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#1Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:08 am


Sorin was in his office like the usual days he was while the park thrived and made money for himself and all of his employee's it had been some years since those incidents occured and people seemed to run in and out of this park it was like the park itself was some sort of fix for their amusement something always drew them to Disneyland, was it the imagineer's he hired or the Mickey Mouse walking the street's of the park? Was it the rides themselves, Who was to say? Sorin however was reading the charts for the stock markets and the broken rides and new ride idea's and repeated the same whining comment he always did with the same gesture of movements.

Falling back into his chair he closed his eyes and pouted some before speaking aloud to himself, "Mmmmmmmmmmehhhh, I've read these a thousand times!" bringing his head forward he rest his head on his desk it was another one of those god forsaken boring days, earlier a few Quincy had ran into his office, children, looking to grab his attention he of course always had time for his people and did so by spending some time with them but when they left his day went right back to hell, Could this day get any better could he get out of this hell, he lifted his hands in the air and screamed aloud to himself sound like a lunatic, "Why me...WHY!? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?" and silenced himself, yep...It was going to be one of those days alright another boring day in hell.

#2Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:31 am


Sitting in the inner sanctum of the newly formed castle of the Divine I see on a screen a massive reiatsu sign. "well well looks like I need to make a visit to a possible friend to the faith." I raise from the throne and pulling up the hood of my cloak and slipping it on my,usual way with the sleeves over my shoulders I sheath my zanpacto and in a burst of divine light as I send myself to where this being is.

Inside the office a flash of blue light fills the room as I can be seen in the light I speak"i mean no ill will. I have just came to speak with,you noble quincy." The readings informed me of his nature plus I could feel his reiatsu as soon as I arrived. As the light subsides I can be seen a black cloak with the sleeves over my shoulders underneath is a standard samurai attire. My dark hair and bright blue eyes can be seen from under the hood of the cloak. No reiatsu can be felt at all from me at,this time. The hilt of a nodachi sized sword can be seen slung over my right shoulder. On my right leg a golden glint catches the light

#3Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:43 am


"For almost twenty years I've lived in this world... yet I've never visited this place." Masaru Isamu had arrived outside a large amusement park known as Disneyland, he had heard about it and other amusement parks a lot over the years he had been in the human world. Almost a week ago he, and the two other pieces of his soul agreed it might turn out to be an enjoyable adventure, and thus Masaru found himself there.

As usual Masaru's hair appeared to be short for the most part other than the two long pony-tail like strands. His silver hair shone in the sunlight, and his crimson eyes held a soft glow to them. Unlike how he dressed recently Masaru had taken to wear his old assassin style outfit, the black cloak billowing in the wind behind him. With a sigh Masaru used shunpo, entering the park unknown to those without spiritual senses.

#4Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:44 am


Sorin had long since dozed off from his boredom missed a few phone calls a few door knocks, even some of the little Quincy children came in and drew on his hand and face but he was having a wonderful dream that he was with his family again, his sister Nunu, little Eden and Drenna it was magnificent he was traveling through a city with them and they were shopping Drenna was looking as beautiful as ever with their second child in her stomach she but he suddenly caught a flash of blue light.

When he woke up and looked up he jumped and rolled his rolling chair back as fast as possible, "Jeeeeeeeezus, the grim reaper has come to take me away!" he said in a frantic tone not really knowing anyone outside of the normal society to appear with blue light and black robes, was this guy a lunatic or something? Well Sorin didn't really have time to ask he didn't show fear but he was sure as hell startled and asked the grim reaper a simple question, "What do you want?" Sorin asked as he kept close to the wall.

#5Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:59 am


After Masaru entered the park he continued on, rather than ride anything Masaru wanted a view of the place and for that he would need to stand atop the highest point he could see. That point was the tip of one of the towers of a large castle like structure. With a burst of shunpo Masaru made way over the crowd before landing atop the structure and looking around admiring the park and the amount of people gathered. "I need to be on guard here... with this number of people a hollow may show up soon.." Masaru spoke softly to himself.

#6Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:16 am


Seeing the man hide behind his desk and comment about the grim reaper coming to get him I chuckle"what,i,want is simply to take to you." Look onward"you can relax as you can see I mean no harm or ill will. May I sit or do you prefer me to stand?" I ask the man behind the desk

#7Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:25 am


Sorin slowly stood up and pointed with his finger to the hood over his head before speaking, "Take that thing off your head, and stand! I don't want to seat down and a scythe takes my neck clean off in one sweep! Whattarya Crazy!?" Sorin yelled with his fist shaking in the air but heard that he wished to talk merely which was off putting seeing as how there was always a catch to these "talks"

Sorin's right eye twitched as he spoke a grim voice his eyes glancing at the hooded figure which he was hoping in his mind would soon rid himself of that thing, no person looking like death was going to come in his office and take away his life! Oh no no no! Not on his watch, "Talk? About what exactly?" Sorin asked but looked off to the side his face became more stern and serious as he had sensed another presence in the amusement park, Shinigami? Maybe but not like a Shinigami he had encountered before, perhaps those monsters Ryoki spoke on when he had made a trip to the mansion once.

Was this man going to come this way? Who was to say but he was keeping tabs on the beings reiatsu signature. Looking back to the unhooded being his face grimaced again as he lowered his head a large sweat drop appeared over his hair as he spoke, "Mmmmmeh Take me! Just be gentle on the killing part!" When he lifted his head his pupils dialated as if he had done some kind of super drug only there were tears to follow and his bottom lip to quiver he was looking like a pansy but hell he didn't care he was going to die anyway.

#8Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:34 am


"what are, you talking about? Im not here to take you quincy im here to speak with,you about a possible mutual alliance between my,empire and your people." I say as I lower my,hood now my,reiatsu could be felt if I release it."there is no scythe at your neck.i want to warn you of what,is going on in soul society." I say,standing still

#9Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:45 am


Sorin slowly began to lose that look and slowly it narrowed he wasn't sure of what he saw but what he felt was similar yet odd at the sametime, a Shinigami probably a former captain but what was he now, something different he could only assume, something differently entirely almost other wordly, could it be something gave this man this power, Sorin felt his pressure push with his own and felt a clash he knew everything was going to be non-symetrical and he knew he was going to lose it but didn't think to lower his

And so their two signatures clashed and his whole office began to run amuck, "Do they ever do anything different, Shinigami? Sorin asked him with a narrow face his fear of death leaving his features only to have their signatures give off a final boom and span outward as it would have already happened when all was said and done he kept that same face but slowly it began to go red and with an outburst Sorin lost his composure

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...Everything!....E-Everything was in perfect symmatry! And now its all gone I can't do anything right, I am just a failure a complete and utter failure!"

Sorin Screamed aloud and lowered his head and sniffling weeping motion it was the end for him he had nothing left it took him hours upon hours to make everything in his office perfect in symmatry and now look at it! Sorin's day was going even more to shit than he thought and with that he let out a sigh and fell to the floor it was his lost all hope to live phase and this was the action he normally took, a nutcase mind for a nutcase habit what a character Sorin was.

#10Business booming like usual(Open) Empty Re: Business booming like usual(Open) Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:50 am


As Masaru stood atop the castle structure he noted a semi-familiar presence, but it was somehow altered from how he recalled it. "Tazuma.." With that he took off, leaping from the structure heading towards Tazuma's odd signature. As he neared Masaru also felt what seemed to be a quincy presence. Slowing, Masaru walked to the door of the building he felt the two signatures and knocked heavily.

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