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#1Requiem Aeternam Empty Requiem Aeternam Fri May 25, 2012 8:23 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."


Prologue: Les Divin Mort.

10.00 P.M
New York,

The secret is how to die. Since the beginning of time, the secret had always been how to die. The Babylonians, Mayans, Egyptians, Greek mystical and the entire ancient world wanted to know how to die. Some ancients thought that, because Ave ate the apple, people started to die on. But that was an idiotic concept that foolish people made. People should die to make the earth more balance and to reduce the earth population. More than that people should know about coming apocalypse. That was heading towards earth on 2012.12.21. People all thought that it would be the end of the human race, but they were all very wrong. It never came...

In Greek an Apocalypse was the meaning of ("lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. By extension, apocalypse can refer to any End Time scenario or to the end of the world in general. People thought that the world they knew would end in 2012 but it never happened. The scientist made another theory saying that the world would end in another 100 years which was very true. But for the unfortunate the world ended soon than they had anticipated...

The dusk deepened. Mist lay behind them among the trees that were few feet away of them. The car was driving along the road swiftly. It was a new model of a car. It was the BMW Z3-Series. The vehicle had an open-closing roof in this case the roof was opened. The air itself was gushing inside the car making it more comfortable. The man who was driving was an American. The same went towards the woman who was seated next to him. They were driving off from a film festival that was held in New York City. After enjoying themselves they made their way home seeking nothing but sleep.

Looking at the sky the man smiled. The sky was clear even it was dark. Yet, few stars began to appear. The moon was brighter than ever so were the stars. And the shadows of the trees were black. They couple had come to their destination even if their pace was slow.

Slowing down near the houses front door the vehicle stooped. As the couple began to get down from the car and walk towards the door. Strangle, however, they noticed 2 big brown colour boxes sitting near the front-door. The man who was surprised started to look examine them closely wishing to find a clue how the boxes were at his front door. The big shaped boxers were not antiques of any kind but coffins. Two unknown coffins lying on the floor in front of a house was rather unusual. Looking at themselves, the women opened the door and stepped inside. Wishing that no harm would follow her whatsoever...

The house was thin dark expect for some hover hanging lamps that were placed near some walls and such. This was never seen by them. Keeping it quite they walked slowly forward. As the lamps glittered above them which made their shadow grow more visible by the second. “Hello?! Anyone there?...” the man shouted yet, some of his words was soloed by fright. He let his voice echo all over the house. “Hello? Hello...” he heard his voice slowly fade away towards the thin air. But nothing. Not a sound. Signing himself he held his wife’s hand and began to move around the house again. “A power outage?” his wife said giving him an odd look. “Hush!” he said squeezing her arm quite tightly. They stopped suddenly and stood silent against the wall. There was a sound of footsteps in the house, some way quite behind them. But the steps were coming slow and very clear down the empty house. The man totally lost it. He forgot everything. The only thing that echoed in his mind was the voice saying to him, “Get out! Get out!” he followed his instincts and ran towards a near room and shut the door with a loud bang. Little did he know that he had abandoned his wife. He intern was guilty but he had no intention of opening the door for any cause whatsoever. Looking at the large room his knew that he had got himself in the guest’s room which was never used by anyone. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked towards the door and leaned his ear on it. As in turn he heard a cold scream of a woman. A fading scream it was. This lasted only for a moment and that was the end of it.

But that was not the only thing. He heard a hard thud against the door in which he thought if someone was force opening the door. The man gulped silently and motionlessly. Fear seemed to have stretch out a vast hand, like a dark power consummating and engulfing him. He knew that he had to act but how, remained a question. Looking both ways at the room he grabbed a small sword of a musketeer which was an antique given to his grandfather from AbÉlard: a French governor from the 1500. French form of German Abelard, meaning "noble strength." Taking the sword he began to stab the door hard feeling that his enemy was down. But things were meant to change...

