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#11[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Mon May 18, 2020 8:16 pm

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
Azayaka couldn't tell what his angle was but for now, she'd play along. "That's all fine and good. You could very well be in exile and I'm clearly not on duty." She said matter of factly to let him know that she wouldn't be baited into a fight. He would then press on about her being wanted. "Even if that weren't the truth there's nothing I could say or do to convince you otherwise." She replied finishing her second snack as the male proceeded to lay on the roof. Azayaka had to chuckle at his "life's too short" comment; She was well over a millennium old. "So now that we've gotten all of that out of the way tell me why you're here. Why approach me out of the thousands of people in this area?" She asked crushing the second wrapper.

#12[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue May 19, 2020 12:09 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
The woman with the healthy appetite slowly started to talk more. "I guess blaming it on your eyes won't work this time" he smiled awkwardly. Vulcan didn't plan for any of this to happen since he simply came to the World of the Living to stretch his legs. Even a Vizard needed some exercise from time to time. "What if I said there was something different about you? Something I sensed or felt that drew me towards you?" It was nothing but the truth that the Seraphim was able to feel Zenmai wasn't just anyone. "Would I really be chatting you up if I wanted to kill you? And even then you don't strike me as the type to fall for something so easy." Vulcan doubted he looked that suspicious, he always thought he came over as charming.

#13[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue May 19, 2020 9:59 am

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
Couldn’t blame it on her eyes? Was he trying to say that he was attracted to her? His weak smile could be confirmation of that but it was weird. She hadn’t done anything and she was used to this happening the other way around. When he finally got around to answering her question it definitely felt like he was flirting. Azayaka grinned, “You killing me was never one of my concerns. And to avoid beating around the bush any further, yes, I am a vizard.” She stated, clearing the air so hopefully, he could drop any acts or nervousness he had.

#14[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue May 19, 2020 4:18 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
"Ah, good. I can finally relax now." It took a while but the woman finally confirmed his assumptions of her being the same as him. Opening his eyes to look at the clouds above Vulcan wondered where to go next. The Vizard had gotten himself rather comfortable on the roof next to Zenmai but he was aware he couldn't stay there forever. Eventually someone else would notice their spiritual pressure and if anything the Seraphim wanted to avoid running into any trouble of the Gotei. "So, my fellow yet lovely Vizard, got anymore of those delicious snacks or aren't you the type to share?"

#15[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Wed May 20, 2020 11:04 pm

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
Azayaka let his words of relief slide for now as she watched him stare at the sky. Moments later he would ask if she had any more food. “No to both.” She said frankly. “But tell me, If I’d said that I wasn’t a vizard what did you think I was?” The boy couldn’t have much experience with the group if he instantly felt safe around her because they were “the same”.

#16[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Thu May 21, 2020 2:47 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
"I guess simply saying I thought you were just a pretty face would do you no justice?" It was a good question, what would he have done? This time Vulcan acted before thinking, which was pretty out of character for the young Vizard. "I guess it will remain unanswered. The fact you are more worried about sharing your food than you are about my presence means you can't be all that bad." But this time Vulcan would bounce back the question. "What about you? What would you have done if I was someone being send out to get your head?"

#17[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Sat May 23, 2020 3:19 am

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
No, she thought to herself after hearing his question to her question. The boy had no answer to her question which was annoying and he didn't even try to come up with one. He was really lucky that she wasn't the kill first, ask questions later type. "...I suppose you could look at it that way." She started. "I would've killed you plain and simple." She added on when he asked a new question. He couldn't honestly expect her to say anything different right? When you're given an order you do it. Even if he was just a Quincy trying to kill her for having joined the Gotei in her afterlife it wouldn't change a thing. Anyone aiming for her life had better not miss or they'd lose theirs instead. The air would fall quiet if he didn't speak again and if the silence lasted long enough Azayaka would leave.

#18[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Sat May 23, 2020 11:14 am

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
There, in that moment, a familiar red gate opened up above the two of them. With a loud groan, a figure stumbled out of it as the thing disappeared, falling to their knees and pausing before speaking. "I... Made it..." Slowly standing up, the male dusted off his clothes, his captain's haori fluttering lightly under a passing breeze. "The amount of effort I go through to laze about... It's ironic isn't it...?" The man chuckled to himself, turning and pausing once he realized he wasn't actually alone.

The two Vizards, being members of the Espada and having interacted with The Cero King and his daughter would likely be struck by an odd sense of familiarity. His short hair was black as the purest night, and his tired gaze was accented by eyes that were the deep blue of glacier ice. He raised a hand to his mouth, letting out a yawn and sat down cross-legged before the two of them. "...Hello."

#19[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Sun May 24, 2020 2:29 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
The woman's answer was one he had expected. "I wouldn't have it any other way" Vulcan simply replied. In the case of them being enemies it would only make sense they'd go for each other's throats. With the only expection the Vizard didn't plan on making it plain and simple as she so liked to call it. Before he could respond Vulcan noticed a red gate had suddenly appeared above them. "This your doing?" He wouldn't be surprised if Zenmai caused it after growing tired of his company but he sincerely doubted that to be the case. Immediately after he finished speaking a figure stumbled out of the gate ending up close in front of the two of them.

The Vizard noticed the haori but decided to keep his cool. "Were you expecting some company?" Looking at Zenmai to see if she knew what was going on. The seemingly tired, or perhaps lazy man took place in front of them as he sat down with his legs crossed before addressing them. "You do realize we just saw you falling down, right?" He had made quite the impression indeed.

#20[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue May 26, 2020 5:57 am

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
Although the male did respond it didn't prolong the conversation thus allowing a pause before a red line shot horizontally through the sky. Azayaka knew all too well what that meant and while the male reacted calmly this former shinigami would be shunpoing away. Now was not the time to be laying down, Vulcan might as well have been tied to railroad tracks. From her new position, she would be able to see just how many people were arriving. Just one? and he fell out? That was a first. Azayaka wouldn't be in range to hear the second question from the first male but she could see both of their mouths moving. After the newcomer said whatever he took a seat cross-legged and said something short. To which Vulcan responded without the slightest movement, it was extremely suspicious that this new guy appeared right where they were. Azayaka kept her hand seconds from pulling out her blade as she waited for what was next. Vulcan had to realize this looked like a setup orchestrated by him and if that were the case she'd surely lose a two vs. one. Not recognizing the youthful face on that adult body she had no way of knowing if her zanpakuto was at a disadvantage.

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