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#81Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 6:52 pm


The moment when Hidan released his reiatsu Durza felt the effect, he clenched his teeth and valiantly stood still. [i]He is strong, what have I gotten my self into[b] Durza didn't know if he would even survive the encounter but he had to help somehow.

He felt very ashamed of himself for mixing up genders between a man and a woman, he seemed like a fool "please forgive me" he said to Hikaru, "I meant no disrespect to you or you're honour, I am here to help you not to fight you". The moment the Shinigami released his Zanpaktou Durza jumped back a few pases in order to gain some distance " Please stop this I mean you no harm!" of course he was a Bount who would believe him.

As the conflict and drama continued to spiral out of control he then noticed that Hikaru seemed to be under the influence of the very powerful Hidan. He seemed confused not knowing what was going on. When they started to move he ran towards the remaining shinigami hopefully they would understand that he meant them no harm. Then the pain started, he didn't know what it was but he felt it in his mind "wh-what is this!!!" he screamed and grabbed his head, it felt like someone was pushing their self into his conciousness " GET OUT!!!" he the noticed that he would soon lose control of him self, he looked at the group quickly "GET AWAY RUNN PLEASE!!!" He fell to the ground and gave fourth a horrible scream as he began to lose control.

#82Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 7:33 pm


A bright flash if divine light fills the area. I in my cloak stand next to the downed bount. I place my hand on his shoulder and my,hand begins to glow ghostly blue.
Peace fills the mind of the man troubled by hidane as he,the bount hears my voice unside his head"the divine clears all. Come join,us and be free from the shackles that bind you. With,us you,will be STRONG." I look up at hidane and my eyes flash bright blue divine light

"heretic the time for you,to run has come!"

#83Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Thu May 24, 2012 11:29 pm


Within that very moment all the pain, the suffering, it vanished in a ray of bright light, it ran through his mind like a stream. The pain was replaced by a memory, one that could have been, one that Durza held precious to his heart, in his mind he saw a field, it was Scotland, 600 years in the past, the sky was blue and the wind was refereshing and soothing. There was a person standing the amongst the flowers and greenary, her white dress danced in the wind, her hair to moved with elegance her face was perfection and in her eyes shown the light of a woman with a kind heart.

Durza looked to the side to see something else, a child running towards him, it appeared to be a boy with brown hair, but his face was blurred, a child he never knew. Durza reached out to them, tears streaming down his face "Anna" unbeknowest to him he was speaking alloud to him self, before the child reached his fahter he mutterd Connor before passing out on the ground, all he saw then was darkness.

#84Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Thu May 24, 2012 11:59 pm


Scooping up the bount"take care of these heretics and anna please don.t fall from the divines grace." I back up two steps and vanish with the bount in a flash of divine ,light. Appearing back at the sanctuary I place the bount upon the ground

[if durza wants to we can do a seprate threadz]

#85Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Fri May 25, 2012 1:28 am


[ that sounds fine with me, I have to go right now but I'll respond sometime during the weekend]

As Durza layed in the arms of the stranger his dreams were filled with the life that he could of had, before this cursed Bount existance was discovered, how he wished he could live a normal life.

#86Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Fri May 25, 2012 1:47 am


Joshua had been keeping an eye on hidane and his ally the entire time he had been silent. He knew sooner or later one of them would attack him and/or Annamarie. So when Hidane's ally attacked annamarie he reacted quickly and calmly, drawing a releasing his zanpaktou, called forth a wall of half-moon runes behind Annamarie, which blocked every single on of the fireballs before shattering

Then Hidane himself acted, releasing his zanpaktou and causing purple flames to appear. Joshua immediately felt something in his head. He almost lost control and almost attacked hidane with a plan, but Tsukikage herself stopped him by pointing out that what he was doing wasn't himself. He breifly argued with her, in his head, since he was suspicious of her, but then she had him look at her with his heart, an area hidane's power didn't touch.

When his body began feeling cold Joshua ignored the sensation. To his the cold was irrelevent. When it bothered him and it might slow him down but he could deal with that. Sides he had two layers of clothing on, it didn't bother him that much. When he realized that the chill was caused by the black flames he made a note to avoid them

and then hidane himself finally charged so Joshua did the simple thing and blocked the blade without a second thought

#87Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Fri May 25, 2012 7:22 am


Hikaru watches as Joshua blocks his attack. Hikaru knew that the attack would have a good chance of being blocked since it was not necessary a suprise attack. He was thinking of his next move as his mask began to break away and fall off. Hikaru had taken over, but was nto going to go against his hollow by leaving Hidane. He would stick with Hidane and be loyal, though it did pain him to leave the Family as he did. He reached down and pet the hollow wolf near it's ear. "Kai your name was?" he said tot he wolf, whom nodded. Hikaru smiled and then realized he was still in the middle of a battle. He looked at his scythe that was still in stick form from when he had gone to use Ruby Lighting. Not wanting to use such a wide attack for fear of hitting Hidane, he called forth the line of fire that made the string of the bow and called upon three arrows, one for each of the three enemies before him. "Flame Arrow." he called out, shooting all three arrows at the same time. One arrow heads for Annamarie, one heads for Joshua, and the third starts to head for Hidane. Hikaru realizes this and makes it head for Joshua instead.

