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#1Broken Spire Empty Broken Spire Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:38 am


OOC: Open at your own risk. Even if you can't die I'm taking limbs off of you.


Zerel stepped through a garganta carrying the fifth squad Captain Hollis Edwards. He had his hand firmly gripping his haori and whatever other clothing laid beneath it. Once he stepped through the garganta the two of them would be hit by a chilly wind. The wind blew Zerel's hair and coat open while the moon reflected off of his dark shades. He decided to bring Hollis to the broken spire. It was originally the home of the previous Zero espada. No one knows who or what cut it diagonally, but a good portion of the tower was on the icy sand below. On the side that was cut off is painted a massive one and it initially rested next to the zero on the tower.

Looking out over the territory; the sky was dark and full of stars, the sand below iced over mimicking that of an ocean, the various hollows that adapted to the cold. It wasn't a mystery that no one ever came here because of the temperature. All of the hollows living in this area had thick fur on them, and a wintry appearance. Their endurance and stamina outmatching most hollows. This was an area Zerel cherished because of its isolation. But for now he had, had enough of the scenery. With a swift flick of the rest Zerel tossed Hollis to about the center of the roof. As he tossed him the five hollows latched onto Hollis bit down into him. When they did so hundred of babies entered his body seeking to gather information.

Zerel continued to look down at him while the garganta slowly closed behind his back. If he was a bit more awake now Zerel would clear his throat. "Welcome to Hueco Mundo Captain. I've brought you here to gather information. Two of your own have defected and have joined our ranks. I want to know if you know anything about this." Zerel stated calmly with a stoic expression on his face. The hollow around Hollis clamored onto him a bit more and dug their teeth into him. They weren't gonna let him go so easily. They were tasked with keeping him bound.

#2Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:51 pm


As hollis is carried into las noches, he still remains mostly sleepy until a sharp wind hits him in the face. He then becomes a bit more attentive and begins to survey his surroundings, as well as the things latched onto him. Just then, a horrible realization washes over the captain like a tidal wave of unadulterated truth as he realizes the unfortunate situation he is in.

~ My God.. By the looks of things this is hueco mundo, a cold lifeless place far from soul society. It could take me all night to escape from here...which means....I'm gonna miss dinner,the second most important meal of the day. right next to second dinner..Do they still call it second dinner? No, no i think it's called '4th meal' in the states now, oooh how the times have changed...damn, and today was chimichanga night~

Captain Edwards' soulless nonchalant eyes then shift over to the man carrying him as he raises a brow.

also..who in sam hill is this fellow? maybe i should kill him..or trade baseball cards..nah..he probably doesn't even have baseball cards...maybe i should see if he has baseball cards and then kill em?

Hollis is then thrown towards the center of a roof and the hollows attached to him launch hundreds of babies into his body.

"oooh, that tickles"

"Welcome to Hueco Mundo Captain. I've brought you here to gather information. Two of your own have defected and have joined our ranks. I want to know if you know anything about this."

As Zerel speaks, hollis does not change his facial expression which consists of a smirk and carefree yet cryptic eyes, and his own 'babies' begin to go to work as the hollows kin look for information.

"Is that it? you made me miss fourth meal just to ask me that? Lol, well duh i know about it. One of them was my uh, i guess you would call it a fraccion here in no mans land? Do you speak spanish by the way, iv'e noticed most everything involving you people has something spanish in it.oh, that is to say i didn't mean you people as in , 'you people', i'm black myself so it's not like im racist or..arrancar-ist or anything. those are the rules right?"

#3Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:04 pm


A figure walked through the desert of Hueco Mundo. It was none other than Takami Kawamaru, who had once been the 5th Division lieutenant. He was no longer a Shinigami. Takami had become an Arrancar. After a while of just walking about, Takami sensed a familiar Reiatsu. At first, he was confused. "What the...? That's the Reiatsu of my old captain... How did he get here? thought Takami. "I'll use some of my new powers." he thought. Takami began to Sonido toward the area where he felt the Reiatsu coming from. Even using Sonido, it took quite a while to get there. When he arrived, Takami saw another Arrancar bending over Hollis Edwards, his former captain. Using Sonido one more time, Takami appeared next to Hollis. Takami was clothed in the white Arrancar uniform. Covering one side of his face was the left half of a black octagon. At his side, Takami carried a broad sword in a sheath. Standing over him, Takami spoke. "Look who managed to get captured!" said Takami mockingly. "Well, former captain, do you still recognize me, or not?" he asked, turning his head a little so that Hollis could see the red number 11 tattooed on his cheek.

