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#11Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:57 am


Kirei smiled widely as she watched her captain get into an…awkward stance. As he did so she slowly rolled her shoulders back so her chest was sticking out. She rolled her neck slowly, never taking her eyes off Taisho. Her students would know this maneuver greatly; releasing the muscles and nerves allowing the reiatsu to flow quicker and steadier. She tangled her fingers up, outstretching her arms, her elbows and knuckles popping, slight sparks coming out of the metallic bits on the gloves; then like rubber bands her hands fell to her side.

“Oh, tch, tch Taicho.” She purred a little, eyeing him carefully. “You should know me better. I don’t get angry.” She bent her knees slightly, listening to him talking about how she was the younger one.

She then turned her head, making sure her eyes didn’t leave him. ‘Hit him hard at the start and I’ll surprise him but then I’ll waste my energy…he’ll over take me. It’s like running, start out easy…finish with a sprint.' She grinned and turned her head to him. ‘Bakuda would be the easiest.’ She grinned, knowing her captain knew full well her knowledge on bakudas.

“Bakuda Number 1. Sai!” She whispered and raised her finger to point at Taisho. She knew that it was a very weak move, if it even caught his arms behind his back she’d be surprised but she had a plan. She followed out with a jump to land behind him. She was going easy.

As soon as she landed, facing his back she’d slam a fist in the ground, which made a tiny explosion, causing the ground the Taisho was standing on to cave in a couple of feet. She hoped to set him off balance and surprise him, next she would just jump away from him. Grinning wildly, waiting for his move. It was a game of chess to her, move after move, sometimes he would jump the gun and it upset her but she’d fix it.

She knew…he knew, right now. She was just playing games with him.

#12Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:05 am


A wide smirk came across his face as the kido took hold, very weak kido indeed, his hands shot behind his back he didn't right away fight it, he wanted to see what his fukutaicho could do. But when she did a family art, the family he brought her into, The ground did its thing, but he did not move, a art he had, able to use his own reiastu to walk on the air, Who said he just always used it. He taped his feet over the blank ground under him, the smirk on his face turned to a wide grin. His eyes narrowed as he snapped the kido away, he started to clap his hands very softly.

"My my Fukutaicho-dono. Your skills have gone up a few levels. I all most fell for that."

he would then bend his knee's and shunpo forward he quickly would slide across the ground kicking his left leg towards the young girl, hoping to hit her in her stomach, This of course was not a full out hit, he didn't truly want to hurt her. If the kick hit its march she would bend over from the force, if so he would follow with a punch to her upper chest to send her back even more.

#13Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:14 am


Kirei couldn’t help but smile when he walked away. She let her eyes shoot over to the peering eyes. ‘Yeah, that’s right. We some badasses over here.' She laughed a little and then watched as her captain disappeared.

Her eyes slightly widened and then narrowed as she saw her captain come at her. She did well to hide the smirk as she’d bring her arms up to block him from hitting her stomach. She bent over right as Taisho would feel his leg hit something. She smirked while her hair fell over her face. She saw his arm come up for a hit. ‘A hit for a boom.’ She thought and let him hit her in the chest and as her body came up Taisho would be able to see a collection of reiatsu that his leg had struck. “Boom.” She’d laugh as she pushed her hands together, the reiatsu exploding; inevitably sending them both flying.

She hoped with the action Taisho would be caught off guard, she did a flip backwards landing on her feet, facing the cloud of smoke the explosion just made. She winced slightly, feeling the hit that her chest had taken. “Oh well…”

#14Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:26 am


He was tricked he was...a silly bubble of reishi made from his fukutaicho, none sense he thought for a second until he got blown the hell up, well not really, at the last second Taisho brought up his hands in a X shape to cover the fine face he has, He would slide backwards for a good 15 feet. His uniform slightly burnt or just very dust know, one or the other. He some what laughed softly. His eyes then noticed a ribbon on his fukutaichos hand. She always wore it, no matter what she did, she always had it. Must mean a lot to her, though that said, it was most likely the ribbon he lost's. If it was, truly he was just taking it back.

With that he shunpoed once again to appear behind her, he would grabing the ribbon and with a tug he untied it from her wrist and shunpoed just where he was at the start of the thought. He waved the fabric in front of her. His eyes looking at it, then back at her.

