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#11[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:57 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The arrancar smirked when the vizard said that he owed him a drink. "I owe you? Nah, son. You owe me a good bottle for not kicking your arse even further." Laughing, the arrancar would spout in a humorous tone with a lopsided grin on his face. Clenching his fist, the man would prompt a wide, stone slab from the ground as he would help the vizard sit on it. "Your abilities are honestly interesting, lad. Especially, when your blade dispersed into thousands of flower petals - that was some wild shite!" It was actually an interesting ability. Over the years Thor had fought with many people, but he had never seen an ability that had any liking towards Vulcans. Or did he?

Leaning a bit back, Thor would lift his left palm up only to materialize a magma ball on it; which in turn would illuminate the area. "Beautiful, isn't it?" The arrancar would utter while his eyes were directed at the magma ball which was now not only levitating above his palm but also spinning. "You never told me how you became a vizard, Vulcan." Pausing for a second, he continued, "so, how did you exactly become when?" The man would not take his eyes off the ball - it was as if he was hypnotized by it. But considering how bewitching it was; who would?

#12[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:47 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Slowly making his way over to their new location while being supported by Thor, Vulcan did his best to smile considering the pain he was in. "Thanks, but so were yours. Truly powerful abilities befitting the Tercero Espada." By then the Vizard had noticed how the Arrancar provided both of them with the best seats in the house. Not that difficult when you imagine they were by themselves in the desert. Vulcan watched closely as his new friend created a ball of magma. "Indeed it is. Another one of your abilities?" Being able to materialize something like that, truly fascinating. Unfortunately Vulcan wasn't nowhere near the same level.

When asked the question how he became a Vizard the young man's mind would wander for a moment. Pondering, contemplating what the best way would be to share his past. "I lived, I died. My human life wasn't anything spectacular. Spend some time in Soul Society, joined the Academy. Had a bit of a career as a Shinigami but nothing all that special. Gained my Hollow powers et voila, I'm a Vizard now." He explained how he preferred to stay on the background, kept low profile especially with how Gotei treated his kind. So he was glad he finally found a new home. "What about you? What's the story of the man known as Thor Blerster?" Surely stories could be told of a man such as the Tercero Espada.

#13[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:15 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The vizard's response was short and sweet. Truth be told, the arrancar expected a reply which was in detail, but it was the complete opposite of his expectation. In a way, it was best that way. Regardless, Thor felt like he was missing details in the man's story. But be that as it may, Vulcan would go onto to ask the man about his past to which in reaction the arrancar would shrug his shoulders. "Well, I'm afraid I would bore you with my past." Smirking, the man would spout, only to speak again, "oh, well, I'll tell you. But don't tell me that I didn't warn you." It was a very long time since someone had asked Thor about his past, and honestly, he didn't know how to approach it from a storytelling standpoint. But he said to the man that he would share it and that was what he was going to do.

"I was born in the Vatican City, where I was raised by my Italian father and my Norwegian mother -- that's where the white hair comes from. Anyway, I grew up with everything I could ever want; you name it. But sadly, I lost my life when I was very young -- got hit by a car. Cliche, I know. But as I said, I lost my life only to end up as half hollow, or a soul, in Hueco Mundo." Pausing, the arrancar would snap his finger as the magma ball would move out from his palm to his left, taking the figure of a lamplight as it continued to levitate. "So, there I was in Hueco Mundo, fighting to survive. I would consume every hollow that I could get my hands on until I was in a position where I could fend off on my own without any trouble. However, I didn't stop consuming hollows. You could say that I was obsessed with power, which is a fair assumption. But like I said to you earlier, Hueco Mundo is a place where only the strongest survive. If you are weak; you are good as dead." Sighing, Thor would add, "But, yeah. When I finally became an arrancar the king of Hueco Mundo, Graven Fel, invited me to join the Espada." Raising his arms to the side, the arrancar spoke again, "the end."

#14[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:17 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Listening attentively as Thor's story unfolded Vulcan couldn't help but notice a small laugh had escaped his mouth upon hearing the cause of the Arrancar's death. "You, done in by a car? That's hard to believe indeed." All jokes aside, the Vizard would let his friend continue with sharing his past. Finding out about Thor's heritage both came as a surprise as well as it made sense. Vulcan wouldn't take him for an Italian so it was clear his Norwegian roots were dominant. His white hair, the last name. All of those made it easy to believe he was telling the truth. Why wouldn't he?

The Tercero Espada continued his story, explaining what happened after his unfortunate death at a young age. Fighting to survive in Hueco Mundo, survival of the fittest if you may. A famous saying which once more would prove to be right when Thor mentioned the things he did, or to be more precise, the things he HAD to do in order to survive the damned place. "I don't blame you, once people get a taste of power they only want more. How ironic it may sound, I believe that's what makes us human." The Vizard had to laugh with his own statement a fair bit, of course it would sound ridiculous comparing himself to something he no longer was.

"I still remember how I lost my life." Vulcan started to reminisce about his own past for a moment, recalling the day he died. "I was killed, simply mistaken for someone else. Just like that. All because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You can see why I'm not that comfortable around others." A small smile left his face as he shared that part of his past. "Speaking of other people, who's this Graven Fel you're talking about? Consider me bad informed but I always thought Ika Mazi was the king?" By now the Arrancar probably thought Vulcan was from another planet, not knowing who he was talking about earlier.

