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#1Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 2:38 am


The Truth

Mid-afternoon in the world known as the Soul Society; with sun, clear skies, and an otherwise lovely day. It was a routine day for Karina Dawn Sasaki, the 4th Squad Captain, as she sat in peace within her office in the 4th Squad barracks. She hadn’t done much to change the décor within the room, the walls still being rather plain and empty, having a couple of couches on the sides of the room with the desk at the far end of the room with a giant 4th Squad insignia behind it. Work didn’t seem to be pressing on this day unlike others. It was already well into the afternoon without any increase in work. Maybe I’ll go pick up Melody and Azusa and we can go check out that new flower shop that opened today.. the young female Shinigami thinks to herself as her left hand writes a few notes on one of the reports that she was to fill out, the tip of the pen methodically run over the subtle wood graining of the desk. A smile curls her slender lips while the thoughts of getting to be with her sisters flows within her mind. Her pen soon drops from her fingertips, believing that she’s done. Her arms stretch out up and above her head, letting out a cute little yawn with a few tendrils of her ebony hair falling in front of her. All at once, the situation changes as a loud thud, following by a few bangs are heard on her sliding door.

”T-taicho!” a struggling female voice calls out, ”Stop shoving me!”

Kari quickly stands up, ”What’s going on?!”

”Th..This girl claims to be your sister!”

”She is my sister! Let me through!” a faint voice attempts to yell out.

”Let her through! She is my sister!”

”H-hai!” The sliding door opens, the unseated Shinigami of the 4th stumbling forward and crashes into the ground as Azusa runs into the office up to Kari, obviously panicked with tear-stained cheeks.


”Calm down, Azusa, what happened?!” Kari’s eyes turn to that of worry, placing her hand upon Azusa’s shoulder, making it evident to the 4th Captain that she had been trembling the entire time but it gradually halts with her touch.

Azusa’s eyes shoot up to meet with Kari’s, ”It’s Melody… Melody.. The Captain Commander has exiled all of the Vizards from the Soul Society… Including Melody…” Her voice was weak, lost, feeling helpless. ”He clearly stated.. Anyone who is against his policies will join the Vizard..”

Kari’s eyes widen with shock, a shock that she hadn’t felt in decades, and it was as raw a sensation as any. Her heart audibly pounds within her chest as she stares at her little sister, ”But… Didn’t we tell her not to use her Hollow powers?!”

”That’s the thing though! None of Vizards had used their Hollow powers!”

”W-what…” Kari was dumbstruck, her hand began to shake in fear. If it was true and all of the Vizards were really being exiled, what would that leave them? She knew that the Rogues were hunted and exiles are within that category. Melody would be hunted, by her former comrades and killed as if that’s serving justice. Suddenly, the conspiracy blabber that Ryogi had gone on about back when she was still just a 10th Seat in 2nd Squad came back, and it made sense now. It was no longer just the 2nd Squad Captain, it was now the entire Gotei because one man made it that way. It was either do as he says, or face exile, and what he wanted wasn’t what Kari would agree with.

”I don’t know about you, sis… You’re a Captain, so you have worth here, but I’m not staying here.. I’m going with Melody.. I can’t let her face this herself.” Azusa’s voice was firm, as if her mind had already been made up and there wasn’t anyone that would tell her otherwise.

”What.. what about Mom…Dad…. Issei?...”

”I already told them on my way here… They said they’ll join us wherever we go… ‘A home without their daughters isn’t a home at all.’ Was our dad’s exact words.”

Kari’s eyes wanders back to the desk before her, her hands shaking, causing an audible tap against the wooden frame. There’s… nothing I can do here… I can’t argue with the Captain Commander because I’ll only be exiled anyway… And I promised that I would protect Melody and Azusa and stay with them… This isn’t a home without Melody… her mind races to figure out a solution, but only one comes to mind, Ryogi.. Was right all along… He was executed years ago because of me… I can’t stay here anymore.. Her decision was made.