Opening a small space of the door he cocked his head out-side to see if he had struck down his enemy. But he hadn’t. Signing sadly he fully opened the door and looked both-sides. No one was seen but for some small stains in the floor which he guessed was blood. With a horrific look in his face he looked at the door shocked. He had murdered his wife!

She was taped to death on the door. In a form which every knew very well. In the form of a Crucifixion. Like how Jesus was crucified. But when it comes to this matter it was utterly altered. She was indeed in the form of the crucifixion but in a different way. Her hands and legs were taped quite carefully with high bonding tape which was impossible to take off. She had multiply stab marks all over her body which caused her to breathe her final breath in way of crucifixion. Blood was oozing all over her body. Mainly from her forehead and her left eye. Her left eye was sliced in half which popped out. Her husband looked at her wife’s corpse in tears. “What the hell have I done?” he thought as small tears drops started to fall down from his face. But what were really notable were the words which were written over her head by her blood. It said, “Nex aims tantum quondam, tamen nunquam requiro.” (In English literally, means, “Death aims only once, but never misses.”)

The man started to run away. He wanted to get out. He couldn’t find away. He was lost in his own house. Not knowing the way he went he just ran trying everything to get out from the house. Which he knew he was next. There was no light anyway. He was surrounded by full blackness. As he turned towards the corner he bumped into something. He in turn was surprised to bump into a thing. Shaking his head he looked at it. It was no, thing! It was rather a him. A large looking man who was wrapped in a great black cloak and a hood looked at him. There was no eye contact. The large mans eyes were shadowed and invisible. Mostly because of the hood. “Who the hell are you?” the man said frightened. The assassinator laughed manically and looked at back at him as he began to move his hood a way which was hiding his face “Tsk...tsk..tsk.. And you call yourself a father?”

His only son was standing in-front of him carrying an axe and aiming it towards him. He could not believe what he saw. This was clearly very disturbing towards him. “Well? What have you got to say, dear father?” the son said in a dark whisper with stunned his father. His father said nothing but looked into his eyes. He was crying. Tears fell down from his eyes. Sad tears. Tears of absolute disappointment and pain. “Son, you killed your mother!” The son looked at him surprisingly and said nothing for a few seconds. “Step-mother! And what is this talk about me killing her? You killed her!” he shot back right back at him. This hit the father very hard. He knew nothing could be further from the truth. He himself killed his wife. “Son, I..I loved you...” Love is such a wonderful and terrible thing...

He said wiping his tears away from his hand. The son grinned at his father, “Yes, you did. You left me and my mother (real mother) all home alone so you could fulfill your selfish crusade with your lady friend. You call that love? It is because of you that she died in vain. You may be a big-shot in the world, father, you’re just a father here. People would mourn at your death when I’m finish with you. But when the days past, you will just be a small remembrance to them. No one would notice. And mostly, no one would know what happened on this day. No one would care. No one but you! he said as he aimed the axe at his neck and stroked it. His father saw it coming. He knew he had nothing else to live for as he slowly closed his eyes. He felt a sharp blade slice through his body but it didn’t matter now. He had his Requiem Aeternam (eternal peace) now. That’s what he wanted and that’s what it would be.

"Man is neither angel nor brute, and the misfortune is that he who would act the angel acts the brute."



#2Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:22 pm


Anamist just ran through the checkout in the store he had just come across- he had been hungry and this store conveniently carried some of his favorite snacks; a large bag of snacks hung from his hand- being of inhumane nature, he ate much more than the common person. He munched away mindlessly on the snacks while he had a blissful smile on his face.

Human food is the best, it's been a good while since I've been here... things in Hueco Mundo are always the same- Fighting and more fighting..

The moon was full tonight- the contrast was very different from the world in Hueco Mundo; this world was farther away and had a luminous glow that made the nights seem mysterious. the moon in Hueco Mundo was a constant thing which had seen much killing and made on feel stagnant even after one hundred years of life. He wanted to get a better view of the moon, it was a quiet warm night and he wanted to enjoy it to the fullest; in a single leap he made it to the top of the nearest building and sat on the metal railing of the roof.

