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#1Pallas Uchida (Finished) Empty Pallas Uchida (Finished) Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:03 am

Pallas Uchida

Pallas Uchida


Name: Pallas Uchida
Apparent Age: 18
True Age: 25
Sex: Male

Pallas is a simple man for the most part.  He is a rogue for hire that enjoys hunting and killing.  The more of this he does the better he feels and the happier he is.  The more he gets paid, the better job he does.  He is stealthy and likes to move through the shadows.  Known once as the bringer of the silent death, Pallas tries to keep up that persona.  He finds it a bit hard to do so due to his fullbringer powers.  Pallas lives to kill and feels that this is his only purpose in life since Donovan was killed.  He does have a heart and will not kill animals at all.  Even if an animal were to attack him he would do his best to become its friend so he would not have to harm it.  He also will not take any jobs that will force him to hurt any animals.  If threatened to take the job, Pallas will kill the person or person’s right there.  
Pallas otherwise is a sweet person.  He mostly likes to keep to himself unless he knows someone who would offer him a job or if someone is in danger, weather he knows them or not.  He normally can be found traveling around as he does not want to stay in one place for too long since he sometimes will draw in a few hollows due to his powers.  He does his best to take them out should any find their way towards him and does his best to protect buildings and people around him.  He will then move on and hope to avoid getting arrested.
Pallas prefers to be alone most of the time.  This is due to the fact that most of his close friends and family have died by other people or even been killed by himself.  When he is his around people he tends not to trust them at first unless they seem like they are trustworthy.  He will not question anyone who is more than two tiers above him and most likely follow their lead since he knows that he will be too weak to fight back properly should he have to.


Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: about 140 pounds
Physical Traits:

Pallas stands 5'6" tall and weighs about 140 pounds. He has glowing red eyes that seem like they can pierce through ones soul. His hair is shockingly white in color, something that happened when Donovan died. Some strands of his previously blond hair remain, but are, for the most part, hard to see. His hair reaches down to about the middle of his neck and most part his hair is uncontrollable. He prefers it that way since he lives his life the same way.
His skin is a pale white with no visible markings, tattoo’s, or scars. He has a few muscles, mostly hidden by his clothing. On his face a smile can never be seen. He mostly keeps his feelings hidden except for when he is angry.   Below his eyes is a regular looking nose.  He has a regular looking mouth as well with light red lips that don’t really stick out much.

Pallas is wearing a pair of black jeans that are not too form fitting. Around his waist he has a western style belt that is mainly hidden by his shirt and coat. On his feet are is a pair of black boots that are held on by two black straps. These boots are made for hiking in a forest or mountain region. He wears a long, black leather coat that splits down the middle and flares out a bit at the end for easy walking or running. For the most part he keeps the coat open for easy access to his sickle or horseshoe. The coat reaches down to just below the calves of his legs. On the coat and around where his belt line is there is a belt that he can tie around himself to help keep the cold out. The arms of the coat reach down to his wrists where each has a buckle that he can tighten to keep out the cold.

Pallas also has on a pair of black fingerless gloves that goes up to his mid arm. This allows for him to be able to hold items with his fingers and not burn up the gloves he wears. Under his jacket he wears a dark red shirt. The sleeves of the shirt are short, ending just above the elbow. This allows for him to wear his gloves comfortably. His shirt is normally left untucked and goes down to his waist a little past his belt line. He wears no tie around his neck. The top of his shirt normally remains unbuttoned. He will button up his coat and shirt should it become cold enough outside.


General Fighting Style:
Pallas prefers to fight at close range when he is a normal human, unless he is using his grenades or summoning his animal friends.  When he does this he‘s a mid to long range attacker.  When he‘s up close he‘ll use his sickle or his hands to attack.  He is more of a thug when he fights, using what he can find to attack besides his sickle.  He has no real style of attack other than just to beat someone senseless if they have it coming for them.

When he is in his centaur form he‘ll mostly attack from far away, coming in close for a few of his attacks.  He may also uses his attacks at mid range.  He still has access to his sickle so he may use this to attack in both his fullbring and evolved fullbring forms.

