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*Permission to post w/ Erisdar not quite finished given by Tazuma / Lord Marshal Koshi*

Deep in the heart of North Africa, within the sandy dunes and scalding heat of the Sahara desert a lone man walked. The man's large foot-prints trailing behind him were quickly being swept away by the sand, but what hunted him did not need foot-prints to track its prey. Rather the creature hunting this lone man only needed to do one thing, open its senses, upon doing so it sensed the presence of the man, the aura emanating from him appeared weak, yet dangerous at the same time. Now the creature having found its prey revealed itself, shedding the sand cover from its body.

The white haired senior looking man appeared to not notice the creature raise from the sand, and continued on to walk, his cloak lifting as a gust of wind picked up while carrying sand across the desert. Beneath the mans cloak the wind revealed a pair of swords upon the mans hips, the creature following him too far behind to notice the sheathed weapons or the symbol upon his cloak. If one were too look closely they would see the emblem of the Sanbantai (3rd Division) upon his cloak, and if they were to focus upon their 'sixth' sense they would feel the steadily increase in the pressure the man emanated.

The creature tailing the man decided now was the time to snack on its prey, thinking perhaps it would gain enough power to grow stronger itself. For the creature was not of the living world, no, this creature was a grotesque hollow that appeared to be a disfigured scorpion with a massive tail. The hollow's claws began to clatter loudly as it too began to emanate its own pressure, its claws now appearing to drip with some sort of acid that burned and melted the sand.

Upon hearing the clattering claws of the hollow he had sensed for a while now, the white haired man turned, his attention focused not on the hollow but a spot slightly beyond it. Suddenly a massive wave of heat blasted out from the man, in his place now stood a molten apparition of sorts, before it exploded sending magma around the area. The hollow unfortunate for him, was knocked back by the heat wave, its shell burned slightly, before the apparition infront of him exploded outwards. Unclear of where its opponent was the hollow stumbled forward, revealing the white haired man standing behind it, his cloaked falling upon his back as he sheathed an elegant silver-purple blade, his opposite hand adjusted the glasses upon his face.

Having vanquished his foe the man continued on, heading east towards the coast, the hollow now fading away. As the man walked the aura emanating from him began to awaken a maddening wrath within creatures around him. The aura affected all sorts of creatures, from snakes and scorpions, to hollows alike. All throughout the desert wildlife grew active, and aggressive, causing the desert to erupt into a frenzy of un-natural blood-bath. And on the breeze an edgy whisper of "Only the weak perish in the sand...."


Yet again the demon had found himself wandering the world. He didn't have the time to waste fully adapting to the vessel he had acquired. It took weeks in order to be completely able to fully and completely master a human vessel and, despite having that the last time he changed bodies, he didn't have that now. Despite everything that he had recently been through, he couldn't help but look at the world with a new perspective. This new spin on things was only going to turn his endlessly outrageous life into something all the more wild and unpredictable. Cubix had put so much hard work and effort into the game that he once cherished, but now he simply was restarted and all the saved up data was gone.

It was time to start things off through a different story.

Cubix had long hair now, which was something he still hadn't adjusted too, and it fell passed his waists even. Other than that, the dark gray and silver light armor he wore probably made him look out of place in this day and age. It was lean looking, though still not something you'd go adventuring in a desert with.
The pieces were changed and Cubix was now apart of an new game altogether. He had to approach this new life from different angles, while not forgetting himself or his goals in the processes of understanding the new rules and the new limitations. He would always be himself, though he was never to be the same from now on.

