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#41Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:30 am


Seeing the stranger arrive I begin walking slowly towards the man. Step by step.changes begin to take place. My cloak shifts into a black gauntlet that goes well to the elbow. Then a black fur cape flows out from my shoulders. As I approach this man I start to hear subtle pops of noise looking at him"are you making those pops mr mass murderer? If so please stop.perhaps you have not heard onf the one armed demon of soul society?" I ask as I get within ten feet from him

#42Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:47 am


Masamune's eyes adverted from the two to the one who spoke to him adressed him intially he glanced over at him lazily his hands were still dipped into his the pockets of his jacket but looked at his features noticing his missing arm but when he asked if Masa had ever heard of him his eyes gazed to the sky and thought, "Hm, sounds oddly familiar..Was your father a Noble Monk?" Masamune asked curiously glancing at the male for a few seconds.

#43Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:54 am


"if he was what of it?" I respond quickly. I take a coupole more steps towards the man"why would who my father may have been matters?" Looking around I see gust training again but I have no time to handle him right now. Looking at the mans hip I see what side his sword was on and from that I gain an insight that may come in handy but tgis man seems nonaggressive

#44Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:38 am


Masa's gaze moved towards the ground as he thought a little longer before lifting his gaze back up to the man, "Do you bear a scar from when you were a child?" Masa asked him but then silenced himself all of the world cept for these men moved but it seemed as if they didn't frozen in time of some sorts

#45Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:39 pm


Hearing the mans question I assume he is looking for me and he may be an assassin from soul society"i do in fact. I guess you are looking for me? I should be honored that the captain commander sent his assassins after me." I say as I draw my zanpacto. The massivly long blade pulls free from its sheathe"so are you hear to attempt to kill me now?"

#46Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:13 am


Gust was not surprised with her movements to the attacks. "everytime you do this. You need to pick up on something better. Just because i can't see you clearly, doesn't mean i can't sense your postion." Gust wasn't surprised at all what she was doing. He felt the water go over him. Gust just turned his head and followed her movement. He couldn't use shunpo. He was way too weak to use that. All he did was raise his blade once he felt her coming. He heard her saying her attacks names. The water bullets did next to no damage towards Gust. It just felt like getting hit with hard rain. What did some damage, was the 75 needles. Each and every little needle, pierced thought Gust's skin like nothing. Some was sticking halfway out when they pierced. He winced at the pain as blood covered his body. He caught her blade with his, holding it there as he pushed a little. He spun his blade around hers, hopefully making her wrists juggle aroudn as he pushed his sword into the ground, hopefully having her left side open as he brings a kick up to her ribs.

#47Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:17 am


Masa gazed to the man and his zanpaktou lazily blinking not bothering to take out his zanpakuto but decided to take out a hand and wave it towards Taz, "Whoa there big fella. I am your brother I was just checking to make sure it was you was all." Stated Masamune as he put his hand back into the jacket pocket and turned to gaze to the sky suddenly though he sat on the ground and removed his sandal beginning to pick the nail from his toes with his teeth there had been a few times where he took the whole thing and other times where it came clean off with the mystery now revealed he was going to finish his toe nail cutting.

#48Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:32 am


Hearing the man make the claim as to be my brother i look at him puzzled"so you claim to be my real brother. If you are show me something....anything that can support your claim." I say sheathing my zanpacto looking at the man intently. I almost wish he is telling the truth finally someone who could ill let me know my true past

#49Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:38 am


Masamune looked up at him before sighing and getting up, there he removed his jacket and shirt as a slash across his chest was shown the cut was giving off a darkerr aura from within the tissue he stared Taz down and spoke, "My Mother, or the Noble Woman who took me in told me I had a brother who was attacked by a Vasto Lorde hollow when we were both just infants, my own scar has been infested with my zanpakuto." replied Masamune before he put his jacket and shirt back on and sat down continuing to pick at his toe nails.

#50Passing Down The Torch!  - Page 5 Empty Re: Passing Down The Torch! Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:21 am


Showing my scar now a perfect spiral shaped scar carved over my heart by lowering the left side of my robes"and mine was infested by the hollow." I say to the man. As I look at the man"show me your zanpacto brother." I ask wanting to see if we share any common power

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