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#11[Open] Finding a new home - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Sat May 02, 2020 11:28 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Blinking at the bite in Anna's voice, even as Ika approved of the idea that he had proposed, Okami waited both for her to be done and for his brother in all but blood to finish his statements before looking over at him. "Knowing the long-term plan can only be helpful. Also, speaking of Quincy, they'll have to be dealt with sooner or later. Any ideas on that front, besides finishing what was started some time ago?"

The Shiba Clan Head didn't really have anything against the Quincy, They were simply enemies at the moment, and while it would be preferable to avoid genocide, they weren't really given many options.

Fucking war, man.

#12[Open] Finding a new home - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Sun May 03, 2020 1:57 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"I know it can be helpful but there is more at stake then just us vizards. The gotei is only stronger because of those of us who have this power and demise knows this. By having a built in rebellion of sorts we are risking vizards forever being executed instead of being kept alive"She said "But you two knuckle heads have already made your minds so I am just along for this ride at this point. So do tell us of this plan of yours"she spoke

#13[Open] Finding a new home - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Thu May 07, 2020 10:22 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika listened to both of them and pondered who to answer first. He opted for Okami, since he seemed to be the most level-headed as the situation was progressing. "Your assistance will be greatly appreciated but I'm not convinced that we have to deal with the Quincy outright, and I'm positive they don't need to come up until we eradicate the Gotei and everything it stands for presently. I have a plan to deter them from making any bad decisions, but for now the best thing we can do is avoid the human world unless our intent is to fight them tooth and nail over a piece of territory I don't care about."

Ika turned towards Anna, satisfied with his answer to Okami and began to speak. "As for you, I have no fucking clue what you're talking about given they've been trying to execute Vizards like us for years. Let's face it your family connections are the only reason your head isn't on a pike already, so let's be grateful for what we have then yeah? Now, if the objections have ceased I'd like to introduce both of you to your new living-quarters.. Ika snapped his finger and smirked, pointing towards the freshly opened Gargantua. "That'll be our ride to the next stop, Las Noches. Anymore questions?.."

#14[Open] Finding a new home - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Thu May 07, 2020 11:12 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Amazed how the past can't stay away

Anna listened as she sighed deciding it was better to leave these two to actually deciding something cause for now she had decided what path to take "No I am alive because I choose to. My Family Name and Blood means nothing to anyone. It wouldn't matter to Ookami if I was Anna Nanashi or Anna Anna. It is tiny things in the grander plot of life."She Said putting away her bandages getting her jacket readjusted as she stood up "As much as I wish to go with you, I still have things I must do here in the human world that i need to complete. You know how to find me, I dont blind in at all so I will probably see you sometime ika."She spoke before turning to Ookami pulling out a card from her jacket "Meet me at this address when you are done, They are who will be following me and it is best you get to know them to folly understand."She spoke before walking forwards looking over her shoulder "I will see you both soon, Have fun"She spoke before shunpoing away

(thread exit)

Tier: 0-4-

#15[Open] Finding a new home - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Sat May 09, 2020 1:19 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami nodded slightly as Ika explained his thought process even further, and gave Anna a smile and a non-verbal promise to be there, taking the card and tucking it into his sleeveless Shihakusho. Sighing as she used shunpo to flee the scene of what would, in nine out of ten civilizations, be considered treason, Okami stood and stretched, turning to one of his oldest friends. "You know, it's almost as if she thinks we're stupid. Honestly, it's not intelligence we lack, just common sense and some much-needed parental supervision. You gonna lead the way? After all, I'd probably manage to get my ass lost in one of those things."

It was true. Okami couldn't sense his way out of a wet paper bag, and he was ADHD enough to get lost in an empty hallway.

Just...don't ask how he knew that. It was an embarrassing story.

#16[Open] Finding a new home - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Finding a new home Thu May 14, 2020 10:31 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika rolled his eyes but tucked the card he had been handed away in his pocket. "You'll be joining me sooner or later because otherwise I can't promise your families survival when I invade. Anyway, see you later. God speed and all that." Ika turned his attention back to Okami whom had been given similar treatment and opted to crack a joke about it. Luckily for him, it was mildly amusing and brought a half-smile to Ika's lips so for now, he wouldn't be getting punched through a wall. "Personally I think you're both stupid and she's projecting that on me, but what the hell do I know. As for parental super-vision well.. Doesn't really work in my case these days. Lord knows what dads up to these days and I doubt he's in any position to stop me from doing whatever the hell I want when I want to do it."

Ika shook his head and turned in the desired direction, a small shake of his head serving as the only admission of his submission to this dumb-ass demand. "Follow me, I don't need you to get fucking lost again. God knows last time I didn't think you were ever gonna make it back.."

-Thread end-

(Good job friendos)

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