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#91Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sun May 27, 2012 9:14 pm


Annamaria moved from the battle growling as her mask shattered as she truely got back control from isanne, panting. She saw joshua "J-Joshua.."She whispered getting up from the ground. Annamaria felt drained from her hollow taking control for the first time since she was reborn. She Sondio infront of hidane holding her hands out "bakudo...89: Danku" she whispered as a large wall of energy shot up blocking any force up to bakudo 89. She tok her left hand opening a portal to the valley of the screams " need to leave now...I will be fine...I wont have you die here."She commented hating this choice as she formed one of her gold ceros firing it start at joshua tryig to send him in the portal as if he went in the portal would close behind him and the world "Until we meet again Joshua...goodbye..." the sound sounded like a whisper in the wind around him.

Annamaria had a smiled on her face "maybe this time was my turn to save you."She whispered before she turned back to hollowed hidane watching him closely panting

#92Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sun May 27, 2012 9:58 pm


Salvaj Raged. He pointed his blade tip at the girl and boy, Slolwy charging his cero. "You get infront of me when i am on the hunt!? You are mine little girl!" eh slashed at teh barrier, getting frustrated from it not bursting. He watched her open up the portal behind her as he yelled; "You will not escape this easily!" eh said, pointing the tip of the blade onto the barrier firing the cero point blank at the barrier.

#93Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sun May 27, 2012 10:06 pm


Hikaru had little time to react as Annamarie appeared before him and slahed down on his shoulder. The cero, however, with the help of the wolf hollow who realized that Hikaru was in trouble, was barly avoided, still hitting him in the right shoulder, making the injury worse. He begain to get mad at Annammarie who only moved away from him to go and help Joshua. This made him more angry untill she thew Joshua thru the portal back tot he family. Hikaru then manuvered the hollow wolf to where he was behind and to the right of him. Knowing what he was doing Hikaru felt best to try to help him out. Holding the staff of his scythe in his left hand now he pointed it also at the barrier. He charged his Ruby Lighting and also shot it at the barrier.

Technique Name:Ruby Lighting

#94Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sun May 27, 2012 10:21 pm


The next few seconds were a blur for Joshua. Annamarie gained control of herself but instead of getting away she helped him, protecting him with a barrier before shooting him with her cero, which hurt in more then one way, and forcing him through a portal to the valley of screams, which then closed. Stuck in the dakangai, he took a few seconds to consider his options, though the only one he could do right now was retreat. He knew he stood no chance against all three of his adversaries. Picking himself off the ground he slowly made his way back to the valley of screams. Once he was safely back in the Family's HQ he collapsed from his wounds

#95Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Mon May 28, 2012 9:03 am


"And you are probrably right." Said Annamaria to the hollowfied Hidane as with the last cero her barrier had shattered and sent her flying back hard through a tree. She rolled soon ending up on her left side wih her back towards him and hikaru, just laying there as her hair covered her face adn her slightly beaten up body "Atleast, Joshua is safe.."She whispered coughing some as she attempted to get back up only to fall back down, why to weak to even move a muscle.

#96Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Mon May 28, 2012 12:34 pm


Hikaru held back his attack as he saw that Annamarie was already to weak to continue fighting. He came out of Shikai and put his sword back in its sheath. "Hidane, the battle is over. Lets gather Annamarie and get going. Both she and I need to heal before we do anything else, don't you think?" he commented.

#97Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Mon May 28, 2012 4:47 pm


(what am I chopped liver? Lol)

Kieran POV

For some reason I was frozen in place and all I could do was watch what happens. Then I can move again and I wonder why that happen then I open a portal for Anna and the other one and I say. "Anna go now I can handle this situation you just worry about getting back to your sis. It also open to any one that wants to be their own masters." Then I wordlessly release my zan as I draw it the blade turns into two thin rods that look like anything can cut and the crystal grows into a tennis ball size that has lightning in it.

Then I shunpo step in front of Hidane and slash from my left shoulder to my right hip even if it blocked I follow up with a scything kick aimed to sweep his legs out from under him then I swing a fast open palm strike as the last attack in that combo.

Marcus POV

After watching the fight break out and enjoying it. Then for just for the hell of it I decide to kill the wolf hollow for I just remember that I hate any wolf/dog all they are good for is killing and used to beat the living daylight out of some one.

With that I sonido over into the air with my reiatsu total sealed so that no one can feel it. Then it burst out as I fire a stream of Balas at the wolf and it rider about 30 of them. I then start to charge my tri tiger cero.

#98Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Tue May 29, 2012 1:39 am


Hidane grabbed his mask, pulling it off of him as he watched the shinigami come up to him,. Hidane, quickly brought up his blade to block it, but missed the other two attacks, now rolling he leaned up Holding up his blade yelling; "KUROIHENKAN~"The white line along Kurosenkou's cutting edge is covered in a 1-inch thick edge of black Reiatsu. Hidane pulls the blade back and swings. This line of black energy flies off of the blade, acting as a heat-seeking missile towards the arran, specified by mental targeting by Hidane. If the blast misses once, it will turn and fly toward the target again. If it misses a second time, it will return to the blade, harmlessly. Hidane can then release the blast again without re-preparing the attack, though he must add an additional Level 20 Kido's worth to re-launch the attack at full power, and can repeat this until it hits. The damage done by the blast is equal to that of the cost.