The stars were shining all around and the moon shined down brightly on Anamist; he could feel the celestial warmth of the divine moonlight. he closed his eyes as he thought back on his past, he wished little Rui were here with him to enjoy the view- He would take a picture for her little keepsake book she was making. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small camera; he placed it on the ground at an angle with a small stone so that the camera focused on him and the moon in the background. he smiled and made a 'peace' symbol as the camera clicked and took the picture. He picked the camera up and put it back in his pocket..

Ah, that will be a splendid picture for Rui..

#3Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:51 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Chapter 1: La philosophie du Sacrifice

The cold air rushed through his body. The candle flame illuminated half of his body as a shadow leaped out from his left side. He was in a yoga state. Breathing and slowly flowing the air out of his mouth. For few minutes he did this repeatedly. As he, sensed something. Something big evolving, inside of him. Not a big thing but it was growing. He knew he had to keep it going. As he followed the same routine for 5-10 minutes non-stop. Little by little, the air inside the square room started to get hotter. So hot, that small sweat stains started to drop from his forehead. Ignoring it, he continued. He could sense a sensation feelings growing inside him. Evolving to something, beyond his comprehension. But this was not enough or was it?...

Getting up slowly he went near the kitchen where the sacrificium (sacrifice) took place. Taking a small butchers knife from the pantry he went towards the sink where the main event took place. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and opened it again. The room was dark indeed, but thanks to candle flames illuminating brightly which even gave a small shadow of light even here. Forcing him a small smile he took a small crow out of the cage and started to look at it. The thing was indeed frightened. It knew it had met its end. A crude death in other words. “Sorry, good-bye” was his last words towards it as he stabs the crow with the butcher’s knife. The crow shrieked loudly. The shrieked echoed towards the house and it slowly...slowly... Started to fade away, as all things, do. Signing he took the death crow and lowered it towards a small cup where the crows blood started to drip on it. 1 drop at a time, the blood fell on it. Sighing once again he placed the crow on the sink and took the cup which was filled by blood onto his hands. “Something was missing.” He thought as he walked towards a shelf, where he had placed the human skull. Taking it also slowly, he filled it up with wine, which was blood red. “Yes!” he said to himself as he placed the skull on the table which balanced it rather nicely. Taking the other cup he powed some drops of crow blood into it. Which he stirred with a small ancient spoon, which he had got for $ 5,000 U.S dollars, from a merchant from Greek. After stirring it slowly, he took the skull by his hands and chanted some Latin words. Latin words which was also ancient which included Demonology. “May cruor EGO imbibo evolve in mihi quod dedi mihi eternus pacis.” (May the blood I drink evolve in me and offer me eternal peace.) He chanted slowly and drank a small sip of the wine. “It has started.” he told to himself as he began the next step.

“Cum mortem
Ego opus non amare -
Non serta vel columba
Offerrent me salutem,
Ne me amplius.

A tempestate lapidem ferre nomen -
Identitatem semel esse
Vivere de esse in
A mundi periculo, et numquam videns
Sensu cur sumus hic.

Mea genes erit mori Per puer -
Oculis et pili coloris, per cogitationem,
Voluntas cito caligaverunt cum generatione -
Inclinant ad futurum dominentur -
Renuntiavit ad curiosus paucis.

Cum mortem
Ego opus non gratiam
Infra; non dolentem faciem
Vocabunt mea resurrectionem,
Non cum me ad terram -

Mortem et sic tenetur.”

In fluent Latin he sang it. As he repeated, it again, slowly and stopped. Taking the skull filled with wine and blood, he took a sip again and placed the skull back on the table. Taking a deep breath, he felt a sensation of dark power consuming him slowly. “Yes, I have done it. Now for the final stage.” He said to himself as walked towards Ceremonial ara (ceremonial altar) where he finished his evolution of Eternal peace.