"You see these young people have gathered here to watch use fight. And really, you dressed way up for it, I really wonder...why does this mean so much to you Kerei?"

He really wondered if he sounded like the young man he was when he first laid eyes on the young woman. He smirked slightly wanting to see that spart in her eyes once again fighting for something.

#15Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:38 am


Her eyes widened as he move much too quick for her to follow, she turned her head the opposite way allowing him to grab the tie. Her eyes widened as she spun around to grab for it, much like a little sister grabbing her teddy bear back from her brother. She stumbled a little, clearly caught off guard. She planted her right foot on the ground and looked up at him with a small glare but smirked. ‘I’ll just pick pocket it off him again.’

“I don’t understand why you're underdressed, I mean really Taicho, that shirt…tremendously out of style.” She smirked and jumped towards him, pretending to reach for the ribbon but then turned so she spun around him. “Hado Number 1, Sho!” She pointed her hand at him, to push him away, while doing so she’d jump back.

“Really now, Sensei? Undressing the student…tch, dinner first.” She turned her head away for a second, feeling the wind against her wrist. ‘It’s fine, Kirei…you’ll get it back later.’ She told herself.

#16Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:47 am


Taisho watched his student move and speak, every little detail she did, she did with grace, very good he thought, he would slide back on his feet from the kido blast, he then noticed a necklace shine from the sun as she did that move. A grin covered his face, he would let the ribbon go, allowing it to blow in the wind, if she truly wanted it she would go for it.

His hands began to glow softly as he pointed his left hand at her. "Bakuda Number 1. Sai" He casted the kido, allowing it to put her hands behind her back, with his right he said softly once again. "Bakuda Number 4..Hainawa" The gold whip would lash out of his right hand wrapping it self around Kerei like a snake. He then walked towards he grabbing the chain from her neck, he tugged lightly taking it. He then turned his back and looked at the very back of the heart shaped necklace a laugh left his mouth.

He very well new where she most likely got this necklace and should not be so cruel about it, since he looked at his captains jacket with the same care. He let out a low breath as he began to speak coldly towards her.

"Never forget...aww such kind words..Forget who..a lover perhaps?"

His back was still towards her cause he refused to face the one person he really cared about all he truly wanted was to see her act with anger like she did in the past and fight with passion, He then seen the ribbon land about five feet away from her feet. of course he seen this from the corner of his eye.

#17Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:10 pm


Her grin didn’t fade. She felt her hands thrown behind her back and the snake like whip around her. She was grinning the whole time…until he touched her…

Her eyes widened and she slowly mouthed “no” but still…the necklace was removed from her neck. Her eyes just stayed widened, she easily broke both Bakudos and slipped down to her knees, staring at nothing; just in front of her. Suddenly, Taisho would feel an emptiness in the space around him as she sucked all her Reiatsu into her body. Taisho, knowing the family, should know well enough that using full force Reiatsu in a Kurushimi attack would kill the user and the opponent. “Lover?” She scoffed as she slowly rose to her feet.

She felt the wind blow slightly, the ribbon flying away, she didn’t even double look at it, her eyes were full of hate staring at her captain. “Try…a four year old girl!” She screamed, her reiatsu shooting out of her, making all the watchers very uncomfortable.

“Bakudo number 63! Sajo Sabaku!” She screamed, pointing her hand at Taisho, seeing to bind him in a yellow chain.

She’d take a step towards him, keeping her hand there then facing her palm towards him. “Hado Number 31! Shakkaho!” She screamed, the red ball forming in her hand then shooting at him.

Finally, she drew back her hand, feeling her reiatsu pour into her glove she used shunpo to appear right in front of Taisho, her hand would hopefully be centimeters from his face, he’d feel the heat of her reiatsu and feel it die away as she drew it away. She’d let her hand fall…allowing Taisho to look her in the eyes. He’d see fear in her eyes…she had gone to her zone. She was aiming to kill Taisho in that instant; her zone where she isn’t herself anymore…but this zombie monster, only looking at one thing, getting rid of what is bothering her. Taisho should know…if he had been someone else…he would have been dead…as well as her probably.

