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#71Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 6:57 am


Hidane smirked as he looked over The new hooded man. "You really think you are a threat. Just because you think you speak big?" He laughed hysterically as mist began to form around him. Walking slowly towards the man, He flared his reiatsu as his figure twitches from his Golden eyes, to his silver and blue eyes, then back to Golden. "You think you can come in here, and snatch what is mine with a few words? She's seen my power, why don't you ask her about it." He said, spreading his arms as he motioned his arm for Hikaru to follow behind him. he rolled his neck, standing mere feet away from him. "Some Guardian you are. She wouldn't be in this situation if you were there, maybe she would of still, since I would've ended you in your tracks."

Sticking out his tongue, he mocked the hooded man near Anna. "Besides, I've promised her stuff that you can NEVER give her." He said, licking his lips. Spinning his sheath in his right hand, He smiled brightly. "Now. back away from the girl before i get nasty."

#72Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 7:13 am


Hikaru kept staring down the bount and getting ready to attack untill he noticed that Hidane had motioned for him to follow. He stoped his attack but did not return his staff back to it's normal scythe look. He looked the bount over once last time. Ignado then said, "You're not even worth my time you little Shit." He then walked over to where Hidane was standing and stood right behind him on his right side. An evil grin came across his face as he heard what Hidane said to Joshua. He then leaned over to Hidane and spoke, "Want me to do anything just yet? I'm ready at your command."

#73Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 7:23 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Annamarie l ooked between joshua and hidane as she moved infront of joshua with her arms wide open "Dont you dare touch him Hidane....He has nothing to do with this."She said keeping her hands out watching him as she watched the mist closing her eyes taking in a deep breath "joshua you need to keep control of your hollow...that mist seems to bring up our hollows...You have to be careful."she commented glaring at Hidane. She knew herself she was outmatched, but Joshua didnt know that only she amaya and tazuma knew of what hidane could do. She kept her guard up seeing hikaru now joining in on the fun of possibly fighting Joshua.

#74Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 7:31 am


"Ha! Nothing to do with this?! Look at the idiot! He gets in my way, he will get destroyed." he commented, slowly walking to the girl and hooded man. Rolling his head, he cocked his eyes towards Josh. tilting back his head, he let out a hysterical laugh again. "Don't you idiots see? You have no idea what you two stepped in." He turned to Anna, smirking as he ripped her robes. "Looks like the deal is off. You know what happens next. I see her and him, They die." eh said, pointing his sheath at Josh. Whistling, he brought the hollow wolf to his side, As the bracelet on Anna's wrist shatters, regrowing on hidane's arm. Hidane takes a ring from his ahdm, tossing it to Hikaru. "There, the wolf is yours now."

#75Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 7:44 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Annamarie sighed in relief as she brought out her zanpackuto taking in a deep breath "as long as she stays in the hq, you can't touch her, nor will i let you touch joshua if I can."She replied takign her blade out of her sheath as she held it infront of her as her reiastu began to rise as the reaistu seemed to give off light crystals the reflected the light caught off it here and there. Annamarie knew she was out matched by both of them.

#76Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 7:49 am


ooc: the posting order for the fight is; Hikaru, Me, Amaya, Josh. Do not break this order. It's very important to keep it.]]

#77Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 8:53 am


Hikaru catches the ring and places it on his right ring finger. An even larger smile came over his face if that was even possible. "Now I feel so complete. Both Hikaru and I thank you Hidane. Now, to show you my thanks." he said. He then hoped on the hollow wolf and rode it towards the bount, making it seem like he was going to take out the bount and leave Hidane to take care of Annamarie and Joshua. Just as everyone thinks that he suddenly turnes around and heads in a different direction. Eventually he came around behind Annamarie and Joshua. Hoping to catch her off guard Hikaru sent an attack right at Annamarie. "Flare Sniper Blast." With that Hikaru raises his arm and gathers energy in the palm of his hand. That energy he sends out in a barrage of 17 fire balls right towards Annamarie.

Damage guide: For those in the same tier or a tier below there is a 50% chance to hit the enemy's attack and a 25% chance to fully negate the enemy's attack. If used offensively the attack has a 50% chance to hit. If it hits it will cause clothing to burn and may cause minor burning of the skin. If Hikaru uses this attak mid-battle when the enemy already knows he is around, there is a 15% chance that it will hit the enemy's attack and a 25% chance to fully negate it. It may, however, cause the attack to be sent in a different direction or just lessen the effect of the attack on Hikaru by 45%.

#78Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 3:24 pm


(lol you forgot about me I join the order at the back after this post also I will only post as Kieran till farther notice.)

As I see what happens with josh appearing and what unfolds. I get control back from dark rai with him not winging too much. With out the half mask disappears and my eyes and tone goes back to normal then my cloak shifts into armour made out of sliver metal with runes shaped like lightning over it then the beak like helm closed over then I shunpo to the front of josh and Anna and say. "josh I handle Hidane you just do what you need to. To get Anna out of here."