”Let’s go, Azusa.” Kari says at last, after several minutes of silence.

”What?! You can’t be serious Taicho!”

Azusa smiles and nods, ”Lead the way”

”Gomen.” Kari says as she runs towards the entrance, using a knife hand to knock the Shinigami out before executing a Shunpo step towards the Senkaimon Gate, still open since the Vizards that were just exiled were still moving through.

”Captain!” one of the guards says just as Kari and Azusa flash past them, entering the gate, ”Where is she going?!” In the precipice World, The two girls catch up to the Vizards still traveling through, though Melody wasn’t among them.

They continue to run until the reach the end of the light, appearing high over Karakura Town once again. ”Azusa…. From this point on… We’re on our own… You know we’ll be labeled traitors right?..”

”Anything is better than living under a tyrant.. We’ve been together since birth… I’m not going to let anyone keep me from being with my sisters.”

Kari smiles and nods, removing her Haori and wraps it around her waist, executing a Shunpo flash to go towards the most likely area that Melody would be at, the River with Azusa in trail.

After a few Shunpo steps, Kari and Azusa spot a familiar black figure standing at the edge of the water, staring. It took them no time at all to figure out that it was Melody, ”Melody!” they said collectively, appearing beside her and hugging her tightly.

”Kari!... Azusa!... I can’t believe you guys actually came!” She says in her surprise, laughing a bit.

”Of course we would… There’s no point staying in Soul Society if you’re not there.. I’d rather be at your side to fight as a family than lead a squad within an organization that would attack you just because of one many.”

”Our family will be joining us soon, I gave them gigais that I ‘borrowed’ from some of my team mates that don’t go to the Human World.”

Melody’s eyes tears up, though she is smiling, ”I love you guys…. I guess that makes us all Rogues, huh?”

”Yeah… Don’t worry… We’ll find a new home..”

”Well I’m already home..” Melody says, to which both Kari and Azusa look toward each other, then back to Melody and smile as they hug her tightly, so beginning a new chapter within their lives, as defectors of the Soul Society.

#2Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 3:16 am


A burst of bright divine light fills the area. As the light subsides I can be seen wearing my black cloak with the hood up thus preventing my reiatsu from being sensed. Seeing the three now exiles and hearing them speak of family I speak to,them"family is very important for without family one would be alone to suffer the slings and arrows of eternity without a single soul to go along with,them. Famiy is important to me as well. I have suffered the hate of the new Captain Commander. He forced me and my family out as well." Removing my hood so they can see my face and feel my reiatsu if they so wished too

#3Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 4:09 am


The sudden flash of light catches the trio off guard, forcing them to shield their eyes for the moment that it remains. Gradually, they notice the light fade, yet it appeared as if nothing happened, leaving them confused momentarily.

"What was that?.." Kari's pale blue eyes look around herself as her sisters shrug, just as dazed and confused as their sister was.

At that moment, Melody hears a voice speaking to them. She immediately turns towards the source of the voice, her long black pigtails swinging around to remain behind her as her right hand clasped the hilt of her zanpakutou, her bright blue eyes expecting to see a Shinigami who was about to come for them.

"Who are you?" Melody calls out.

Kari and Azusa turn their heads towards where Melody was looking, seeing a dark figure standing before them, wearing a long, black robe. It wasn't something that the Shinigami are known to wear. Azusa follows Melody's action and readies her hand on her zanpakutou, though Kari doesn't do the same. As the man spoke, the girls realize that this man had gone through what they had just experienced, though a long time ago.

"So this isn't the first time that the Captain Commander has done this?..." Kari says in a soft tone, looking toward Melody and Azusa beside her who eventually lower their arms from their zanpakutou and stand at ease.

"Could you tell us who you are?.."