"I sense...Something," Cubix said, feeling something...Was it really heavy? Even the very ground was confused. It had a great weight too it, but Cubix was sure that wasn't a literal analysis. It was confusing, slightly, with what he was picking up from this distance. "What to do?" Cubix wondered, looking out into the wide expanse of the warm, endless sands of the scorching desert. It seemed to stretch onwards forever. Cubix had been here before and, mostly out of nostalgia, had he found himself here again. That, and this was the closest place to his heart that this world could possibly have. Not specifically here, but this was the continent that he spent so many tireless decades watching over the feeble and meager humans that worshiped him. How...Long ago had that been? Cubix felt a strange sensation thinking about it. It was a feeling he was unfamiliar with. Thinking back, to those comfortable days, he couldn't help but wish to be apart of them once more.

"Pitiful," Cubix brought up his hand, palm skyward, and the sands ran up to his palm, slowly levitating in the air. They ran around his wrist to create a cube shaped form above his and. "I gave that up for something and now I have nothing. Really, this is excruciatingly pitiful," Cubix practically whispered as he watched the sands spin and rotate. For a moment, lost in the memories and the feelings, he had forgotten about the approaching body or the slight jumps in energy as it fought something small. Cubix himself was radiating his own signature demonic aura, though it was nothing that would be caught by those that weren't "concentrating" on looking for something. Cubix didn't have any reason, at the moment, to go flaunting energy.

Cubix's attention returned to the endless sands. He didn't pay the approaching body any attention. Eventually though...The two would would meet as their paths drew ever closer.


The sun now beating down, the white haired man continued to walk upon the sand of the Sahara desert like the heat wasn't a bother too him. In the distance for just a moment, the man felt a brief and low energy, before looking up too the sun and donning his cloaks hood upon his head. For the moment his face was revealed, a vertical scar could be seen born upon his right eye. It appeared the man had cloudy brown eyes, and a large amount of facial hair in a stripped pattern. As the hood fell upon his head, the man itched just behind his ear, a shadow now cast over his face.

"I shall take what I need from this world, and leave but a trail of my wrath, and piles of ash..." The man spoke too the wind, before noticing he had come to the top of a massive sand dune, nearing 180 meters in height. Looking below the man spotted a figure moving about the sand, it was larger than others and thus the man considered it potential relief from his boredom. As the man continued to watch the form move about the creatures around him once again came to life full of aggression, lunging and biting at each other. Above the white haired man, a trio of large birds circled before swooping down similar to a vulture.

For a moment it seemed the man was not bothered by the birds, until the neared revealing heads covered in a white bone like material. Each bird-hollow opened its large, pointed, beak and loosed an immense shriek causing the sands beneath the bulky man to shift. As the sand gave way the man took a step before fading away only to appear standing mid-air a hundred feet away from the massive sand-dune as it towered over itself. "And once again the weak flock upon Madness, intent upon harnessing its power." The mans voice rung out, a raspy edge to it. With a wave of the mans arm his cloak billowed behind him as an molten-energy appeared upon his arm.

Raising his arm the man blocked an incoming black talon, before grabbing hold of the bird-hollow's bony leg. Pulling the creature close the man's immense grip and the magma-energy began to break and burn it, as he did so he spoke once again, his voice slightly louder. "Those who seek to harness madness shall taste endless wrath, and shall sink into insanity.." The man then throw the hollow towards its two partners as they attempted to join the fray.

All the while below the man and the large hollow-birds the figure he had seen earlier was steadily closing the distance between them. By now an intense heat would be eminating from our white haired Sanbantai member.


"The fly grows all the more brazen..." Cubix looked over in the direction of the being, which Cubix managed to get some read over, was playing with the birds. Though, in the subtle and reserved actions of the man Cubix could tell there was more than what meet the eye. Cubix was now slightly curious about just what manner of being had he ran into and why was it playing with the brainless wildlife as if they were children's toys?

His position was slightly troublesome however. Standing in the air as he was, he was slightly unreachable to Cubix with his arms and legs. The special magical power that held him in the sky, defying all human logic, was not something Cubix had ever cared to learn. Cubix could always get up there with other means, but he would rather keep his distance while the man was fighting and not incite any of the being's excitable attention with a sudden spike in demonic power.

