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#1[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:19 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Humans screamed and ran to and fro as explosions echoed through the usually-peaceful streets of Karakura's shopping district. For those few who were spiritually aware, they would notice an unholy howling in the air as a Hollow raged through the streets, following the poor soul of a young girl who had been hit by a car several days earlier.

A young man, perhaps in his early to mid-twenties, sighed as he stepped out of a shop into the chaos. He wore mostly black - nice shoes, slacks and a button-down shirt with the first few buttons undone to show the top of a well-muscled chest, marred only by a single scar. Impossibly-blue eyes flashed behind a pair of black and gold glasses as he noticed what was happening, and in a flash he disappeared from sight, reappearing behind the Hollow with a gorgeous silver longsword drawn, an impassive look on his face as he watched the beast disappear, sipping from a mint shake that he had bought before this annoyance had occurred. Letting his beloved sword dissipate, he walked over to the child who was being attacked not a minute before and squatted in front of her, a strange ring flashing on his left index finger as he lifted the hand to take another drink. "Everything okay, little one?"

His voice was deep, and an almost-unnatural amount of reiatsu settled around the area like a thick blanket as she gave the affirmative and skipped away. Standing back up, the man let a small smile crack his façade for a moment. He was glad he'd been reborn, if it meant the opportunity to protect once again. That being said...

He glanced around the now-empty area, frowning slightly. "I'm sure I wasn't the only one to pick up on what was happening, and if I was that's slightly depressing. Is anyone there?"

#2[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:41 am


"There's always someone there," stated the girl as she landed, having jumped off the rooftop of the nearest building a moment prior. Cracking her neck, she glanced at the man next to her and smiled, instantly knowing exactly how strong he was due to her own powers... she was pleased that there were more powerful humans recently, but wondered what drew them all to Karakura Town in Japan, though she knew that the only thing that had drawn her was the bloodlust she got from the town as a whole.

"Chihiro Shizuma. Pleasure to meet you, and thanks for saving the little human." She always enjoyed calling children 'little humans', because that's exactly what they were and despite being a big human herself, she enjoyed the little things. She was mostly grateful that this one was at least polite to kids so far, and wondered if he'd continue to be that pleasant, or if he'd have a darker side to him.

"Oh, and there's another Hollow right behind you." She stated quite calmly, pointing to behind the man in the black suit, wondering why he was letting the human-sized snake-like Hollow get so close to him.

#3[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:51 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Inclining his head politely and snorting slightly at the now-named Chihiro's joke, the man was about to introduce himself when the young woman pointed out that there was another Hollow behind him, just in time for him to turn and see it begin to strike. His eyes began to glow an ethereal blue as lines of the same flowed from his scar, one of them coming up his face. Just as the snake-like being was about to sink it's teeth into his neck, he'd disappear, rematerializing next to it with his foot crashing down on it's skull, pinning it to the ground as his sword formed once more. Flipping it in his hand, he'd stab downward in a practiced motion, straight through the Hollow's heart and into the concrete beneath it. Turning back to Chihiro as the creature dissipated, he'd have an apologetic look on his face as he spoke with a slight northern Norwegian accent, his eyes no longer glowing while the rest of the energy seemed to stay active. "My apologies, Ms. Shizuma. I admittedly have zero ability to sense anything beyond my own power. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost the edge I had in my last life. I am Sigurd Fafnirsbane, although I've been using Volsung as my surname since being reborn. It's a pleasure to meet you."

While admittedly it was strange for someone to speak of the cycle of death and rebirth so casually, or even to remember their past life, it wasn't necessarily the weirdest thing to happen in the world. Taking another sip of his mint shake, Sigurd would grab the hilt of his sword and pull it from the ground effortlessly, as if the concrete wasn't even present. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but what brings you to Karakura Town? It seems to be a spiritual hotspot, and there are no shortage of Hollows or Shinigami."

#4[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Fri Dec 04, 2020 8:47 am


The man seemed to vanish from existence entirely as he stepped on the snake-like Hollow's neck, pinning it to the ground as he dispatched it with ease. She wasn't sure how he'd managed that, because it clearly wasn't simple movement... he wasn't that fast, compared to what she'd just seen. Sigurd would go on to explain his inability to sense anything, which made Chihiro laugh slightly.

"Knock off that Miss stuff, if you don't mind; I don't like being reminded of my age. As for the sensory issue, just supress your own power. It's easy!" Chihiro would lean up against the wall while she spoke, crossing her arms. She didn't think anything of his 'reborn' comment, mostly because she had been laughing about his inability to sense shit.

"As for why I'm here, you kind of answered that yourself; Karakura Town is a spiritual hotspot, so where else would I go to find strong Humans?" As she spoke, she glanced at his mint shake, and debated getting one of her own.

#5[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:45 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Letting the energy flowing through his body cool down, returning the skin to normal, Sigurd snorted and rolled his eyes at Chihiro's statements. Gram dissipated into particles, waiting for his call once more, as the demigod took another drink of his shake while chuckling. [color:064e=0099ff]"Well, I guess that's as good a reason as any, and please, believe me when I say that I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. Something strikes me as odd, however. You say you are searching for strong humans, and yet what do you intend for them once they are found?"

