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Mezuki began to wandered through the desert waiting for the arrival of his opponent walking in circles in what felt like the middle of the vast desert. His feet were some what unstable getting stuck at times in the sand while also sometimes stepping on larger mounts of sand causing him to slide off making him think he would lose his balance. He loved the sound of the sand as a crunched underneath his feet and it was something that kept him busy while he waited for the fourth espada and attempted to form some sort of strategy in the process. The massive desert with the large moon gleaming down on him and his surroundings meant that he would be able to get more then enough light to use his abilities. He would be able to sense the arrival of his enemy of course but he was hoping this was something that would end fast even if it was a loss. There was nothing he hated more then a long fight even if he did win in the end.

He was slightly intimidated at the though of fighting someone that could possible be stronger then him but being unable to research the man in any way he only knew that he was an arrancar which made him feel as if he was not prepared for this fight at all. Being unable to research his opponent meant he was going to have to go all out making sure not to let his guard down or hesitate at all in this fight if he wanted to win and he was going to have to make it quick. The spiritual pressure of the weaker hollows all around the desert that mezuki could sense made him remember his time as an adjuches or vasto lorde and how he would have been there in an instant to attack and devour these hollow he could sense a time in his life that he was glad he passed.

Thought he expected his enemy to come up to him and speak before just attacking he still kept one hand on the handle of his katana on his back being held up by a strap a spot he preferred over having it on his waste but he was unsure of why.


Anamist loved a good fight, it was his way of testing his opponents abilities and characteristics. He had done this to all of the Espada so far- so it was only fair that this fight was no different. He hoped that his opponent would respect him as a fellow fighter and not attack him right out, but first enjoy the pleasantries of introductions.

He stopped in the sands as he saw his opponent not too far off- the newest Espada which had claimed his own previous rank-#5. the timing was bad however- for Anamist had just recently gotten the title of 4th.. and this newcomer beating him could prove to be the undoing of his plans for Soul Society; this was something that would have to be denied to his opponent... for the safety of his little human daughter Rui.

He knew that the Quinto had noticed his presence, for Anamist had not willed to hide it; he wanted to show proper respects and salutations to his foe before the fight. he approached the man cautious yet in a friendlike manner until he stood face to face, only about a foot apart. he smiled and extended a handshake to his rival, a greeting humans used in the human world- a notable characteristic of Anamist since he had spent hundreds of years living in the human world.

Pleased to make your aquaintance, newcomer. I am Anamist Souigetsu; the Red Butler. Cuatro Espada & Fraccion of M'Lady Rebecca. It is only proper that two respectful fighters greet ad introduce themselves before a fight... I trust you will uphold such a noble tradition?


Sensing the man drawing nearer and nearer he quickly turned to face him his grip unpon his katana becoming tighter as he glared at him waiting to see what his first move would be. He watched carefully expected the man to greet him before an attack and the way he approached confirmed this theory. The man continued to come closer and closer on sure of when he would he finally made it to a face to face distance and offered his hand to mezuki. As an assassin formal greets was something he never did and now was no different, his trust for anyone in general faded years ago and being that this enemy did so it made him even more cautious. As soon as his hand was half way outstretch mezuki quickly unsheathed his sword before swinging it aiming for the jugular vein on the left side of the mans neck.

As an assassin mezuki knew there were tons of way to kill people simply by shaking their hands and on top of that being advanced beings there were tons of way simply touching his hand could kill him instantly and that was something he just couldn't risk at this point.


Anamist was not at all surprised by the man's reaction, they were monsters- as being monsters meant death came in many forms; he didn't blame the man for being overly cautious, but that cautiousness could prove to be hs downfall. Anamist extended his reach with his other hand as he stepped forwards and locked forearms with his opponent's attacking arm. Sparks flew as arm rubbed against arm in a show up force against force.

You look down on my reputation by refusing an honorable greeting? you could atleast tell me your name!

He yelled as he reached for his sword, he drew it quickly and swung at his opponents expose midwasit.


Mezuki grumbled slightly as the man locked forearms with him to block his incoming attack. He was hoping the fight would end swiftly with a lethal strike which meant he was going to have to find some other way to defeat him. Moving his arm he saw the blade of the other espada move jumping to allow it to pass underneath his feet whih he would then either land on the blade or the sand below the two of them.

Just before jumping mezuki's mouth began to glow opening it he released a rainbow colored cero from his tongue firing the blast directly at the mans face which would mean that if connected would not only cause burns to the mans face and half of his torso but blind him for a short period of time as well. The cero was released just as he jumped which would allow himself to be ready to continue to be on the offense as soon as the man dodged being that he would then be on his feet again as the enemy would have used the short time he was mid air to escape the cero that had been fired.

Techniques Used:


Anamist performed one of his unique sword techniques to scores several striking blows if they hit on his opponent who was in mid-jump while he once again pressed forwards despite the foes cero- he opened his mouth and the cero appeared inside; in turn he released a double cero point-blank on his opponent in midair. If that hit, it would deal a large amount of damage. As Anamist performed his Iaijutsu, the skill also caused a flash of light, this was in order to throw off his opponents field of vision. two flashes of light would blind both fighters, but Anamist's attack had the upperhand of being so close.

However that was not the whole view of his attack- through the flash of light within his sheathing sword technique- he had also cast a large flat blade of rietsu directed towards the mid-level of his opponent.



The figure remained in his original location even as the cero was fired which meant something was up and he had to get out of their asap or else he was going down. He quickly sonidoed behind the man leaving his reiatsu behind him creating a field of reiatsu that made the enemy think he was in the area. The enemy had to have been now blind from taking the direct attack from mezuki. He reppeared in a croutched stance behind him his sword still drawn he slashed at the Achilles tendon of the man as he reappeared as it acting as one fluid motion. The strike wasn't lethal however it was a strike to render him immobile which would allow him to disable to enemy further giving him a quick and easy win. The blade would be only inches away from the first tendon meaning he had very little time to escape before it would cut at least one of his tendons at least hopefully slowing him down.

He was unsure of what the outcome of the enemy who had been struck by his cero would be but he made sure his body was ducked down to avoid his own attack from harming him having placed himself behind the enemy to avoid any possible attack meant he also put himself in the path of his own attack which was very dangerous. He couldn't help but notice there were multiple small lacerations all over his body which had to be from some form of attack the espada used. Each of his sides were cut slightly only barely bleed and his legs also had two small lacerations which made him think the wild spray of blades missed for the most part.

Techniques Used:


OOC:(I surrender my position-my abilities have flaws in my app and thus unworthy to fight)

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