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#31Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:11 am


Kirei had expected something else to happen. She never imagined to hit her Captain. As the fire went above her and she felt the sword dig into him she whimpered, the mist slightly dimmed. Her eyes wide as she saw how deep the sword had went. “Tai…Tai…” She gulped. “Taisho.”

She wasn’t fazed by the loud noise of him calling his sword back. The sound of the sword falling surprised her. ‘This is one of his tricks…don’t take your eyes off.’ But when his body pressed against her in an almost hug her eyes widened. “Taisho!”

“Yank it out!?!” She let go of her sword. “No! Wait! AH!” She screamed the sword returning to the silver color, all the mist getting sucked into the sword.

A loud gasp was heard from the audience that had created. “Don’t just gasp! You idiots! I just stabbed Taisho! Get! Help!” She shook, unable to hold her captain up; she slowly sunk to her knees.

She pulled the sword out quickly. “Taisho?” She whispered, whimpering when he didn’t respond. “Captain?”

Her eyes watered a little. She reached forward and pushed his hair back and curled up, bringing her knees to her chest, she grabbed his good hand and pulled it up to her knees, she held his hand and with the other hand covered his the back of his hand, while slowly rocking back and forth. “Taisho?” She repeated.

‘This is why I’ve never won before…’ She closed her eyes and placed her forehead on their hands. ‘I didn’t even realize he was tired…He didn’t show until he knew he was done for…while I…’ She thought about to all the times she fell, took a breather. ‘He didn’t even breath heavy…’

“This…” She said aloud, raising her head to look at the remaining second division members. “Is why Taisho Techimaru is captain of the second division.”

A few moments passed and she heard footsteps coming. She hadn’t realized but she had scooted closer to Taisho and was watching his chest move with every breath he took. “Taisho…” She whimpered as she was asked to move away. She placed her forehead on his knuckles. “I’m sorry.” She whispered before gently laying his hand on the ground.

“Is this what he felt every time he had to carry me to a medic?” She thought a loud. “Is this what he felt every time I refused to give up? End up passing out…”

She watched them load him on a stretcher. One of the girls reached out to grab his sword. “Don’t!” Kirei growled, a look of worry on her face. The girl jumped and quickly followed the men carrying Taisho.

Kirei crouched down and picked up the sword. “Ma’am…we need to tend to your wounds as well.” Kirei looked up. “Just give me some bandages.” She asked the man. “No…we need to tend…”

“Give me the damn bandages.” She growled. He handed her the bandage wraps and she looked down at Taisho’s sword. She carefully wrapped the bandage wrap around the blade of his sword, securing the bandage wrap.

She stood up straight and hugged the sword close to her body. “You can tend to my wounds at the hospital.” She said, slowly limping, following where Taisho had went.

#32Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:28 am


Taisho was dreaming of course, he didn't feel anything going on due to well he passed the fuck out. So there he was laying in a bed, covered with white sheets, Kerei was standing in the waiting office, His eyes looked around the white room, he couldn't really think of were he was. Nothing truly jogged his memory then he seen a young woman walking towards him, about 5'8 in height, long flowing scarlet hair, tied back in a pony tail what landed just about the base of her back. Her eyes a very deep brown, her body was the dream worthy, her clothing she was wearing a old fashion nurse uniform, hat, shirt and a very small white mini skirt what very much did not cover hell of nothing.

The woman slowly walked up to a chair and took a seat beside Taisho, she then took a hold of a file, opening it she started to hum and sigh over it. Her voice was like the heavens were singing one of those songs about love ones. He smiled at her, not sure how the hell he looked after his damn vice captain made him a roasted chicken with a sword. He tried to talk but nothing happened, it seemed he was covered with bandages, so he couldn't talk all he really could do was grown and whine.

The red head slowly looked up to notice her in care person was fusing, she brought back her left leg and kicked the bed leg, having the bed shake, Taisho cried out in pain, the red head just simply smiled.

"That's better"

The woman started to work on her sheet work more, it was the devil i tell you, Taisho wanted to damn well wake up, he closed his eyes and then opened, the woman still remained, when he closed and opened again, there was back awake, looking up at a red headed woman again, using her kido to heal his wounds. Taisho started to scream very loud.


