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#21[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue May 26, 2020 8:08 am

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"...Yeah...?" Seiji looked at the Vizard with a confused expression, as if he were wondering what that had to do with anything just as the girl Shunpo'd away from them. Seiji blinked as his tired gaze rested on the man before him before speaking up again, "You know, her reaction is more normal..." Seiji raised his hand to cover his mouth and yawn, pausing a moment before continuing, "You're not... Worried I'm here to... kill you...?" Seiji's lips curled into a small, amused smile as if he'd told himself a really funny joke. "Sorry I... scared your date, by the way." Seiji rolled his shoulder, still sitting cross-legged before Vulcan before speaking up suddenly while shifting his gaze to look out over the city.

"So... Did you end up joining with the Espada? Most of the rogue Vizards did..." His sudden question was rather direct as a breeze ruffled Seiji's hair. His head turned slightly to the left as he looked out over the city, viewing the lights. "Do you like it... There?"

#22[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue May 26, 2020 5:57 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
"Not at all, it would be rather rude of me not to greet you after that spectacular entrance you've made." Vulcan noticed his female companion had indeed Shunpo'd away, leaving him alone with the visitor from the sky. Perhaps it would have been wiser to do the same, but considering who he was dealing with running away would probably be of not much use. "Oh don't worry, not my date. She would probably kill me if I told someone we were a couple." Although he found Zenmai attractive Vulcan wasn't too sure she would make for a good girlfriend. The Vizard's finances wouldn't be able to keep up with the woman's healthy appetite.

Remaining calm and collective as usual, even when confronted with Seji's sudden question Vulcan would simply answer. "Why? Were you hoping to recruit me?" Not confirming nor denying anything, leaving it all open to Seji's interpretation. "I like it wherever I can enjoy my peace and quiet, this roof for example. Not sure many rogues as you so like to call them do that, but then again, I have always been a special one."

#23[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Thu May 28, 2020 7:09 am

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
As the males sat and talked Azayaka threw out the idea that Vulcan had called him here. But that “stretching legs” excuse never sat right with her so the appearance of someone new made her believe they were always meant to meet. As she stayed away and read their lips that idea was soon out. The new male asked Vulcan if he was worried about being killed, so maybe this was a different person than who he was supposed to meet. After making an assumption he asked if the vizard had joined the Espada. Stating that most other vizard have and asking if he liked it. So then Vulcan was a spy? The vizard was confirming her suspicion with his response and then he played dumb, probably the best thing he’d done since popping up. He was probably waiting for a password or for her to leave so they could talk about the things he might’ve learned. Azayaka would stay to collect more info but if the latter was true then she’d take what she was given and leave.

#24[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Thu May 28, 2020 10:19 pm

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"Recruit you...? No. That would be impossible currently..." Seiji shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'what can you do, right?' He then raised his hand to his mouth and yawned again, his tired/cold gaze trained on Vulcan for a silent stretch of time. Seiji appeared to contemplate something, before clapping the bottom of his fist on his open palm. "Oh, right... I should introduce myself, at least." Seiji's gaze would flick over to Azayaka, giving her a smile and a wave before speaking seemingly to them both. "I'm the... 'No-Good, Lazy, Piece-Of-Shit Captain of the Fifth Squad'... Seiji Mazi."

The young man appeared to visibly cringe as he said his last name, like he'd swallowed something bitter. How he despised using his father's name! While screaming in his mind, Seiji smiled kindly and shifted his seating a bit. Indeed, for anyone who had met the current Cero King the resemblance was uncanny. The person before them had an uncanny resemblance to Kat, they were clearly related. Furthermore, Seiji's resemblance to his own father was quite striking, and if that odd sense of de ja vu had been bothering them at all, it would likely click at that point. Seiji was just a younger, blue-eyed Ika. "...Pleased to meet you."

Unfortunately, the name-drop was necessary. Even if they met up on occasion, it wasn't like him and his sister could coordinate meet-up times or anything to swap stories about how things had been going in their lives. Well, to be fair, a Captain-level fighter showing up out of the blue was bound to scare anyone...

