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#21Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:19 am


Taisho would pour him self another cup of sake, His eyes seemed to not show must interest with really anything at the time. He would take a small sip before returning the cup back to the table. He took a soft breath before he was about to speak but he felt someone getting near he chuckled softly. His eyes would turn to look behind him just as he felt her chin land on his shoulder. His eyes narrow at the young woman.

"You missed Taicho at the end of that name. Kerei Fukutaicho."

He let her be as she began to speak and seem to be over joyed of begin off duty, He then noticed she was looking at eaon funny another soft laugh left his lips as he then brought out his hands to open the box to see captain Sefirosu jacket..with very bad handy work on most of it. He would smile lightly sliding of the seat he was on he hugged his fukutaicho very tightly, Kissing the top of her head he took his seat again. Putting the jacket back in the box he placed it on bar table. He would tap the seat beside him.

"Take a Seat. Also this is a long time friend of mine. Eaon Norellia Fukutaicho of the sixth division. I'm sure you two shall be seeing more of each other when the Fukutaicho meetings start up again."

He would take another sip of his drink before taping the oak wood again calling for the bar keep. He would smile when he appeared in front of the Captain. "Soda for the young lady" His eyes turned to his Fukutaicho saying only a few private words to her just with his eyes and look. "Listen or else." The bar keep would nod and reply quickly with a quick "Right away sir."

Taisho would toss more coins on the table a few moments later a bubbly drink was placed in front of Kerei, And more Sake was put in front of the two adults.

"We always finish are paper work. Just we have so much of it dealing with killing others."

He would smirk softly before taking another drink, this day was turning out better then he planned.

#22Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:00 am


Judging by the outfit of the young woman who'd come walking into the bar next, she was someone else that Taisho knew. Eaon thought this was odd and quickly found himself wondering if he'd done anything that could be mistaken for treason in the last few months. What were the chances more Division Two members were showing up unannounced unless they were after something? That or in all the talks of killing and bloody pasts and ancient times the two Shinigami had forgot to tell each other their plans of the recent past. There was always a good chance that she was just here for Taisho, besides, Eaon was confident if Taisho wanted him he'd come after Eaon himself, less he'd lose a comrade.

When this Kerei then proceeded to give Taisho a ruined jacket thing back he assumed that it wasn't anything hostile. Eaon couldn't tell though until Taisho said Kerei's rank as well that she as the Lieutenant of Division Two, however she did have the lack luster impression making skills of the typical Shinigami. Was this the apprentice that Taisho was passing his skills on? When Taisho had mentioned it, Eaon assumed it was someone who was at least as strong as a Captain or two, however if it was Kerei she seemed relatively average. Then again there were a lot of assumptions in that line of thoughts, maybe she was more impressive than she looked. Granted judging by her boots she had no idea how to dress at all.

"I refuse to go to those damned Lieutenant's Meetings. They're completely worthless." Eaon said, and he probably meant it. Eaon actually loathed the Meetings, all one did was sit around and realize how they weren't Captains, talking about how good their skills were getting, and have dick measuring contests about what their divisions were doing. Eaon was better trained, already beyond Captain level, and made sure his Division was likely the strongest and most ready to move of all the Divisions. He got nothing by going there and talking about what he already knew. In fact usually if not for those meetings he could have spent more time actually training.

#23Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:53 am


Kirei showed Taisho an apologetic look as he scolded her. She was glad that Taisho wasn’t upset about how terrible his jacket looked. She half expected him to be upset, reminded about the jacket. She gave a half sigh of relief and smiled up at her captain. She looked at the seat Taisho patted and then to the man her captain was speaking with. He was introduced allowing Kirei the chance to interact with the man without the whole awkwardness issue.

She folded her hands in front of her and half way bowed. “Pleasure to meet you, Norellia Fukutaicho.” She stood straight; she allowed him the chance to think he was above her but the title made him her equal in ranking, possibly not power but in ranking. She met his eyes and held the contact, speaking to him with a half-smile. “I am Kirei Kurushimi, daughter of the Kurushimi clan and Lieutenant of the second division.”

She didn’t expect him to know much about the Kurushimi clan, not many did know anything about them. But if he knew Taisho she wondered if he had heard of the clan. But it wasn’t something she was thinking much about. She turned around and stepped towards the seat, sitting carefully down, not to tamper with her still healing injuries.

When he said soda Kirei sent a very cold glare at him, opening her mouth to refuse. Just because she looked 19 didn’t mean she couldn’t have alcohol. It didn’t help that Taisho was like her older brother either. When Taisho turned around Kirei held his gaze, she could feel the electricity soaring between the look they exchanged. She huffed and looked away, pouting slightly as she laid her elbow on the bar, her chin landing in her palm. She mumbled a few words that she herself could hardly understand.

She glared hard at the soda that sat in front of her. If looks could kill, that glass of soda would have exploded right there. Kirei grinned as she imagined the soda exploding and getting all over Taisho white captain’s jacket. She imagined Taisho glaring at her and her jumping on the bar, hitting her knuckles together, and sparks flying. She grinned a little as she thought of Taisho seeing her knuckles and bowing down, handing her sake.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye and smirked, reaching for the soda glass. She grabbed it then sighed, looking at it and taking a sip.

In the midst of her sip she heard Taisho speak about killing, she was about to say “what” but instead took in soda down the wrong pipe and began to cough a little. The bartender looked a little worried but Kirei waved him off. She quickly regained her composure and went back to glaring at the soda. Fucking bubbly drink.

Kirei leaned forward on her elbows to look past Taisho at Eaon as he spoke. She blinked a little as he spoke about his opinion on the lieutenant meetings. Being a fairly new lieutenant, Kirei hadn’t gone to enough meetings to judge them. The meetings she had gone to she listened to the people talk but she did have to agree a little with Eaon, there could be better things the lieutenants could do than have meetings.

Kirei tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at Eaon before shrugging. “I really can’t say much about the meetings, I haven’t been to enough to judge.” She took a sip of her soda and spoke once more. “They are a bit boring though.” She said as if thinking out loud.

#24Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting An old Friend (OPEN) Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:57 am


Taisho some what looked over at Eaon noticing how he worded things and how he some what moved in his seat looking over at his Fukutaicho. His eyes then turned to Kerei as she some what all most died on a drink. A smirk covered his face as he took a look at his old jacket again. A small sigh left his lips as he tried to hide any sad emotion in his voice or on his body.

"All though you may think there a waste of time. It's both your duties to attend them. It's the same duty I have when a meeting comes up for my self. That said one has not been planned for a few months."

He took another long drink of his sake and placed the cup back down. His eyes looked down at the oak table as he ran a single finger over the oak finish. He would pour him self another drink before sitting the jug back down on the table. His eyes looked over at his Fukutaicho.

"Thank you Kerei, You most likely have a great under standing how much this jacket means to me. I may be unable to wear it again. The fact of the matter this jacket has more meaning to it. Wouldn't have it any other way really."

He took a deep breath before taping the oak counter top with his right index finger again wondering what was going threw the mind of the two people he truly looked at as his second family. The really only family he ever truly cared for.

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