#4Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:46 pm


As hollis sits he suddenly senses a familiar rieatsu, but it is slightly diferent. It feels like the rieatsu of a shinigami he's known in the past though its consistency is completely like that of a hollow. After another second of thinking on it, it comes to him. The wielder of this strange rieatsu then makes himself present as he appears right next to hollis. It appears to be none other than his old subordinate Takami, in the form of an arrancar. Hollis spots the number 11 tattoo on the arrancars cheek. His normal expression and tone of voice doesn't change in the slightest.

"hmmmmm.. it's tatamo right? my old lieutenant? couldn't cut it as a shinigami so you died and went hollow eh? well this is...awkward......sooooooooooooooooooo, how's life on the other side kiddo? You still hanging with that lady friend of yours? heheh, you got lucky yet?"

Hollis says as he winks at the arrancar. He doesn't know if takami knows how well informed on hollis is on his betrayal but he doesn't really care. hollis' zanpakto seems to not be completely closed into it's sheathe though that sort of irrelevant even to anyone who notices.

#5Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:51 am


Zerel straightened his gloves, and fixed his glasses a little bit. He wasn't going to interfere with the reunion what so ever. Instead he walked over to a cabinet that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. In the cabinet there was a couple of syringes, and a pair of strange looking scissors. These particular scissors were saw toothed with rubber around the handles. There was exactly three holes on each blade and overall they were stained with blood. "I didn't think you would reveal much of I prepared." Zerel stated calmly and quietly while allowing them to talk. He didn't care if Hollis or Taka paid any attention to him. The scissors weren't for Hollis anyhow, Taka had just walked into an unfavorable situation.

Creeping up the sides of the broken spire more of Zerel's "fraccion" so to speak were sneaking up. They were already given instructions, in fact they had been searching for taka for a while. Looking over his shoulder Zerel eyed Taka's change. "So I see you've gone to great lengths to get that woman to accept you. Though as a fraccion you should've saved your self the trip. Begone." Zerel attempted to get Taka to leave. In all honesty this was probably the nicest he was planning on being tonight.

Now that he was done tinkering in the cabinet Zerel was finally read to deal with Hollis. He walked over to him as close he possibly could while still being safe. Without touching him, Zerel crouched down right next to his face. "So tell me the name of the current Captain Commander, we can start there." Zerel asked a simple question. Though he didn't expect to get an answers. The moment Hollis started to think about the Captain Commander, his hollows would retrieve the necessary information. Hollis wouldn't feel a thing going on inside of head. Zerel was just calmly staring right at Taka, despite having asked Hollis a question.

#6Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:45 pm


As Zerel speaks on being 'prepared' Hollis's 'children' complete their transmission into the invaders. The Captain watches as zerel calmly walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a curious looking pair of scissors. He begins to think about what the espada might do with them and as he does he gets more and more excited.

"oooh, i see where this is going. let's see are you gonna cut off a finger for each time i dont answer a question? oh oh! or maybe you'll slice up my skin whenever you hear something you don't like.."

Zerel then squats down and stares at hollis, not touching him in the slightest as he asks about the captain commander.

"aaaw, someones a bit bashful. don't worry, i won't bite...hard, lawlz, i joke i joke, i kid, i kid.."

Hollis then begins to think long and hard about who the captain commander is but as he draws a blank his mind wanders elsewhere.

~hmmmmm. captain that i think about it, i don't remember us having one. not since i joined anyway. there was that one guy i heard about, yamma something. yammaichi, yammayoto? toyoto? No, that's a car. damn cars have come a long way since i was alive. They even have google in the dashboards some of em. i bet the guy that made google was the same person who made the snuggy. holy halebot! That's just a reverse robe! dammit and i ordered like seventeen boxes of those things. what a waste of that one guys money...~

"uuh. i don't believe we have one good sir. There was this one guy, yamma something but he's not there anymore. hahahah, wow now that i think about it that sort of leaves us pretty vulnerable to say an invasion huh. sux for us huh"

Hollis says as he smiles at zerel his normal expression still unchanged. Truly he is a strange one. Really if anyone wanted to know what he was thinking, the most they would find is a big scattered pile of nonsensical foolishness.

