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#11Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 8:17 am


Kari looks towards Melody and Azusa, who meet with her gaze. None of the girls really say anything at the first few moments, Melody only shrugs after a couple of moments.

"I don't see any reason to distrust him... He is an exiled and he is a Former Captain.." Kari says softly, almost a whisper to her sisters.

"For all we know.. He's insane like the rest of them."

"We can assume that, but we don't know for sure, after all, he and his family were exiled."

"But what if he attacks us?"

"He would have attacked us by now if he had that intent.. Melody, you can sense his Reiatsu just as much as I can.. None of us really stand a chance.."

"So then what should we do?.." Melody says, her voice trailing off as she doesn't really have any more ideas of what they could possibly do.

"We don't really have a choice, if this Sanctuary and Divine is what he says it is.. It'll save us the trouble of having to find somewhere to stay.. And we'll be with others who are like us.."

"But what about mom, dad, and Issei?"

"We'll live here if we have to.. We're not leaving them behind..." Melody says sternly.

"Do you think we can can just ask him to let them live there too?"

"First thing's first, let's go check it out and see if everything is stable.. We don't want to be walking into a warzone.."

"You're right... So then, should we go?" the former Captain blinks as she folds her arms beneath her chest, looking to her sisters.

"I'll go with whatever you decide, sis."


Azusa shrugs her shoulders. "It's better than standing here in the open.. Let's go.."

Kari nods, walking past her two sisters as they turn to face Tazuna. Karina bows respectfully, but keeps her head lowered a bit, her ebony tresses flowing down over her shoulders and hang around her face, "I would be honored to see your Sanctuary. Koshi-San... But... I must forewarn you that unless my family, meaning Melody, Azusa, my parents, and my little brother can reside with us, we will not be staying."

#12Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 8:26 am


"all are welcome within the divine family and all,have there chances to find the divine." Standing there I ask"would you like to take a portal or would you like to take the divine light?" Eaither way is ok though the divine light is a rare honor due to the fact only I can wield the light in such a manner

#13Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 8:39 am


Melody quickly jabs Karina's side, causing the younger sister to turn her head and blink in confusion. Melody's eyes glare at her for a moment, nodding her head slightly as if to signify something then nudges her head towards Taz.

Kari nods softly towards her Nee-san, understanding what she was trying to do, her voice raising in tone slightly after she turns to face Taz, "If we do decide to stay, I have but one condition... I don't mind helping around, healing someone who needs it, or even running errands, but.. I will not... I repeat not participate in any wars.."

#14Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 9:18 am


It was a strange, strange thing to see.

2 hours ago, atop Sokyoku hill

A single rock fell from the jagged, sharp cliff... the scent of battle was still here, although dull and decayed, weakened by time after the failed invasion. The haori of the Captain Commander billowed vividly behind him, brandishing the old symbol of the Captain Commander from thousands of years past. Shunketsu stood, lifting his right fist and clenching it, rotating the wrist around with satisfying pops and squeezes of the joints... he smiled grimly, placing his left hand upon it to pull and rub the tired fist. He'd obviously been doing some fighting, as his hands were caked in blood. "Very well. You've done good enough, I suppose." Shunketsu commented, turning his head to the guest at his left.

But it was no Shinigami accompanying Shunketsu. A tall, pale white warrior stood beside him, with wild long bright silver hair and tremendous, feathery white wings... His upper body was mostly bare, except for blood and remnants of battle, his forearms clad in exquisite silver bracers that extended from elbow to wrist, and were adorned in black onyx gemstones. Torn cloth was wrapped around his hips and legs, perhaps the remnant of his upper body clothing, leading into clean white pants and a silver pair of armored boots to match the bracers he wore. His face was inhumanly gorgeous with the sort of beauty immortality had, and he was both handsome and devious at the same time. His black eyes glowered with mad pleasure as he spoke in an unearthly voice of shuddering charisma and pleasant, deep appeal. "Indeed?" Divus spoke. This was no angel or saintly being; it was none other than the Dark Lord, ruler of the Demons!