[*]Pallas is elementally strong against fire.  He is able to withstand fire for extended periods of time and not be burned or hurt.  If the fire is coming from someone who is 2 or more tiers above him then he has a greater chance to be burned than from equal or less tiers.
[*]Pallas is elementally strong against earth.  He is able to take earth based attacks and not be harmed much if at all from them.  If a person who is 2 or more tiers above him uses an earth based attack the damage will be lessened as opposed to those who are equal or less tiers.
[*]Pallas is a very strong close combat fighter, especially in his human form.  He tends to build up his strength when he can, mainly by beating people up.
[*]Pallas has a strong bond with animals and is able to call upon them for assistance.  He can mainly due this in his human form, but they will listen to him also in his centaur form.  
[*]Pallas feels he gets more power from the sun and is more powerful during the day.  He feels he’s weaker during times of clouds or at night.  This is mostly mental and he does not actually get any stat boosts from fighting during the day.
[*]Pallas has an elemental weakness to water.  Due to being an elemental user of 2 elements that have this weakness he takes 2 times more damage than normal attacks would.
[*]Pallas is also weak to ice.  His weak to ice based attacks and will take 1.5 times more damage than normal attacks.
[*]Pallas has a soft spot for any and all animals and does not like to harm them if at all possible.  He will not attack someone if they threaten an animal or use an animal as a shield.
[*]Pallas is mentally weak in the darkness due to feeling that he draws some of his energy from the sun.  He will try to avoid fighting in the dark whenever possible.  He has no real weakness when fighting in the dark.  It is all in his mind.
[*]Pallas, though normally found alone, fears being left alone.   He does not want to be the last person left alive.
[*]Pallas also has a fear of growing old as well.  He hates to think about getting old and


Fullbring Item: Horseshoe
Fullbring Appearance: It’s a plain horseshoe that used to be worn by his horse, Donovan

Ability Name: Animal Summoning

Description: Pallas calls forth any animal he wants to aid in his attack.  The animal that comes forth will bring with it many, no more than 5, of it's kind with it.  They will do as Pallas asks, mostly just scratching of biting the person he tells them to attack.  The animals stay around for no more than 2 posts and then go away.  This can not be used again to summon the same animal and has a 4 post cool down.  No matter the tier the scratches are light and the bites are not deep, leaving minor wounds where the teeth sunk into the skin.  The animals that he summons share the same weakness as any animal of their, type does.  They are just as weak or strong as they would be in nature as they come from nature.

Ability Name: Flaming Grenade
Pallas finds two rocks of about the size of an apple.  He then concentrates his energy on these and they become covered with fire.  He tosses these at the enemy one at a time.  Each flaming rock blows up upon impact with a person or the ground.  When it blows up it has the same power as a bala and it sends flaming bits of the rock in all directions.  Takes no time to charge and there is a 1 post cool down from the time the second grenade is thrown.
Ability Name:Flame Barricade
Ability Discription:
Pallas calls forth a wall of fire to help block out attacks.  This wall can stop Hado up to level 50 and will block the attack of those in tiers equal to or below him.  For those above him or for Hado greater than 50 the attacks effect will be reduced.  The wall will last for one post and has a 1 post cool down.


Fullbring Appearance:
Once Pallas activates his fullbringer, he turns into a centaur.  His back half is brown in color and looks smooth.  His tail is red and does down to where it almost touches the ground.  His top half is muscular and he keeps his fine blond hair and facial features from when he is full human.

Ability Name: Does not have one

Description: Pallas has the ability to surround his enemies in a blue ring of fire that shoots out from the ground.  The ring surrounds an area of 50 yards and prevents any enemies from leaving and makes it hard for enemies to enter.  Anyone who is on Pallas's side will be able to freely come and go through the flames.  If the flames are touched by an enemy they can suffer damage up to Hado #60.  Around the inside of the ring walks what look to be the living dead, but made of stone.  It is these walking stone figures that keep the enemies in.  The stone figures, however, are breakable and can easily be broken by someone of a higher tier than Pallas.  Those in equal tiers will have a difficult time but will still be able to break the stone figures.  Those in lower tiers will be able to take out the stone figures, but it will be very difficult to do.  There is a 3 post cool down once gone.

Ability Name: Heat Crash
Ability Description:
Pallas surrounds himself with flame and charges at the target causing damage equal to a Cero.  There is a 2 post cool down for this attack.
Ability Name: Quake Barrage
Ability Description:
Pallas lifts up his front half and brings it back down to the ground, hard.  This causes a minor earth quack dislodging any loose boulders in the ground.  He then uses his fire to bring up the loose boulders which he then kicks at the enemy.  No more than 6 boulders at a time can be made and the boulders will range from 2 feet in diameter to the size of a small car.  As the boulders head for the enemy the boulders break down smaller, making it like a barrage of medium sized rocks equal to a bala strength attack.  There is a 1 post cool down for this attack.  4 if only large rocks are used.
Ability Name: Flash Fire
Ability Description:
Pallas to calls up a large amount of fire quickly and shoots it towards his enemies.  Damage is equal to a Cero and those equal to and below Pallas will be affected by the evil aura in the flame.  The evil aura could cause the person affected to turn on friends.  The effects of the evil aura last for 3 posts and the fire itself lasts for one.  There is a 3 post cool down for this attack.
Ability Name:  Pebble Pyro Blaster
Ability Description:
Pallas stops his foot on the ground causing the pebbles on the ground to fly into the air.  He then holds out his hands to suspend the pebbles and sets them on fire.  He then sends these out after the enemy.  Pallas can send up to 100 pebbles in one attack that has damage equal to a bala.  There is no charge and a 3 post cool down.
Ability Name:[/b] Flare Beam
Ability Description:
Pallas draws his hands together and gathers energy there.  After enough energy is gathered it is shot at the enemy in Cero strength.  Its red in color and catches anything it touches on fire from the heat it radiates.  It takes one post to charge and has a 1 post cool down.