Sigurd...wasn't necessarily the trusting type. He knew this, and he had good reason not to be. He'd had his memories erased, and accidentally betrayed his beloved in a series of events that led to his death. After that, he'd spent the last two millennia and change in the afterlife absolutely TANKED in an attempt to forget.

Spoiler alert: It didn't work, and he has trust issues because of it.

#6[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:11 am


Sigurd had seemed to ignore her comment about supressing his energy... was he not capable of it? That'd have to be the first thing she worked on, for sure; going around at max power was likely to cause problems and she'd be slightly surprised if he'd never had issues before. Then he asked what her plans were, and she thought for a moment as she walked away.

Moments later, she returned with a shake of her own, and sat down at a nearby table as she sipped it. Indicating for Sigurd to join her, she would begin talking.

"Well, as far as I can tell, I'm the strongest 'Human' on Earth. For the first thirty years it was pretty cool, but now it's just getting to be a drag... what happens to the rest of 'them' if I keel over and die? Not that I expect to, of course." She'd continue sipping at her shake as she allowed him to take that information in, then would continue talking regardless of whether or not he'd started.

"So, once I find people who are strong enough to have a good shot at it, I see about training them to be stronger. You're on the list, now." She'd give a quick smile, but she didn't have an actual list... just people who impressed her with their strength.

#7[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:10 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Sitting down across from Chihiro, the man sipped on his shake as he pondered the woman's reasoning. It was fair, all things considered, and he had no qualms about training or helping others. Sighing, he'd set his drink down and lean forward, cracking a smirk as he did, his voice tinted with a hint of amusement. "Well, I'm not going to lie and say I'm not interested in keeping others safe. For all the gifts I have been given, it seems that the greatest have been those given also to my Haví, or those he himself treasures. Mikit eitt skala manni gefa, opt kaupir sér í lítlu lof: með hálfum hleifi ok með höllu keri, fekk ek mér félaga. A kind word need not cost much, the price of praise can be cheap: With half a loaf and an empty cup, I found myself a friend. Wise words, wouldn't you think?"

As he finished, he pulled something wrapped out of his pocket, and open it to reveal half of a croissant that had clearly been torn off carefully.
Blue eyes twinkling playfully, the old Norseman proffered the treat. "Care for the rest? It was fresh this morning, and I felt like I needed to save it for some reason or another."

#8[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:52 am


It seemed that things were going well, and Sigurd even spouted some old Norse nonsense; her ability to speak any language was something she hadn't trained in a while, and it had fallen off when she was younger, but luckily the man translated it for her.

"I've heard wiser words, but those are definitely not the words of a fool." Sigurd offered her a half of a croissant, and she could only laugh at him for a moment before her senses flared up. She let loose a sigh, her hair standing on edge as she smiled softly. "Seems like we've got more company, friend. Oh, right, you mentioned not being able to sense very well."

Chihiro stood, stretching lightly as she grabbed hold of her shake, keeping it in her hand as she walked towards the main door, fully expecting Sigurd to follow her without needing to be told to.

"Hello out there! I think you'll find this town is quite protected, so please leave us alone!" Her called out to the rooftops, not caring about the other Humans who were watching her do this. With a sigh, she used her Solid Steps ability to airwalk up to the roof of the nearest skyscraper, seemingly tracking a Hollow target. He was about as strong as Sigurd was, and she kind of wondered if he wouldn't want the opportunity to fight it himself. Was he even following her? Did he even like to fight? Questions for later.

#9[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Mon Feb 01, 2021 7:45 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Chuckling along with Chihiro, Sigurd's face sobered into something almost predatory as he finished his shake and stood up to follow the woman. While she seemed to attempt to dissuade the Hollow from doing it's thing before walking up to the top of a skyscraper, the Norseman held no such illusions. Hollows were something he understood well. Instinctual, with a drive to live and grow stronger, things any warrior should value. Building up the strength in his legs, the dragonslayer launched himself upwards and began running up the side of the building, reaching the top shortly after the redhead had. "So? I assume you sensed something interesting."

It was a fair assumption, as otherwise there would be no real reason to rush out to meet a Hollow if it weren't anything to be concerned with. As he questioned the woman, his silver longsword would form once more, the gold accents catching the light as he brought it to his shoulder lazily.

#10[Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Empty Re: [Private] Legends Never Die (Chihiro) Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:12 am


She nodded to Sigurd who had followed her to the rooftops. Raising her hand and pointing to the roof of the building across the street, Chihiro pointed at a human-sized Hollow who she could tell, instantly by looking, was exactly as strong as Sigurd was in almost the same ways.

"He's gonna be a tough opponent, but I'll only jump in if you ask me to." With that, and without waiting, she jumped across the street to the other building, using her Solid Steps technique to Air walk when necessary, and crossed the gap to the other roof. Supressing her power, she stayed hidden and kept an eye on the Hollow, who was currently very carefully inspecting a Dog that was barking like crazy at it.

The Hollow didn't seem to notice anything else, and for the moment didn't seem to attack the Dog either, just standing there and staring at it. Then Sigurd arrived, who couldn't seal his energy, and... that, the Hollow noticed. It turned around, and Sigurd could tell for the first time that it had no weapons, but was only vaguely Humanoid, and more closely resembled a Lizard, including it's Chameleon-like Mask.

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