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#1looking for the unknown Empty looking for the unknown Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:09 pm


"bugger! I lost the reiatsu i admit that i only had a slight lock on it but how can it just disappear on of like that? It looks like i might be losing my edge a bit but still what the hell reiatsu do not disappear they fade not just one moment they there putting out reiatsu then the next moment they just vanish leaving no trace that goes against what i know." i say as i run a hand though my flame like hair and the other hand plays with a tiger stone amulet with dragons craved into it. I them start walking in the way that i last felt the disappeared reiatsu at thinking that if i dont find anything in the next hour i my as well give up for to day i am sure that i will feel that reiatsu again for this is not the first time i have sensed it. I walk along and not really saying attention to what in front of me so i could just walk into someone with out knowing about till i do.

#2looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:30 pm


There wasn't much to do today. Byakuya was sent to the human world by the captain commander by secret orders to take care of the hollows and espadas; who were starting a drama at the human world. Byakuya never gave any real attention towards hollows. But went it was espadas, he was quite enthusiastic to fight them in a loyal manner. Taking a deep breath, he walked slowly and slowly. Looking at every place where he may miss. He knew that he had a job! And he had to get it done!

#3looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:31 pm


A gargantua slowly opens in the sky, as Cross steps out once again. His hair flows int he wind, showing his red "3" tattoo on his right cheek."This better go easier than the other day." he joked to himself. he raised head phones from his pocket into his ears, as he scrolls on his mp3 player he looted off a human corpse. Once he find the right track, he bounces on his toes in the air, rolling his neck. He takes one step forward before sonidoing down to a roof top nearby. Leaning against the railing, he wtached the humans walk around. "there are some cute ones out tonight, i didn't waste my time."

#4looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:46 pm


As i was walking along i notice a shinigami reiatsu type but not one that i knew so i left it for i dont want to wreck any work that they are doing then i felt a reiatsu that i have felt before about beings that i am told by my shinigami friends are arrencars so i thought i just see how he is some of them i can talk to but others are ones that i will fight on sight but this one is not one that i have meet before so i jump onto the roof and jumping from roof to roof using the souls to make it easy as pie and hide my reiatsu while doing this so to hopefully to get up to 446 without noticing. I land near him and using lightbringer to walk up to the same level but in a spot that would make it hard to see me from the ground them i call out so that he heard me. "so what are you doing here arrencar?"

#5looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:55 pm


Not far away another gargantua opens. out of it a man walks out. His stark white hair blows in the wind his massive sword shethed on his back. Strange bone metal armor over his arms,hands,and off his shoulders. his crow like mask fragment sits over his brow like a crown. Five black line tattoos are on the left side of his face by his eye

1st person now
I look around and take in the scene suddonly I feel several reiatsu signatures in the are. One I know well"cross." I say jumpimg down to the streets below. Zeroing in on cross I make my way to him.
I look

#6looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:37 pm


Looking around i hear a voice asking why I was here. Feeling his reiatsu he was a human, but with something different about it. "I am just observing humans, nothing more." I look behind me, feeling a reiatsu signature i know well."jack.." i look for the human once again, trying to actually see him so I can warn him of what is coming.
"Human! get out of this area, a much much stronger arrancar is coming. he is not so kind as me." I roll my neck as i feel another strong signature, that of a captain from a shinigami.

#7looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:01 am


I move to where cross is with a human who has reiatsu. I walk up to cross"cross,having fun human watching again are we?" I look at the human"he can see us can't he." Obviously I can sense his reiatsu but I am not one to show my hand to anyone having learned that as a human.

#8looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:42 am


"i can take care of myself thank you...and yes i can see you is it not enough that i am standing on thin air to say that i can see you." i say the last part in a huff as the new arrencar asks his stupid question.

#9looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:10 am


Not too long after Jack had walked from his gargantua another had followed. This being was a hollow of Adjuchas class, he stood slightly hunched over in his Raptor like form that was only slightly humanoid. The hollow had hands ending with long razor sharp black talons, his legs were the most human like though much stronger and larger. The mask the hollow wore was adorned with 7 black 'feathers' 3 hung between his eyes while it appeared that the other 4 drifted down his mask, the mask also had a light blue scale like appearance to it.

3rd Person
[[ooc: may be using wrong term, it could be 2nd person or w/e that I'm using.]]

After stepping through Jack's gargantua while somehow arriving ahead of his new 'friend' Veloz took the time to reach out his sense's finding Jack & Cross's reiatsu signatures near another, reaching out further Veloz also picked up a shinigami's signature possibly a captains. Deciding to stick with the pack Veloz took of towards where Jack and Cross were.

Quickly arriving Veloz appeared behind Jack as he heard the 3rd person, a human speak.

"i can take care of myself thank you...and yes i can see you is it not enough that i am standing on thin air to say that i can see you."

Grinning his toothy grin and releasing some reiatsu Veloz spoke up Oh so you can see us human? perhaps you'd make me a good meal? his voice filled with hunger . Veloz the looked to both Jack and Cross before speaking to them as well.. Decided I'd join the fun, after all I might as well stick with the pack right? Veloz then let out a throaty laugh.

#10looking for the unknown Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:31 am


"yes and as I said earlier I am just going to deliever a message and leave." I draw a second sword from my back and it hovers in the air. I then clentch my fist and the sword breaks in half. The sword then floats to the human"give this to the next shinigami you see. I am leaving now." The sword drops to the ground under the human
Looking at veloz"care to stay or should we go hunt proper prey?"

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