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(Cool ash. Its your thread,he was sick last,time I spoke to him. I,hope he didn't leave myself)


Sorry to double post but are we going to continue or should I lock and archieve this thread?


Ooc: well i sent a pm to cross pm hopefully he will post when he can so yer we can continue i dont want this to die i want this to keep on Going till it finish.


Upon arriving in the park Masaru could notice that Kieran's face was further coated by a forming mask, although his reiatsu didn't feel like the hollowfication had even started. It must be the help of his zanpakuto.. Howaitobīchi(Masa's zan) would whisper into his mind. Facing Tazuma and Kieran now, Masaru would speak up, Alright, I guess we can do things here... though I'm not sure what to do about sealing... As Masaru would speak this his inner hollow, Aisutaigā, would speak to him. I want to play with this one Masaru... was all he would hear before Aisutaiga quieted.


I say as a answer to what masaru said. "well i would help but seeing as i am in this state i dont know what will happen if i do try to use any kidou. So sorry about that taz may have to do it or someone or something else will have too. Wait what this undertone i am hearing in my voice?" for as i talked there started to be a hollowish tone mixed with the rumbling of thunder under my voice as a under tone and counter point. I look around and notice that this park is the perfect place for this it far enough away from homes that people live in and it like masaru said it dead no people walking around at this time of night. There is also a few trees spaced about. I think to myself will this is a nice place it a petty that it will most likely be scared from what happens here.


Lucky for us I am good at barriers and seal so I think if masa places a barrier then I will place three barriers atop of the first that,should seal properly I say to masa and kieran noticing now his face is starting to be covered in the mask now. Then,hearing the hollow in,his voiceWhat you hearing in your voice is the hollow kieran no need to worry. Your in good handsi,say,to calm kieran down


(OOC Sorry i was absent for a long time >,, Health issues and stuff. Too much to go into >,< But i am back. I'm just going to start over and make Shou re enter.)
Shou Flinched. The Reiatsu Coming from the park nearby was makign his bones shake. He wasn't scared. He was the exact opposite of that, Mostly anxious. After the battle with Tazuma, he was ready for another one to help a fellow vizard out. He reached into this back pocket, Grabbing a wrapped hard candy. Popping it into his mouth, blue bursts of reiatsu pushed his real form forwards as his gigai falls back. Landing on hsi knees, Shou turns around, Looking over his gigai. "Move.. Go back to the art studio.." The gigai saluted him, before taking off in the other direction. Rolling his shoulders, Shou smirked, taking on step before shunpoing ontop of a building. "finally, some more action!" The voice could be heard for a good distance. The excitement in his voice was more dominant than the shakiness.


My head ones when taz explanes the reason behind the under tone then it snaps around to the direction the voice had come from i then say. "now who can this be?" i then take a breath of air to fill my lungs and then call out the thunder undertone becoming more noticeable. "show yourself and state your name and business." now that i can focus a bit i know that he can hear and see up but my sensing is not all that good at the moment due to the state i am in. So that all i can tell at the moment.


(hay has this been forgetten or something? Tazuma, veloz and cross can you all start to post in here? I want to rp this though.)


"try to relax yourself kieran. If you get angry or anything the hollowfication will speed up trust me. " I say to kieran hearing his voice. I then turn to masa"are you ready to start this masa? I don't think this can wait much longer."

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