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"Never said we were equals, I was implying I was better than you. I will always be better than someone as one dimensional as you are. People from the soul society with no "soul"?, Get the heck outta here!"

Gill said as he went and took the slash, even if only to see how it would feel if she was getting a little angry during this fight, the wound itself was superficial this time, showing a mark and only drawing a little bit of blood from the entry point. However, it started to harden over time due to Gill's golden physiology. In the meantime, more golden bullets would attempt to shower Amaya so that Gill could get a little bit of space. After all, he was in a talking mood.

"So first blood is yours, and all I had to do was make you angry. So maybe I should start to give you the fight."

After saying that, he took out his katana.

"Obtain, Midas!"

After calling out his Zanpakuto, he took on his gold ogre appearance, wearing two fist like Zanpakuto Gauntlets.

[Event] Sand, Blood, And Fury {Amaya Vs Giller] - Page 2 Gouki_10


Starting things off, Gill wanted to show he was serious by firing off an exaust burst at Amaya. If she was hit, it would have dealt grand ray cero damage and encase her in gold.



#12[Event] Sand, Blood, And Fury {Amaya Vs Giller] - Page 2 Empty Smoke Vs. Ice - Sumoki Vs. Amaya Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:05 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Captain Amaya Nanashi
Annoyed as Shit

"Better than me? Man you hollows really are denser than my own grandmother."She spoke raising her blade "Freeze them into submission, Ushinawareta!"She spoke allowing her to zanpackuto the glow as the area around them began to drop dramatically in temperature and rapidly at that. Her clothing changed to a bit showier in her uniform but her white hair took a purple tint matching her lavender eyes. She adjusted the blade in her hands before holding it forward with her left as her right hand was held out behind her. "Fine, your funeral."She spoke flicking her wrist of her right hand as a Wall Formed in front of her, easily being broken through with his blast only to reveal Amaya to not be hiding before it. She reformed above him holding up a hand as a massive spear of ice formed above before she flicked her wrist again sending it flying at him at Bala speeds. right before the spear would reach him it spread into 5 smaller but still quick bala speed attacks flying at him

Tier: 0-5
Captain of the 6th


"Hm? A miss?!"

This came off as a bit of a surprise for Gill, he wasn't expecting her to be that fast. In addition to that, he finally managed to force her to activate her Zan in order to protect her self. Regardless of the reason why she activated it or if she as doing this as a spite to show how strong she was, Gill was happy. He really wanted a true test against an enemy that was at his level or even beyond it. It was a teaching lesson, it taught him what he was lacking and what he needed to be closer to the pinnacle of strength that he desired.

" Give me your best, captain! I will, that's my way of "respect""

As the slightest movement of his hand, almost unseen with how fast the 12 jabs were. In addition to that, trailing it back with golden manipulation, it became 12 blasts of hardened gold, to move as an extension of his punches at bala speeds. Not only did it cover his unbelievable punching power and strength, but he also had the midas touch enhanced with his gold rush. He wondered how she would handle this? If she got hit, the petrification process would start. Out of the twelve punches, five of them, would connect with the ice spears with them terrifying and breaking away into gold dust as the last seven punches would be aimed at amaya.

Exaust Burst Cooldown: 1/3

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Captain Amaya Nanashi
Annoyed as Shit

Amaya floated backward moving only slightly out of the way of each of his punches, barely managing to dodge them. she didn't seem too bothered or annoyed to be dodging them whether she was trying to or not. the air around him began slowly allowing her ice to form on his skin, first the skin or items closest to her own body and slower for the parts outside the cold radius allowing her reistu to form and flow freely . From behind him several ice spikes formed along with aobve and below him. She said nothing to his retaunts not feeling a need to as she swung her blade to back him off as the massive waves from behind above and below him came at him all at once.

Tier: 0-5
Captain of the 6th


She was a little more slippery than he thought, with Gill realizing that it might take a lot more in order to get a clean hit on her. That was one of his favorite punches, the fact that he missed did hurt his pride a little bit. if there was one thing that Gill maintained. He felt the cold chill of her ability, starting to formulate frost on his body. Gold was a poor insulator, so even with his solid frame and gold physiology, he was still feeling the effects of it. When it came to terrain, she was more talented than Gill. However, it didn't mean that Gill was about to give up, he kept on attempting to close in on her in order to give her one good punch.

When she swung her blade, Gill welcomed the attack or attempt in order to get him move away with Glee. That didn't happen, Gill was even more tankier than before because of his golden mimicry. Also, by taking the attack, he did another one of his midas fist punches- a cross counter. In the meantime, Gill attempted to craft golden walls in order to attempt to block the barrage of ice spikes. About three went through and hit Gill square on, making him stagger a bit even with his defenses. Sure, he was fighting rather recklessly, but he wondered if he managed to finally hit her.


Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Captain Amaya Nanashi
Annoyed as Shit

Amaya never really needed to worry about metal uses or each does any research in various metals cause who would ever use it right? She was wrong with this fight. She was not able to just cut down this Arrancar. He really was worth his salt in a sense cause he wasn't going down and that fact alone was exciting her. She felt she had the upper hand and well getting cocky and allowing her mind to get distracted was much like karma and man karma was coming to give her a kiss of a cross-cut from giller. This was an unexpected hit, meaning she was not prepared as she was sent flying to the ground slide across the sand slowly getting up rubbing her cheeck "god that hurt more then i thought"She said trying to let her mind get back into gear

Tier: 0-5
Captain of the 6th

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