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#1Blood-lust... Empty Blood-lust... Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:27 pm


A trickle of rain fell, landing on Jurei's cheek. Her lips parted slightly as her head tipped back, looking up at the sky. Hopefully the rain would wash off the blood before she got back home. Her landlord hated it when she came home covered in someone else's body fluids. A small sigh escaped her lips as she leaned forward again, her forearm resting on the hilt of her katana. The small pile of bodies under her weren't exactly soft and comfortable, but she didn't want to sit on the ground. Being that her jeans were new and all, she didn't want stains on them.

Soon enough, the sky loosed a small torrent of raindrops from above. Jun smiled a little, lifting her head up again to the let the rain wash her face and arms of taint. Her 'employer' didn't like it when she sat around after she took care of her hits, but resting was essential. Her cellphone vibrated and made a quiet 'pururu' sound a few times before she checked who it was. The screen simply said J. It was her boss... probably calling to ask for the inventory of the kills, see if they were the right people.

''Yes?'' Jurei tipped her head, pressing the phone against her cheek and shoulder, whilst fixing her shirt and hair. There was a small rustle on the other side of the phone, then J replied, in his usual angry deep voice. ''Inventory?'' As she thought. She always did her job correctly, but for some reason he seemed to doubt it every-time. ''One teen boy, thief. Older male, murderer. One middle aged female, arsonist. One middle aged male, arsonist.''

She heard the slight scratch of a newly sharpened pencil on paper from J's side of the phone. A short spasm of coughing following the scratching, along with more scratching. ''Right on Target... thats my girl. I'll call you tomorrow with more jobs. You have the day off after that.'' Jurei smiled a little bit. She knew that there were other hitmen around the small town, but she was obviously the favorite... She was the only one she knew who got days off.

The rain let off a little bit as she hung the phone up, and slid it back into her bra. Jurei pressed her katana blade into the middle-aged male who had been groaning a few minutes earlier. Rule number 3, always double tap. After lifting her self up off the bodies, she signaled to a 'Watcher' nearby. They usually took care of the bodies, and made sure the hitmen did their jobs correctly. It was still raining pretty hard as she slid her katana into a scabbard on her back. Unlike the other hitmen, she dressed as a yanki girl would. White bandages around her chest, black jeans, an over-coat... it wasn't particularly suspicious, but she often had to run from the police.

She gave a single glance over her shoulder to make sure no one followed her, and then took a few steps into the brightly lit street of Karakura. It was a quiet town mostly, thanks to do-gooders like herself. J let her choose her hits, because she didn't like killing people who hadn't done any serious crimes. Murderers where her favorite choice, out of all the villains she slaughters. 'Karma's a bitch, isn't she?' Jurei would usually say that line before killing a murderer. She thought it was funny, but her 'Watcher' didn't approve of her wily ways. Jun stretched her arms up, clasping her hands together, before bringing them down and resting her palms against the back of her head. She whistled a little tavern tune she heard once, as she took the long way home, passing by dark homes, fences and the occasional barking dog.

As usual, a small tiger cat popped up around the corner of a side street, and trotted after Jurei, purring quietly. It already knew by now that Jun often walked home with it, and left out a small dish of tuna. Eventually she would want to adopt the little kitty, but she was gone much to often to pay a lot of attention to a pet. She had a goldfish though, which she only needed to feed twice a day. Probably a bad idea to have a cat alone all day, with a goldfish. She twisted her head and smiled at the cat, as it trotted along next to her feet. It sometimes walked along the fence, then jumped to sit on her shoulder all the way home. Jurei kind of liked animals, depending on whether they bark or meow insistently, or aren't house trained. She chuckled slightly as the cat stumbled over a lose rock. Jun thought it made a sour face at her, so she crouched down petted its head gently, listening to it purr. ''Not everyone can be graceful, y'know...''

#2Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:29 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ichigo Kurosaki had much to do. It was a busy day for him, he had to go to school, classes not to mention he had to take care of his two little sisters. The day was exhausting to him. The rain had delayed him, but only for a few seconds. He didn't care much about the rain, only the taught of going home.

Ichigo was walking through the streets, trying to get home fast as he can. But for some weird reason, he wanted to go back to school and listen to the lecture that the new teacher has given them in the class. It was all about ancient symbols, organizations and stuff. Even though most of his class mates had groaned all the way through the end of the lecture, Ichigo was listening carefully every word that the new teacher said. The teacher talked about alot of arcane things, some were about some groups named: Illuminati, The Freemasons and much more... And he talked about ancient symbols that belonged to this scared groups, that were still active today. Those topic were actually interesting to Ichigo, he didn't know about the others and there opinions about these scared groups.