The room was different from the other rooms in his house. It had a large altar at the middle. Candles were lilted on top of them. Each candle had a different colour, which referred to different concepts. More or less, the room had 4 pentacles drawn on each wall, which surrounded him. Pentacles also representing, grimoire symbols and ancient demons. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the center of the room. The altar was in front of him. He knew what to do. He had sang, “Heilig-Blut des Todes” (holy blood of death) a few minutes ago and now was the final part of his evolution of receiving eternal peace. Taking a small dagger which was on the altar, he started to purify with holy water, which was on a bowl on the altar. After doing such, he took a deep breath as he let the air consume him. As he started to draw; the circle and triangle, used in the evocation of the seventy-two spirits of the Goetia, using the small dagger which was made in Egypt using the rare rest metal on earth. He mourned as he felt his flesh being pierce with something sharp. But he was too late to stop. 5 minutes had past. He had drawn the circle and triangle on his hand using the dagger. His hand was hurting him as blood started to drip from it. Udarsha didn’t care. As he spoked the last words of theuriga in German, “Engel werden dich fallen wie ihr steigen wird und dich töten.” (thee angels will fall as ye shall rise up and slay thee.) With that he closed his eyes. He was complete.

Smiling to himself he walked outside of his house. The air had a small chill in it except the sun was shining bright. Now was the time for the human to know the truth and accept it. Even if it was hardening. Looking at his hand he smiled. He arm had completely healed in a day. Except for the symbol which was still on it. “It is time to the humans to wake up and be aware of the world. It is time!”



English Translation of the poem in my RP post.
Heilig-Blut des Todes:

#4Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:31 pm


Anamist looked down from the spot he was resting and gazing at the moon, something on the street below was making a rather annoying noise; which was intensifying. Down below on the street was a hollow, the shape was that of a bear, but a bone body anda rugged looking mask which red eyes glared out hungrily at the shops and restraunts below. It was late enough in the early morning that no humans were around, or so anamist thought; but he changed his mind when he heard the hollow laugh in glee and the sudden scream of a man shortly afterwards.

Anamist berated himself for being so care-free with a hollow roaming the city as it looked for food; he had decided to nt let the eat here, right? Anamist sighed as he stood up and jumped atop the railing on the roof, shoved his hands in his pockets and looked below. It was too late already, the hollow was feasting on the human; the least he could do was avenge the man of his unfortunate death. he took one step off the building and landed on the concrete in front of the hollow and interrupted it in the middle of its meal; it growled at him menacingly as if it were telling him to back off.

If you had been smart enough to sense my presence; then you should have left for Hueco Mundo instead of looking for a tasty meal in the Human World- now i can't let you go back...

The hollow was more beast than monster, it apparantly couldn't even communicate properly; it swung its massive paws, hoping to crush Anamist before he could say anything else. Anamist stepped just out of the hollow's range and grabbed one of his arms and yanked him to the ground. With it flat on its face, he grabbed its other arm too and sat on the hollow's neck; pulling both arms over its head and locked behind its back- he fought it and finally wrestled the bear hollow down. He sat on its hands and turned to face the back of its head- He created a rietsu spear and jabbed it through the back; the tip of the spear protruded from the front of its mask and the hollow dissintegrated.

Anamist stood up and dusted his clothes off, wrestling with the hollow was unnecassary; but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He walked over to the corpse of the human male who had his soul taken, he would no longer need a body; Anamist charged a small burst of rietsu and blasted the corpse with it, making it totally disappear from existance. Sure the family might never find the man's body now and always search for him; but it was better than finding the body in that condition and wonder what kind of person or animal could do something so horrible. Anamist looked back up at the moon, so peaceful and far away; as if it didn't care about the minut details of the sentient beings on this planet- Unlike the moon in Hueco Mundo which seemed to enjoy all the needless violence.

When this is all over- I think i'm going to never visit Hueco Mundo again..

