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#121Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:41 am


As I approach Zeipher I notice the hint of a white glow on my back, I figured this meant time would be up soon and I assumed the same had happened to Zeipher as he rushed at me using shunpo, cracking the ground beneath his feet. As he rushed forth I noticed that even more steam was being released from his arm plates now, as we neared he took to the air above me with a shunpo reaching towards me with both hands, I could barely feel his reiatsu gathering in them. Quickly I made my decision, I shunpoed out from under him before thrusting my palm to him and finishing my Kido's incantation. Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel, with light, divide this into six! Bakudo #61 - Rikujoukouro! Six rods of yellow light shot towards Zeipher to pin his arms, I then followed up with Bakudo #4 Hainawa, a yellow rope of reiatsu shot towards him to bind him further.

Looking to my blades I noted the solid gold and jade glow they now held, my attack was ready.. This may hurt quite a bit Zeipher hope your ready! Using shunpo I enlarged the distance between us before following the Bakudo spells up with my strongest attack.

I spin my blades in my hands, wind gathering around them I slash forward with each blade; 5 fang like twisters erupt from the slash of my blades as I yelled out Sabēji-fū!! The attack still lacking full control berated me with its strong blade like winds, ripping apart my upper uniform and coating my chest with lacerations.

#122Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:03 am


Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel, with light, divide this into six! Bakudo #61 - Rikujoukouro!

That incantation ringed through my ears. I looked down at my arms, binded by 6 robs of ligt, plus another bakudo around my wrist. Before that I was already prelanching my attack, nothing could stop it. "Min...don't let me hit a rock." i though to myself as i still shot my attack anyway.
"Hydro cannon!" An explosion of water and reiatsu went around my body as the attack was till shot off, but his ultimate attack still reached as the effect of my aim. Comign out at the bottom of the explosion was my body out of bankai, with choepla falling shortly behind me. I was unconscious, falling towards the groud below. The build up of the reiatsu I had in my attack plus the binding and Mins ultimate attack made me choose to hurt myself or hurt min. I fell towards teh groud quickly, my limp body spun in the air as it falls.

#123Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:12 am


After my attack two things happened that I had not expected at all, first both Bakudo had caught Zeipher during his attack, then my own attack had collided with Zeiphers own, which he had released after being entrapped in the bakudo spell's. Through the cloud of smoke I sighted Zeiphers unconscious body falling through the air towards the ground, Cheolpa not far behind. His body was spinning through the air as I 'punched' both my fists into the empty air, a rush of wind swept forth 10 feet from the ground catching both Zeipher and his zanpakuto before I was hit by the full backlash of my attack, while the external damage had happened right away the internal took longer to come into effect. I fell forward shifting from Bankai into my Shikai then to Sealed. Hitting the ground I began coughing harshly, blood coming up with each cough. 'At least I managed to catch him' I thought to myself as I struggled to bring myself to my feet, still coughing up globs of blood.

#124Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:02 pm


"damn they went to far. I have no choice. Nama sun ka dan kai." Upon saying the five strange world and doing five spicific hand signs the tags I place on naos and gusts back glows white for a few seconds the fall to the ground. Instantly the two feel much better as the reiatsu that bleed out is now returned." I shunpo to them and release the barrier.,healing most of the wound the two,have suffered. "you both have done well. Three more days and you will be ready to leave. Now does anyone want some sake." I ask while holding up a large bottle

#125Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:18 pm


my body slowly hits the ground. Nothing was injuried from teh fall, just from my attacks and Mins forming with mine. I tried my hardest to dodge or launch my attack back there. Cheolpa stabs int he ground beise me, as reiatsu from teh tag on my back covers my body. I open my eyes slowly, showing blurry vision of the battlefield. So far, this was the most fun, and hardest battle in my history.

"I won.." I say throwing a thumbns up in the air towards min. Smirking i laid my hands back down on the ground, after tazu healed me. I lay there, thinking of what went wrong. I blink multiple times, looking over tazu-sensei. "Do you think...I could someday be captain?" i whisper softly. "Min-kun deserves to be one, give hima chance."

#126Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:00 pm


"you both have potential gust. That battle could have gone iether way. Your bankai is new and uncontroled. Nao has had his bankai for some time now. The fact you kept the bankai activefor as long as you did amazes me to be honest." I get on my knee next to gust and nao"i give you both my word. When you leave,here your bankais will be close to complete." Holding up the bottle of sake "who wants some huh?"

#127Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:16 pm


As my reiatsu began returning to me, and Captain Tazuma's healing barrier began its work I shoved myself off the ground. Staggering to my feet it was obvious my healing would take a while, the external damage was healing up fast but I could tell the internal was another story. With a limp I walked over to Taz-Sensei and Zeipher-kun, as I did so I had a few short coughing fits that resulted in more blood being coughed up. Gah...*cough* this is better than the pain my scar causes.... *cough*... I knew Zeipher-kun and Taz-sensei were talking but through my coughing I couldn't make out their words. Stumbling closer I sat down as Captain Tazuma offered sake. Waving off the sake I hunched over my arm supporting my rib area as I was overcome by a large coughing fit.

#128Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:30 pm


Pulsing a wave of vibration at nao my eyes grow wide"oh no not now." I say in disbelief. I quicky begin healing kido on nao looking at gust"if you know any healing its time to use it now gust!" constantly focusing reiatsu into healing nao."his internal injures are bad. His bankai hurts him as much as his enemies. That,i,will be sure to fix as well." The ball of reiatsu grow larger about the size of a beachball.intent on healing nao

#129Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:39 pm


I begin to blink, my vision is still very blurry. I can make out tazu and Min, but something wasn't right. Tazu was leaning over toweards min, using kido on him until i heard tazu yell at me. I shake my head, using cheolpa to stand up walking over towards Min. I didn't know any healing kido, but i had something i could try. I reach into my pocket, grabbing a blue vial of water, squirting some on my plam, i sue my reiatsu to for a ball. I clap my hands towgether, gforming a square with the water. It was glowing bright blue, almsot the size of Mins chest.
'lets try this.." i say softly, placing the sauare against his chest, pushing it into him slwoly, as the water is absorbed into his skin.

#130Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) - Page 13 Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:48 pm


As I keel over I can make out Taz-Sensei near me, I also noticed the glow of healing kido as it began to take effect on my internal injuries. Captain Tazuma then yelled for Zeipher-kun to come assist him. must be bad... I thought to myself half expecting a wise crack from Yawe.. yet I heard nothing. I then notice Zeipher-kun with an odd water square that he began pushing into my chest. As he did so my body heaved off the ground as a renewed flow of blood escapes my mouth. Less worried about the pain of my body I try to reach out into my inner world and speak with Yawe. As I did so I noticed that my inner world seemed it was missing something.

With a pained gasp and sputter of blood I force myself into a sitting position ignoring any resistance against my movements. With ragged short breathes I began trying to speak, Taz-Sensei..*cough* my inner world.... theres something wrong...*cough*.. I can't find nor hear Yawe... As I said this my body was struck with a forceful 'tremor' as I began coughing once again, this coughing fit worse than the others.

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