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#11Broken Spire - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Spire Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:06 am


Zerel pinched his chin and turned quickly to stare at Hollis. He didn't fins his little joke nor his game to be amusing. He was toying with Zerels hollows and his patience. Zerel lifted his scissors and headed towards Hollis figuring that pain was needed. Placing both hands on each end of the saw scissors Zerel fashioned it over Hollis's leg. Slowly he squeezed so it would clamp down on his leg. "Whats pink, fleshy, dead and full of information?" Zerel retorted with a question of his own. Though it wasn't a question Hollis had succeeded in irritating Zerel. Once the scissors were firmly squeezing into his left leg Zerel was stand up and put his foot on the handle.

"Now tell me the name of the first squad captain." Zerel demanded in a straight forward and basic tone. He wasn't particularly sounding angry or yelling, he just wanted the truth for once. He wasn't gonna have any of Hollis's game this time around. If he gave anything but a succinct answer Zerel would step on the handle causing the scissors to crush and serrate everything but the bone. It would be a nice jagged cut all the way around leaving everything but the bone to be cut. Though he didn't step on it hard enough to crush the bone he would do so soon.

#12Broken Spire - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Spire Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:31 am


As soon as hollis sees zerel raise his scissors and bring them near his leg he screams in agony.


Hollis opens his eyes and looks down at his leg to see the scissors have not even touched him.

"Oh well now i feel silly"

Zerel then decides to ask a sort of riddle himself as he clamps the scissors into his leg.he then continues by asking the name of one of the captains.

"ssssssssss, ooooooooooooh, now that's the, mm, mm. now, the name of the first division captain..hmmmm, lemme think...oh yeah, i remember now! It's george bush. yep, good old bush. nice guy, not too bright though.."

Hollis continues to smile as he looks into zerels eyes with his own lifeless ones.

#13Broken Spire - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Spire Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:53 am


Snap, Zerel stepped down on the handle of the razor saw scissors. With the added pressure the blades would revolve and chew threw the bone. Zerel would stare down lifelessly at the leg before picking up his scissors. For a moment he just wanted to be rid of this hollow but he knew better. The death of the captain would surely ignite the flames of war sooner. Acting quickly Zerel held his hands out and Hollis's leg was covered in light. He would still feel the pain and his leg would be separated but it wasn't going to get infected. The lower portion of his leg and the separated half were being protected by negacion.

With that finished Zerel placed the scissors over Hollis's next leg. Afterwhich he reached down and grabbed Hollis by the neck. "Don't think that your life isn't in jeopardy captain. I'm tactician but getting rid of you easy as well. Now tell me what I want to know, the names of each captain in soul society. I don't know them well so you'd do well in assisting me." Zerel spoke coldly and firmly to his face. Hollis could probably see his own reflection in Zerel's glasses. Though he was close to Hollis Zerel was a very careful individual. He knew mammals like to spit where appropriate so he was prepared to create a fullbody negacion around himself. Nothing of Hollis would touch him or land on him, thats just how careful he was being. Some would call it paranoid others would be admire his thought process.

Zerel would continue to squeeze down on Hollis's neck with one hand, and his scissors with the other hand if he got no answers. As he was getting more flustered the hollows throughout his land began to act. They responded to his emotions and cowered in fear. Others were quickly rushing towards the broken spire. One in particular was carefully watching from the sidelines. A massive monkey or orangutan monkey was peeking over the side. He was jet white in appearance like a hollow, with brown grooves on his face. The grooves were intricately woven to make up a monkey face, furry looking and all. This particular monkey arrancar had a portion of its mask broken. Actually the top left portion where its eyebrows once stood was all crushed in. There was nothing but darkness inside the hole. Oddly enough this wasn't his hollow whole either. That was located at the end of his scaled bony tail, giving his tail a pretty odd flat shaped appearance at the end.

Zerel looked over his shoulder in the direction of the monkey then he looked back to Hollis. A soft simply sigh escaped from his mouth, as he was probably suffocating the captain by now. Though he wouldn't ease up on his grip one bit. Zerel shuffled a bit to stand up accidentally causing his scissors to crack into the bone on Hollis's opposite leg. "Oops" was all Zerel would offer once he finally stood up with Hollis by the neck. "So you ready to talk yet?" Zerel would ask if Hollis wasn't already in a cooperating mood.

Reference pic for the monkey arrancar

#14Broken Spire - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Spire Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:42 pm


As zerel steps down onto the scissors, hollis continues to smile.

"mmmmmm, You know, you shouldn't start off using so much force son. it rattles the victim up, makes him unable to feel what's about to happen next.."

Just as hollis says his last word, a snap is heard and holli's leg is seperated from his body. however instead of screaming in pain he just pauses for a second and continues speaking.

"see, now what you should do is divide this eyeball of mine into six pieces, that'd learn me.. "

An indistinguishable sound begins to fade in from the far distance as Zerel appears to cover hollis' thigh and severed calf in a negacion. As zerel places the scissors over hollis' other leg, and feels himself squeezing hollis' neck, the captain just stares in silence for once as the arrancar speaks. after zerel is done talking, hollis begins speaking himself. The dust on the ground moves a bit as if something had swept against it. The faint sound begins to grow louder

An American Psycho

"am i ready to talk? Well now, i suppose i am...ya know what i really like to talk about? music. Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where, uh, Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums."

The sound from before grows loud enough to where it is surrounding the entire room. It turns out to be the song sususudio by phil collins.

"As Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Take the lyrics to "Land of Confusion". In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. "In Too Deep" is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as, uh, anything I've heard in rock. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like "In the Air Tonight" and, uh, "Against All Odds". But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is "Sussudio", a great, great song, a personal favorite...Hey pal."

