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#21A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:27 pm


Being given the nod to go back,I bow As you command my king. I say before backing up to steps and turning on my heels I use blut herz to accelerate myself back to the queens location. Arriving I see the drunk man attempting to grab her. Exploding outwards to the queen I scoop her into my airs before changing direction returning to where I was originally stand. As I scoop up the queen I whisper My apologises highness. setting her back down on her feet gently. Looking at her I am sorry for the intrusion appears I was just in time. fixing my gaze upon the obviously drunken due to his scent. Whom may I ask are you sir? I ask annoyed by such uncouth manners before a lady no less a queen.

#22A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:02 pm


The idiot always had a habit of getting drunk at the worst of times and Nikola just proved exactly why the Queen had left him all those years ago. Sure 400 years of annoyance and frustration shoul have worn off but Miyoko was a stubborn woman, never again would she fall for his sly moves and shameless groping. His drunken behavior at that moment was tolerated by her, she was almost amused with his silliness but the instance his hands cupped her chest she let out a sharp breath, her dazzling eyes twitching with rage as she felt the perverted touch lace her body. "YOU ARE NOW DEAD!"Just as she was about to stomp his face into oblivion another arm wrapped around her waist, whisking her some distance away from Nikola, preventing her from delivering her heel into the perverted Espada's nose.

Glancing around with a snarl on her ruby red lips the woman looked up to see the strange lolly obsessed man from earlier. She raised her brow, a bit surprised with his sudden entry and stayed like that until he dropped her dainty body back onto the floor. Straightening her kimono and staring up at him she smirked,
"Now I might be wrong...but I thought you were going somewhere else...unless you're that obsessed with me.." she smiled with a cheeky glint in her eye, pouting her lips and nudging the man on his chest with the palm of her hand, "Don't worry about him...he's, well he's my ex.." she mumbled, lashing her head back towards Nikola, giving him a dirty glare before turning back to the mysterious man and batting her eyelashes. She truly was a the deadliest woman of them all.

#23A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:14 pm


Hearing the comments of the queen I look over at her before speaking again is a much better word for it I say. Looking back at the drunken fool after hearing that he is a king and was with this beauty of the sands. My eyes focus on him in his drunken state An Ex you say.........did you mean lover? I ask the queen. It is hard to understand the words of this world. Being on Nacht has made use behind the times....I was the one tasked to learn from the new world and upload the knowledge into the Nacht database. Learning from this queen will be interesting....maybe I could even teach her somethings as well.

#24A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:08 am


Slowly standing up after being awoken from his sleeping state Nikola grabs the legs of the chair and ascends until he reaches the seat and sits down. Looking for his sake bottle he gives up and looks over to the mysterious man and says, "You know, it's rude to ask questions before introducing yourself...but from the looks of it, you just don't give a damn. Just the smell of ya tells me your up to no good...or that could be me..." Smelling his shirt he smiles as the smell of booze auras off him.

Standing up he wobbles around a bit and falls over and puts a hand on the guys shoulder and says, "My name...*hick!* is Nikola. The Primera Espada. King of Hueco Mundo!" Throwing his hands into the air and spinning around drunk like almost knocking over the chair he catches himself and balances himself and smiles. Now after my introduction, might I ask who you are?" After asking that he looks to Miyoko and smiles, "You know you loved it. Every...second....of it." Returning his eyes to the mysterious man he awaits his reply.

#25A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:26 am


Hearing the drunken fool is actually the king of the hollows and his request to know my name.Well King of the hollows I am Alexander,the supreme commander of the Nacht. A pleasure to meet the queen to be sure. my introduction was short and somewhat proper but the disdain for a drunken king is obvious. Returning my orange eyes to the beauty of the sands I speak to her. Perhaps we could meet again somewhere more. intimate with out a drunken failed lover I say to her almost whispering in her ear.

#26A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:06 am


Miyoko lightly shook her head, raising a perfectly sculpted brow at her old lover. Regardless of the very obvious tension that ran between the two Arrancar she still did find his antics amusing, even though he was the biggest bastard in all of Hueco Mundo."Lover? Maybe...i didn't exactly love him, but thats aside from the point...", She muttered underneath her breath in a matter-of-fact voice, brushing some dirt underneath her fingernail as the vaguely damp smell of alcohol wished into the air near her. The constant smell of liquor was something she did not miss and once Nikola began talking her lips instantly curled upwards ion a feline snarl"Oh shut up cheating scumbag. Go home and stop embarrassing yourself", Miyoko snarled at her one time lover, brushing strands of hair out of her vision.