#5Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:56 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Opening the door as the cold wind gushed out from the outside and started to flow inside the house. The air smelled different. The air outside was more fresh than the inside air. So was the beauty. Smiling to himself, Udarsha stepped 1step outside of the house and stopped. It was raining as well. The rain pattered on the streets hardly. The sound was huge as such. It has been days since he had seen the rain. Even the wind flowed in a pattern making Udarsha have a small chill. “This is just great!” he thought to himself as he looked at his house for the final time and stepped out for the cold and rain spattered street where every fucking thing happened.

5 whole months, Udarsha had spent his time meditating. It was harder than he had anticipated. He had to go true main 5 courses as well. Each course took 1 month. Each course had a different destination, where he alone had to travel to fulfill it. Ignoring it he traveled to different places. Used his life-time to fulfill things that no human or soul reaper could achieve. After his travels he had become aware of everything. The things we see and the things we do not see...

“We all fear what we do not see.”

Some lights flickered as he walked. Some were already off and some were shinning bright. The rain spattered on his head as he walked slowly. Making his clothes wetter by the minutes. The streets however were emptied. No soul was insight. It was like a ghost town. Lifting up his arm he checked the time. It was nearly towards midnight. Udarsha sighed sensing that he would not face anyone or anything tonight. Yet, he wanted something to happen. He wanted something interesting. But nothing absolutely nothing came upon him. But he knew one thing. This wasn’t gonna last forever. Sooner or later something would bump towards him. Still then he would walk to eternity...

“The howls of a hollow.” Udarsha thought stopping at once and looking upwards. The destination was yet unknown to predict but Udarsha could sense the hollows spiritual pressure. Closing his eyes he raised his hands as a black and purple colour form of reiatsu started to circle him around him. Little by little it began to expand as it covered him slowly. Inside Udarsha could sense the hollows spiritual pressure dying. Slowly fading away… grinning to himself he sensed another spiritual pressure. A spiritual pressure of a more, advanced being. Slowly letting his reiatsu to die down he made his first and foremost move. He had to find this being. Dead or alive...


#6Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:57 am


"And this is what I have found," the words echoed through the air before the body materialized. A rush of wind side by side with a rush of green. Walking out of a flurry of spiraling grass blades was a demon who looked as noble as a King or an Emperor. His head held high, his garb elegant and pristine, with his his flaring crimson eyes dead set on the one being that had caught his eye, the demon walked. This demon, who's name was Cubix, watched the human with unusual caution. He was the sort that was hardly ever cautious of other beings, yet this situation was spectacularly different than the usual.

The rain ran down his face. It's cold touch almost enough to make Cubix just want to outright leave the very moment he felt it drench his clothes and that hair of his. However, something bound Cubix here far stronger than anything he had ever experienced before. Power. It was as if something were calling his name, a slight whisper, tantalizing that ever curious mind of his and inciting him with things he had never seen before. This feeling...He was aware of it, but it's depth was deeper than what he was accustomed too. Cubix moved a hand to his bangs, brushing them aside, as he tried to think.

"This is...Demonic Runeology...Archaic, demonic magic of the highest grade. It plays on death, and the disturbed machinations of a human mind. I can't remember ever sensing such a...Surging radiation before." Speaking to himself, he couldn't help his words. He was amazed, astounded, impressed, and attracted to this place and he wasn't completely sure why. All he knew was that there was magic here, akin to his own, and it wasn't your low level either. This wasn't anything like a foolish girl drawing a circle and saying Bloody Mary in the bathroom or some jovial pagans dancing around a bloodied head of a goat...No. This was more. This was something that had roots within Cubix's own existence.

He moved the knuckle of his index finger lightly to his lips, looking over the city. Something has been set into motion and by coming here I will be drawn in by it's superb gravity. However, ignoring this phenomenon will only torture me. The song that was whispered to me...I wish to hear it again, louder, and to experience the sensation of the words bouncing upon this heart in my chest. I want to know who and what as well as why and how...I want to hold it in my hands and clench it tight...But, shall I throw away all precaution before this paranormal abnormality? He thought, trying to properly judge this moment, the feelings he had, and the powers that roamed this place.