#15[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:51 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Apparently, the man had no idea who Graven Fel was, and considering that Vulcan himself was a member of the espada, a fraccion to be exact, it was hard to imagine that he did not know about the former king of Hueco Mundo. But no matter, no matter. That was what the arrancar was there for. To provide answers for questions that some did not know. Well, sort of.

"Graven is one of - if not is - the oldest hollow(s) ever to exist." Thor would start speaking looking at Vulcan as he continued, "legend has it that the fortress of las noches was molded to his liking." Running a hand through his hair the arrancar continued, "he was the first king of hueco mundo. However, like all things in life, he was supplanted by Ika Mazi, the current Cero king. But he is still in the espada, though. Serving the Cero king as the primera espada now." The rules of the espada stated that if an individual were to challenge and defeat an espada in a duel, that individual would be awarded the rank the beaten espada held. While Thor, specifically, didn't have any problem with the rule in general, he couldn't understand the notion of being comfortable in a rank that was below the previously held title. Like, the arrancar going from the Tercera espada to the Sexta espada and being okay withholding that title. In Thor's opinion: it was just best to retire with dignity.

#16[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:02 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Paying close attention as the Arrancar was talking, Vulcan made sure to absorb every piece of information provided by Thor. The Vizard was rather lacking knowledge about the Espada and whatnot, so he would take the opportunity to commit to learning more about the organization and its history. It was through this that he found out who Graven was. His new friend explained how the man was probably the oldest hollow to ever exist and rumor had he was the one responsible for Las Noches' glory. The first king of Hueco Mundo. "Supplanted? So it would be safe to say the two of them don't get along?" Of course all wounds heal over time but Vulcan could understand if there was still some bad blood left behind. 

From what Thor told the Vizard, it seemed Graven still served under Ika as the Primera Espada. Honorable and something not a lot of people would be able to do, or so Vulcan figured. "What about you? Were you immediately granted the position of Tercero when you were invited into the Espada?" Vulcan thought it would be interesting to find out Thor's journey into the organization.

#17[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:04 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"I don't have much insight regarding the relationship between the Cero King and the Primera. But I do know that the Espada hierarchy allows people to challenge the Cero King directly, which Ika did, and to which he won." While Thor wasn't a fan of Charles Darwin and his survival of the fittest evolutionary theory, he understood how it played out. Especially in a place like Hueco Mundo. There weren't any intellectuals here; only brutes and savages. Always has been like that, and always will be.

The Arrancar nodded, "yeah. I pretty much was given the title in a silver platter. Not trying to brag or anything - but it is what it is, you know." Thor would say respectfully looking at the man. "Ever thought of joining the Gotei thirteen again, Vulcan? I heard that some vizards are in it, even going so far to carry the title captain in certain divisions." Did the man have any intention of rejoining the faction in the soul society? After all, deep down, he still was a soul reaper.

#18[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:14 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Vulcan took a brief moment to ponder as he tried to come up with an answer to Thor's question about whether or not the Vizard would like to return to the Gotei 13. After a couple of minutes of deliberation and carefully picking his words, the man was able to come up with some sort of response. "That thought certainly crossed my mind, I even considered returning. But Ika brought me into the Espada so my fate is tied with his and Kat's. I'll go wherever he tells me to." If it wasn't for the Cero King, Vulcan would still be wandering through the desert all by himself and although he enjoyed being on his own there were far better places to spend his time.

"I have always been looking for a place to call home and I was able to find one in the form of the Espada. I'm hardly the type to get attached to things so if I had to leave Hueco Mundo, so be it. Dreams are no longer applicable for someone like me." For years he kept hoping, longing for a happy ending but deep down he knew something like that would be well out of his reach. The Vizard had to settle for less, which he did. He then directed the question back at the Arrancar. "What about you? Are you content being the Tercero Espada or is there someplace else you'd like to be?" Considering Thor already had quite a bit of freedom given his position Vulcan could understand if he liked where he was at now.

#19[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:52 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The Arrancar smirked. "Am I content being the Tercera?" He paraphrased the man's question only to reply by saying, "of course I am. I have no problem with my current position nor do I seek a position higher than it." Gazing at the Vizard the Arrancar would utter bluntly. "But.." Rubbing his chin, Thor spoke, "I would be outright lying if I said that deep down inside I didn't have an urge to get stronger in order to hold more power. Though, I have to say, gaining more power and wanting a higher rank are entirely two different things and doesn't correlate with each other." It was true. Despite the title, the Segunda and the Primera Espada were at his level or a bit stronger than his current state. If Thor were to challenge either of them, he had the chance of standing victorious at the end of the battle.

"At the end of the day, its just a rank, Vulcan. Wouldn't you agree?"

#20[Spar] Cemetery Bloom - Page 2 Empty Re: [Spar] Cemetery Bloom Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:43 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
"Perhaps it's just a rank, but it must feel bloody good knowing you're viewed as the third strongest in the Espada." Being a mere Fraccion, Vulcan was in no position to talk about things as rank, titles and whatnot. At the end of the day he simply needed to follow orders. But in a world where power was everything the Vizard knew once you had a taste of it, you'd only want more. “A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions. And I'd like to think you're an ambitious man, Thor." If he would be asked about his own goals and things he'd like to achieve, Vulcan wouldn't get any further than something like peace. Perhaps under Ika's wings would he be able to reach new heights, gain power, get stronger but even then he wasn't really thinking about ascending the ranks.

The Vizard took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking up again. "If power is what you're looking for, what would you do with it? Simply look for even more power or try and shape the world the way you want it?"

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