“For three days she met me at the same spot and she would just…talk…and talk. She gave me that…the first day we met. After she died…” She slowly looked down away from Taisho’s eyes and taking a few steps back. “After the hollow devoured her…I swore Never to Forget the reason I live…so people I love won’t ever…have to die like that again."

She returned her eyes to look at Taisho with a hard glare. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, so only he could hear it then once again used shunpo to appear feet away from her. After taking it, she didn’t expect him to give it back so easily…she cooled down, backed away from “the zone” but…she took a deep breath in…part of her was still aching to kill Taisho, to take the necklace back out of his bloody, cold, dead hands. She gulped, holding the feeling back. She knew the only move she had that could kill Taisho would kill her in the process, rather she missed or not…

#18Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:22 pm


Everything what was going on seeming to be going as planned, the kido wrapped around him tightly, he grunted in pain from the tight ness, then the burning kido blasted into him, burning his jacket very badly, he watched the flames dig into the the white jacket. It right away did not trigger anything, but eveything happened so quickly, her fist was inchs away from his own, He raised his head, his hair blowing in the after math wind, His eyes looked deep into her own.

Saddness was also in the face of his fukutaicho, that was of course hes fault, he pushed her way to far and it turned out the worst case idea. He would break the kido around him as she moved away with a quick throw he tossed her the necklace he had taken from her,

He would then slowly grab the hair tie in his hair and allow that to blow towards her, knowing full well she did take his. His eyes still soft as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry Kerei..I pushed you to far, But it seems you pushed me over my limit."

His jacket was burnt, more then enough to fix, he had it fixed before but this was much different, His reiastu started to shot up, lightning started to blast around him, his hair began to stand on end as he began to glow a bright white, The burst of energy started to rip apart his jacket and his upper clothing until his jacket and upper clothing blew away from the massive amount of reiastu he was pouring out. His eyes feeled with white as he entered a form he truly had mastered. Hes emotion on his face was cold as death. His reiastu still poured around him like he was on fire from it.

"The real fight starts."

He raised a single hand towards her, He pointed his palm at her, the reiastu started to build, he then let lose a wave of pure energy towards her. He had entered Shunko and he was going to show what he could do with it.

#19Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:37 pm


Snap. She saw it in Taisho. Both of them at emotional bonds to objects. She had quickly shoved the necklace around her neck and slide the tie under her hair, throwing her hair up in a bun. Her sadness showed for a split second before she gritted her teeth. Closing her eyes. She kneeled down and put her arms over her face.

“Bakudo Number 8. Seki.” She knew it was weak but also knew it was enough.

A small shield formed around her and she could feel the energy slam against it almost destroying the shield instantly, she could feel the after mass of the energy wave and opened her eyes looking at Taisho. She could feel eyes peering into her from the crowd. “They want a show…” She whispered, slowly standing to her feet. “I’ll give ‘em one.” She growled, the hate returning to her eyes as she once more was placed in her zone.

She used Shunpo to approach from Taisho’s back, then filling her gloves with a small amount of reiatsu, she went to slam her fist into the middle of his spin, hoping to have a shock like affect and paralyze him just long enough to allow her left knew to slam into his left rib cage. Then she’d plant her feet, bend her knees and jump, a sloppy flip, causing her to land with a slight stumble but quickly regain her composure.

#20Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:23 pm


The lightning like reiastu started to gather around Taisho more, He wasn't angry anymore he was in a state of calm, As she shunpoed he watched her movements he would jump forward in a front flip, using a single hand he held him self there, he would then spin around on that hand, pointing his other hand at the young woman as she jumped back.

"Hado 33 Sokatsui!"

The blast of blue fire would fire from his hand, causing about a 5 foot wave of energy towards his vice captain, if he missed the blast would simply smash into a tree, with the attack done he would leap back onto his feet and then leap into the sky, he would then stop him self about 15 feet into the air and stand there looking down at her. He then turned Shunko off, having his reaistu stop from pounding into his shoulders. The after effect no longer bothered him a wide smile was across his face as he looked down at her. His hair slowly dropped back into place as his eyes turned back to there normal color everything about him seemed to return to normal. His eyes looked over to the windows to see people making bets. He laughed softly at this.

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