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#21Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:01 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."

Udarsha looked at her with a question mark on his face. "The what is the what?" he said to himself as he processed through his brain trying to remember something. Yet it was a complete let down. He could remember nothing of an exile secret group or a divine clan the time he was there as the captain commander for a few years. But in his life he had never heard such a thing. "Exile and the divine group, you say? Who started it?" In what decade? Who is the supreme commander?!" he wanted to ask but he felt like she was not in that kind of mood to answer all his cracked up and endless questions and in doing so he kept himself silent. How shameful...

The trees began to flatter it's leaves as the wind started to blow. It was not strong but normal. The wind blowed slightly making a small type of chill run through his spine. Just barely, he closed his eyes and he took a deep breath and exhaled. It was not much but quite refreshing. His throat was dry he needed something to drink. But he had endurance. Udarsha was not the person who drank water every now and then. He barely even drink a lot for a day. But something said that it was a crucial thing to drink water and he knew it. A thing was he was never meant to understand such a thing.

Looking back at the new person he met with and gave her a small gentle smile. Not lopsided but a fine smile. He could see that she was looking at him. He could understand it. But there was something that was really meant to be known and understand-ed for a reason. This was one of it. Clearly. "So are you going to stand there and stare at me all day, Ma'am?" Udarsha said softly with a psychotic grin on his face with flipped everyone. Nearly by an unknown figure was watching there conversation. Waiting...waiting...waiting...Still the right time.

#22Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:59 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster

#23Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:30 am


"As I would love to explain everything to you about the divine and us exiled, I am not able to because of the secrets that we have. Please call me Aki" she said as she noticed him sensing something else around them. She turned her head as she felt something change in the winds and she knew something was going to come for them, however she was unsure as to what it was or if it was even a treat to them. She looked back at him and with a slight grin one her face "May I ask who it is you are, and how it is that you have a zanpakuto." she asked as she placed her hand on the hilt of her sword as she felt something coming towards them, she stood ready for what ever it was.

#24Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:11 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."

Udarsha smiled and reply softly. "My name Logged Udarsha Etrama Di Raizel. You can call me Rai or Udarsha if you want to, if you think my name is too big for you." he paused trying to get back to his thoughts. "I was the captain commander of the gotei 13 for a few years. So that's explain, why I have a Zanpaktou doesn't it." he ended his answer by giving her a another small smile.

#25Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:12 am


"It is nice to meet you, and it is nice to finally meet the captain commander" Aki said as she gave a small smile, her eyes went white as she received a vision from the divine family, it was one she knew was going to come one day. She seen her own death and to who was the one who would put an end to her. She looked at Rai, "It was nice to meet you, and I do mean that, but it is time for me to give my good byes, this will be the last time that you see me. I am sorry to leave without answering your questions but I must go and attend to my family members and to my fate" she said as she used shunpo and disappeared leaving Rai alone again.

[Exit thread]

#26Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:30 am


The winds picked up as the skies feel dark and gloomy, snow began to fall slowly covering the ground. The air grew moist and cold with the presence of something coming near, the snow fell faster covering more of the ground, dulling the senses to see what was coming closer and closer to Rai, a thing that was not like the women who left him alone. She drew closer and closer to him as she kept her self concealed as best she could. She looked at Rai from a distance watching to see what he would do at her presence

#27Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:56 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."

Udarsha slowly moved his head up towards the sky. Clouds were beginning to form in one close to another. As a small current of wind gushed passed through him. He felt a small chill. Not a normal chill. It was something he knew well over the past years. It was gonna snow. It was days since the 1st day it snowed here. He wanted to see it yet again.

Udarsha swiftly turned towards his right and looked forward. He could see that the woman was slowly...coming towards him. She was taking light steps. As if she was in some way shy to show her presence to him. Udarsha formed a small smile on his lips. He knew what this clearly meant. She in turn wished that he would do the something one way or another. Trying to hide his grin, Udarsha looked away. It was rather exciting but not much. Before doing anything stupid; Udarsha just stood motionless watching her moving towards him. So when she was near him, he could do what he wished for so dearly.

#28Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:10 am


Isis watched as she noticed the young man turn to see her coming towards him, she thought to her self, "What should I do now" she decided what to do and she kept walking towards him slowly and harmless. She looked towards the sky as she smiled slightly, the weather is nice, the cold is so relaxing and allows for so much to happen, she grew closer to the man as she finally stopped 5 meters away from him, she knew that she might cause something with him, but she really did not care, she knew that there was risks that would happen if she entered this world and she knew that there was going to be consequences to her actions. She didnt care this was one of the only times that she had to herself and she knew that she needed to enjoy every moment as if it was her last.

#29Conquistadores De Mortis - Page 3 Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:22 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha said nothing. Yet but he looked at the women coming slowly towards him. Udarsha could feel that she was coming towards him quite unhappily. Not for her own gratification. It was she was being forced or coming because of despair. Raizel sighed. This was actually not what he wanted. He wanted to the women to come towards him happily. Not in such a miserable face filled with dolefulness... "Oh, well, at least shes coming" he said to himself sitting down on thew hard sandy floor.

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