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#11A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:41 pm


Forgive me for speaking out of turn my king. I say before looking at the women.We are not monsters and any man who treats a woman as an object deserves death....a slow death it seemed that mistreating women angered me for it did greatly As for invasion....not so my beauty of the sands. This is a visit looking back the reishi adapter continues to do its job subtlety cooling off the area around it.
The women's gaze feel upon me and I knew like all who see me that she saw me as a simple lackey to the king....she had no idea what or who I was.....a shame indeed. She was short sighted lacking the foresight to see what was before her.

#12A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:47 am


"A woman who plays hard to get vhen I vant to know somesing deserves a slowly painful death.." Abel replied as he backed from her and turned his back to her allowing his right hand man the chance to get what was needed out of them as he walked into the forest his soldiers followed and began to round up whatever hollow were left in the menos forest having seen some ruins he wondered what kingdom inhabited the forest before the espada..or while they were alive.. it was really a strange thing to behold

But he turned and awaited the Night saint after he was done with his talk they still had to go all over Hueco Mundo to gain more hollow to build their armies and they were going to come themselves..

#13A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:04 pm


The ageless queen sat still, clenching her jaw in an attempt to suppress the giggles from hearing the Older fellow speak, she initially thought he was just being dramatic but the man legitimately had quite the foreign accent. This cheekiness was merely something to get her mind off the current problems Hueco Mundo was about to face. A 'visit' they say, such a thing would have been true if they weren't hoarding all of her species like was truly strange that she had not been taken by force and shackled up. Shaking her head lightly Miyoko pursed her ruby red lips, coking her eyebrow as the lollipop sucking lackey of the 'king' stood by her, apparently their methods weren't as despicable as how she portrayed them...but the threat was still there and the flawless beauty could not help but worry about all the innocent female arranger who already face enough trouble in this vast hellish land.

Turning her gaze she bore her golden eyes into him, simply staring as most of the other men suntered off behind the moody king. Flicking a lock of glossy black hair out of her face she sighed, staring the man up and down...wondering what ill fate had possibly brought such beautiful people against one another.
"So what now? Chain little old me up and force me to join all those other hollows?" she muttered, nodding her head in the direction of the creatures getting rounded up by the foreign army. "Or does a Queen get pardoned and allowed safe return to her palace..?" she spoke rather confidently, staring the man in the eyes with an intense gaze, at least he now knew he was dealing with royalty..hopefully she won't be used as ransom or for any other political scheme these strange men were more than likely planning.

Miyoko would not be surprised if she has her rights as a queen denied, for all she knew these men thought little of her so in this case power was was her wits that would help her through.
"Whatever it is you want of me..just promise me you won't harm my servant girls or my palace for that matter...i worked hard for that..", she lightly smiled, her lips slowly curling into a hopeful grin.

#14A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:35 pm


Hearing the kings decree I bow slightly my hearing his order. The woman then declares herself a queen. My head snaps to her as her look at me with anger and mistrust. We don't chain the little ones. They come to us willingly. Using high speed I appear before the queen.Queens keep their grace and may return I said Queen of the hollows, we are not such monsters as you may be used to dealing with. moving back just as fast to the kings side I await his order. Finishing the lollipop. I remove the stick and place it back into my pocket.

#15A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:03 pm


Abel had turned the other way a smile still on his smug face as he walked through the forest deciding to take a stroll the forest was massive and to their avail still filled with hollow and so he began to collect them still without pause or mercy he collected them no words were said upon the Night Saint's return the mission was clear and they knew what they had to do and now it was time to finish up in the forest and get going

#16A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:43 pm


Through the conversation between Miyoko and Alex you can hear the sound of singing, only drunk and off tone. Listening you can hear the sound get louder and louder until the door to the room is kicked open. Standing in the doorway is Nikola holding a bottle of sake with a smile on his face from ear to ear. Looking around the room he doesn't notice anybody and walks through the room singing. "When there's something strange....and you hear a monster...Who you going to call?" Staggering through the room past Miyoko and Alex he sits down at a table and slaps his knee while looking at the two "Ghost Busters!" As he rises the bottle of sake to his lips he falls backwards in the chair and hits the ground and blacks out.

#17A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:05 pm


The dainty queen clenched her jaw, narrowing her eyes as the man came closer...he was even more handsome up close, although for the time being she grudgingly ignored it.She was still seated on the slab of rock, watching as the massive army passed her, seemingly ignoring her for some more rabid hollows residing in the forest several miles away."Such an adorable boy...", she sighed underneath a light breath, pouting her lips as his figure slowly dissappeared into the great forest,"I shall inquire more into these nosy 'visitors'.." she thought aloud, pursing her ruby red lips as her state of contemplation furthered. Gazing upwards she noticed her colorful aurora still owned some part of the sky, their dazzling bands of rainbow light piercing the horrid black flood that slowly spread across Hueco Mundo's roof.

This momentary peace however was suddenly ruined when HE arrived. Yes, the Primera Espada in all of his unimpressive glory, waltzing right past where Miyoko sat crossed legged and ignoring her for the comfort of the floor. The queen was not shocked nor disgusted with his behaviour, merely embarrassed for him...their relationship was strange enough to begin with but having a drunken oaf as the reigning king of Hueco Mundo made her head hurt. "I can't believe I slept with this idiot..." she mumbled, wrinkling her nose in mild disgust as the string stench of sake permeated her delicate nostrils.

Gracefully lifting herself up in one elegant step, she lightly tip toed over to the unconscious arrancar, slipping off her ornate sandal in the process as she bent over his face. A devious smirk crossed her supple lips as she raised the sandal and brought it down hard against his cheek, smacking him several times to wake up. "WAKE UP YOU IDIOT! WHY ARE YOU DRUNK, no wait...WHY ARE YOU DRUNK WITHOUT ME!?" she hollered into his ear, her windchime voice reaching an octave impressive to herself, bringing her piece of footwear down once more square onto his nose...hopefully waking him up. He may be one of the most poweful Vasto Lordes in this land but she did not care, she was allowed to treat him like this...mainly because he usually let his curious hands wander all over her whenever she wasn't paying Attention...yes the Primera Espada was a disorderly drunk pervert with a penchant for grabbing her breasts, something the geisha did not enjoy one bit.

#18A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:14 pm


Returning to the kings side I felt a sting reiatsu and smelt it as well the reishi entering my nose snd transmitting detail to me. Standing beside the king I bow before speaking My king, the hollows are gathered and sent to Nacht. The queen returned to her home as you ordered. As I was leaving I felt a powerful reiatsu enter the area. From his scent he is around my level of reiatsu composition I report awaiting the king next order I remain by his side.

#19A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:43 pm


Abel stopped after hearing his words and turned back to the very faint darkened opening of the menos forest where they encountered the self proclaimed queen of HM and so he looked back to the night saint knowing he was more than capable of handling his own and nodded, giving him the ok to confront this new presence and see what was exactly going on.

#20A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:11 pm


Too drunk to realize the impact of the shoe and screams into his ear, Nikola continues to lay on the floor. Through his drunk sleep talk, you can hear him say, "Miyoko...Will you...?" He mutters three to four times as he continues to lay there. Not knowing Miyoko is standing above him, he stretches his arms out in an upward motion and plants both hands into a firm grab around the boobs of the Queen. His facial expression changes from a drunk to a smile as he thinks he is dreaming and has just made his lucky day with a pair of the finest in all of Hueco Mundo.

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