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#1Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Conquistadores De Mortis Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:24 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."



To live in the world without becoming
aware of the meaning of the world is
like wandering about in a great library
without touching the books.

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Udarsha Etrama Di Raizel was walking alone in the Karukura Town streets. He had quite a lot on his mind. He had so much to think about that has happened to him. He met a new foe which he hasn’t even met before. He completed the full ritual of consuming eternal peace and much more... Yet after all this stuff he was thinking about bizarre, arcane things about the world The world had many mysterious to give us, that humans haven't found out yet. "Humans are blind" Udarsha thought, still thinking. And yet humans are not enlightened in such great knowledge that the ancient people foretold.

He was still so bewildered about this stuff. Everything he knew will come to an end. He had so much to think about. He came to a stop in the middle of a forest with everything around him just seemed to stop. He just seemed not to know anything anymore, he was still lost in thought but one fact was for certain he would stick by his normal plans, he had made so long ago. He would take out all the hollows and get rid of them for sure, but it was quite impossible. He had promised his father to take care of his two sisters while he was gone out. But Ichigo wasn't at home. He thought about it for a little bit. Everything was moving away from him slowly...

He finally just sighed. He looked up and looked around. This place wasn't like anything he has ever seen. It was a long way away from everyone. He finally decided he had to let some stress out. He screamed releasing a lot of his reiatsu making the whole place around him crumple. He didn't use his full power because it would attract some UN- wanted hollows he finally calmed down enough to sigh and sit down and started to read a pocket book. The world we know will come to an end at some point. And when it does he would be the one to fuck every fucking thing up.



#2Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:19 am


From the void, the martyr returns

"Ooh death..."

A chilled wind bellows across a field of long bladed grass and fresh wheat. There is an eerie silence broken only by the low humming of a mysterious figure that makes his way through this very field. As he slowly strides past, he lazily extends his gloved right hand to kiss the nape of the strains of wheat and grass and as he does, the once lively coloured barely turns coal black before transforming into ash and dust.

"Oooooh Death"

As the fully matured moon shines it's nocturnal light down upon the earth, it manages to capture this figure this, man if you could call him that. He has no face for it is hidden behind a red mask with two contrasting black ovals around the eyes. The rest of his body is also shrouded by a skin tight costume that bares a similar pattern. As this 'man' nears the end of the field , the ground around him begins to crumble. He reaches another person who he has seen from afar in the past,yet knows little about. What a slight of fate that they should meet like this. Of course, this man being who he is isn't quite one to be swayed by something as set in stone as fate. Therefore one begs to ask, is this fate, or something more?

"my name is death and the end is near..."

The costumed man walks up to the man flaring his rieatsu, standing no more than ten feet at his backside.

#3Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:45 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."

Chapter 1: The Stranger In Red.

An eagle soared, high in the hard, clear sky. Udarsha kept his book on his lap and drew his eyes on it. “How freely it flies through the sky.” Udarsha thought sighing as he drew his eyes from it, as he took his book and stood motionless for a moment or so scanning the background where he was with keen eyes. The environment seems to be calm, so does the things that live in it. Scanning the environment more he noticed that a mountain laid ahead of him. A few meters ahead of him, the mountain roused up, like a shark rising up from the sea trying to catch its prey. “Such a beautiful scene. Wish I could travel there.” He thought as he took a few footsteps forward trying to see if there was anything interesting going on.

Like a lion roar, the earth started to shake. Udarsha loss his balanced as he fell on the hard flow, where he laid for a few minutes still the earth-quake, lowed itself down. Thus, it was his first experience and possible his last. He never felt such a feeling. It was over-whelming, indeed. But it was a good experience as well. He drew his eyes back towards the surroundings’. Some trees were down on the earth. Scattered by each roots. Some animals were running, afraid, thinking that there would be more un-thoughtful experience, yet to experience. Udarsha slowly got on his feet as he slightly brushed his dusty, battered coat. This was what he hated the most, his clothes getting dirty. He loathed this mostly. He wanted to be clean and the idea was natural.

Brushing his clothes’ again, he fingered his tie as he started to walk away from the place where he had stayed a few minutes ago. But something or someone stopped him. Udarsha could feel an unsettling amount of reiatsu, somewhere near him. The spiritual pressure wasn’t much of a treat to him but it was distinctly a captain level spiritual pressure and that intrigued him mostly. Keeping a sharp eye, Udarsha made his move, as he simple kept walking sensing the every presence near him. It was not simple of course; it was hard and frustrating thing to do. But what could what man do when he was curious? And such was his greatest weakness and his greatest strength.