Now coming back to reality, Ichigo was only a few blocks back from his house. As he saw a women in the age of 18 or 20 petting a cat. Ichigo who loved pets wanted to watch this scene happily, but the clock was counting. Ichigo went near this lady and said " Hello, Would you please move away? I'm trying to get my self home!" as he looked at the lady with a dull emotion waiting for a reply. This is where everything changed.

Words : 290

#3Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:24 pm


Jurei yawned quietly, whilst petting the little tiger cat. She didn't want to purr her hand away, because it was purring so happily. The rain was basically non-existent to her, but the cat didn't exactly like it too much. Jun pulled her hand away for a moment, reaching back into her backpack to lift out a black and red umbrella. She never used the thing, but her housemother insisted that she bring the stupid thing along, whenever it was supposed to rain.

After a moment of fiddling with the catch, she finally managed to find the button and spring open the umbrella. The water droplets were sent spraying, which seemed to startle the cat she was petting. She attempted to hold in a snort of amusement as it shook itself, wide eyed. Jurei's nose twitched slightly, catching a whiff of hollow, but it was also mixed with something else. She groaned in annoyance, and rubbed the cats fur the wrong way with her sleeve as to dry it out.

There were footsteps. Quiet at first, but fast. The street was partially shadowed, but the streetlights lit most of the area up. It wasn't difficult to spot the young man walking down the sidewalk. Jurei glanced to the other side of the street, where a pair of lovers were necking. She winced, forcing her attention back the cat. It looked annoyed at her, because she had stopped petting it for a moment. Jurei smiled a little bit, made a little meowing sound to the kitten, starting up a little conversation.

The footfalls stopped suddenly, and she heard a slight breathe a few feet away. Probably the boy again... "Hello, Would you please move away? I'm trying to get my self home." Jun's eye immediately twitched in aggression. What the hell?.. She retracted her hand slightly, tipped the umbrella back to let the rain fall on her face. Her eyes glazed over with a distinct look of annoyance. She turned towards the peculiar looking kid, tipping her head. ''You'd best learn to be polite. You may be in a hurry, but that doesn't excuse rudeness, enit?'' Jurei folded her umbrella, much to the distaste of the cat, and slipped it back into her pack, her eyes narrowing as she looked over the boy with dull interest. She gave a sigh, and mumbled to herself, more than to the orange-haired kid. It's not like you don't have your whole life to get there anyway... stupid kid.''

#4Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:16 pm


The phone in jurei's pocket begins to goes off once more. The screen reads unknown. If you answer it the voice at the other end speaks" ms inase, if you be so kind as to go to the end of the street and pick up the black box. Thank you and have a nice day." Silence can be heard after that. At the end of the street in the lamp light sits a five inch by five inch black high density plastic box. If you open it the is a black buisness card which feels like cold stone that reads Omega.

#5Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:09 pm


(OOC: Jurei Inase , can I join? )

#6Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:36 am


(OOC: Ah! Yes o.o... Please do join. I'm just waiting for Ichigo to post, so I can respond. The more the merrier. <3)

#7Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:32 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ichigo was waiting still she moved away. But apparently she did not. She was actually enjoying patting the creature, she patted the cat about 5 minutes or more. Ichigo was loosing his patience, but he didn't say a word to her about it. Two people can play this game, but apparently I'm winning!

The lady was now pulling her hand back away from the cat.She was trying to get hold of some thing. The lady reached her hand back into her backpack to lift out a black and red umbrella. She meddled with it for some time trying to open it up. "For Fuck's sake. Shes getting me down.." Ichigo thought muttering to himself. Finally she manged to pop the umbrella, so she could protect her self from the down-falling rain. Finally, I thought she would, never open it up.

The unknown lady looked at Ichigo frowning. She pulled her self together as she said "You'd best learn to be polite. You may be in a hurry, but that doesn't excuse rudeness, enit?." Ichigo's jaw opened in surprise. For the tough response she had given to him. Actually he never saw that coming. Ichigo cleared his voice, trying to be patient and calm. Ichigo gave her a icy stare and said "Ma'am, I'm not here to be offended but your rudeness, I'm in a hurry because, I'm trying to get my self home soon possible for the basic reason, my two sisters are home alone. So yeah.." as he crossed his arms in-front of his shirt waiting for a reply. This should be good...

Word : 300

#8Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:59 pm


Jurei continued on to tilt her head. This boy... was strange. His heat signature was off, not like other people. After letting out a light sigh, her phone rang again. Across the screen it read /new voice-mail/. She sighed, assuming it to be a call from her boss, or another employer. Jun sniffed the air slightly, sifting out the smell of dead bodies and his scent. She kept her information to herself, and continued to look relatively bored at this whole meeting.

