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#11[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Tue May 05, 2020 9:50 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Lifting one hand to his chin, Shane rubbed his thumb over his jaw as he thought of a few questions for the intriguing young woman in front of him. "I suppose...Are YOU single? Vhat are your thoughts on sharing? What's your favorite drink? What type of jelly do you prefer in your sandwiches? Have you ever been to a different country? Do you have any fun kinks?"

Daring, this one. He was curious, however. If he knew one thing about women, it was that the cute ones were ALWAYS the most fun. She definitely didn't seem like a vanilla girl to him, so he wondered how dark she could get.

Curiosity might kill the cat, but his family used to be renowned for being wolves among sheep.

#12[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Tue May 05, 2020 5:13 pm


Amelie had been curious, but it seemed that she was not ready for one of the questions Shane had decided to ask her. Her face would slightly pink at the idea of the question that she had been proposed. What kind of question was that?! That wasn't even remotely in the same ballpark as to what she had asked. She would stare at him perplexed for a moment on how she would answer that question, but she figured that if she answered all the others first there shouldn't be that much of a problem. Where was she to start again?

"Yes I am single. I don't share. My favorite drink depends on what you're asking of me. I'm assuming you mean something along the lines of adult beverages. Well, that would have to be wine, specifically white moscato. I am from France originally, so what can you expect? That actually answers your next question. As for that last one," Amelie would pause her face getting pink again, "Maybe one day you might find out." She would turn her face away from Shane before she would begin to speak again, "So, are we going to stand here all day and ask eachother questions? Or is there something else you have in mind?"

#13[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Tue May 05, 2020 5:27 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Shane stuck out his bottom lip, pouting playfully at the complete non-answer he had been given. He wouldn't push, as it certainly would paint him in more of a bad light if he did. Not being into sharing is a bit sad, too, since in his eyes the more people he had to make happy the happier HE was, but he'd digress. Stretching and standing up to his full height, about 6'1.6", he'd cross the room in a lazy stride, leaning over to look Amelie directly in the eye, their noses hardly six inches from each other. His silver-bronze eyes seemed to show his lazy grin and began smoldering, and he was close enough that she'd be able to smell mint and honey, along with the slight tang of the forest. "Well, Amelie...What do you want to do?"

#14[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Wed May 06, 2020 12:18 am


Amelie would watch him stand back up to his full height, not realizing before how tall he had actually been. As he would move closer to her, her face would grow increasingly more red and she would throw a hand up with the back of her palm facing towards her just below her chin. "H-Hey! Is that really necessary? You don't have to be that close to ask a question." Amelie would speak much faster this time as a French accent would find its way slipping through faintly. This would immediately turn her face even more red as she would become heavily flustered.

"For the record, I didn't mean anything like that. That wasn't nearly as suggestive as you made it," she would speak quieter this time as to control the way she spoke. At this point her hand had been pulled up so the back of her hand was touching her lips and she would begin to lean back away from him. What was she supposed to do? She had interacted with some forward men before, but nobody had been THIS forward before.

#15[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Wed May 06, 2020 3:45 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Chuckling slightly, Shane straightened himself and took a respectful step backwards, even as his smirk turned distinctly playful. "I know it wasn't. I just wanted to tease you a bit. You're cute vhen you're flustered. If you vish, there is a bakery not far from here that serves coffee, tea, and various wines. I'd enjoy it greatly if you accompanied me."

As he spoke, he'd pick up his glasses and place them back on his face. They complimented him fairly well, although he didn't necessarily need them. If he were honest, they were more of a way to pass himself off as a mild-mannered priest instead of a veteran Quincy with a talent for killing. He'd leave the bible where it was, as it was standard fair for him to leave it for whomever they were visiting. Most would suggest that the person in question read it, and cherish it, but he honestly didn't care what happened to it. It was a book, and didn't really help with their true purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Call him a bad priest, but he didn't give a fuck.

#16[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Mon May 11, 2020 3:05 am


She would keep both her heterochromatic eyes locked on his face, especially as he would chuckle at her. As he would, the middle of her eyebrows would lower signaling that she was indeed annoyed by something that he had done. As he would step backwards, Amelie would bring her arms down to cross over her chest, however she would also continue to look at him in an angry, pouting manner. He would ask her to accompany him to a bakery not far from where she lived, however her facial features and stance wouldn't change as she continued to stare at him. After a moment, he would place his glasses back on his face and she would shift every so slightly in her stance.

"Even though you've been mean to me, I suppose it would be unheard of for me to refuse a trip to the bakery. So, I guess I can accompany you, but certainly not in this outfit. I'll be back. You stay here," she would begin in a teasing sort of manner, which would quickly turn into excitement. She would enter her room making sure to close the door behind her, which was an unusual occurrence considering she lived alone. However, she was under no circumstances going to forget that he was in her home. Quickly, she would change into a white, short sleeved sundress with blue floral designs and blue flats to match. Normally, she would find herself wearing a sunhat, but she didn't feel like keeping up with it on this day.