He then passed out again, about ten minutes later he came back to, he slowly turned his head, his vision was foggy he couldn't see really good, his wounds seemed to not be bothering him at all but only one thing was running threw his know clear head, his voice was low, his mouth barley opened and all he got out was a single word.


#33Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:42 am


Kirei was pacing in the waiting room. A couple of hours had past…or maybe five…who knew. All Kirei knew is that if another fucking nurse told her to sit down she’d blow the place up. She was covered in bandages…sometimes obviously still needing bandages. She paused for a second…

She had gotten to the hospital, taken into a room. They put medicine in her. Made her drowsy, she slept for an hour, woke up to them bandaging her. She jumped out of the bed, cursing them out. Stumbled out of the room, still drugged up…used Sho a couple of times. Finally she just told them if they tried stopping her they’d end up worse than Taisho…of course the comment then made her frantic. She passed out in the panic that Taisho might be dead…overreacting of course.

She woke up, tired as hell, and tied to the bed. Easily broke the ropes and has currently had three coffees, on her fourth.

She heard some noise coming from his room, wanting to check on him but was stopped. She whimpered and bit at her nails a couple of times. “Ki…rei…” Her muscles tensed and she looked at the nurses that stood in front of Taisho’s room.

She pointed her palm at them, “Move or I’ll make you.” She growled. The two men stepped closer in front of the door. “I suck at bluffing, eh?” She sighed and put her hand down, when the men relaxed she used Shunpo and appeared in the middle of them. She blew one of them a kiss and then opened the door, entering and softly shutting it.

“You called, Taisho?” She asked, locking the door.

#34Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:36 am


Taisho's eyes seemed to brighten as he seen his vice captain enter the room and speak to him softly. He smiled softly, he was fine really, he pushed him self up sitting up in the bed, He brought his hands into his lap and looked at her softly.

"I hope you under stand why I did what I did today."

His face some what softened even more showing that Taisho had feelings and cared for people. He some what frowned as he took a thought before speaking again. "Some years ago I hit you so hard in front of every single division member. Today most of the people who seen that was there today. They seen you take me down, showing that your not a weak young woman anymore. Today I have shown you the steps of gaining respect from the others. Know i'm sure they'll never question your orders. Second..wheres my sword?"

He looked down beside his bed, yes he seen the red sheath but the blade was missing, he had never lost it or has never really had it out of his sight. He sighed softly maybe it was left in the ring..and perhaps his division members where going to sell it.

#35Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:26 pm


Kirei winced a little when her captain sat up and she suddenly rushed to his side, putting her hands out, unsure of what to do.

“I hope you understand why I did what I did today.”

Her hands dropped as she sighed softly, smiling at her captain. She looked down at him, seeing the bandages where the blade had gone. She winced, closing her eyes and slowly letting air out of her lungs then reopening her eyes to look him straight in the eyes. She reached behind her and grabbed a chair, scooting it close to Taisho’s bed, possibly too close. Her knees smacked against the side of the bed, yeah…for her she wasn’t close enough.

As he spoke her eyes of worry never left his. She remembered the hit. That fight. The first spar she ever had with Taisho. Before she had shikai, before she found a reason to live. She remembered the final strike too. He hadn’t drawn a single weapon, or even used a muscle, it was like he was playing a game. Kirei had gone for a strike, she was bloody, weak and had hardly no energy. She was using a Kurushimi move, that move would have probably killed her if it wasn’t for Taisho. He hit her in the stomach, causing her to call back her reiatsu. She fell over, holding her stomach and blacking out. She was hospitalized for such a long time. Taisho really beat the shit out of her…

She smiled at him when he spoke of respect but when he brought up the blade she quickly looked away. “Your…sword…uh…” She coughed slightly.

“Well, funny story.” She began and looked at him, scratching the back of her head. “All I remember is walking into the hospital…um…” She blushed slightly, not going to bring up the fact she was weakly calling out for Taisho, holding on to his sword with all the energy she had left. She looked away again. “I passed out on the floor. And…when I woke up…all I remember is being tied to a hospital bed…” She gulped slightly.

“When I asked the nurses what happened they said I demanded to see you and when they refused I threatened to destroy the hospital…” She smiled weakly. “And apparently I attacked some of the nurses…so some red head nurse took all my weapons away.” Her smile faded as she coughed slightly. “Including your sword.”