"How do things like this work?" Cubix thought a moment, flexing the fingers that held the levitating sands above them. "If just running up to him is too much trouble then doing a favor should make this all the more easy," Cubix said to himself, thinking about what to do. That cube would start to spin a moment and Cubix actually tried to, as he rarely did, to limit himself. He was going to use his powers, as quiet as possible, to put himself in favor of the lava spewing tyrant.

One thing Cubix knew was that there was a lot of earth in this air. As strange as that sounded, the air was dry and full of small, tiny little pieces of sand and dirt. Cubix, concentrating, focused on trying to connect to this infinitely broad landscape to grip that small amount of material that flew through the air. It was strange for him to do that instead of just pouring his power into the ground and manipulating all the sand under his feet, but this was about tact and not brawn now.

The cube in Cubix' hand would spin slower and slower as he focused on those earth powers of his and, when he was ready, he crushed it. The sand that wasn't trapped in his fist ran out between his knuckles and passed his wrist and floated around his hand. When Cubix crushed his palm his demonic energy ran up to the point that someone would clearly know that he was not a human and, in that instant, the sand in the air would have came together to the point that nearly solid earth spikes, crafted from the puzzling of sand, would have formed around the birds and attempted to skewer them all at once. All three of the birds would, as Cubix's predicted, be all stabbed three times.

"Done playing with the insects then?" Cubix would ask, a little high. "Those powers you have and that body of yours, you wouldn't happen to be a Soul Reaper, would you?" Cubix asked, his curiosity growing as he walked, step after step, towards the very warm man. Warm was an understatement really. Cubix was honestly sweating. Wasn't that funny? Despite all the flames and fires he witnessed, something in the mortal world made him sweat? Still...The mortal sensations weren't bad at all. Cubix couldn't completely complain about this feeling of being uncomfortably warm.


The heat, it wasn't something that Cross was used to. It drove him insane, almost enough to just forget what he was here for. He slowly took off his upper robe, throwing it into a tree. His boots slowly sunk into the sand, each step was slower and slower. He began to drag his feet, leaving trenches of sand behind him. Slowly, he raised his right hand over his face, blocking the sun from his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with the people on this continent? The heat just drains the energy out of you." He thought to himself as sweat beads go down his face. Now, it may seem like The heat would affect Cross's fighting capabilities through here, which in turn it did not. He was just acting like a wuss because he could. Not because he wanted to. He had no one to tell him to get a spine and go through this like a real hollow. No. He wanted to complain for once. Hell, he would call it bitching if he had the choice.

His blade dragged right beside him, moving rocks or plants that got in its way. Cross was thankful for the recent haircut he received. It wasn't so much a buzz cut, but it wasn't dropping down to his shoulders like before. The number 1 tattoo across his face acted like a distraction for the sun, so it wouldn't affect his eyes any longer. "This is really, really redundant." He muttered underneath his breath. Slowly, he reached behind him, pulling out a bottle of water he grabbed in the human world, sipping on it before letting some run down his chin. "That is like Ice.." He commented, looking at the water.

He knew there would be hollows here, but he wasn't going to do anything about them. Unless they attacked the villages nearby. Then, but only then would he go out of his way to save a human life. Rolling his shoulders, his upper body began to sweat just like his head. his flesh shinned in the sun, as sand blew up from the wind, sticking to his skin. Sighing, Cross just moved on, Flaring his reiatsu so he could maybe get some attention from hollows that planned on hitting the villages later on.