"You have reached the point of no return. You are now a part of the Purge." Shunketsu spoke, turning away from the cliff and walking slowly back towards the fortress, his heavy footsteps cracking the ground in gentle thuds. Flies were buzzing around.... Divus's eyes followed him, leading to the horror that he and the Captain Commander had created together. A massive pile of dead bodies and shattered masks lay to Shunketsu's right. "Some of them go to Hell." Shunketsu spoke, and Divus began to walk with him. This was the site of the executions. Apparently the Dark Lord had aided Shunketsu personally in killing them all... but for what reason? And even more curious was the fact that their souls were neither decaying nor passing on. They just seemed... empty. The work of some Demon Magick had effected them somehow. There was a sense of death here different from any other.

"I cannot have these beings residing anywhere, least of all Hell, where I cannot reach them" A shinigami came forth with trembling hands, holding a ceramic dish and a cup of tea, which he fearfully handed to the mighty lord of Soul Society. A tremendous hand took the cup, sipping it as Shunketsu apathetically passed the servant. "Destroy these souls forever, as you did with those we've done with already. Aid me in this Purge, Dark One, and I will consider a firmer alliance. For now, it remains loose." Shunketsu demanded subtly, which brought a queasy, unsatisfied grin to Divus's face. He was not pleased with the answer. "Then it is agreed." Divus replied, and Shunketsu gave a nod. Divus was dismissed by a wave of the Captain Commander's massive knuckly hand. "Fulfill your terms, Divus. There is work to be done. I hear whispers of a rising faction seeking to revolt against me... my enemies are your enemies, and you had best treat them as such." He continued. There was a sense of danger in his demand, and Divus turned, flying off of the hill.


Current time, near Karina and the others

He'd watched them, seen them. The female captain was rather cute - but that's not why he stuck around, flying high in the sky above. He thought nothing of the girl and her sister until the moment he'd sensed their apparent distress. It aroused a certain suspicion in Divus... he followed them then, using his Demon Door to follow them as they entered Senkaimon, tracking the group with his psychic eye and coming to a similar destination.

But then, as he appeared near some abandoned old shack still flying in the air, there was that wretched light. How Divus hated that light! Swooping down, he flew low, eventually reaching the ground and stayed close enough but kept some distance away from them. It seemed very suspicious to Divus. That odd man - the one who had appeared in the light... Divus had heard only some of his words, as he'd missed most of the conversation, but he heard enough to know that the man did not agree with Shunketsu. Perhaps to the point of being a very plausible rebel. The sort which Divus was supposed to oppose. He groaned in dissatisfaction, hiding in some bushes.

But Divus did not confront them. No, he found it much more fascinating to simply watch for now. As the man spoke of divine families and sanctuaries, Divus was certain he'd stumbled upon the rebels. What fortune he'd had! Here it was, a band of traitors and the rebel leader himself, all in one convenient little spot. Divus didn't like 'flyswatter duty' as he called it, but it was time to work... and he never knew when Shunketsu's spies were watching him or not. But then Divus looked hard at Tazuma. He realized it then; this was the man responsible for Colbolt's death, the one who'd betrayed him in Hueco Mundo. It was Tazuma... this was a grim fate indeed. However, he could make this interesting.

