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#1[Open] Finding a new home Empty [Open] Finding a new home Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:21 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Tokyo. Not exactly the best place to relax and chill. The crowded street,technology everywhere. It was one massive "where's waldo" puzzle book when trying to find someone. Making it perfect for one Vizard to hide away from her pursuers for atleast awhile.

"Damn Quincy, just need to fuck off."Said a girl to herself moving down a long abandon tunnel to a little homeless cesspool of people making various homes and tents. She moved through the place not paying anyone mind finding a comfortable spot to sit down. She sighed checking her side "atleast it has stopped bleeding for now...That damn pink Quincy got a lucky shot."She spoke digging through her bag removing her shirt, for now she just needed to tend to her wounds then be off again before she has to fight again.

#2[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:43 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Tokyo, a crowded city of technology and overabundance by almost every definition of the word. The flashing neon lights colored the happy humans wandering beneath them, and served as the only illumination during this time of night. A small smirk began to form across Ika's face as he wandered around the city, it was one of his favorite places to visit and that was the case for.. well, lots of reasons truthfully. The city was gorgeous sometimes, and the lighting prompted a small smile to slowly but surely part Ika's lips as he began his walk towards the source of the Reitsu he was tracking, and down past the alley that led to Korakuen Hall..

It seemed to lead to a group of homeless people, and a young woman tending to some wounds in the distance. Wounds that seemed to be derived from Quincy arrows and..

Bingo. He had found his woman and so with that knowledge firmly in mind he would make his grand appearance. Ika smirked, waving casually at the woman before sitting down next to her. "So.. looks like you ran into a bit of trouble on the way in. Quincies by the looks of things.. unfortunate that. So how've you been Anna? Are you traveling solo these days or do you have others with you.."

#3[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:19 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna felt an odd reistu but at the same time a somewhat familiar one from her past. She opened her eyes scanning the area finding it was who she thought, freaking Ika Mazi, another from her past "Geez ghosts of my past are really finding me a lot, aren't they? Oh this, Yeah a pink-loving nutcase one named Saki I think? How the Hello named their daughter after a freaking alcoholic drink?" she asked in a joke before shaking her head "I been traveling alone for a while...well ever since the hollowfication ages ago. As far as my family, the gotei and until a few days ago, Ookami knew. I died when my own mother tried having an ambush on me when I couldn't fully keep my hollowfication hidden thanks to these damn rabbit ears forming as they are." She said, "I found Ookami is still very much the loyal attack dog on a leash for the gotei, Seems they still hate those that won't bend."She replied looking over towards him. "Why are you here Ika? Certainly its not to enjoy this freaking paradise pf crazed quinces or leash wielding shinigami with a big hate boner towards those who won't bend"She replied before leaning back letting out a sigh awaiting the answers

#4[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:04 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
if you don't want to be crucified
raise your hand

It seemed that she was slowly but surely realizing that Ika existed. In truth it was pretty funny to watch that happen in real time, watching her open her eyes and scan the area trying to find him. She probably thought she was seeing ghosts by this point, a thought confirmed when she echo'd that sentiment boisterously a few moments later. He let her rant and rave, sometimes only half-sane in her ramblings but nonetheless familiarity was nice in trying times such as these. "It's okay, basically I'm here to collect my kind. Long story short I'd like us to form a coalition of sorts against the Gotei and the Quincy, and I've found an interesting ally in these trying times in the Arrancar. Enough about me though..

Ika paused a moment before snapping back to reality. "I'm sorry you said Okami is doing fucking what now?"

#5[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:39 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
"Okami is questioning his life choices after being told for ages that all he was good for is doing the Captain's dirty work." A familiar voice spoke before a black-haired figure dropped down on the other side of Anna, a bag from a local grocery store hanging from one hand. Digging through it, the Vizard in question pulled out a couple of rice balls, handing them to Anna along with a roll of gauze, bandages, and antibiotics. Pulling out three sodas, he'd hand one to each of the others present along with tossing a small box at Ika. "I might be trash at sensing, but even I was able to get a whiff that you were in the area. Hope you still like Clove."

Popping open his Coke, Okami took a swig before looking over at his long-lost brother figure. "So, any reason that the infamous Cero Espada has graced us with his presence?"

