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#1[Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Empty [Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:52 am


It was rare for Millis to visit the human world for anything more than to find a new toy. but this time was different, this time he had a more concrete reason for heading to that sickening dump of a realm. He wanted, no he needed to see one of his fellow Espada. After Graven's little posturing party, Thor was on Millis' radar, he seemed like he could be fun, provided he was given the correct ... encouragement.

The Garganta split the sky as Millis now stood in the air high above one of human cities, he saw no point in remembering the names, they were nothing more than hives where pathetic creatures crawled over each other. Sensing Thor's energy Millis made his way in that direction and found him on the roof of some concrete box, doing something pointless no doubt. Landing on the roof he called out to Thor, "Hey buddy, fancy seeing you around here."

#2[Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Empty Re: [Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:18 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The Tercera Espada was looking over humanity ontop of a building. His gaze shifting from side to side as he looked down on them. Regardless of what others thought of humans, the Arrancar had a soft spot towards them. Not because he was also a human back in another life but because he found them to be curious, and most importantly because the man admired all forms of life, whatever it may be. These were aspects that other Arrancars would never understand, even if they truly wanted to. They couldn't even comprehend the true gravity of it.

"Well, well, well...isn't it Visi?" Smirking, the Arrancar would turn his back as he would go onto greeting the newly arrived fraccion. "What brings you to the United States of America, lad? Especially Houston? Don't tell me it's the weather because the weather here reminds me of Hueco Mundo, excluding the damn sand and shite, of course." Scoffing, Thor would focus his attention back to the humans as he would observe them going about their daily lives. "Interesting creaturs, arent they?"

#3[Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Empty Re: [Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:30 pm


Interesting was one way to describe human, but Millis preferred pathetic, useless, hopeless and disgusting. He felt they more accurately described the writhing mass of souls born from this world. Turning his ever smiling face towards The Tercera Millis' wet his lips, "interesting is not what I'd call them, but I wouldn't waste my time in dump like this world for something as boring as a few humans." Millis paused to laugh softly before continuing, "I thought I'd come and see to you." His ever present smile twisting into a more threatening visage.

"These humans build their cities on some vague dream that their lives may actually be worth something." Throwing his head back and letting out a deep laugh he leans over the top of the roof. "It would be so easy just wipe out a city or two, maybe take it further, stain the whole world red and see what happens." Stopping his laughing Millis Shot Thor a look with what could only be described as murderous intent.

"But that's for another day. I'm MUCH more interested in you right now."

#4[Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Empty Re: [Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:27 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The Tercera Espada wasn't interested in the Segundas diatribe against humanity nor was he surprised by the views the man held. Frankly, while he expected such a response from the man he just wanted to test the waters just to make sure. Either way, a younger, naive man would try to change or dissuade Millis from the perceptive he held, but, the Arrancar was honestly too tired to even attempt such. He had tried many, many instances over the past years to change the views that Arrancars held against humans, but to no avail. It was nothing but a waste of time and effort. It was just best to let individuals hold on to their views, regardless of how wrong or biases they may seem to be.

Thor would raise a single eyebrow as he would return his attention back to Millis after hearing him wanting to stain the whole world red. "You know...I honestly was in the impression that you were just eccentric and a bit different considering the little stunt you tried to pull back in the meeting room a few days ago. that I'm standing in front of you, face-to-face, I see you for who you really are." Looking at the man directly in the eye, the Arrancar would continue, "a cold, sadistic, psychopath who is only interested in his own amusement." The Arrancar would pause for a few seconds, his gaze still fixed on the man, before ending the silence with a scoff. "You're one of those types that probably loves to be abhorred, don't you?" A smirk would appear on Thor's face as he would lean back. "Been a while since we had someone like you in the Espada."

"Interested in me?" The smirk would transform itself into a lopsided grin as Thor would speak, "sorry, fella. I don't swing that way."

#5[Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Empty Re: [Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:26 am


"Oh so cold, After that little tounge lashing I'm not sure I'm interested in you anymore." Millis said the his most fake 'hurt' voice while retaining his murderous smile. "In fact, I have half a mind to make an example of you." Millis raised a hand with and a pale green sphere on energy formed around his hand, someone of Thor's stature would recognize a Gran Ray for what it was. "hmmmm, Maybe I should just let this loose, I mean you have been so very rude to me. Wouldn't I be justified, revenge for a slight against my honor?" Millis smiled as he held his had up for a few more seconds before quelling the cero. "But then again that would be me acting like one of your 'interesting' creatures."

Millis' smile returned to it's usual mocking sneer as he turned his back to Thor and peered over the edge at the city below "Oh you were right. I do love to be hated, but not by the humans crawling around down there, it's everything. This whole world, all creature both alive and dead," He flashed Thor a smile, "Humans, Soul reapers and Arrancar, I truly hate them all. But none more than you. The Hollow who pretends to be human, who clings to this pathetic world and those that in habit it." Millis Turned to Thor one more and with that same sickening smile on his lips, He fired a Cero off into the heart of the city.

#6[Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Empty Re: [Private] An Unwelcome Visitor Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:49 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The man was hurt by the arrancar's words, or so he said. Of course, like everything else this was yet another fake little act conjured up in an attempt to convey that he actually cared or is offended by the Tercera's word when, in reality, he most likely felt neither. Be that as it may, the man would proceed to point a finger at Thor in an attempt of wanting to fire a Gran Ray cero at him. The arrancar would not waver, in his posture nor in his expression, as he would speak, "you do what you gotta do, lad." Straight forward and to the point, respectable if blunt. Thor was not intimated by the Espada nor his actions in any sort of manner. Truth be told, he was actually curious to know what the Espada's next action would be. Would he go onto fire the cero?

Stating how he had no intention of wanting to act like a human, Millis would not fire the cero at the arrancar. No surprise there. Instead, the Espada would let out a small monologue confirming Thor's observations on him while revealing how he hated the Tercera more than anyone else. How flattering. However, what came next was even surprising to the arrancar as the man would fire a cero aimed at the busy city. Instantly, smashing his fists together, Thor would hurl a large chunk of stone from a nearby building to intercept the cero. The stone would collide with the cero resulting in a huge blast. Essentially, rather than getting hit by a powered up cero, the residents would find themselves getting hit by some debre. "Tch...tch...tch...aren't you full of surprises?" The arrancar would utter taking a few steps towards the espada.  "A lesser man would kill you for threatening them, but luckily for you I'm quite reasonable. Food for thought." Grinning from ear to ear, Thor would quote Millis, repeating the exact same sentence that he used on the Tercera in the meeting room. How the tables have turned.

"I don't fight fellow arrancars. Call it code of conduct or whatever. But nothing good ever comes out in us fighting with each other." The arrancar would utter in a low tone as his gaze would shift to the horizon while his hands were inside his pockets. "Of course, not everyone feels that way." Side-eying the Espada, Thor continued, "what is it did you truly come here for, Millis? Is it to settle an old or new score? Or is it something else entirely?" Looking at the Espada the arrancar would ask in an inquisitive tone. "Anyways...l propose we put our differences aside and move forward." Raising his right hand, the arrancar would go for a handshake.

Why have enemies when you can have friends?

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