Technique Name: Flame Arrow

Description: The blade on Hikau's Scythe disappears and the stick shortens a bit. He then holds it like one would an archers bow. A string made of fire forms between the two ends. As he draws back the string an arrow will form. For every 75 points of Reiatsu control he has this attack will allow for one more arrow to be formed. Once the arrow(s) are fired he is able to control where it goes within a 50 foot radius for 2 posts. There a 1 post charge to account for the time to change the scythe to the bow used to fire the arrows. After a 2 post cool down, and if he has not changed back to using his scythe, there is no charge to use the attack agian.

Damage Guide:

For those that are in a higher tier than Hikaru, the arrow(s) have a 50% chance that they will miss. If it hits it can scratch the skin and catch clothing on fire. There would be minimal burn damage to skin from the burning clothing.

For those that are 1 tier above, equal tier, and 1 tier below, the arrow(s) have a 25% chance that they will miss. If it hits it can scratch and pierce the skin, causing as small wound. It also causes the cothing to catch fire. The damage to the skin from the fire is first degree burns.

For thos that are in tiers lower than Hikaru the arrow(s) have a 10% chance that the will miss. If it hits it can cause a deep scratch and pierce the skin, causing a wound where the arrow hit. It also causes clothing to catch fire. The damage to the skin from the fire is second degree burns with some first degree burns frurther from where the arrow hit the person.

#88Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sat May 26, 2012 1:54 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Annamarie looked over at hidane holding out her blade taking in deep breaths. She saw an arrow fly towards her as she flared her reiastu to distract it enough to duck underneath swinging her blade up cutting at the arrow. She soon sondio to the said of joshua as she watched him protect her. "Lets get goi-."She trailed off as her eyes widen. She Quickly sheathed her zankpackuto as her hands clinched her head as she could feel isanne climbing up towards the surface of her conious "Joshua...get out of here now!"She commented as a second voice added into her words as she Sondio away from them into a tree as she shut her eyes tightly. She was strong mentaly but she wasn't strong enough against isanne. She opened her eyes as they were a lightning blue as white clay began to form from the sides of her face forming first a plain white mask that covered the face before it began to take form. it somewhat resembled a rabbits face but more of a demonic rabbit then anything else. her bangs grew over her left eye as her reiastu just flared up as a blood chilling laugh come from within the mask as Annamarie lost full control over her hollow. She looked around spotting Hikaru smirking as she took out her blade growling at the color of the hilt "Disgusting."She commented before she sondio right infront of Hikaru "Hey there ugly."She commented with her zankpackuto was in her left hand raised above her right shoulder as she striked down laughing "I been waiting to finally be free ever since we were reborn."She commented before she thrusted her hand out towards Hikaru as a yellow ball of energy formed as she smirked "Bye ugly."She added firing her cero at him before she cero again.

((hehehe Annamarie lost control hahaha))

#89Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sat May 26, 2012 6:46 pm


Hidane smirked once he struck down on Josh. Pushing down on his blade, he looked at him whispering; KUROIHENKANThe white line along Kurosenkou's cutting edge is covered in a 1-inch thick edge of black Reiatsu. Hidane pulls the blade back and swings. This line of black energy flies off of the blade, acting as a heat-seeking missile towards Josh, specified by mental targeting by Hidane. If the blast misses once, it will turn and fly toward the target again. If it misses a second time, it will return to the blade, harmlessly. Hidane can then release the blast again without re-preparing the attack, though he must add an additional Level 20 Kido's worth to re-launch the attack at full power, and can repeat this until it hits. The damage done by the blast is equal to that of the cost. after attempting that, His eyes changed to a silver and blue, with white dots forming hsi mask on his face as his hollow gains control. "TIME TO PLAY LOSER" He yelled, Sonid'ing in zig zag patterns before attempting a slash at his back, Side,legs,and neck. his shikai effect is still activated, with his mist going around Josh. If succeeded or failed, He would shoot 30 bala towards josh, The stab his blade in the ground, Slashing earth Spikes up towards Josh. Followed by two reiatsu waves from spinning kicks.

#90Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 9 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Sun May 27, 2012 8:07 pm


((yeesh hidane, bit of a berserker aren't we? well things will go your way for now))

Joshua was so dirstacted by Annamarie's sudden transformation into her hollow that Hidane's Kuroihenkan hit him dead on the first time and sent him flying backwards about 10 feet. he wasn't serverely hurt due to him raising his reiatsu with it's anti-reiryoku element at the last second, though the damage reduction had been minimal at best. He barely had time to block hidane's sword blows at followed up, though he managed to block every single one by a hair. then hidane laughed alot a balas at him, all of which hit and sent Joshua flying back again. He survived this one thanks to his cloak, which had turned into armor, although it was badly damaged now. and reverted back to it's cloak form, leaving joshua open to take the full blow of Hidane's reiatsu waves
~~damnit~~ he thought, struggling to get up~~ I thought this guy was crazy mentally. But he doesn't know when to let up on the attacks~~

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