#6[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:00 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Amazed how the past can't stay away

Anna was about to respond before sensing Ookami nearby. at first, she thought it was sensing someone else but soon she saw him descend to a spot to the other side of her "He has been demise's attack dog, fighting fellow vizards in the name of the gotei..."She spoke "Since running into him a few days ago, he been checking up on me every moment he canm though there are two others that I do see from time to time for their wishes and what not, which it is safe then I plan on them finally living with me, Okami hasn't even met them yet."She spoke accepting the gifts listening to them both speak as she wrapped her wound just waiting for it to start mending itself before digging into the rice ball and soda deciding to let the two speak since it seemed old times were happening again. She raised an eyebrow hearing Ika's reason for being here "Wait...You found an ally in the Arrancar... Am I hearing you right?" she asked "You are waiting to have the vizards or what is so little of us ally with the Arrancar? Is that a good idea? They probably hate us as much as the Shinigami and Quincy do and how the hell did you even get to be able to do this idea without possibly dying from them?"She asked curiously now of all this. was it safer being around their hollow counterparts?

Tier: 1-1

#7[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:55 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
It seemed that Okami had decided he would appear out of fucking no where and answer Ika's question for him, the answer was enough to prompt a small smile to form on Ika's face. "Sounds like what I was doing around the time I left all those years ago, guess being a guard dog wasn't enough to keep your interest eh?" Ika watched as he handed Anna some medical supplies and a rice-ball, he handed Ika a soda and then a package.. a gift?.. What the hell? Ika smirked and basically ripped the package open upon hearing what the gift was. "I absolutely still love Clove, thank you very much!" Ika smirked happily, packing the clove up in his package to save for later before turning his attention to Anna.

"I guess I can answer both of you at once. I've decided that we Vizards have enough headaches to deal with in the Human World and in the Gotei, we might as well take over the most power-hungry sector of existence which was and is Hueco Mundo. Those types respond to power, they want to prolong their existences as much as possible and well.. None of them can really hold a candle to yours truly. That's why I basically run the place now and that's why I'm inviting both of you to join me." Ika smirked, eagerly awaiting a response from both.

#8[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:32 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami smirked at Ika's words, pondering his words along with those Demise had spoken a couple of days ago. This was one hell of a position that he found himself in, and how to navigate it...He had an idea, but it was risky. "Demise is expecting Anna and two others to meet him in a few days to come back to the Seireitei and be put on a leash. I was stationed here to watch, and make sure they made it to the rendezvous. I have to admit, I'm not the greatest fan of the way the Gotei runs right now, and would do anything to change it, so...Need someone on the inside?"

Knowledge was power, and war was coming. They all knew it, and the more that the Espada knew about the Gotei's movements the better off they'd be. Having someone feeding information to the Cero Espada was an asset that couldn't be underestimated, especially since said asset would be the Gotei's Attack Dog, someone who would likely end up vital to assaults and assassinations in an all-out war.

It was a dangerous game, but one that needed to be played.

#9[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:00 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Amazed how the past can't stay away

Anna nearly spit out her Drink listening to Ika then Okami "You both are nuts. You cant possibly want to try controlling the arrancar and Okmai you are going to get executed. Don't Push it for my sake, I will be fine it is better then being jailed and executed like that poor girl days ago."Said Anna knowing where Okami was going with wants to be an inside man "you are going to lose alot more then just your freedom."She spoke getting a bad feeling of all this. She didn't expect to run into Ika nor did she expect for Okami to be doing this. She should have never accepted that invite days ago, maybe she wouldn't be in this situtation and Okami wouldnt be doing this "And if I was to agree, what make your think those arrancar wont turn and kill us?"asked anna

Tier: 0-4

#10[Open] Finding a new home Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Sat May 02, 2020 9:37 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika listened to Okami ramble on and his mouth slowly curled into a smile as he realized the implications of what the man was saying. "Well.. that sounds like a fantastic plan. Having someone on the inside could 100% be to my benefit, and I think you and Anna are going to make lovely additions to the army I'm trying to form here." Ika lent a cheeky nod to Okami's direction before turning back to Anna who was currently rambling about how insane the two of them were. "Okami won't lose a damn thing provided I'm still around to be sure of that. The Arrancar won't turn and kill us because they know they're on a leash, and they know acting out ends in me dismissing them from existence."

Ika had by this point tensed up a bit, getting a bit more stern in what he was saying. "These aren't ideal circumstances Anna, not all of us are content waiting for a Quincy to put an arrow through our skull. Sometimes chances have to be taken to achieve something great and as far as that goes?.. I think this plan is perfect." Ika would pause a moment, then look at both of them. "So I guess you'll want to know my long-term play here is that correct?.."

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