#79Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 5:29 pm


Inside of Kieran's head,he can hear my voiceBring the Bount to,the faith Kieran and punish the heritic's for their lack of faith. I will be there soon to crush the nonbelievers under my boot heel.

#80Unwanted  Attention [OPEN] - Page 8 Empty Re: Unwanted Attention [OPEN] Wed May 23, 2012 5:39 pm


Hidane smirked as he raised his silicone mask from under his shirt to cover his lower face. His mist Covers the full area now, laughing as his figure twitches as it did before. "You guys really shouldn't push me. You have no Idea who you are messing with." He said, Slowly pulling out his blade from this sheath."GYAKURO REITEKISEPPAKU"When Hidane releases the restraints on his Reiatsu, it loosely floats in the air for a significant distance around him. Within this area, the air appears to be decently filled with translucent purple flames, though these flames don't cling to any tangible object and bear no physical effects. Hidane's body appears to be directly engulfed in slightly more opaque black flames during this time, and beings other than Hidane in the area are put under the influence of a suggestion of the concepts of 'suspicion' and 'insanity', causing weaker opponents to loose sight of logic and reason and, in significantly weaker opponents (2+ ranks below), self-restraint. Those afflicted may confuse allies for enemies or vice versa, or wildly attack anyone in sight.

When Hidane increases the tension of the Reiatsu, though, its effect becomes even more dangerous. While the mental effects remain the same, the purple flames turn into opaque black flames and begin to cling to whatever they can find, quickly freezing the immediate location of contact and slowly chilling and freezing the entire body from said points of contact. The more flames that touch one being, the faster they freeze. In addition, Hidane's spiritual pressure pushes upwards, contrary to the traditional push towards the ground.

Any effects of Hidane's Reiatsu may only be suppressed by the spiritual pressure of someone ranked equal or higher than he himself. Thus, only those stronger than Hidane may extinguish the flames or completely clear their minds. Weaker opponents (1 rank below Hidane) must have pre-existing paranoia or doubts to be affected. Those of significantly lower rank (2 less than Hidane) with a strong mind and will may overcome the mental effects of the technique. Those 3 ranks below Hidane are instantly overcome. Hidane may select who is or isn't affected by the mental effects, but the flames effect all but he himself equally. As the mist forms around him, he held out his blade, muttering; "Nobiru..Kuroaenkou" Kurosenkou's Shikai form bears a very simple form. Kurosenkou resembles an unusually long, straight-bladed katana. It's blade is pure black with a thin white line along its cutting blade, and extends 4 feet from the guard to the tip of the blade. The blade seems to 'stutter' in appearance, as the blade is constantly in a very rapid vibration-like movement. The guard of the sword is black with white rimming. The shape of the guard resembles a four-bladed ninja throwing star, though it is flat and about an inch thick. The hilt is white and wrapped in black cloth with a white end-piece. HE twists the blade in his palm, whispering "SHIGAKIRU" as well. The blade of Hidane's Shikai becomes covered in a gray, fog-like smoke. When Hidane cuts any part of an opponent's body while this smoke covers the blade, any part of the afflicted character's body that is within 6 inches of any point in the cut becomes lifeless, cutting off any bloodstream or nervous connections that involve signals being sent through the area, making any limbs affected drop limp and unusable.. Depending on where the cut is, this could cause major or minor effects. If an arm or a leg is cut, the arm or leg cut falls limp and unusable, becoming a massive hindrance for the victim. If the chest or lower body is cut, that region is rendered numb, and the victim will not be able to feel anything in the region. If a light cut to the neck or injury to the head is made, a similar numbing effect is applied to the head, including the base of the nervous system in the brain, causing the entire body to go numb, though still perfectly usable. This effect lasts for 2 posts unless disabled by application of Reiatsu greater than a level 50 Kido, and doesn't affect enemies 2 or more ranks above Hidane.

He took one step as he licked his lips, Appearing the right of the 3 people infront of him, pulling his blade from the ground upwards and then back down in rapid movements towards Josh, Anna and Kieren.

Shikai Info:When in Shikai form, Kurosenkou's blade is constantly in a rapid vibration motion. This disturbs the molecular structure of anything it touches, making any surface or material much easier to cut than it usually would be. It can easily cut any energy-based attacks (Kido, Cero, etc.), diverting them around Hidane. This vibration motion also makes the blade much more durable than it usually would be. Kurosenkou can easily cut through any non-living material, as long as it is not Reiatsu-based. The blade's effects on opponents and/or opponents' Reiatsu-based weapons/objects, whether attacking or defending, depends on their rank.

¬ 2+ Ranks Below: cuts through metal/weapons like water
¬ 1 Rank Below: cuts through flesh and bone like water, cracks and/or shatters metal weapons (depending on weapon and force of hit)
¬ = Rank: cuts through flesh and bone, cracks metal weapons
¬ 1+ Ranks Above: no effect; attacks go through as they normally would

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