#7Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:38 pm


Takami listened to Hollis's reply to what he had said. Listening, Takami thought "Well, he hasn't changed much in that he just babbles about random crap." Takami replied to what Hollis was saying. "First off, my name is 'Takami', not 'Tatamo.'" began Takami. "Secondly, I did perfectly fine as a Shinigami. I simply did what I must to gain more power." he continued. "Also, for your information, she is not my friend. I am her Fraccion. It is as simple as that." finished Takami. That was when he noticed that the other Arrancar was playing around in some little cabinet. Takami watched as he retrieved a pair of evil-looking scissors and a few syringes from the cabinet. The Arrancar made some comment about 'going to great lengths to be accepted' and then told Takami to leave. "Sheesh, dude. Take a frickin chill pill." said Takami. "I was just messing around with my former captain." he said. "But, fine. I'll leave." said Takami. "We wouldn't want you to poke me with your scissors now, would we?" said Takami as a parting shot. He then began to Sonido away until he was out of sight of anyone on the Broken Spire.

#8Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:51 am


Zerel fought an eye-twitch that he knew was coming, they didn't have one. Hollis's answer was presumably the same as spitting in Zerels face. His hollows didn't get any real information, so either Hollis was too good or he was doing something wrong. Either way Zerel usually found it to be in his best interest to believe what people told him. Then it came to him his next question, so they don't have a captain commander. Thats advantageous the other espada will want to know that. Though I think I'll hold on to it a bit longer, Senshu's been a bit reckless lately. Zerel thought over whilst pinching his chin softly.

Tilting his head slightly Zerel stared right back at Hollis, "Alright then I'd like to know the name of each captain in the gotei thirteen. Start with the first squad captain, then the second, then the third, then the fourth, then the sixth, then the seventh, then the eight, then the ninth, then the tenth, then the eleventh, then the twelth, then the thirteenth." Zerel asked of Hollis meticulously. He went over each number so that Hollis would think of them each for a split second when he mentioned the corresponding number. Zerel was positive that he had just given away the ability of his hollows, but he wanted to convey that it was hopeless to hide anything. After asking that question he stood up and took a step back as he felt Takami shift a little bit.

Zerel folded his arms, then he started to walk a bit. ]"Actually you being here is actually quite useful. He may feel a tad inclined to answer my questions truthfully. Maybe you should stay until the interrogation is complete." Zerel would simple suggest to Takami. Whether he stayed or not Zerel wouldn't do anything to chase him. He would deal with Takami in due time. Taking his large scissors Zerel would place them on the ground and act as though he was using them to brace himself up.

If Takami deicded to stay Zerel would immediately look in his direction. "So tell me previous shinigami what motivated you to become an arrancar? Also why the fixation to Cobalt did you know her in a past life?" Zerel would ask the questions slowly to reiterate their importance. He wanted the truth and since he didn't have hollows inside Takami he would have believe whatever he told him.

#9Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:50 am


As Zerel asks for the names of each and every individual captain at soul society, the babies inside of hollis begin to see the images of each captain as he names them. By now Hollis has figured out the ability of the hollow connected to him, especially as he hears the espada asking for the name of his comrades. The images appear for the babies but there is something askew. The bodies are dead on but the faces are replaced by what appears to be large smiley faces. Their names also appear to the babies but they too are strange. they appear one after the other just as zeral ask for them. Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Majin Buu, Cell, Frieza, raditz, bardock, chi-chi, bulma, master roshi, namcha and gogeta. As this happens, hollis continues to smile and stare at zerel. He then decides to answer the man's question.

"oooooh, now that is a question worth asking, a question that could get me in great trouble and you great reward. hm, tell ya what, let's make a game of it. Ill ask you a riddle and for each one you get right i'll reveal the name and rank of a captain. now, riddle number one.......what gets wetter as it dries...ohoho, tuff one aye? you might as well give up now, it's super hard so you'll probably never figure it out. "

Hollis says as he childishly squints his eyes and chuckles to himself.

#10Broken Spire Empty Re: Broken Spire Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:16 am


Takami was long gone. He didn't even hear what Zerel had to say.

(OOC: Had to leave sice this thread and Amaya's capture are at the same time.)

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