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Far from the endless deserts and domes of los notches lies a jungle filled with all manner of hollows resembling creature found in such a region. In the center of the jungle area directly on top of a nexus of energy sits two spires twisted together,in those towers teo arrencars call their home.,the arrencar are jack and veloz. They found the towers years ago when they were just adjutas class hollows.

Sitting in the"throne room" of the spire is an arrencar. The one known as black jack.

While sitting down on a throne I can feel a presence come closer to my home bellowing outNo need to hide come out and let me see you there my hand is on my zanpacts hilt just in case


Joel had arrived in Los Noches recently and had soon discovered a jungle region filled with many weaker Hollows. They would make excellent delicacies, thought Joel, his mouth open and drooling. He began to search around the jungle and was soon approached by two tall beams. These beams were strikingly large and impressive, leaving Joel filled with wonder. The beams were black with white stripes, and a certain energy was being emitted from them. Intrigued, Joel cautiously approached the gargantuan beams.

A voice could be heard not far off from the beams. The voice was calling Joel to move closer and reveal himself. Unsure about his surroundings and the one who was calling him, Joel thought best to stay hidden and silent under the shadows of the large trees. Joel could not see the monster, but an eery feeling crawled up his back nonetheless. He knew that this monster was powerful simply by the thunderous boom in which he spoke his words.


As i stark though the jungle looking for some prey to hunt later on. As usual i have my reiatsu under tight warps to the point that if i wanted to i could end any hollow here with out them knowing i was there till i landed the killing blow. Then i see the twisted spires. well now those must be the tower that veloz said about his home base. Now where did he say the throne room was for i dont sense veloz here but i do sense jack and the throne room is the most likely spot he at. Ah there it is. with that i jump/climb up the tower and swing though the window just as jack speaks and i just reply with. "i hope that was not aimed at me because if that so then i must be losing my edge."


In an area of Heuco Mundo that resembles a jungle was a large nexus of energy above which were two spires the intertwined with each other. These oddly formed spires were home too two arrancar, Jack 'Black' and Veloz Huelga. At this time Veloz was off in an area of the jungle hunting those who were foolish enough to near the towers. Soon he was to return but a sudden flux in the spiritual pressure of the area 'drew' him to return sooner. Thus the hunter returned to find the new prey that had stumbled up his home.

The Twisted Spire

Upon sensing two new intruders to his home the 6'2" white haired Espada, Veloz Huelga returned home to the Twisted Spire. The Trecera Espada was greeted by Jack's booming voice echo out "No need to hide come out and let me see you there", presumably to the two sources of reiatsu besides himself. Veloz shrugged Jacks booming voice off as it was not directed at him, thus Veloz took to the tree-tops approaching his home tree by tree. Veloz would appear soon after the other two presences made themselves known.

The two were in fact Marcus, Veloz' right hand man, and an unknown hollow. Who dares step foot upon my home? Veloz' snarling voice would call out as he'd appear at the base of the Twisted Spire. Soon after speaking out Veloz would leap up into the room of the Spires Jack was currently in.


"I suppose it is time to make myself known," said Joel as he crept out from behind the shadows and into the view of the three other beings. A cross in his hand began to tick back and forth just in case a preemptive attack were to be launched at him. He knew nothing of these three and was unsure of how dangerous they were. Still, precautions were important and Joel sure as hell was going to take all the possible ones he could.

These beings seemed fairly powerful and dangerous, but Joel was confident that he could protect himself fairly well. Plus, he had a sneak advantage amongst the shadows of the jungle.


Man the boss is borin'. Always doin' the same thing. Huntin'. Lurkin'. Chasin'. Blowin' crap up! He should go on vacation or something. Can't go stompin' 'round territory all day 'n night, can ya? Stalking, as usual, Piedra was off watching Veloz from a distance. Sure, that may seem creepy and strange to some, but Piedra had a lot of time on his hands and they didn't have televisions here like they did in the Human world. What else to do than to shadow around your higher ups and try and get some dirt on them? Not like they did anything worth gossiping. They were like wild animals with no dirty laundry. Didn't Veloz want to run off to some secret mistress or start plotting with some shinigami or start working on some secret weapon? What else was Piedra gonna do with his time if Veloz didn't do anything exciting?

Huh? A change of direction? Veloz looked a bit...Frazzled. Like someone poured salt in his cereal. Something was wrong and it upset Veloz noticeably? Oh. This had to be a big deal. Piedra always saw Veloz as the confident type. Then again, he was probably just running back to the tower like he tended to do. What's in there anyway? Thinking a moment, Piedra let Veloz run ahead before he would keep playing espionage.

"Heh. I think I'm gonna try it," Daring, cocky, full of his own confidence and wanting a little bit of entertainment on this far-too-ordinary-day, Piedra decided that he would enter the tower. Peidra was curious, but what was in the tower was only a small reason. He kinda wanted to see what Veloz's expression would be with Piedra just waltzing in there like he owned the place! Before, Piedra had always kept his distance and, when Veloz went in or around there, found something else to do somewhere else. There were abnormalities in the tower that even Piedra could feel and he was interested in what sort of party was going on inside. Maybe Jack and Veloz would finally fight. Piedra would pay his own arm to see something that awesome.

Sonido. Sonido. Sonido. Soni-Whoops- "Gah!" Tripping over something on purpose, Piedra crashed towards Marcus. It was a high speed crash too so it would likely hurt them both if Marcus didn't see it coming and dodge or stop Piedra. Piedra made a lot of noise too with his 'Uf' and his 'Gueh' as he rolled and spun from his far-too-fast-fall.


As i wait for a reply to my remark i feel and hear veloz before he jumps into the room and since i have such good control over my reiatsu my sensing range is larger then most others i sense the percence of another arrencar trailing veloz i then say. "hmmm it seems you got a trailer behind you veloz." i then hear the buzz of sonido as this arrencar comes up behind me bad move. I simply side step as he trips then i just direct him into a cold hard unforgiving wall. As i look at the arrencar my eyes seem to be saying 'and who the hell are you?'

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