Now once again standing atop the massive sand dune, the heat emanating from the white haired man continued to increase as the sand beneath his feet began to melt down and form a rough for of glass. His attention turned to the three bird-hollow as he briefly adjusted his glasses. Suddenly the man felt an influx of some sort of energy, as multiple spikes seemed to form around the hollow from nothing-ness. After killing off the mans short lived entertainment the being that had done so was now close enough for our white haired friend to make out some details, like the long black hair he had, or the silver/grey armor he wore. The Soul Reaper as the being had guessed it listened to him speak for a moment before answering. "Soul Reaper... yes that's what I am, though I'd much rather the old name this world of humans gave us.. Death Gods. And what about you... your not a hollow, not a soul reaper, then what can you be?" The man answered in a rough voice before feeling a large flare in hollow reiatsu.

With a burst of energy the white/silver haired shinigami took towards the burst, as he did so energy began to ripple around him before a dark blue armor formed on him. This armor was outfitted with several large spikes that could potentially be deadly. Nearing the source of hollow reiatsu, the shinigami saw nothing but one being, walking through the sand. Rather than go after it, the shinigami decided to follow, keeping tabs on the being.


"What am I?" Cubix played with the innocent question, his eyes seeming to almost light up a moment, "I am Cubix," He answered, as if that explained every part and piece to what the Shinigami asked. Cubix approached, his eyes eying all the super heated mess that this man carelessly created. It was almost like he had no control. A barbarian that lacked the ability to reserve and withhold its sword arm from the backslash of his sword. Then again, beings like this were similar. They relished power. They honored it and held it higher than all other important attributes as if the strongest was the best in all fields. The Shinigami were probably the most simple of all races, even more so than the petty humans.

However, still, this one was strangely attracting. Cubix found a strange, growing interest in itss novel ignorance. Holding great power, yet surprised by a few avian, low level hollow was beyond the ordinary. Almost like, a newborn titan risen from the depths of a dark, sheltering womb having been tossed into this reality without any fingers to point the right direction.

Then again, maybe he was just slow? Slow as boring, really. Because, lackluster intelligence was what, as Cubix believed, formed all beings that were different than he was. "Why don't we have a quick conversation," Cubix invited, drawing up his hand and beckoning Erisdar closer. "I've just woken up myself," He added, as if he genuinely understood what was going on. "I would like to know-" Cubix paused a moment, realizing that Hollow energy he had been trying so hard to ignore was drawing annoying close. A hollow was something that Cubix lacked the patience to ever find interesting. A parasite that was all the more barbaric than the Shinigami was the exact opposite of what Cubix wanted around. It was a child running in interrupting the conversation between an adult and a, well, teenager. Erisdar was definitely the teenager, with his adorning his armor and practically fixated on the worm slithering it's way over.

"Of course," Cubix tossed his head up, rolling his eyes, having given up. He watched Erisdar watching the nearing Cross and waited to see how the Shinigami planned to handle it. What exactly was the responsibility of the Shinigami and the expectations of the Hollow? To kill the other. Killing an interest would be boring, so Cubix would rather the Shinigami lasted a while, but seeing it fight would display a few things about him that Cubix wanted to know anyway. Basically, Cubix found little-to-no reason to interfere beyond keeping Erisdar breathing should the two clash and he intended to watch should it go that far.

Thus, as Erisdar went to stalk Cross, Cubix remained where he was, arms now crossed and the sand at his feet swirling around steadily, rippling occasionally, as his own power ran through the earth.


Cross still dragged through the Desert, wiping his forehead every once and a while when sweat started to run down his head. "fuck this heat in the ass with a carrot.." he commented, Rubbing his hands over then back of his neck. His eyes were closed the whole time as he lifted up his hair, putting it into a pony tail to help him cool off somehow. Rolling hsi head, he just grunted. "Nothing is even going to go.." He stopped walked. Cross lifted up his head as he opened his eyes, staring straight ahead. "If you are going to follow me. You should atleast hide your reiatsu old man." He commented to the shinigami behind him. Cross didn't care for the stupid ones. He had slight respect for the ones that attempted to hide their reiatsu but still failed.

"say your name. Before i attempt to find it out from the blade.


Closed as I am working on a whole new concept for Erisdar. As such this thread is no longer Valid.

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