"I Have No Special Talents, I Am Only Passionately Curious"

Not a sound but the wind. Then something. A sound of small foot-steps? Towards his left side. Udarsha gave a small glance as he caught a small glimpse of a person wearing an outfit in red. Moving his body towards the side he looked at the person with keen eyes. This was too much. Udarsha took some steps forward as he faced the unknown stranger for the first time. He had much to say, but only a few words spattered out of his mouth, “Are you the famous dead pool?”



#4Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:51 am


The masked stranger looks back at the fair skinned man, tilting his head a bit in a small bit of surprise. "Deadpool". After the ancient captain commander broke from his seal, the captain known as 'Hollis Edwards' decided to follow the powerful being in hopes that chaos and disorder would follow wherever this reanimated shinigami traveled. He was only partially right. Yes a bit of bloodshed occurred following the captain commanders return but only as a result of the war that proceeded it. Hollis had seen enough wars to know that a great war between two highly influential factions only means a bit of violence here and there, but nothing that would send the masses running into the streets, killing and plundering their brother just for the hell of it. And so, with that thought the 5th division captain made himself scarce, disappearing from the spiritual realm almost entirely. In his time away, he decided to hone his skills and take up a bit of mercenary work in the human world just for the fun of it, all while planning his next extremely convoluted move towards reaching his secret desire. While doing this mercenary work, he dispatched of many humans for money he does not need, some being as influential as a prime minister and some as unimportant as that guy who plays his car stereo too loud in residential areas. Eventually, people all around the world began holding, 'Death-Pools', gambling on what important figure they thought would die next, not knowing who commits these crimes, only hearing by word of mouth what the assassin wears, a red and black mask. . it became so popular that people eventually started calling the killer 'Deadpool'. Apparently, after all these months, the name still sticks, and Hollis kind of likes the sound of it.

"Deadpool, yes i suppose i am. If you know of me then im assuming you require my services right? ooor maybe you're just into gossip, i know i am. oh! have you heard, the Governor of tokyo likes to wear blue womens underwear when he sleeps! what a weirdo right? or maybe it was womens training bras..hmmm....i cant.seem. to remember...anyway, you know me so, who pray-tell are you mr.prettyman?"

Hollis, i mean..Deadpool looks back at the man infront of him waiting for a response while thinking to himself.

~ This man's spiritual's quite powerful, so powerful it makes me...dare i say it...hungry...i wonder if there's a chimichanga stand somewhere around here. Chimichangas were made in japan right? or maybe it was mexico..naw that's just stupid. hm, maybe this guy know..~

#5Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:18 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."

Chapter 2: Fuck, I'm Insane.

The dead pool looked up at him and gave him a small smile. It was hard to see if it was a smile because of the man’s mask which was covering his whole face. His outfit was a natural one which Udarsha saw in day to day’s life. But it was not worn by everyone. His outfit was totally red in colour, yet where he sees has black colour stripes or something like that which was hard to explain. More like a spider mans eyes. His outfit had different kinds of features’ and gadgetry as well. Speaking of such was a nice brown in colour cloak/jacket, which he wore top of his outfit. Udarsha owned a few jackets himself in the same colour. But this was very much matching, with his two swords which was fitted to it. Just like some samurai warrior. The teenage mutant ninja turtles were a good example for this. Such were the beauty of his clothing. Yet Udarsha knew something was missing. But what was it?

The man started to speak and speak. Udarsha who only spoke a sentence, which was meaningful but he who had a nitwit kind of sense of humor started to babble about something that was quite weird. Udarsha sighed. This was to be expected. He knew dead pool had a lunatic sense of humor which was funny in most cases but was annoying as well. But he knew something for certain that he was gonna have a long fucking day with the babble mouth.

The man went on speaking of course. Udarsha who was getting bored of such a thing slowly released his immense spiritual pressure on him. Not all but some to make him sense his opponents mighty strength. But at least, he wanted him to know that he had the power to shit him off, if he tries to do something most idiotic. Knowing the dead pool, Udarsha knew something like that would bound to happen sometime later. Depending on his weirdness humor, anything was possible to happen near him.

“Don't fuck with me, dead pool. This guy is gonna beat the damn shit out of you, if you do.”

This response took him aback. “-anyway, you know me so, who pray-tell are you Mr. Pretty man?" he said fastly with a babble. Udarsha’s eyed widened as he slowly took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead, which was sweating. Sensing the heat was growing stronger, he slowly spoke, “Well, my dear fellow, what kind of stupid question is that, huh? Tch...tch..tch… it seems that your eccentricness is affecting you most badly in your damn ubiquitous state.” Udarsha said to him with a doleful sign as he slowly took his Zanpakutō from his hilt and started to admire it. Ignoring the groans of his strange friend. He admired it in a very bizarre state as he slowly licked the side of the blade with his tongue and gently aimed it at him as he spoke, “what do you mean who I am? I’m who I am!"

“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. But I don’t show it. Wait? Do I?...”



