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#21Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:27 pm


Mizuko continued in her attack as she listened to what Gust had to say. Once she was blocked and he said she needed to earn her power she began to ponder the meaning of that when she was caught off guard and pushed back by his leg. As he shunpo'd close to her she felt a chill run down her back, one not caused by her attack. She was shocked as the storm cloud formed over the area. She backed away from him a bit, feeling a little odd about what was going on. Finally, she spoke. "Gust, what is wrong with you? What has happened to you since we last fought?" His laughing soon creeped her out and she backed away. She was not sure what to do. All she had was her water/ice attacks. She coudl use her strongest attack, but feared that if she missed she would truely be in trouble since she would be out of reiatsu. Thinking an ice attack might be a good start she calls forth, with trouble, a large amount of water above Gust's head. She then quickly turns this into 75 ice needles and sends them down in waves upon Gust. She then shunpo's off to one side and sends out Shakkaho. She shunpo's again and casts Sokatsui. She shunpo's again and attempts to slash at him again. this time accompanied before it by Icicle Blizzard.

#22Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:31 am


Gust was just laughing as he crouched forward, His blades dragging against the ground as he ran and shadow shunpo'd from the ice barrage. He appeared on the side of a building, pushing off of it as the building collapses behind him. Holding his blades forward be makes contact with the strike that Mizuko planned. He avoided all the kido she shot at him while he pushed from the building earlier. His smile was wide as he was just giggling. His eyes were golden as his reiatsu, sharpened blades dug into mizukos's blade. Pushign back, Gust swirled his blades around as it started to rain. The water that rains down is not normal water. It’s hundreds of water bullets. But the tech doesn’t end there. The shadows that each water bullet produces on the groudn are also shot towards Mizuko, this creating a wall of water, and shadow bullets. Gust flips his blades around, where the handle is pointing forwards. Hold the blades in reverse grip, he connects all the shadows in the area to the point of the handle. making the shadows wrap around his handles. His looked up, dragging his palms on the ground. "...Gust is gone." The demonic, Metallic voice commanded. It sort of struggled as an echo.

#23Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:36 am


"not good " I say when gusts shikai changes as gust reacts and says he isn't gust. I quickly grab a drain paper tag I then quickly shunpo as fast as I can to gust appearing before him in a flash. I palm strike the tag aiming for gusts right shoulder I then drop and activate monk form clading myself in my armor form. As I drop down I speak"secret lotus seven star destroyier." As I say the final word I leap up and throw and double knee to the ribs then I throw a double jab uppercut combo as the uppercut lands I leap to the,side and plant my hand and throw an axe kick to I hope is,the,side of gusts head that kick has a ball of combressed reishi attached to it. If it lands I then take a defensive stace

#24Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:44 pm


Mizuko didn't think many if any of her attacks would work, but she was begining to run out of options for attacking Gust. As her attack was being blocked she realized that his eyes where only golden and not blue and gold. She knew something was wrong at that point but she didn't have much time to think. When it starts to rain the water bullets she makes her water shield a bit stronger. It does block most of the smaller bullets and lessens the damange from the bigger ones. She is bruised and has a few scrapes, but not much more. She looks at Gust from beind the wall he created and listened to what he had to say. A look of shock and terror came across her face. That was when she lost it. She could not believe what she just heard. She watched as Tazuma began to attack Gust. If Tazuma's attacks hit or not, Mizuko is now very upset at all that is going on. She begins to glow a sapphire blue and build up her energy. She also takes a defensive stance, waiting to see what will happen next.

#25Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:02 pm


Gust took the full attack of Tazuma, with the tag on his right shoulder, Gust is sent flying into a building. He hanged there, holding the shadows on his blade. He just raised his head. Blood dripped from hsi forehead down to his chin as he just laughed. His eyes started to gain a black circle as he activated his monk form. The armor combined with the scheme of his shikai. His blue was darker than before, as well as his reiatsu wings that he had. He shook slightly, letting himself fall from the building. Landing on his knees, he looked up. All that could be heard was the laughter from Gust. His eyes could be seen from behind the mask.