"Ma'am, I'm not here to be offended but your rudeness, I'm in a hurry because, I'm trying to get my self home soon possible for the basic reason, my two sisters are home alone. So yeah.." Jurei attempted to keep from snorting. She could talk a lot if she wanted, but that certainly was a mouth full. She searched through her memory for a few seconds, then came upon some useful information. "Mm... you're sisters? Their fine. I'm not sure why you worry, enit."

Jurei turned away for a moment, her eyes landing on the cat who sat patiently at her feet. Admirable trait for a cat, actually. Suddenly she winced at what she just said. Perhaps it was not the best idea to share such a thing, that wasn't supposed to be known. Shoving off the thought, she took a few steps forward stopping at a corner "We're probably going in the same direction. Hope you don't mind the company."

Jun tilted her head backwards, looking at him from across her shoulder. She smiled a little, then continued on her way past Main Street, to the sidewalk across. There were no streetlights in this area, only a blinking orange traffic light. She almost disappeared into the dark, with the orange splashing against the lining of her head, hips, and legs. Jurei knew that he would obviously still sense her even if it were completely dark, so she didn't exactly try hiding. Besides, the cat that was following her didn't make things easy anyway.

#9Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:29 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ichigo was now waiting for her reply. But she didn't care to look at him. She looked down towards the flow as she made a light sigh, after a few seconds her phone rang with a nice tune. She looked at the screen of the phone, for a few seconds and sighed again. As she put the phone back into the bag and stared at Ichigo. Now what???

She made a small Mona Lisa, smile and said "Mm... you're sisters? Their fine. I'm not sure why you worry, enit." as she turned away and looked at the cat again. "What is with her and that cat?" Ichigo thought getting quite uneasy, standing in the same spot for more than 15 minutes or more. The lady gazed at Ichigo again and stepped closer towards him,but not to close. We're probably going in the same direction. Hope you don't mind the company." She said with a sour voice and waiting him to give an answer back. Oh, no you don't!

Ichigo knew he had no choice to walk with her back towards his house or whatever. Following her a few steps back, "Hmm, who the shit are you anyway? why did you want to walk with me? what are you planning?" Ichigo said with a rough voice. He did not hesitate to ask her those question, he wanted to know the truth. As Ichigo Kurosaki waited for her reply. This better be good....

WORDS : 280

#10Blood-lust... Empty Re: Blood-lust... Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:06 pm


Jurei yawned quietly, proceeding to lift out a piece of string and trail it along the sidewalk, smiling at the kitten tried to chase after it. She swerved to avoid a pole, touching her hand against the cold metal as she walked by rather slowly. She knew the boy has given up for now, and decided to follow her. Though... there was a sidewalk on the other side of the street. Oh well.

She heard the slight intake of breathe behind her, and she tensed her shoulders a little bit, fingering her katana's hilt. "Hmm, who the shit are you anyway? why did you want to walk with me? what are you planning?" Jurei unsuccessfully hid her snort of amusement, covering her mouth. Heh... She let out a breathe, and tipped her head backwards to look at him, eyeing him to make sure he was serious. She bobbed her head back, and stared off at the horizon.

"So many questions, enit? Well... Lets see here. I'm Jurei Inase. Or Jun, whichever you prefer. And why? Well... I'm not sure. We were both going the same way, so why not? As for what I'm planning; Nothing." She couldn't help but notice they way he asked those questions. Jurei figured it was meant to intimidate, or something of the like. It didn't really succeed in that endeavor. She turned her attention back to the cat for now, who seemed to have forgotten about the string and was trotting along side her, its gaze locked onto something Jurei couldn't see yet. She wanted to say something else, but wasn't exactly a fan of long-winded sentences. She would keep it to herself for now, and focus her amusement elsewhere. Like the odd gait in which he walked.

It was on the verge of a run, but it never really went outside the realm of walking. It was... peculiar. And it interested her a great deal. This one was unique, smelled different than a person too. He wasn't a hollow either. Perhaps a mix of the two... She blinked, and rubbed her head slightly, staring at the ground. Jurei knew instantly, but it would be hard to explain HOW she knew. Probably best if she didn't ask at all.

Jurei lifted her nose up and breathed in a wisp of scent. Blood... she knew there were others like her, but not usually in this area; her territory. Strange. Best if she investigated later, lest she seem rude to her temporary acquaintance. Wouldn't hurt if she asked though, would it? Didn't seem likely that he would show any reaction. Jurei would need to learn to be much less skittish and skeptical. "Do you smell it?... She made this remark without looked back at him. Whether he could smell it over not, would reinforce her suspicion on his profession.

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