Hollis snaps his fingers

"are ya listening?"

As soon as hollis snaps his fingers, he can be seen leaning against the handle of his zanpakto which is stabbed into the skull of one of the leech hollow. the other appears to be on the ground with a bit of liquid dripping from its skull as if concentrated rieatsu had destroyed it from the inside out. Hollis' leg appears to still be severed but it is a clean fresh cut, not a messy one like what would have been the case if the scissors stabbed through him. Zerel himself appears to be stabbed by six spears of light and eight black holes surrounding him with a ninth manifested in his chest. The walls within the room appear to be swirling with colors similar to a rainbow. Everything outside of the room would simply see a blank space. It would appear that the tides have turned a bit. Normally, in order for someone to cast two high level bakudo and a barrier kido while standing right in front of the enemy, that enemy would have to be extremely distracted. Because of the captains ability however, he was able to set everything up when he was first captured, it was only a matter of manipulation. He killed the hollow long ago by forcing his rieatsu through their skulls and allowed zerel to believe he was still in control by making the hollow take his place and appear as him by connecting his zanpakto with it. He also ensnared the arrancar in his kido right after cutting off his own leg, although he was in no hurry since his own 'babies' had taken affect the moment he entered the captains quarters.

"Now, what was that first question you asked me, oh yes! the names of all the captains. well lets see, first division: vaccant, second division: amaya nanashi, third division: vaccant, fourth division: cat, sixth division: byakuya kutchiki, seventh division: kieran mugurama, eighth division: kuroi yoi, ninth division: zoran zazarvitch, tenth division: tazuma koshi, twelth division: vaccant, thirteenth division: akira nakurama, and my name is Hollis Edwards, the captain of the fifth division, but you can call me daddy.."

As the music continues to play, a few black tentacles shoot out of hollis' zan and stick into his leg forming a sort of replacement that resembles the muscle inside of a normal one but black. He then awkwardly dances up to zerel and whispers.

"Because i'm about to touch you like the son i never had..."

He then claps his hands

"Now!let me see those pretty little eyes of yours..."

Hollis then takes off the mans glasses and gently places them on the ground. He then takes a small scalpel out of his captains haori and moves it up to his iris.

"There so beautiful, i'd like to see what they're made of.."

Hollis would move his hand to begin to slowly slice the skin off of the whites of zerels right eye while holding the eyelid open with his opposite hand, still gripping his zanpakto. He starts from the left side of the eye and would move in a circular motion along the rim of the eyelid to the right. He would be very careful not not poke past the first layer of 'skin'. The shinigami continues to smirk, his expression almost giddy. It is almost like he's skinning an onion.

#15Broken Spire - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Spire Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:44 pm


Zerel continues to stare at Hollis wondering what he's talking about. Though he's forced to listen through all of it, hoping it would be somewhat useful. As he listens he could think how informational this man is on the outside world. Shinigami were supposed to have limited times in the human world, yet this one knew a lot. Zerel's own train of thought is broken when Hollis snaps his fingers. Unlike most he doesn't begin to panic or look around in terror. The first thing he thought was how smooth this individual is. Unlike Senshu this guy was just calm and serene, what it would be like if he were an espada.

"How interesting you turned the tides at some point. You even went as far as losing a leg to set this all up. Just then he feels that his fraccion had been destroyed. His poor magnificent worms had endured a lot but for them to die now was unexpected. Zerel averts his gaze to the hollows and sighs. "You know those guys don't really like to die from zanpakuto's. When you cut them once they just like to divide and conquer." Zerel warned Hollis of his own actions and how they were somewhat flawed. From the cuts in their bodies they would simply emerge and attempt to do the same thing they were ordered to do. Destroying them wasn't a simple feat, they needed to be destroyed entirely. Cuts would only increase their numbers, reiatsu didn't seem to affect them.

Zerel remained still when his glasses were removed. They revealed a pair of furry white eyebrows, hazle green eyes and fragments of his mask laying over the corners of his eyes. Zerel would look down at the scalpel and smirk. "You truly are a strange one Captain." He would speak softly before stepping back. When he stepped back his body would be perfectly outlined with a negacion. It was like he literally just stepped out of the six rods of piercing light, and away from the emanating black holes.

"Just the names will be enough I'll open up a garganta to your home. Unless you are feeling more informational?" Zerel would ask with a sideways grin on his face. After his grin Zerel would literally reach at the air and pull it apart. "Garganta, don't get lost in the dangai now." Zerel would say in a bit of persnickety manner. He would stop and stand next to it waiting for Hollis to hobble on home.

#16Broken Spire - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Spire Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:14 am



Hollis watches as zerel casually steps away from the two kido. He then notices a thin layer of energy emenating from his body. The captain walks up to the arrancar and curiosly pokes at his chest a few times as he tilts his head. He then steps back a bit and rolls his eyes before flailing his hands up limply into the air.

"negacion huh. gaaaaaw well you're no fun.."

Hollis then turns around and takes out an apple from the inside of his cloak. He takes a bite out of the ruby red fruit before continuing to speak.

"Meh, just be sure to use that information wisely, you don't do something that ends up having nothing to do with the plot at the end, thats how you piss off the viewers.."

Hollis swallows the mushed up piece of apple in his mouth and starts to walk towards the garaganta that zerel opens up.

"Oh well, hmhmhm, maybe i will make a quick stop in the dangai"

Hollis then hobbles over to the portal as the temporary tentacle leg disipitates and he sheathes his zanpakto mostly.

"ovoi, glasses man. see you on the home front..."

Hollis steps into the garaganta and disappears.

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