"idiots." he commented, Still having trouble to keep control over his voice. He darted towards Tazuma as he brought up hsi blades, but shunpo'd at the very last moment, appearing above Mizuko, hanging on the side of the building. The sphere on the end on his blades covered the handles, he would fall, slashign multiple times. The blades would attempt to cut into her, as well as the shadows would attempted to bind her to the groudn with each strike.

#26Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:26 pm


Mizuko began to worry about Gust as he started laughing. Gust, what is wrong with you? How can I help you? What am I going to do? she tought as she continued to watch Gust. She watched as he headed for Tazuma and was caught off guard as he appeared above her. A chill ran down her spin as she began to block as many of his strikes as she could. She could not block them all and eventually got hit hard with the last slash from Gust. She felt the extreme need to get away from Gust to prevent getting further hurt but found she was unable to due to being bound to the ground. She began to panic more, fearing for her life as she looked at Gust. She didn't want to use her final attack but felt that, if not, she may just die. She felt best to hold off just a bit longer, however, and began to gather her energy. She also closed her eyes for a few moments before opening them once more. They began to glow the sapphire blue that incdicated she was using Hatsuden. Since she was stuck she called forth large amounts of water a distance away from where they were standing. She felt maybe a surprise attack might help her to have success in her next attack.

#27Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:55 am


As gust shunpo'd toward me and moved at the last second I follow him with my left hand extended as he stopped I would fire a blast of divine light at gust if it hit I would then draw another tag to speed up his return to normal but with him in monk form I knew he was not helping much.

Reaching up too my,hilt of my zanpacto I,think~not now~ as my hand wraps around the hilt I feel the silk wrappings against my hand. Pulling the blade from its sheathe I place it to the right side blade out"Gust get ahold of yourself."

#28Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:35 am


Gust smirks at Mizuko, Pointing his blades at her as he tilts his head back. His eyes glowing golden. When Tazuma used the Divine light, It didn't affect him. But Gust didn't resist. Right before the final tag was put on his shoulder. He licked his lips as he lowered his blade at Mizuko. "Cannot wait to taste your zanpaktou." The tags were putting into affect. Gust's monk form drops as it shatters in the wind. The gold in his eyes turned back to normal as he fell to his knees. He remained in Shikai, still rolling his shoulders as the tags still drained him. His chest went in and out as he breathed slowly, recuperating from the Tags. Yawning, he looked up, scratching the back of his head. "Put your blade down Sensei." He commented as he stood up. Looking to his right, he saw that Mizuko was binded from his shadows. He went beside her, Picking her up as he cut the shadows from her and then placed her back down. Rotating his neck, Gust looked back over to Tazuma. "I'm getting better at it."

#29Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:22 am


"attacking me isn't a sign of getting better at anything." I say to gust as he returns to himself. All the while all I can think of is thst I am the cause of this issue directly. Removing.the tag from gusts shoulder I say"now we know how to get you back huh?" I say to gust winking

#30Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:38 am


Mizkuo was not aware of anything else happening around her as she gathered the water behind where they are were. She then released the water, heading right towards all three of them. She then realized she was free. She jumped back a bit, getting ready to use her final Shikai attack when she realized that Gust was back to normal and that was why she was free. Knowing the attack was comming straight for them she knew she had to act fast. She shunpo'd to just before the wave heading for the group. Her eyes continued to glow sapphire blue. She then began to ask Selece for help in stopping the water.

She finds herself in her zanpakutos world for a moment when she closes her eyes.

You've come for my help. You need to stop ignoring me. You can't do this all your own. We need to work together.

I know that now. I'm sorry for ignoring you. Please help me to stop this wave of water from hitting Gust and Tazuma.

Selece nodds. Reach out to me and touch me. Let us work together to help your friends.

That was when Mizuko reached out and touched Selece.

Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 3 296px-RayearthJap-8A-0-51-21

When Mizuko opened her eyes and her whole body began to glow a sapphire blue. She looked at the water and held out her hands. Suddenly the water froze in place and did not move any further. She then, with her sword in hand, jumped and slashed at the ice, cutting it small pieces that would not be able to hurt anyone. Once she is done she turns around and looks back at Gust and Tazuma. She stops glowing and blinks her eyes a few times. They stop glowing also. Shortly after that she falls to her knees, panting a bit. "Goodness, that took more out of me than I thought it would." she said, trying to gain a little help from her sword to stand up.

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