Amelie would exit her room leaving her other outfit on her bed before grabbing her purse and throwing the strap over her head so it would rest on her opposite shoulder wrapping around her body to hold it in place. She would smile before looking at Shane, "Ready to go?"

#17[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Tue May 12, 2020 1:53 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Shane's face immediately turned into an apologetic visage as Amelie spoke, bowing slightly. "Jeg er så veldig lei meg, kjære blomst. Please, forgive my forwardness. I shall await your return with baited breath."

Straightening himself, Shane would turn his back politely as she stepped into her room, making sure that she was completely comfortable with the situation. He was completely comfortable standing at parade rest, eyes closed and spreading his senses across the area, looking for anything suspicious. Finding nothing, he would turn around as Amelie asked her question, smiling and nodding before opening the door, closing it behind the two. As they walked down the street, the priest allowed his gaze to glance over the various people in the area, before allowing his eyes to rest upon his companion once more. "So, out of curiosity...What do you do for a living? Zis area is quite nice, all things considered."

#18[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Fri May 22, 2020 9:00 pm


Shane had held the door open for her so the duo could leave her home before he would close it behind them both. Of course, Amelie would take the time to lock the door considering how many people roamed the streets around her house and how unpredictable they could be. She didn't want anything to get stolen because then she'd just have to go and find them. Anyway, it seemed that she wasn't super worried about it as it was just a fleeting thought. She seemed more focused on how enegetic the city was and how beautiful it all seemed. People were living their lives here. They were going to work, having fun with their friends, or going on romantic dates with their significant other. Amelie couldn't help but smile.

Amelie would be caught off guard yet again when Shane would ask her what she did for a living. She would think for a moment before she would look to him again, "Oh. You see. I am a florist. There's so many people in this city that every day is a special day. With the right quality of flowers and hard work, boquets can become quite pricey. It doesn't seem to mattter though as long as those flowers compliment the beauty of the person they're being given to. Most people don't seem to care about price as long as they can make someone they love smile. It's quite romantic." Amelie would continue to smile before looking around some more. Was she telling the truth? Mostly. She was a florist, but perhaps she had another job on the side. A secret job. Well, whatever. It wasn't important for Shane to know.

#19[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Sat May 30, 2020 6:01 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Shane's smile grew as she spoke about her job. While she seemed to be hiding something, weren't they all? She seemed passionate, and that's what mattered. "Flowers are an underrated thing in this world. Not many realize how color can affect your perception of things, or how happy they can make you. We used to keep roses around the house when I was young. Dark wood and cream walls, along with the bright red made it feel comfortable, although after my father passed little things like that simply disappeared."

By the time he had finished, they had found the cafe. Ordering a glass of red wine for himself and a variety of baked goods for the two, he'd let Amelie order whatever she wished before locking an analytical gaze on her, sipping his wine. "How did you find out you were a Quincy? Was it family tradition, or a simple accident?"

#20[Private] Confession - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Confession Sun May 31, 2020 5:11 am


Amelia would listen to Shane's story about his father as she would find it sad. Her eyes would continue looking ahead, although she could understand the predicament he was speaking about. Amelie used to be able to come home to fresh flowers and happiness. She used to be able to water lilies in her home every day. When they began to die, they would always be replaced. When they thrived, she could always plant them in the garden outside her beautiful home. However, she couldn't do that anymore and she didn't dare touch another lily after that day. Thinking about that time would make her feel increasingly uncomfortable and dread being out in the company of others. She didn't want to think about it. She would rather be in the comfort and safety of her own home.

The two would arrive at the cafe that served an assortment of items, however it seemed Shane was interested in the wine and pastries. Amelie would have potentially ordered coffee, but now she was beginning to feel that maybe a glass of wine to calm her nerves was the best. So, she would order herself a white wine, considering she was feeling something lighter and sweeter at the moment. As the two sat at the table, Shane would ask her when she knew she was a Quincy. How did she know she was a quincy? "Well, my parents were both quincy and we lived in a small quincy community in France. So, I always knew that I was one, however my parents and the community agreed to never use their power. They believed it was too dangerous and they always seemed to be hiding from something. They would reprimand us anytime we tried and they would banish anyone who actively used their power for sport or out of spite for their ideals. So, I suppose you could say I knew what I was, but I never knew how to use my power. I never knew how important it was, until I was kicked out of my home there. I met another quincy. A man with a strong power, who appreciated what I could do and encouraged me to learn more about myself," Amelie would stop speaking after that point. She would find herself staring at her hands that were clenched together lightly on the table in front of her. She didn't dare speak more on the subject.

"Anyway, I suppose that's more than you asked for. So, how about you? How did you know?" She would quickly change the subject as she continued to look away from him. Although she was fairly interested in him and to know more about him, she couldn't wait for that wine to get to the table. She couldn't wait for these nerves of hers to be calmed.

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