"Irritating," Slightly seething, Cubix was irritated by the ignorant hollow. So stupid. All it could do was run about, playing human, while feasting and destroying. Hollow were nothing more than maggot children, good for nothing but devouring and growing only to devour more. The insects were worse than pigs and it always felt like their numbers never dwindled. Honestly, the fowl pest was ruining this glorious moment right when Cubix was on the verge of a decision. Ignoring the hollow was best either way, as Cubix didn't want to dirty his hands in the blood of a garbage worm.

"I will watch," Cubix decided, stating it aloud. He wasn't going to act just yet. The invitation may or may not even be for him, despite it's demonic affiliation. Cubix wasn't going to jump in, head first, towards the strange going-ons within this human city. Not when they were at this level. Sure, he felt almost pained to resist the urge to tear apart the buildings in search of what was making a buzzing sound, but...He could force himself to be civilized. That was what made him better than a ignorant maggot after all. Cubix would watch to see how the various erupting energies met and what would result in their clash. Patience would get him everywhere and, out of all creatures, Cubix was more than patient when he absolutely had to be.

#7Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:41 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Chapter 2: Ahh, That Fucking Hurts.

Despite the weather of the day his day was going fine. He had achieved many things so far and he had the notion of achieving more before he breathed his final breath. That was going on his mind now. Nothing else occurred to him other than that. He wanted to achieve higher heights in life. Higher standards as well. Not the weakling low humanity standards. This can be achieved by money and power. Udarsha had no intension of money. But power was what he wanted. Yet, the power he wanted was different than the power that a human would wish for. He wanted the power of a God. Which he had slightly achieved in a single peek of life. But more lay ahead of him. More...

The rain continued to spatter on him. There was no pause towards it, or a complete stop. Lighting strikes started to strike above the sky, in most hideous ways. “The power of Zeus.” Udarsha thought referring to the Greek gods which was believed by the Greece civilization long ago. The lighting was followed by low rumbles of thunder as well. Each sound every time was heard in larger and tremendous sound. Udarsha sighed. He knew the rain would continue following for another 2 hours or so. And he himself would be soaked wet till the end.

The road began to narrow has he entered a small street which was rather dark. There was no light. And even no sign of life either. Looking up at the sky, Udarsha noticed that the clouds have completely covered the moon which was out of sight. If the moon was out there would be the slightest light, which he could see. Yet there was none. Ignoring it, he walked a few steps forwards as he was grabbed by an unknown person in a fluid motion. “What the fuck...”

The man dashed his head straight towards a large wall beside the street as Udarsha’s head knocked it with a loud, “thud.” Taking a small dagger from the pocket the man aimed it at Udarsha neck, warning him that he would slice his neck if he would try to resist. Udarsha looked down slowly as he hid his small smile. He knew what was coming. “Give me your money, jacket and your nice earring of a “cross”, kid!" Give it now or face my wrath!” The man shouted. His voice was muffled because of the bandages which were wrapped around his mouth. “Weird.” Udarsha thought as he said nothing whatsoever. “Not speaking, eh? Well, then lets see.” the man smiled awkwardly, as he aimed the dagger at his chest as if trying to cut his stomach. Looking straight at the man with a psychotic grin, Udarsha who was trained well in hand-to-hand combat, took the man arm just in a nick of a time, raised it up and with a hard grip he twisted it. The man fell on his knees in agony as he tried to raise himself up. But that never happened. Taken the fallen dagger, Udarsha grabbed the man by his hair and aimed the dagger straight at his right ear, which he drilled the dagger inside of the eye. He shouted. The shout was everlasting. It echoed through the lonely streets. As it came towards an end. Which everything does...

Kicking the dead body, Udarsha adjusted his jacket neatly and looked forward. More things were up-ahead of him. He could sense a more demonic spiritual pressure, quite near him. Near than ever. Making a smile on his face, Udarsha disappeared to the cold and unforgiving world full of bloodshed; where everything happened.