Divus abruptly turned around the corner of some dilapidated shack, an old structure not far off from Melody and Karina, quickly stepping out and approaching them all. "Stop right there! This man is a murderer!" Divus spoke. Although the lord of Darkness himself, his gorgeous, heavenly looks and the brilliant white wings of his true form looked to be nothing less than a Holy Angel sent from the divine. He took advantage of his charisma and false 'goody-guy' look. "He has been luring rebels out and turning them in to the Shinigami for rewards. This is not the leader of the divine, he's a ruthless bounty hunter! Get behind me, quickly!" Divus shouted, lowering slightly and preparing for a fight. "Tazuma! I've been sent to arrest you for murder, treason, and espionage! You will commit no crimes against the divine family any longer, you vile beast!" Divus shouted. It was well-played, really. He obviously wasn't a Shinigami. But he knew the girls didn't seem to know anything about what kinds of beings were allowed into the divine family so Divus had given the illusion that he was a part of it, sent here to rid of a 'criminal'. How laughable, he thought silently to himself in the safety of his mind. He even suppressed much of his spiritual pressure, as so not to alarm the girls with his power. His story would seem more believable if his power was closer to that of a captain's than a captain commander's.... or so he hoped.

#15Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 2:21 pm


As the girls ask and offer to join as long as they didn't have to pertisipate in any wars I hear a familiar voice call out calling me a murderer and speaking false saying to confuse the girls. I look up and my eyes take on the Divine and Holy glow like none before"we if it isn't.....Divus correct the lord of the demons here acting as an arrend boy for the Captain Commander hmmm." Looking towards the girls" do you need anymore proof that the Soul Society that you once knew is gone look here. A demon sent by a Captain Commander to retrieve us." I extend my hand to the girls"Take it and we shall be gone from here. WhereHe cannot follow." All the while I prepare for an attack in the time I do this

#16Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 6:25 pm


[ You're metagaming, Tazuma. There's no way for you to know that Divus is working with the Captain Commander. ]

#17Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 6:35 pm


[you stated in your post I am to give up and be charged as being a TRATIOR. The key word. Anyone with half a brain could put that together. As traitor is usually used as a term meaning one who turned away from a group. As Tazuma was never in with the demons one could assume Divus was speaking for SS and thus The CC by proxy. Please don't accuse me of meta gaming again and if anymore issues result from this. Email me as I will delete any additional posts that,follows. Gumming up a thread with bickering will kill any thread. So please email me. Thanks divus

#18Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 6:39 pm


Here are the lines in mentioned

"He has been luring rebels out and turning them in to the Shinigami for rewards. This is not the leader of the divine, he's a ruthless bounty hunter! Get behind me, quickly!" Divus shouted, lowering slightly and preparing for a fight. "Tazuma! I've been sent to arrest you for murder, treason, and espionage! You will commit no crimes against the divine family any longer, you vile beast!"

How would divus know of the rebels?or the Divine Family as well?

#19Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Fri May 25, 2012 10:02 pm


[it was not hostile at all please don't take it as such. So i'll fix it right now.]

In a sudden flash of true divine light I am gone. Before I am completely gone I speak to the three girls" simply say yes and you will be brought to me." Each of the three girls need only say the word yes to be pulled into the sancturary. The portal works for only them and no others. As the divine light feels the true intentions of the potential family members.

[Tazuma Exit]

#20Finding a New Way (Inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a New Way (Inv) Sat May 26, 2012 9:59 pm


The three girls find themselves in the midst of what appeared to be some sort of racial dispute between Tazuma, and this new being that had swooped down out of nowhere. Though as handsome as he was, it seemed like only Azusa was drawn to him, beginning to walk towards as if she had immediately believed him. A hand swiftly grabs Azusa's arm, holding her back,

"Wait, Azusa. We can't just immediately believe everything everyone says."

"What the hell? Where are all of these people coming from, and how did this guy know we were here?"

"I don't know, but there's an odd smell on this other guy.." Kari stated, glancing over towards the one known as Divus. "It's faint... but it's a familiar scent to me... I think we should go with Tazuma.."

Melody nods softly, Kari holding onto Azusa firmly as she still attempts to walk towards Divus, "Yes!" They both say, with Azusa only saying it as if she wanted to be released, all of them being pulled into the light portal that Tazuma had left behind.

[Kari, Melody, Azusa exit]

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