#4Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 4:21 am


As the trio grab at there zanpactos I extend my hand in the stop gesture"no need to do that dear ladies. I have come in peace I assure you." As the girls relent their.hands from the hilts of their zanpacto's I hear the question that I have been waiting for" This Captain Commander has indeed done this before. He hates all nonpure beings to him the shinigami are the only race need but allow me to ask a question. If only shinigami were left what would happen?" I reply to them. Quickly realizing I forgot to introduce myself I add"i am the Lord Marshal of the former name was Tazuma Koshi and who might you ladies be?"

#5Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 4:34 am


The girls blink for a few moments as they try to collect their thoughts. This guy was strong, they could all feel it, even Kari who was the strongest among the three. Kari took the initiative and curtsies politely, "Karina Dawn Sasaki... Former Captain of the 4th Division.. Nice to meet you." the young Shinigami states, though she seems a bit upset to have to say she's a former Captain.

Seeing their sister introduce herself, Azusa and Melody decide to do so as well, "Melody Celeste Sasaki... Former member of the 5th Division.." Melody says politely as she bows her head a bit.

"Azusa Yuki Sasaki.. Former member of the 5th Division.." Azusa follows suit and bows as well.

Kari thinks, remembering that Tazuma had asked something regarding what would happen if the Shinigami were the only race left, "If I remember correctly... If the Shinigami were the only race left.. The balance of souls would overflow into the Human Realm which could spell chaos for both worlds... This is why the Hollows aren't exterminated, simply kept in check.. Could the Captain Commander really be like this?" Kari's eyes grew worried. If the Captain Commander would really believe that there would be no consequences to his actions, then there's no telling what sort of havoc he could bring upon the worlds.

Melody looks to Kari, seeing her concern, but something that Tazuma had said afterwards caught her attention, "You mentioned something about being the Lord Marshal of the Divine... What is that?.."

#6Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 4:47 am


"if he purges the other races then the balance would tip to the wrong side and send all the worlds into chaos. If it is not his goal then he is so blinded by hate and rage that he fails to see the massive error he is making with his foolish purge." I move a step closer to the girls so that they can hear me a bit better
"i am the Lord Marshal of the Divine family. I alone have seen the threshold and crossed it into the land of the Divine. He has spoken to me and bestowed his blessings upon my and my family all be it we are learning them as we go. Do you have any further questions for me?" I ask looking at all three as my eyes glint a g ghostly blue light

#7Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 4:56 am


Melody seemed a bit dumbfounded, as if she were hearing the most ridiculous nonsense she has ever heard, "Who is 'he'?" She says quickly, perking her right eyebrow upwards.

"What exactly is the Divine?... An organization? A gang? The way you're wording it makes it seem like you and your followers aren't true kin.." Azusa chimes in.

Kari remains quiet for the most part since she didn't have anything else to add in, considering her two sisters had pretty much covered that for her. She didn't know who this Tazuma or the "Divine" were, but she needs to keep her guard up just in case. Ryogi's words still rung within the depths of her mind, reminding her that anyone can be corrupt, especially when he's been proven right thus far.

#8Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 6:25 am


"the Divine is our guide and protecter. The Divine family aren't blood kin we are still a family. We care for and protect each other. We are simply trying to live away from the looks and whispers. It is true we are different but,still we deserve the right to our own way without someone seeking our death." Looking at three sisters

#9Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 6:36 am


Melody slides her hands into her jacket, perplexed, though not too impressed, categorizing him as one of the other humans that she sees believing in an entity that she hasn't seen or heard of.

Kari blinks, "Sounds a lot like the Gotei 13 to me... I can't argue with you though, family is very important to us as well.."

"Really what my question is; What is it that you want with us?"

"A bit convenient for you to just show up as soon as we become Rogues.."

"That does strike me as odd.." Azusa says, agreeing with their eldest sister, Kari simply receeding into her quiet state, unsure of what to add into the conversation at this point.

#10Finding a New Way (Inv) Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 8:01 am


Laughing I say"well you are free to go on your own but we in the family will accept you all and we are always watching the human world for exiled. It is a fluke I am here normally it would be my seeker." Moving back five steps"so,would you like to see the sanctuary?"

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