#36Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:04 am


Taisho looked at her softly and some what laughed very softly, then winced out in pain. Jeez he needed to take better care of him self he thought for a moment before his eyes looked over Kirei he truly felt bad what he put her threw.

"No worrys Kieri. We'll get the weapons back. It's true we shouldn't really bring are weapons in here."

A smirk came over his face then he noticed something she said, A red headed woman he some what shook in his bed, His eyes widened. It couldn't be the one he had in his dream oh god please don't. He some what looked over at his Fukutaicho once again, his face some what pale, his face showed only fear.

Then a voice was heard in the room, the door was opened some how after Kerei was so care full of locking it. There she stood, a woman about 5'9 in height, her body one of a goddess, Every detail on her was very refined. She stood there holding a red sheathed blade, and a bag of other weapons. Her hair was scarlet red, her eyes a deep brown. Her outfit was a white nurse uniform everything about her scared the hell out of Taisho. But then she spoke again, he had missed what she said before.


His gaze was looking at her wonder full breasts, as she walked towards him, his face some what smoothed and became more alive as his eyes looked up at her. She seemed to only glare at him, she didn't even notice Kerei was in the room or didn't even care.

"You might be?"

His voice was some what broken up from the pain he felt in his chest and the wounds he was given in the battle but he still was alive so he was thank full that. The woman just brought up the sword and placed it in Taisho's lap, Her eyes then turned to Kerei. She dropped the weapon bag on the floor and gave her a cold look.

"Your fine to leave. So please get out"

With that she turned and left the room with a nice wiggle to her butt Taisho may of not noticed, that was just the fact he was keeping to him self. He slowly got out of bed, looking at Kerei he slowly stood up, feeling the cold floor on his bare feet was some what nice he smiled softly at her again.

"You heard the lady. Lets return to are division."

He was only wearing his shinigami pants, He would quickly grab his long time partner and slide his sword back on his left hip. He tucked it in place making sure it wasn't going any where. He crossed his arms over his chest making sure he was covering up some of his naked ness for any one noticing how worked out the young man was.

"I say we should hurry before they change there minds."

He smiled and started to make his way to the door.

#37Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:08 am


Kirei folding her arms and turned her head away from Taisho as he began to hopelessly hit on the redheaded nurse who…for some odd reason, gave Kirei chills down her spine.

When the woman dropped the bag in front of Kirei, Kirei threw down her arms and glared at the woman. “Watch it.” Kirei hissed, kneeling down to gently grab the bag, looking in it to see if anything was damaged.

Kirei’s eyes followed the woman with a glare as she walked out. She narrowed them even further when she finally was gone out of sight. Kirei then sighed and carefully threw her bag over her shoulders and heard the bed creek; she looked over at Taisho and smiled. “Careful.” She said softly stepping towards him.

When he said hurry Kirei stopped and watched him walk for the door, she smiled softly as she watched the man her changed her life walk away. She quickly ran to his side, despite being a lot shorter than him, put his arm around her shoulders, while her other hand was caring the bag now at her side. She smiled up at him and slightly closed her eyes. “Thank you, Taisho.” She whispered softly, almost as if it was a child talking to an idol. “Now, let’s get on our way.”

#38Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sweet Lieutenant Kirei (open) Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:16 am


Taisho looked over at his fukutaicho not really watching how she was acting about her weapons of crazy ness. He only cared about getting the hell out of this place. He footing was getting better and he was walking in a straight line. That for sure was a high note to all what was going on. He would cough softly and wince right after his rips was truly hurting from all the wounds he had been given from Kirei. He kind of wished he didn't go that easy on her and just would of ended the fight as soon as she released. Lesson was truly learned that's for sure.

" Careful is my middle name my dear."

They would finally get out of the building and Taisho would move away from his fukutaicho's side standing up on his own feet, the moon light hit his bare chest as he looked up at the night sky. "Damn, I was out for that long." He sighed softly as he started to walk again onto to feel something hit him square in the back of the head.

He looked back and noticed a uniform top, much like he wore. He bent down and grabbed the clothing and moved his fingers over the cloth, the smell on the clothing was of the red head. A smirk came over his face as he looked up a the building to see her standing on a deck looking at the two second division members.

"Cover up!"

With that she turned and vanished from his sight he would just chuckle under his breath as he put the uniform on. It smelt nice and he truly enjoyed that. He began to walk again not towards there division more on the way to Kirei's home. "Shall we?

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