Shaking her head at the drunken buffoon she glanced back up at the man, whose name was Alex, with a devious smirk on her ruby red lips.
"Now wouldn't your boss get a little mad with you sneaking around with a mere hollow girl..?", she whispered with a little smile, glancing at Nikola for a moment to make sure he was watching her flirt with the Commander of the Nacht army. Miyoko truly was a sly woman, making sure her old lover witnessed her work her magic on the new invaders...surely he still felt something for her to feel as hurt as she did all those years back...

#27A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:05 am


Nikola had a deep secret that he held back for so many years. He loved Miyoko more then anything, but he wouldn't show that selfish bitch any signs of such love until the mysterious man, now known as Alexander began to show signs of interest in her. Now, Nikola was usually a gentleman and would not deny love to anybody, but when it came to this girl...oh man. Nikola would stop the world from turning if that's what it took for another shot at her. Trying to make it awkward he smirks, "Hehe, probably doesn't even know the sharp end of a sword...freakin weird bastard." He walks back to the chair and reaches down to grab his sake and sits down.

While drinking more he looks to Miyoko and puts his hand over the left side of his face blocking Alex out and talks to her acting like it's supposed to make him not hear, "You have a thing for this muck? Hehe, damn have you down graded." Slapping his knee again, "And I thought I was bad!" He laughs himself almost out of his chair again but catches the edge of the table. "Hehe, ain't fallin for that trick more then once." Smiling over what he thought was an accomplishment, he drinks more sake.

#28A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:21 am


My king gives me ample freedom to do as I wish highness I say to the queen adding on and I'm a lot like you....haven't you felt the oddity of my reiatsu? I let slip a bit of reiatsu just enough for the queen to feel. The odd mix of Quincy and hollow. Smiling as the "king of sake" raises and mentions the point of a sword. Perhaps or maybe I'm the most skilled swordsman you will ever meet king Nikola.I was indeed showing him I had no fear....the fact I previously said that I alone was the supreme commander of the Nacht must have been misheard by the king. As I moved a half step when he approached the queen. Watching the two I could tell she hated the past they shared together. True I was forbidden to strike at royal blood with out authorization o proper reason. Looking at the queen after the drunken fool moves back to drink more sake? [I'm sure sharing a bed with him was a I could best the innuendo was indeed on purpose. Smelling the air the queens scent fills my nose What Is the scent you wear highness? It is intoxicating I say as my orange eyes fix on her beautiful face

#29A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:37 am


Miyoko flashed a searing glare in the direction of Nikola, her pearly white teeth bared in a surprisingly nasty snarl as he drawled on like the drunken idiot he was. Exhaling sharply the ethereal geisha clenched her jaw, controlling her urge to toss a cero at his cocky face, choosing to simply mutter under her teeth."Oh is that jealousy I hear? How about you stop talking to me, i can feel myself getting uglier every time you look at me.she uttered, narrowing her eyes at her old lover. This simple irritation with the man had slowly grown into sheer annoyance with him. Every time he came around it hurt her heart, yes..the vain queen of Hueco mundo did in fact have some genuine emotion...she merely hid it underneath her superior attitude, but she blamed Nikola for this mess, the loathing she felt for him and the exhausting banter that they openly display. Everything she had adored all those years back was now muddled inside this warped and tense relationship the two shared and merely acknowledging his existence right then and there frustrated her greatly. Fortunately for her, she had a new toy-boy to take her mind off the slurring idiot that claimed her loyalty all those years ago..

Whipping her head back to Alexander she batted her eyelashes and brushed a dainty finger against his jawline, tracing the sharp angles down to his collarbone.
"Oooh aren't you a cheeky boy...but I will have to witness your skills with a sword, because you know what they say about men who are good with their swords..." she teased, raising her eyebrows as she momentarily glanced downwards, biting her lower lip. The commander's comment about her natural scent made the woman smile, causing her to lean in closer to the man so that her delectable aura penetrated all of his senses."It's a mixture of many things but let's just blame it on my reiatsu okay?"she simpered, her lips curling into a delicate smile as she slowly exhaled, placing her hand onto his toned chest, feeling the warmth that emanated off his body."If you want more of it...well I might just let you have it.."she lightly giggled, making sure to speak loud enough so that Nikola could hear's been a while since she's played around with a genuinely handsome man...

#30A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 3 Empty Re: A Surprise Visit CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:41 am


Feeling the queens touch and hearing her comments about her reiatsu I replyYour reiatsu is unique but it is your scent that intrigues me as her hand touches my chest and she mentions getting more I smirk and wink at her my orange eyes sparkling with pure attraction Well highness I think you may get more then you have ever had with me. As for my sword if I draw it something must is my vow to it I speak as if my sword which is no where to be seen is alive or at least sentient moving to the queens ear I whisper as good as I am with the sword. I am equally that skilled a lover moving away from the queens ear I say one final addition to my whispered statement [color=violet]may be a bit better in the latter[color]

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