBM


Sealed Appearance: A Small Pink hilt and steath Dagger
Zanpakutou Name:Sakura
Call Out Command: Submit them to your beauty,Sakura!

Zanpackuto:Anna's zanpackuto transforms to a pair of leather gloves with bells at the end.

Ability Name: Split
Ability Description: allow her Kidou with projectiles can have the number of projectiles freely changed, be it increased or decreased.

Ability Name:  Growth
Ability Description: allow the given range of a kidou, be it radial, line-based, or a reach of sorts can be freely adjusted. This can also include projectile size.

Ability Name: Velocity
Ability Description:  allow all her kidou with projectiles can have the speed of the particle or object increased or decreased. The maximum speed for all Kidou below Rank 60 is Bala, anything above that caps at Cero.

Ability Name: Overdrive
Ability Description: From the white bell a note will ring. The given effect is that her reiatsu is boosted to its maximum at each release. That would make Reiatsu in Shikai x4, Bankai x5, and Toukai x6.


New Name: Momo, sakura no ohimesama

Ability Name: Power Scaling
Ability Description: allow any Kidou can have their rank freely adjusted. The only restriction to this is no matter the kidou used, it must have a fitting cooldown for the rank it is cast at.

Ability Name: Form
Ability Description: allow Kidou can have its shape, and by extension, its individual components formed as Anna wills it.

Ability Name:  Interim Casting
Ability Description:  allow Kidou that can be cast together via combining or altering their incantations. This does apply to mental incantations and is more efficient than casting one right after another.
Boosts: x3 to all unless otherwise stated.

Ability Name:  Space
Ability Description: allow Kidou can be cast from any fixed point in space. Anna either has to have vision of said point, or has to have been in said position during the thread.


Ability Name: Melody restore
Ability description by giving up strength she grains a rapid regeneration of limbs and wounds by 4x and if she happens to loose a limb a rainbow changing limb will replace it and slowly reform as it regenerate

Hollow Powers:
Ability Name Flower path
Ability Description: This is her own form of Shunpo where each one leaves a touch of flowers growing behind her.

She is also able to use cero bala and gran Rey cero due to Colbolt's connection
Boosts: 33% increase to Reistu control And healing output on healing abilities


Passive Ability Name: Cero Augmentation
Passive Ability Description: Any Kidou hollow Anna forms will first present itself as a Cero before the desire kidou takes effect with a outer layer of Cero allowing cero speed and an extra damage of a cero on top of any kidou whether it is Bakudo, Hadou, etc.

Ability Name:  White Chime: Infinity Cast
Ability Description:  The White bell will ring a note allowing Kidou can be cast in large numbers, simultaneously, so long as cooldowns are not a limiting factor.

Ability Name:  garden of ruins
Ability Description:  Anna rips off her gloves allowing her to going ahead and uses several Bakudo to do to you whatever she pleases, then hits you successively with each Hadou up to Hadou 90. (This will not be used in normal threads. I'm almost certain this will be kill-only. = This is where here final goes, though.... yeah no.)

Boosts: 4x all


History: Anna is the Second youngest member of the Nanashi Family. She excelled in everything having to do with kidou living with her family who mostly specialize in Kidou techinique, records, and expermentation of the Kidou arts. She had found anything out kidou was hard for her but luckly her zanpackuto adjusted and became the ultimate Kidou weapon that gave her the spot of Kidou commander in her 300th year of living. She kept that rank and gained the title of Kidou princess and a fitted suiter of Ookami Kiba, a childhood crush that was much stronger then her but always was there for her through thick and thin.

When the Hollowfication happened through the seritei, her world changed and her destiny changed. She was one of the few who hollowfied. Which wouldn't have been bad if her family wasn't one of the 'purest'types. They hated all things hollow and having hollowfication whether on purpose or accident didn't matter. She was nothing but a monster to them once they found out. She gave up all she had and wanted the day she brought her dagger up slicing down several of her own clansman, out of self defense. She managed to escape into the human world. Over the years, she manage to pull through her hollowfication becoming a vizard. She may seem to have control but every day was a constant battle with herself making her hate all existence including her own. Her morals have made her try ending herself but something always managed to stop her from ending her own pain, a faint ember of a hopeful future and a balanced self.

Now and days, She remains a hermit in the subways of newyork. Even though she has control she still has features from her hollow self, she has a line of mask fragments on the side of her face by her ear, which is hidden by her hair. She also has her two massive ears that she puts in a hood or a headband to fool others into thinking
Side Notes:TBW
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-1

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