#6Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:53 pm


Deadpool notices the man in front of him slowly but surely becoming more and more frustrated with him but doesn't really pay it any mind. He's kind of used to people being annoyed or frustrated with him considering the way he approaches things. In fact, twice now since 'disappeared' from soul society people have tried to remove his mask and have mouth sown shut.

" Hey guy, you wouldn't happen to know where chimichangas come from would you?"

Before he can even consider what his answer would be , the ticked off man tells the merc with a mouth not to fuck with him thus ending any possible explanation to his question.

"ill take that as a no?"

Deadpool then feels out the spiritual pressure the nameless man sends out and flexes his toes as if he were comfortably feeling the texture of fresh sand on a pristine beach. He likes its presence. He isn't exactly prone to fear or intimidation simply because he sees strong opponents as a great opportunity for mayhem to ensue. The powerful person at his front then unsheathes and strangely licks his sword before pointing it at deadpool himself, scolding him for his question.

"you are what you are? oh , i get it! I ams what i ams, you're popeye the sailor man. hmph,hmph i'm a freakin beast at this game.."

Deadpool then begins to casually pace around , kicking the dirt .

"And yeah, i suppose you do hide it well although, i do have to question, why? Why hide the fact that your different mm? I don't. hahah, i mean don't get me wrong chuck, im no freak like you, im not crazy, but still.."

Deadpool then stops pacing and places his forehead directly in front of the nameless man's blade until it lightly touches it.

"I don't see anything wrong with a little.. chaos now n then.."

#7Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:03 pm


Aki was in town, near the woods when she felt the spiritual pressure of two beings, one of a captains level from the Soul Society and the other pressure she was not sure about. "I need to go see what is going on, something does not seem right about this" she thought to herself as she looked around to see no one was around, she used shunpo to take to the skies and head into the forest.

Jumping from tree top to tree top she was looking on the ground for anything out of the ordinary. As she came near to the waters edge she seen two men, one with his Zanpakuto drawn and other man with his forehead on the edge of the blade, unsure as to what it is she should do, she stood ready to fire any kido she has already mastered, which happened to be all the kido she knows. She stood ready to intervene if she needed to and was ready to at any moment.

#8Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:45 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1Conquistadores De Mortis Byakuraaaan-1

"Life Is Just A Game."

Chapter 3: Embracing The Death.

The hollow roared, as it slowly raised it hands up in the air and shouted. The shout echoed all the way through the streets and cities. Making a tremendous rumble. It sniffed the air, as if trying to find a prey for lunch. Quite unexpectedly it sensed the spiritual of some beings with an advanced reiatsu. The hollows smile grew wider. Finally, after some hours of searching, its long search came to an end. Now all it had to do was kill the people and it their souls, right? Easy as a pie. But was it? Was the hollow to meet something unexpected? Something extraordinary? The hollow didn’t care. As long as it got it’s lunch.

Udarsha looked at dead pool with keen eyes. He was aware who he was dealing with. He was dealing with a person who was expert in hand-to-hand combat, weapon skills and mastery of a swordsman and most possible a potential nutcase of a guy. This was unsettling, Udarsha in the highest way. Udarsha may say something; yet the dead pool, would give a most twisted reply. This was what he hated the most. Over the years, Udarsha has met different kinds of people with different kinds of personalities. But dead pools personality was the toughest to digest. Indeed, he was crazy. Yet there was something truth in it. Every phrase or word he may have spoken had a hidden meaning. A glare towards the truth. Which was covered most probably by the way he speaks or how he speaks. But it didn’t matter. It was Udarsha’s obligation to find the truth. The hidden truth. He was the Conquistadores De Mortis (pathfinder of death). Other than that nothing ever mattered. Nothing...

"We must all face death!"


It’s been 3 weeks since; he has met anyone in person. Udarsha would stand near his balcony and watch the cold blooded filled streets with total dolefulness. The air flowed in as he watched the night sky anticipating that the world would be a better place. But the truth was covered within him. The wind had a small chill as it gushed on him making his clothing flow a little. It was refreshing and sad as well. To Udarsha; the cold wind was a sign of unexpected trouble. It has been his thought for years. And it was always proven right. But not just the wind; the sky also as well. The pale dark blue sky had no clouds at all. It was a day of full moon. And many people had the notion that was that wolves’ were present on this day. It searched for its prey in the most desperate way. Searching and searching as it howled. Which was a repugnant howl of death and despair, which was blend in it. And then a scream!

The scream was not very much fair. It was quite near, apparently. This rather eased Udarsha’s excitement. Taking a few steps towards the balcony railing Udarsha viewed the streets with sharp eyes. A few miles away, he saw a small shadow running around vastly on the empty street. In a fluid motion, Udarsha made a jump from his balcony, which was two stories high from his upper flow. He fell fast but he managed to maintain his balance as he hit the ground with a hard thud. Shockwaves were sent through his legs as it met with the floor. But Udarsha took no notice of it. He was something beyond anyone’s comprehension. Something that was transcending.

