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#51A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:18 pm

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Senshu nears the end of the spire-like structure and readies himself to jump down to the sands below when the rieatsu signatures he sensed before present themselves. He stands at the very edge of the structure and looks down to see three or four arrancar climbing up with great speed. One in particular seems to be quite anxious to get to the top, an aura of bloodlust enshrouds him, he also appears to be a hollow. The bald pale faced spectre looks down at these people with his dark brown eyes. He stands still and calm yet with an expression of pure distaste to see what they will do. He figures the hollow of the group is probably out to eat but if it is looking for a battle yamaguchi will not step down if he is aggitated enough.


#52A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:43 pm


(can i join as blade my demon or is this a arrencar only thread?)

#53A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:19 pm


(ooc demons welcome)

#54A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:12 pm


I walk out of my demon door that in a shape of a sword truned into a door the slight wind of my door disappearing ruffles my white hair and red trench coat i start to walk towards the building that can only be los nes or something or other with a hand on the hilt of my sword for i know not what to expect of here but if it anything like hell i need to show the hollows who boss for they would only understand power like most demons. So i am walking along when two hollows appear they are clearly not worth the time they are but small fries so i just in to walk pass but they block my way i just give them a cold blooded demon stare they dont even blink i go to move but one of them places a paw on me i give him a warning look but all he does is try to push me back i just draw and cut the paw in a split second to them it just seems that my sword jump from my back to my hand and a cut appears but they do not see what made it before they can react i dispatch them both with one swing of my sword. I then sense two reiatsu that i know and three that i dont i just smile and just walk towards them dispatching any hollow that gets in my way with ease it like i am not moving but any hollow that stands before me disappears a second after all the while i move towards the reiatsu that i sense not evening trying to hide my own reiatsu let them feel me coming and fear me.

#55A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:40 am


Now nearing the top of the spire Veloz notice's an arrancar walking to the edge before also noting that this arrancar isn't the one they've been hunting though Veloz was sure it was up there as well. Looks like someone else got here first....

Veloz increased his pace, now leaping up the spire before taking on last powerful jump and landing infront of the arrancar, he was pale and had brown eyes and seemed to have a distaste for something. Walking by him slowly Veloz noted to the others following He isn't the one we're here for.... but then where is the other arrancar.. Veloz started reaching out his senses even though he could taste the reiatsu he still had to pinpoint where the arrancar could be hiding.

#56A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:52 am


In one mighty leap off the spire I land next to veloz I then look at the new arrencar. Touching the ground with my hand I can tell the other arrencar is hiding somewhere "veloz can you tell where it is." Know the arrencar in front of us isn't the one we are after. He was as powerful as veloz is now maybe after this meal veloz will evolve again and join the vasto lorde ranks." I am "black" jack and this is veloz. Who are you?."

#57A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:32 am


I pull myself up with aleap ontop the sire. Landing infront of the harrancar. I look around, shaking my head. " I told you Veloz..." i shift my head to the right, sensing another stronger reiatsu. nothing bigger than my own, but it was making itself known."You could go over there near the reoatsu that is surging right now." even though i am infront of the arrancar, i am ignoring him completely.

#58A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:57 am


Hearing Jack's question Veloz was about to answer no when he felt a spike in Spiritual Pressure close by, then Cross spoke up, pointing Veloz in a direction. Ignoring the unknown arrancar Veloz passes him by, his reiatsu flwoing more freely now to meet the other spikes challenge. As Veloz neared the otherside of the spire he found a door in the floor and could now tell the reiatsu was somewhere below. Tch.. we gotta go down here... guess we shoulda just made our own entrance below.. Veloz reached down with his clawed hand opening the door before jumping down into the area below, it was dark and almost held no light but Veloz could taste the spiking reaitsu and began heading towards it and a purplish glow in the corner of the 'room'

Veloz crept towards the glow, his foot talons clicking on the floor with every step. As Veloz neared the glow he saw a figure hunched over and began snarling, now allowing his reiatsu to flow freely the room lite up slightly. The spike in veloz's reiatsu catching the attention of the others above.

#59A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:11 am


Feeling veloz's reiatsu spike I run and jump down to the door and enter seeing veloz and the thing we were hunting I ask"is this what we were hunting?"

#60A new recruit.  - Page 6 Empty Re: A new recruit. Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:22 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Senshu stands with an immovable as two arrancar rush past im, headed by the hollow infront. In his head he scoffs at how simple these creatures are, chasing some underdeveloped arrancar just for a boring scuffle. They probably want to eat the thing to get stronger, how mondane. If they had some real strength to them they would go after more powerful meals. Yamaguchi stopped chasing such low level vermin long ago, even before he gained this new power. Another arrancar appears infront of him as the others go on their wild goose chase. He intoduces himself as wel as his allies. The man goes by the name of 'black jack'. Senshu remains silent for a bit, glaring at the arrancar in his eyes before moving his lips to let loose his gruff deep voice in a low tone.

"......I am Senshu Yamaguchi...."

The ghost of Las Noches doesn't speak another word as he walks past jack to plummet down to the cold white sands below. His desert cloak flaps in the wind as he falls until he finally lands, kneeling a bit as he does. Yamaguchi silently heads for the Las Noches castle.

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