#25[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Fri May 29, 2020 3:49 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Quite the revelation indeed. As soon as Seji introduced himself all of the pieces of the puzzle finally came together. The entire time during their short conversation Vulcan had a familiar feeling but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. So the captain in front of him was none other than the son of the Cero King, Ika Mazi. The resemblance was striking indeed, although the difference in personality couldn't be any bigger, at least that's what the Vizard figured from what he've seen so far from both men. "Now, now. No need to belittle yourself like that, unless you like those nicknames you've given yourself. But I'm sure you have some redeeming qualities as well." Vulcan wanted to avoid getting his ass kicked by another member of the Mazi family, so he decided to keep the conversation going for as long as possible. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you wouldn't happen to be family of a certain King? If so, rumors never told me he was affiliated with the Gotei? But then again, that's what they are, rumors." For some reason Zenmai decided to stick around for a bit longer, not sure if she was aware he was simply buying time. "So, my dear captain of the Fifth, what brings you out here by yourself? Lazing around as part of your nickname suggests? Oh, pleased to meet you as well, the name's Vulcan Seraphim."

#26[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Sat May 30, 2020 5:34 am

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
The new male thought to himself for a moment and then said he should introduce himself. Looking toward her he smiled and waved before stating some weird aliases. The vizard was keeping rather cordial with the male and asking about his lineage. Even asking why he was there and alone. Their conversation resembled the one they just had although the new guy was more talkative. If this was how it was going to be she’d definitely leave, she didn’t really need to hear whatever info about the Espada Vulcan could tell him. If they accepted her she’d find out in due time.

#27[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Sat May 30, 2020 10:46 pm

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"I was hoping to catch my sister out on one of her regular 'escapes into the Human World'..." Seiji raised his hand to his mouth and yawned AGAIN, then smacked his lips a bit sleepily. "She has a habit... Off running off to clear her head, I guess?" Seiji then looked up at Vulcan with one eyebrow raised. "I'm always lazing about... It's sort of my unofficial task, you know? Do as little work as possible..."

The young man let a bit of time pass before rolling his shoulder and letting out a sigh of relief as it popped. "Ahhh... Yeah, there was a big schism a while back between my father Ika and the current Captain-Commander... Ended up tearing our family apart. Because I didn't change like many others, including my father and sister... I was forced to stay behind." Seiji then hung his head slightly, and in that moment it was hard to tell if he looked sad, or even more tired.

#28[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Sun May 31, 2020 3:04 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
"Ah, so you have a sister as well, interesting. I wouldn't happen to know her?" Vulcan decided to play dumb for a little longer, act like he didn't know anything in an attempt to find out more about the whole Miza family. As a Vizard himself it could turn out quite interesting if he were to receive more information regarding Ika and the rest of his offspring. Vulcan would then reply to this so called unofficial task as Seji liked to say. "I assume not everyone likes that about you?" Even if that was the case no one probably dared to say anything about it since he held the title of captain.

The Seraphim continued to listen attentively to the following revelation, at least that was what it seemed to him. It appeared some sort of schism took place a while back between the young man's father and the current Captain-Commander and the result it had on their family. "Don't tell me this Captain-Commander you speak of is part of your family as well?" If that was the case it would almost start to sound like a soap opera. Vulcan noticed the sad look on Seji's face, he could understand where he was coming from, yet unable to relate as he didn't have any family left. "Forced? As in, you'd rather be with your father and sister?" Sometimes in life the choices were made for us.

#29[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:51 pm

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Seiji just raised an eyebrow at Vulcan's leading questions. By now, it was pretty clear he was playing dumb, but Seiji didn't really give a shit. It's not like any of this was particularly classified info anyway. "I'm sure by now... You know who I'm talking about. I wonder if Kat has thrown any temper tantrums yet?" Seiji looked Vulcan dead in the eye as he continued speaking, "In any case... Yeah. But I was given... Hmm... A benchwarming job...? My squad and I tend to avoid work, what little is given to us... And if people don't like it, well... Then can talk to me." Seiji then blinked. "The Captain-Commander? He is - or was - a friend of my father's. They had a falling out, I guess..." He then sighed and shook his head. "It's a bit... more complicated than that. I was forced to stay behind, but... My father and I don't exactly see eye to eye on things..."

#30[Open] Chilling on roofs - Page 3 Empty Re: [Open] Chilling on roofs Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:13 am

Azayaka Kyōraku

Azayaka Kyōraku
The shinigami explained that he was here looking for his sister. He then mentioned his father and the current captain commander, it was weird that he named one over the other. But Azayaka supposed he assumed everyone knew who the current captain commander was and that the new guy was trying to get the other male to put two and two together. It was extremely apparent when he specified that many "changed" however Vulcan continued to play as dumb as a doorknob. Luckily he managed to ask a question Azayaka was interested in hearing the answer to. However, that answer was anti-climatic and in addition to that, the newcomer mentioned a typical father-child dynamic. With a sigh, Azayaka decided to depart in search of this Ika. If she wanted the full story it'd be better to hear it from him as his child was likely left in the dark about certain things. She also wanted to investigate this Vizard-Espada situation.

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