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#31A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:10 am


As Amaya,Josh,and Anna took the children to the toy store. I wait until they all enter the store after they do I step into an alley and drop my gigai in an explosion of cherry blossoms. Now in my normal form,i leap up onto a near by building. Opening both my hands and arms . I smell the world around me with renewed,stronger senses then ever. I had one goal,to find a spark of Mortal Light in an entire world is a daunting task to say the least but good old Kurakura town,number one hot spot for all things paranormal. The mortal light is here in the city. I can smell it now. My light needs completion and soon it will be......very soon indeed

#32A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:57 am


Amelia ordered some ramen in a pig bone brooth with some chicken on top oif the noodles. Jack ordered the same thing, but with beef instead of chicken

"Well there are all sorts fo ramen. And let's pick something you like for once" Joshua said"Do you need any help?"

#33A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:15 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"It has been a long while since I eaten ramen in general. It has been a long time..I would like to try the shrimp i know what chicken and beef taste like for sure."Commented Annamaria sweetly to joshua hugging his arm

Amaya smiled as she got some beef ramen as she was going to share her food with elyse

#34A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:28 am


"What kind of broth you want?" Joshua asked Anna

Elyse was looking up at Rose, confused as to what was going on

#35A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:40 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
rose smiled holding her hand as she said through the mental link We are deciding what to have to eat..we are eating noodles

"uh Beef?"She asked joshua looking at him

#36A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:49 am


"Alrighty then" Joshua said, ordering their meal.

It took several minutes before everyone got their Ramen. Jack was confused as to how to use chopsticks so Amelia was teaching her how

Elyse was hungry and waited for Rose to feed her

"And here you go" Joshua said, holding out a pair of chopsticks with ramen wrapped around them and a peice of shrimp in the center

#37A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:21 am


Having found the mortal light I remember it's scent and sound. It sings to me as odd as it sounded I know. I wonder where my family is I think then touch the red jewel on the top of the hand of my a flash I am with amaya not physically but in a light spirit form I,see my new daughter little elsye. She didn't like me too much I think but I still try to show her that I love her even through. Looking at her I want to try to see the extent of my light spirit form.Elsye,look at me and i'll get you and teddy bear looking around I see a menu and In a flash I am backRamon! I say stomich growling loudly.

Leaping off using shunpo I show up behind the stand making sure no one was around I draw my,arms in slowly as I do cherry blossoms gather,around me and form my unique gigai. It,is me but wearing causal buisness attire. Walking into the,shop I sayThere's my brother and my family. Im starving!! I say kissing amaya's forehead and sitting down next to her.The waiter comes and I orderspicy chicken broth with chicken and ribs pleace also can up place 2 eggs in it as well please looking around at everyone I smile knowing that soon the mortal light will be within the divine and our,goal will come.

#38A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:57 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya Smiled giggling accpeting the found as she and amaya knew how as it was normal for them.

Amaya could sense tazuma's presence as she touched her necklace with one hand smiling "You will be here soon>'She siad to herself before she cooled off a bit of ramen, chopping some of it up, making it easier to feed elyse. S then smiled "Hi honey...I am glad you could make it from your important business meeting.'She commented sweetly to tazuma as she feed elyse "hey elyse, wanna show daddy your new bear you got today."Said Amaya sweetly still trying to get elyse use to tazuma

#39A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:27 am


Elyse didn't eat the food, instead shying into Amaya, while holding her new teddy bear close. Her mind showed fear and uncertainty to amaya

"New to the family, adopted" joshua said to the store owner, who had a puzzled look on his face"Still very shy that one is"

#40A Family Outing - Page 4 Empty Re: A Family Outing Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:04 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Yeeah she is still new to her father."Said Amaya gently as she held Elyse close I promise he won't harm you little Elyse...I will protect you if he tries.Said Amaya through their link

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