"Every time we set aside our pride
We take a step closer to the beast
Every time we kill an emotion
We take a step away from the beast"



#8Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:25 am


Anamist had heard a scuffle in the street adjacent to where he was now standing staring up at the moon, his clothes were soaked in the soothing rain; the human world truly was more innocent than Hueco Mundo- though he feared that in the future, humanity would start to change and beome more hollow in nature as humans power continued to develop and they became more spiritually aware.

His interest were in the area of the scuffle, apparantly some robber had found the wrong person to try and rob; he could not see them, but he could hear just fine- the agonizing scream of the assailant and then... nothing. Anamist shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands in his pockets of his suit jacket; he wore his butler attire as he served his mistress, he was just visiting the human world for a bit.

Anamist did not pity the thug who had his life ended after committing a crime, a shinigami would be there sometime and judge the soul; such was life of humans and Anamist tried not to interfere when possible- intervening with supernatural abilties in mundane events always ended with bad results. Even so- he was interested in who this person was to defend themselves without a single word. He walked slowly towards the allyway and stopped several feet from the shadows- a young man was walking away from the thug's body with disinterest, his attention was elsewhere.

That guy, somethings unusual about him...

#9Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:04 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1Requiem Aeternam Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Death is the cessation or permanent termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include old age, predation, malnutrition, disease, suicide,murder and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury. All known organisms inevitably experience death. But the question remains; how do they experience death? In what way? Because, death comes in many ways. Ways that cannot be explained. Yet there was something he knew. This was his greatest strength. Udarsha knew the way he would meet his death. That was just marvelous to him.

The presence grew stronger and stronger by the second. “It was getting much closer.” Udarsha thought looking around trying to be aware of what he was sensing. Thus there was nothing yet to be seen. He had the feeling that the person was hiding his spiritual presence so a person like Udarsha would not meet him. But the truth was hidden by him. Who knew that the person was already standing a few feet away from him...?

Udarsha turned his head towards the man. He was one of the weirdest persons he has ever seen in his life for quite some time. The person had red coloured hair which was straightened down. His ears were unseen because of it so does a part of his eyes. He wore a black jacket, which had numerous designs on it, which matched with his jeans which was the same colour. He wore a cross which had a long line with it making it cooler for the person, who would look at him. And the most intriguing part was about his eyes. The pupils had the colour light green which made his appearance look nicer. Looking at the man one more time, Udarsha made a smile on his face. The man was an Arrancar. “What’s up, fellow mate.” He said grinning.

"This was gonna be a hell of a day!"



#10Requiem Aeternam Empty Re: Requiem Aeternam Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:51 am


The rain was still pouring down, but neither of them were bothered by it; it felt perfectly sublime against his hard skin. Anamist smiled kindly at the man who addressed him with a casual greeting- it bothered him only slightly that the man greeted him so friendly and not with any regard for safety or proper greetings to a complete stranger.. possibly this man knew what he was and felt a sense of comradre with him?

He half-raised his hand in a friendly wave as he smiled and took a couple more steps towards him, into the shadows of the alley- he blinked his eyes to adjust to the low light and for a split second, his eyes glowed crimson. Anamist glanced at the body a few feet away- the assailant who had died just moments ago.

It seems some unforteunate fool picked the wrong person to try to rib, huh.. Though I'm glad to see you are okay- I was considering intervening in the scuffle, but figured you were perfectly capable. Pleased to meet you, I am Anamist- I'm not from around here, just visiting. What is your name, friend?

Anamist spoke as he searched the body to see the identification of the man, he carried no ID- a John Doe, likely no one could identify his body and it would polute the water around the area if it began to decay and the raid carried the blood down the drain. He picked up the body and carried it into the light on the sidewalk where a police officer could see it and report it in to properly be taken care of. he turned to face the nusual man again.

I can't really stay inthis area too long; some people who I don't get along with will be here soon. Do you have some place we can get out of the rain and chat for a few?

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