His feet began to move as he started running. His speed was impressive. He traveled the distance much faster than he anticipated. Slowly down he came towards the corner, which he hid himself with. He knew the tactics. If he barged in the person would take the other as a hostage and would threaten to kill him/her. Cocking his head out he looked what was going on. To his bewilderment, there was none thing but a dead body of a women laying low on the ground. Udarsha looked down as he saw the stains of blood oozing from her chest. Bending his knees, he looked at the body as he said quietly, “Your gonna be alright.” But the women remained passive. But as a few seconds passed she opened her eyes slowly with much effort, she said and breathed her last words and air, “the-the m-man w-w-with t-the mask...” and with that her eyes gently closed as she rest in peace.

After viewing the dead body, Udarsha comes to a conclusion that the murder has been a brutal one. The chest of the victim is been stabbed by a blade, which has pierced her heart. And also one of her eyes has been punched out hard, which the eyeball was slowly rolling on the floor. Blood was oozing from her right eye socket, which was empty. Cleary, a state of a brutal kill.

Now coming back towards the present; Udarsha looked at dead pool. “Is he the one?” he thought as he scratched his head. Sensing the air slowly, he said, “When did you come to the real world, dead pool?” with that he stopped talking as he sensed a being again with an advanced spiritual pressure coming their way. Fast. Very fast. Udarsha grinned.

“Why the hurry, huh?"



#9Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:53 pm


As deadpool loosely stands with a blade to his forehead, he suddenly senses a faint rieatsu. From what he can tell it is hollow based, possibly even arrancar. However, in the split second that despool picked up on the energy, he dismisses it just as quickly. At the moment the only thing hebis really interested in is the person standing in front of him. Although that's usually how the merge mind works anyway, he focuses on whatever is most present to him, ignoring everything else. He even decides to ignore the second, somewhat hidden spiritual pressure that appears after the first. He takes the prhase "undivided attention " to heart.
As the mercenary stands, he notices his opposite has faded out a bit, as if he is thinking on something or remembering some past event. It only lasts for a short few moments but as the stranger does this deadpool ponders as well.

~i wonder what he's thinking about so hard. Maybe hes just digging my costume, I knew black and red was the way ta go! That one kid the other day said it made me look like spiderman and then his mom had the nerve to agree with em! Hell, if anything I look like that dude deathstroke from the DC comic, but sexier. Oh wellz, at least I got even. That lady wont be talking trash about anyone anymore now that she cant see anything to make fun, now that I think about it, she probably cant breath anymore either since I stabbed her in the heart. Do people still die from being stabbed. There? ... yep, they do, pretty sure they do. Whoops. Well ya live n ya learn I guess. Speaking of which, what school does that kid go to? I still have to get back at him too. Maybe ill punch him in the eye too, oh! Or pee in his cereal.
Yeah, that'll learn em~

*What Happens Next?*

Deadpools train of thought is suddenly broken when the man without a name scratches his head and asks him about his arrival to the "real world" . The masked assassin tilts his body back to a standing position at hearing this question. He begins to wonder if this man actually knows who he is, who he really is. This is followed almost immediately by him not caring in the very least if he or anyone else for that matter does or not. The fact is, deadpool or, Hollis in this case only his face because of the segregating scaring effects his zanpaktis sjikai has had on his face. If this man this, shinigami really does know who he is, then it means he must be someone quite high on the todempole, or at least used to be. This only makes the game that much more fun.

why did I come to the real world? Well I don't quite know what you mean good sir, I'm always in the real world, are the machinations of the brain not the truest thing a guy can count on? Everythings real to me as long as I want it to be. Unless of course you know something I don't Mr.smarty pants. Tell me, what world are you from that's faker this one?

The strange man the looks away and talks to someone about being in a hurry and deadpool scratches the side of his stomach, sticking his hand inside his trench coat to do so for a brief second. A subtle clicking sound sounds out.


#10Conquistadores De Mortis Empty Re: Conquistadores De Mortis Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:57 pm


Aki was not sure as to what was going on, she was hearing the exchange between the two men and she watched as nothing was going down, however in the years that she has been with the Soul Society she knew that there was always something that was going to happen ans she knew that she would have to react fast in order to save anyone and prevent any full out war between this strange man and a soul reaper.

Aki watched as both of the men pondered off for a moment and then she watched as the man who she heard being called dead pool, reached into his jacket and let off a click noise. She decided that she was going to get in closer to get a better lesson on the conversation. She used her shunpo to get closed to everyone else, so she would not be left out of any detail. She continued to stand ready to intervene should anything get more out of hand.

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