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#1Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:46 am

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
It was her second day out of the Valley of screams. She wanted to see the city and go shopping. She seeked the atmosphere of her world even though as a Divine she had a new home. Though no matter what she longed time to time to see the humanworld. Her Haar was up in a Bun while looking through the windows of the stores she passed bye. Nothing caught her eye. Though she stood still for a while. She had felt something inhuman more resembling a hollow. She kept her ground while looking through the people seeing some spirits with chains wrapped around their neck though not really paying attention of what came jumping out of the corner. You heard a thud as Miyu well backwards and on to the ground or so she probably thought.

#2Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:09 am


"Hahaha!" Laughter boomed out a few miles away from the oddly detached an inattentive Divine. The laughter belonged to an Arrancar with dark red hair, with similar colored eyes, and very short spikes that poked from his head. This Arrancar was spinning in a circle, a chain in his hands, before he let the chain fly sending the helpless little soul at the end of it flying into a building. It was funny how that worked.

The soul was a helpless older gentleman that died from a stroke. The business attire and the large glasses gave off the business type without any physical strength or courageous bravado, which was probably one reason of many why he was so helpless before the older and stronger red headed Arrancar.

"Please sir, please! Don't-I just-" He started, tears forming as he tried to pick himself up off the hard ground he ungratefully embraced.
"Shaddap, human. Cuz a' weak ol' humans like you that I just can't get excited," The Arrancar complained, scratching his head and looking away with frustrated disappointment. "Lame humans...I shoulda jus ate ya," He complained, loud enough for the man to hear.

The man got up and started to run, tears streaming, for his dear undead-life.
In a flash, specifically a Sonido, the Arrancar appeared in front of the man, gripping his finely ironed dress shirt, and lifted him off the ground. So weak and feeble that it was almost like picking on a baby. Couldn't he at least say something cool or be cocky like the humans in the movies? Humans were never like they were in the movies.

"This is gonna hurt like hell-" Piedra said, a furrowing his brow and frowning as he prepared to eat the soul hole...That was until he sensed something weird. "Say...What's that?" He pondered aloud, the man shaking and begging for his life and forgiveness. Piedra threw the man into another wall, hard enough to shut him up for a few minutes, before looking over in the general direction he sensed something pretty interesting.

"How long has that been here..?" Using a quick succession of Sonido, Piedra made his way over to a peculiar little human presence. Likely, by then, he would be detected...Then again, the human in mind was a bit unfocused, but eventually Piedra would appear directly above the human standing upon the very air. There was a space of about 3 yards form Piedra to the human known as Miyu and Piedra appeared with his arms crossed and his brow arched questionably.

"Heh...Maybe I'll pick on you instead?" Not expecting a response, Piedra grew a cocky smile as he made plans to antagonize the supposedly oblivious human. She couldn't see him, right? Despite having quite a bit of spiritual energy, at least what Piedra mistook for spiritual energy, Piedra was sure that she was just an ordinary human that couldn't see Hollow...Fortunately, the more spiritual energy the more he could come into contact with her. He could, if he wanted too, push her in front of a car or trip her into a gutter. It would be hilarious!

#3Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:39 pm

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
She sensed something from a Distance. Then looking up she seen the redhaired guy staring her down. She looked at him with no exspession in her Eyes only hiding the adrenline type of fear running through her mind. He had the similar energy as a these hollows her mother told about. Talking a couple steps back she turned around and walked away though not really paying attention to the traffic she heard a loud horn. She took her comb while breaking it in half. The Spiritual eneergy was now more strong then before while opening her weapon. Using an attack to the ground she levitated into the air jumping over the truck. She looked though alittle bit frustrated. She was caught empty handed now to the redheaded stranger knowing she is no regular human. The only thing to do know then to cause here any damage is to start running. Hopin g he would lose him she let her fans transform bck into her come while hiding in one of the several malls not so fair only mixing into the crowd. She looked around while keeping it low if that guy was anywhere near her.

#4Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:13 am


OOC: I'm late!

IC: "Oh, so ya can see me?" Piedra snidely asked, rubbing his chin brutishly. Then, because she was as clumsily as a newborn, she almost danced her way into traffic. Piedra landed on the ground, looking down just as she was about to get run over. Piedra jerked his head up when he sensed an abnormally high amount of spiritual energy. It was definitely higher than your garden variety pulse.

She jumped like a gazelle. She was definitely graceful and she had some hoopster's hops, but she was still a frail little thing to Piedra. The little gazelle bolted. It was in full sprint. Piedra couldn't blame her. What was a little gazelle like that going to do before a predator like Piedra? She was practically shaking in her boots from his glorious machismo. Piedra confidentially slipped a hand through his hair as she fled, watching her leave a little ways.

This was going to be fun.

A few minutes in the mall, it would appear as if Miyu had actually lost the red haired man. She was simply surrounded by people, ordinary people, and none seemed all that suspicious of the car jumping girl. Piedra was a little far off, so sensing him was going to be tricky. It seemed like she had lost him.

