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#11looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:45 am


"and who said that i have any knowledge of this shini-games you are talking about hmm?" i say as i watch the arrencar brake the sword and i also rise one eye brow in a questioning why. Them i turn to the hollow which is stronger then any of the ones that i have gone up against and say to him. "you can try but i warn you i have a bite like that of a dragon."

#12looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:30 am


I laugh as i watch Veloz come near us. "So you decided to follow after all? Where is that Iza woman?" i turned around leaning up against the rail. I watch Jack break the sword giving it to the human. "jack if you want there is one in the area, you can just give it to him." I smile, knowing that jack wanted to shed blood, but wanted to do it carefully.

Turning back around the the human, i smirk at him. Sonidoing behind him i look over his form."how do you see us human?" I look at him with a smile on my face, interested how he does so.

#13looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:18 pm


"to tell the truth i dont really know i just can as far back as i can remember i have been able to see what others can not. Like that red number three on your right cheek by the looks of it you only got it about a few hours ago and you seem to like looking at females so long as you only look and not kill or harm any human or plus or shinigami i have no need to fight you but if you do well lets say you will not like me when i am angry." my reiatsu flares up heating the air around me and pulling on the shadows around me towards me.
    (ooc: just a note but i need to have ash retiered and with the edits and what i plan to add to his history i think he should get somewhere in the 1-X or if i am lucky a low 0-X tier just a note.)

#14looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:14 pm


"i can tell you have seen them before human." I say to the human. I pull the broken sword to my hand without touching it"very well cross.i'll leave it for the shinigami then." U then make a jump to a rooftop and plunge the sword into the brick. I release some reiatsu enough to get the reapers attention and then sonido to the ground"so veloz you coming back we have much to attend toom?"

#15looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:48 pm


Veloz scoffed at the human, unsure of its true potential. Jack had thrust the broken sword that was his message into a rooftop before emitting some of his reiatsu which would most likely gain interest of the captain Veloz had sensed. Thinking for a moment Veloz decided it was better to be safe than sorry. I believe I shall come back, that burst of reiatsu will probably attract the attention of the shinigami I sensed and I believe it may be captain level. And personally I'd rather not risk things going wrong, Cross can have fun with the human... Veloz stepped back from the area reaching out his senses, the shinigami was slowly heading in their direction.

#16looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:36 am


"the shinigami will get my message thats all I care about now. Cross,don't play to long now. We have much to do back home." I turn and walk ten feet. I wave my hand and open a gargenua . The large black rip appears before me and veloz. I step inside keeping it open for veloz to join when he does it will closed slowly only showing our faces before closing complely

#17looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:43 am


Veloz watched Jack open the gargantua and step in before following. See ya human, later Cross

#18looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:01 am


(now back to reforge for us nao

#19looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:48 am


Izanami stumbled through a third portal moments later she had never been good with making them, and she had to make a quick stop elsewhere before coming here hence her late arrival. She turned her eyes back to the portal and stuck her tongue out at it as though it had feelings. Her nose twitched as the scent of three reiatsus filled her nose. One she identified as Cross', The second smelled of ash, and the third of Cherry Blossoms. She lifted her nose to the air to try and identify where they were. She promptly sneezed when Cross had mentioned her name before rubbing it and heading their way. When she arrived, she was prompt to find Cross and the human, but Jack and Veloz had already left. Damn, she had taken longer than she hoped.

"Ayaaa, I'm late five minutes and everyone leaves! What party poopers! Oh?" Her orange eyes rested on Ash as she caught the tail-end of their conversation. They seemed to have been discussing his abilities. So this was the human Cross was so interested in. Were there more of them? She moved next to Cross with her hands on her hips licking her red colored lips revealing slightly elongated canines while starring at Ash as though viewing him as a treat although she wouldn't voice it as such just yet.

"Oii! Cross! Is this the human you were talking about? He certainly seems del..." she paused to correct herself, "Interesting! Don't be rude, Cross! What's your name? I'm Izanami. Don't worry, I act scary, but really I'm like a puppy." She lifted her eyebrows with a smile as she offered a hand to him in greeting hoping to play off her little mess up. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned forward in her greeting trying to take a less threatening position.

#20looking for the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: looking for the unknown Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:02 am


I turned my head, watching Iza walk beside me looking over at Ash. She was acting like she was in Huenco meundo. Trying to flirt her way through a conversation. She mentioned it as if this was the human i was watching all this time. She was wrong, infact very wrong.
"Don't pull nothing with him Iza, harm a human, and I end you where you stand."

I sonido back next to her, a few ffet away as i turn back to Ash. He was infact different than the humans i study somehow he has the ablilites to see us. I wanted to find out how. I bounced my blade on the ground as i looked over the horizon in the sea. The sun was setting as it was getting lose to night. I cared more for safety of humans than most of teh arrancar i have met. The only arrancar i care about are Colbolt, Jack, and Veloz somewhat. they ahve my trust.

"Ash, its almost night, hollows will be here soon."

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