He stood up, holding his blade out as he stabs himself. "I've had enough..Bankai.,hirogeru anata no tsubasa.. His form is covered in black reiatsu as it explodes revealing his new form.When he releases his Bankai, Hidane's basic black Shinigami robe's colors invert, the robe becoming white with black trimming (and the 9th Division coat becoming black, should he be wearing it). The glove on his right hand disappears as well as his sandals and socks. The back of his robe rips open due to the formation of four 6.5-foot-long black, angelic wings. Past these wings floats a large, smooth white ring of metal with a Japanese inscription around it in black that translates to "The blades of the death god end all in their paths." The rings contains an extremely long chain {no notable end; there seems to be enough for Hidane to use for anything he intends to do with it} that connects to both of the weapons involved in Hidane's Bankai, Kuromitsukai. Releasing his Bankai also forms a visor that he can move over his eyes when using his Gesshoku ability to see into the dark.

The right blade of Hidane's Bankai does not change from the blade in Shikai form with the exception of its connection to the chain. It resembles an unusually long, straight-bladed katana. It's blade is pure black with a thin white line along its cutting blade, and extends 4 feet from the guard to the tip of the blade. The blade seems to 'stutter' in appearance, as the blade is constantly in a very rapid vibration-like movement. The guard of the sword is black with white rimming. The shape of the guard resembles a four-bladed ninja throwing star, though it is flat and about an inch thick. The hilt is white and wrapped in black cloth with a white end-piece, connected to a large chain leading into the ring on floating about his back.

Kuromitsukai's right blade resembles an Indian Talwar blade with a katana's hilt and guard. About two inches from the edge of the sword's blade, the metal forms into the form of a small halberd blade.The metal is adorned with a 1-cm deep white edge. The guard of the weapon is black with white rimming. The shape of the guard resembles a four-bladed ninja throwing star, though it is flat and about an inch thick. The hilt is white and wrapped in black cloth with a white end-piece, connected to a large chain leading into the ring on floating about his back.

His body vibrates continously as he Sonido's towards the Arrancar, Slashing downwards across it's shoulder,. He then would point his Blades tip at the shinigami."TSUKIKOUMYAKU "Hidane forms masses of black Reiatsu on the blades of his Bankai. These masses of Reiatsu may be released in several ways, the most common of these being that he swings the blades, releasing them in large streaks that follow a slightly curved path toward a selected target. The longer these 'streaks' of Reiatsu stay airborne, the longer and thicker they grow. They explode on contact with any material. He can also charge the Reiatsu to the tip of the blades and shoot them off as beams. These masses of Reiatsu can be generated/regenerated as long as there is not one already on the blade, and it takes about three seconds to charge each mass. They can easily blast holes in enemies of even rank to Hidane or lower, though they don't do as serious of damage to higher-rank enemies in streak-form. Hidane tends to use the beam-form of this ability in conjunction with Gesshoku, shooting the beams through the already lightless dome at his enemies.

This technique causes massive, severe damage to anyone ranked below Hidane, incinerating portions of bodies and tearing apart flesh with ease. Against opponents of equal rank, the attack still does significant damage, but cannot fully blow right through bodies. The damage caused can still be easily fatal, though. Against opponents one rank higher than Hidane, the attacks from this technique do moderate damage, but a single strike from the technique would not be enough to kill an opponent. Against opponents two ranks above Hidane or more, the damage caused is nearly insignificant.

#99Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Tue May 29, 2012 10:20 am


Hikaru had paid no mind to Marcus untill he realized that there were balas heading his way. He realized that he and Kai were in trouble. He and Kai worked quickly to dodge most of them, only taking a few hits, none major. He looked up at Marcus, feeling a bit upset at his sudden attack. "Look man, I have nothing against you. Leave me and Kai alone if you don't mind."

With that both he and Kai went over to Annamaria. He was worried about her and knew that it would be a while before Hidane would finish battling the other member of the Family. He got down off of Kai once he was near. He then leaned down next to her. "Hey, are you alright? Is there anything I can do?" he asked her.

#100Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 10 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 30, 2012 12:37 am


"I think I broke some ribs and my arms hurt badly...atleast i paided my debt back to joshua for all those years."She commented gently coughing up some blood as she remained where she laided not even atempting to stand up as she hurt way to much and had barely enough energy to stay conious. Annamaria managed to move on to her back letting out a gasp shutting her eyes tightly as she took in shallow breaths. She tightened her first ass she laided there hearing the sounds of battle. "Sorry kieran...I dont think i will be able to go back"She whispered

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