Ice cream.
A triple chocolate snowball was sent hurling towards Miyu, aiming to slam into her right shoulder, enough so that it would crash into her face and hair, splattering her with cold, indiscriminate chaos. Shortly after the ice cream was sent flying her way, hopefully wish she would dodge in time, Piedra's spiritual energy would ping like a delayed text message.

Piedra was sitting on the railing of the second story of the mall, a few hundred feet in the air, his feet dangling as he held himself up there with his hands at his sides. The railing was glass, see through, and only a few feet behind it was an ice cream cart and a confused vendor that somehow lost a scoop of ice cream to an invisible hand. He'd appeared there, in a flash, having prepared his assault more than few moments prior. It was mostly instinct. He had to quickly grab and throw, else she would sense him too fast. Piedra failed when it came to masking his presence for long, so a quick attack was best. What made it all the better was ice cream lacked any and all spiritual energy, so she probably wouldn't be expecting it at all. It was a sure hit, Piedra was sure. If she did dodge it he'd be disappointed his ingenious plan was foiled, but if she countered it with her ability...Now that would be interesting.

"Don't ignore me, ya brat..." A cocky smile plastered on his face, Piedra was ready to have some fun.

#5Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:55 am

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
She slightly turned around because she had trhe feeling being watched or targeted. but she did not now what was coming until the last minuete. She took the comb out of her hair while splitting it in half. You felt a stronger force from her. The force from a young female fullbringer. She cutted the ice creamball into to while only a small dash of icecream went of her face.
She heard the words coming out of his mouth. "Don't ignore me little brat' She kept her calm while talking with him. She was still frightened of what he was going to do with her so she kept herself in position. " I am not ignoring you though I know you are someone not to trust ... if you lay a hand on me my father will get furious..."

#6Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:04 am


"Daddy's girl huh? I ain't 'fraid of yer pops," Piedra proudly boasted. Piedra jumped down, landing in a crouch. He stood up, slipping his hands in his pockets as he looked the girl over. She was young, human, and so fragile looking. She seemed to have faith in her abilities, especially to bark at him so proudly, but Piedra wasn't afraid of her. In fact, he wasn't afraid of her or anything she had.

"In fact...I think that was the very guy I tore tah pieces. Ripped the guy up, like confetti," He bragged, clearly claiming he met and already defeated her father. It was a bluff, but he said it confidently. "Dat guy was weak, jus like you are," Slowly removing his hand from his pocket, he pointed at her. He wanted to intimidate her. To make her feel trapped and pressured. Even if she knew he was bluffing, he wanted to make her a little anxious.

"Yer not stronger than I am, brat," He said cooly, slowly dropping his hand as he raised a grin. He was walking straight towards her, cracking his knuckles.

#7Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:28 pm

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
She looked up to him. "You don't even know my Father so how do you know that is was the man you killed." she said. She was not stupid. She had a strong will and courage. She just looked at him with an empty look in her eyes. She will attack him if needed when not she will try her best attempt to flea. "What do you want from me and why is your reishi similar to a hollow." She took one step back. "If you didn't want something from me then you would not have ran after me. So there must be some sort of reason to why you are here and to weaken my courage." she said with a slightly cold though gentle voice.

#8Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Empty Re: Sensing Danger (Piedra And Miyu) Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:27 am


"'Cause I'm a badass," Piedra announced, smirking. He twriked his head, a sly smirk spreading, she seemed a little nervous, didn't she? Piedra liked having that sort of power over someone. To take away their calm and replace it with anxiety...It was a rightful sensation she was feeling. Piedra was an awesomely incredibly entity. It was only right that she should feel intimidated by his excellence.

"I kicked yer dad's ass. I could kick yers too, little brat, so ya should start beggin' for me to find a reason not too," A cocky smile abroad. What did he want? Why was he following her? What was his motivations for being a pest? Curiosity, of course. It wasn't everyday you felt an energy like hers, out of a human body noless, and she had some pretty cool looking powers too. Killing her and eating her soul would be nothing but beneficial, but Piedra figured she'd be fun to mess around with first. Hell, maybe if she were worth it, he could change his mind and find some reason to kill her then eat her.

"I'm the strongest Arrancar in the world. The universe. I only got so much patience, 'kay? So why don't ya make me a little excited, and quick," Piedra started, rolling his long right sleeve to flaunt a dark tattoo that showed the number 1. If Miyu knew anything about the politics of Hollow, she would know that 1 was a very dangerous thing to see. An almost death sentence unless you were extraordinarily powerful. That one branded on Piedra's arm was more than he needed to exaggerate his bluff. If she believed it, there wouldn't be any hope of trying to run or fight. The Primera Espada had to be faster and stronger, right? Piedra was sure she would try to convince him that she could be of some use instead and he was excited for that.

Maybe he'd try a little experiment on her.

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