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Even in Hell there were realms untouched by the stygian wickedness which poisoned the world. Places where beauty was unmistakable; beyond the scariest, most horrifying realms of torment, beyond veils of dead souls and forgotten spirits, and even deeper past all those wretched realms of penance, was the core of Hell - a place where the world was no longer the same, the sole exception of that realm. It was a palace fit for Lucifer himself even; a gigantic, white ivory palace, with a mix of both south eastern and european styles. like a massive monumental beauty of indian origin merged flawlessly with a tremendous western european castle, forming the most gorgeous fortification the eyes had ever laid upon... onyx gemstones decorated it's walls and sculptures, and there was no shortage of awe-striking sights here. Gigantic petrified white trees surrounded it in a massive stone garden, whilst the sky above was a chaotic mass of primordial stars crashing and exploding in utter cosmic chaos, like the birth of a thousand galaxies all at once; it was a peek through time, perhaps, as if one could stare into the birth of the universe itself. And all around was the most beautifully shaped world of white marble stone, natural, organic, and serene, flawless in it's still and unmoving beauty... and at the top of it all, at the peak of that great place, was the palace.

Within, it was a place of fierce and powerful Magick, of only the Darkest kind. Supposedly this had been the seat of the Dark Lords for centuries... why, before Divus, even the kings of Hell itself had not dared set foot here, for there was a great mystery hidden inside the core of the palace which made it a living being, and a creature of terrible evil, shapeshifting and rebuilding itself every century to the wishes and desires of it's Dark master. It was here, in that great throne room, that Divus himself sat... he was upon a great white throne, with a black cushion on the seat and where his back was to be placed upon it, offering only the finest of comforts for it's chosen Dark Lord. The throne was even taller than Divus himself, several times taller, with many long and sharp horns rising from it's back... the room seemed to have been formed naturally somehow, cavernous and smoothly shapen as if it were a giant, hallway-like cave, and stalagmites of white ivory adorned the ceiling and the sides of the walls.

A row of 18 great torches lead up to the throne from the hallway door, each one blazing with dark purple flame. 23 smaller torches, resembling candle stands, were placed around the throne itself in a broad circle, and around it there was a black painting upon the floor of a serpent eating it's own tail, whilst a black triangle enclosed the throne, going beyond the circle the self-devouring snake had formed, and at each tip of the triangle was an indecipherable glyph meaning something that felt as though it had to do with a sense of power, balance, and spirituality. He sat lazily, leaning on one side and groaning lazily, before motioning to his right. A hooded figure spawned from a mist of black smoke as Divus whispered into it's ear. "Fetch Yua for me..." He commanded. And with that, the hooded figure vanished again, seeking to retrieve the Quincy for the Dark Master.


Yua stared up at the tall ceilings of the hall. After being brought from the Human World to this world she was left alone. The hooded figures had led her to the palace then simply left her there. It was if they expected her to act as a statue and not move. Of course, Yua found herself wandering away from the spot they left her. She kept her head low, staring at the floor as she walked through the halls. Her hands still clutched the golden Quincy Cross tightly in her palms. Eventually she reached a cross roads in the halls. There were four different ways she go, including the way she came.

Before she could decide which way to travel, a hooded figure appeared like a shadow behind her. It ushered her toward a hall on the left. Yua chewed on her lower lip. She began to walk slowly down the hall, however, she eventually turned and raised her hand. Himotengai strings busted out from around her and wrapped around the hooded figure. The strings constricted and cut the figure into many slices. However, seconds later the hooded figure reformed, and Yua cursed softly. Hanging her head down in defeat she followed the hooded figure to the throne room. As she walked, she continued to chew on her lip. She bit down hard enough to draw blood. A trickle of blood ran down her chip as she looked up the Demonic Man sitting jadedly in his chair.

"What do you want." Her voice was stiff as she spoke, and her shoulders tensed. Both of her eyes eyed the ground, avoiding eye contact with the man at all costs.



With a wave of his cruel fist, he gestured for Yua to come closer. He didn't ask. He had just expected it of her, and disappointment meant death. "As I recall, you owe me something." Divus spoke, pushing his arms against the claw-like armrests of his white throne and rising with much of his intimidating, gorgeous physique exposed. That handsome face of his only added to the confusing image of attraction and danger. "I believe it is time for that debt to at least begin being repaid." He said as he took a few lazy steps forward, his mind somewhat dulled by the blood red alcohol he'd been sipping, a full glass bat-shaped chalice in his right hand.

He dropped it, shattering it upon the ground. In his left hand, the familiar fire of that wicked Demon Magick glowed brightly in dark purple form. He then attempted to seize her right arm with it; if successful, he would perform his necrotic arts upon it, morphing it and corrupting the limb with demonic energy.

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