His Life Before


The New Fullbringer


Current Day


Side Notes: Nothing I can think of for now.

Roleplay Sample:
Pallas had taken a long train ride and was exhausted.  He loved to travel, but this trip seemed to take away most of his energy for some reason.  He was traveling with a purpose this day.  He was looking for someone.  Someone from his past.  Her name is Jenny.
Pallas had been dating Jenny for some time now.  Many people were jealous of the relationship he shared with her.  Jenny was a beautiful young woman whom everyone had eyes for.  The fact that she choose Pallas over everyone else made some people mad as well.  She was the kind of person everyone fought over in order to gain her attention.  Pallas knew that fighting was not the way to win her, but just being there and treating her as a woman worked well.
Jenny was also a thug for hire, much like himself.  She traveled around as much as he did.  They kept in touch by leaving each other notes in areas on certain days.  This is how Pallas had come to travel to where he was, Tokyo, Japan.  Both Pallas and Jenny mainly stayed in Japan, preferring to keep jobs in an area they were familiar with.   Jenny was here on a job looking for someone.  Pallas came to Tokyo to look for her.  Little did he know that he was her target.
Pallas had stopped at a nice little café not far from the train stop and sat down.  As he was waiting to be served he thought back on how he ended up arriving at this point.  
*Small Flashback*
Pallas had received a notice from a potential client.  He waited for the right time and replied with a meeting spot.  He was there at the meeting point when the man arrived, a little late.  Pallas nodded at the man as he walked forward, spouting some pitiful excuse on why he was late.  At least to Pallas it was pitiful.  The man soon got down to business and showed Pallas a picture.  Not just any picture but one of Jenny.  Pallas looked at the man and said, ”This is a nice looking lady.  Why show me a picture of her?”  He did not want to let on that he knew her.
The man, a business man by the looks of him, looks at Pallas like he’s joking and says, ”The girl is bad for my business.  She keeps killing my clients.  The details are simple.  The first thing you need to know is that I want her dead.  Not just a little alive with a chance of dying and not just beat up bad.  DEAD.  She's taken out to many of my men and she needs to be stopped.  Just tell me you can do it and I'll pay you what you want."”
Pallas looked over the picture again and sighed.  He thinks for a few moments about not taking the job when the man becomes impatient.  Pallas can hear the man tap his foot, something that seemed to annoy him.  Pallas looked back at the man and said, ”I’ll take the job and do the task in question.  My fee will be very high however.  I know who this person is and have worked with her before as well.  Not on any jobs against you however.  I don‘t like the thought of going after her but I will if necessary.”  Pallas then waited for the reply.
The man thought for a long time about this.  He soon found himself wondering if he should hire Pallas or just go for someone else.  He then remembered that he had most of the others killed by Pallas to prevent wars with the thugs he hired.  The man soon sighed and said, ”Fine.  As I said before I’ll pay you what you want just bring proof to me that she’s dead.”
Pallas thought that over for a moment and then said, ”Alright.  We have a deal.  I’ll bring you proof once she’s dead.  This will not be easy you know.”
The man nods and they part ways.  It is some time before Pallas finds out where Jenny is.
*Flack back ends*
Pallas shakes his head as he drinks the coffee he purchased while waiting at the café.  Soon Jenny arrives and both her and Pallas catch up a bit, talking about recent missions they’ve been on.  They soon leave the café and head for a secluded field not far from the café, but with enough room to talk/fight.   As Pallas and Jenny talked they gave the other the impression they were to meet the one they were after there.  After a short while they both let on that they were out to kill each other.  Pallas also found out that Jenny was hired by the same man that Pallas had been.  
Suddenly there is a break in the story.  Pallas sits up in his bed and rubs his head.  He groans a bit and says, ”Why in the world am I dreaming about the past.  Was there something in there that I needed to see, to hear?  I guess only time will tell.  Time that I may not have.”  Pallas said this as he noticed the attacks going on not far from where he was.  He gets up and gets dressed, moving to quickly keep away from the attacks happening and destroying the city he had been resting in.

#2Pallas Uchida (Finished) Empty Re: Pallas Uchida (Finished) Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:29 am


approved at 2-3

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