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#11Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:49 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
(OOC: I will try to reply soon, cuz I'm too busy studying for my term exams so yeah. Till i come back, join some else's RP topic)

#12Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:39 pm


(OOC: Alrighty then =3 Topic on Hold.)

#13Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:12 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"So many questions, enit? Well... Let’s see here. I'm Jurei Inase. Or Jun, whichever you prefer. And why? Well... I'm not sure. We were both going the same way, so why not? As for what I'm planning; nothing." She said without looking at him. Ichigo had enough of her games. Jurei Inase was one of the weirdest women, Ichigo had met. She was quite stern, with an arrogant chin, and her personality was quite different than the rest of women Ichigo had often met. A woman with strange mysteries......

Now, Jurei Inase was petting the cat again: she was moving her palm slowly along the cat’s fur. The creature had orange color fur: with dark black cat eyes. It was kind of hard to see, if the cat was male or female. But Ichigo knew that female’s pets like to be patted a lot than male cats. And he knew more that the biological name of the cats was Felis catus. And those cats were valued by kind hearted humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years,] and are currently the most popular pet in the world including the dog to. Owing to their close association with humans, cats are now found almost everywhere in the world: Ichigo knew so much that his friends called him a cat lover. Even though that they knew that, Ichigo loves dogs more than cats. How Jurei Inase patted the cat was quite strange it was like that she knew that creature for decades. The cat in the other hand was enjoying it. For an instance, it was like the cat hadn’t been petted for ages. Well, how else do you think a drifter cat would be treated?

After petting the cat for a long time, she finally started to walk without saying anything to Ichigo Kurosaki. "THE BITCH!" Ichigo thought to himself as grasped his fits tightly wanting to hit her for keeping him standing there for a very long time. Petting a cat could wait, but taking care of his home along sisters was an important job than that: taking care of his two sisters. But Ichigo was a quite patience guy; he didn’t want to hit a person for just wasting his time for petting a pathetic cat or scold a person for that reason. Strike one Jurie....

Both Ichigo and Jurie arrived into a lonely street. Ichigo couldn’t say what the name of the street was but the street was giving him the creeps. The street was lonely, dry and sour and a bizarre fog interrupted them and it made them stop for a while still it dried down. Ichigo felt like he was in Changi Beach, Singapore. Even though the street they were in did not contain a nice beach. The Changi Beach was situated in Singapore. The Changi Beach served as a popular killing ground for the Japanese during the Sook Ching massacre of The Second World War. Thousands of Chinese were tortured and killed during this Operation as they were suspected of being anti-Japanese. Strange crying and screaming are reported by people, who live in the specific area. The heads of the Chinese dead bodies are sometimes seen flying everywhere in the ground and headless bodies walk around the beach. The scariest thing is that the ghosts leave blood stains. During nights people observe dug holes that appear as if they were used for burying bodies. Even so, there were no event in the modern days about this beach and ghost lurking around the beach and the road as well. But some folk’s say that the ghost will resurrect from their graves when the time is right: and the time, nobody knows. As the bible says, (Matthew 27:52-53) "The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after their resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared too many...."

The fog was fading slowly…very slowly… As Ichigo Kurosaki, heaved a sigh of relief. Even though the road of this street was like Changi Beach, the street had no ghost or dead men walking: zombies. Suddenly for a coincidence, Ichigo turned his head towards Jurie Inase. She was lifting her nose up and breathing hard, as if she wanted to smell something in this sour air. Ichigo did the same without Jurie, noticing him doing it. Ichigo smelled nothing but for a smell of alcohol flowing in the currents of air. After a few seconds, Ichigo heard a small whisper flowing in the air, Ichigo jumped at first but then he realized it was none other than Jurie Inase. "Do you smell it to?” She said without turning her head towards Ichigo. "Smell what? The smell of the air? The smell of your bad breath? The smell of alcohol? Actually, I don’t smell anything but for a smell of alcohol. Some Punk must have left his/her alcohol bottle in the streets..." Ichigo said roughly towards her and checked his watch. Because it was dark, Ichigo couldn’t see the number as he (Oned) his digital watch light, as it began to display: 7.00 pm. The time unsettled him. Ichigo remembered his two sister’s frightened and shivering and wishing only one thing: "Where are you Brother? Please come home now!"

Getting mad and losing his temper, Ichigo looked straight towards Jurie Inase eyes as he cleared his voice, trying to speak calm as he can and sink the temptation of anger in his soul. "Lady, you must know that I’m the eldest of my family. And I myself have responsibilities. And that is taking care of my two sisters-" Ichigo stopped immediately, and started sniffing the sour air. Ichigo smelled something evolving in the air. Something that the Free-masons used filling their hollow skull cups: as they start to commence their scared ritual. Something that was quite terrifying in an hour of now. Something quite knowable to mankind, without that they wouldn’t be living now. Something was Blood...

WORDS : 1050

#14Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:20 pm


(OOC:Is this open?)

#15Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:11 pm


(OOC: Yes it ish! =3 Please post. I'll make my response easier...)

#16Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:32 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
(OOC: I'm waiting.. lol! )

#17Blood-lust... - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood-lust... Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:36 pm


Jurei's nose twitched once more, then she decided to ignore the stench. Her ears however, twitched as well, when she picked up the sound of a quiet shrill of an owl. It was rather dark, and the fog settling in the street made it look like something out of silent hill. She made a face, but continued to walk on, ignoring the cats plea's for attention temporarily. The young man behind her did seem to be in a bit of a hurry. She could admit that her actions were meant to annoy him, considering she took great entertainment in picking on easily excitable people.

"Smell what? The smell of the air? The smell of your bad breath? The smell of alcohol? Actually, I don’t smell anything but for a smell of alcohol. Some Punk must have left his/her alcohol bottle in the streets..." She frowned slightly, but shrugged off the reply to her earlier question. She couldn't blame him for being annoyed with her. But saying she smelled? Well that wasn't very nice. She made sure to wash after every kill... Jurei let out a quiet sigh, and took a sliding step to the left, stepping into the street. Gesturing with her head for him to go on his way.

She wasn't exactly in any particular rush, so dragging her feet wasn't a bad thing. After exhaling a quiet breath, she placed her middle, ring, and pointer finger tips onto the ground, searching for a specific type of frequency. It didn't take long to find it. It was familiar to her... thought she often tried to avoid the creatures. It seemed like it was resting in a tree somewhere close by. There might have been more around, but she didn't hear, smell, nor see any others. It was odd... usually she would be able to detect any within a 300 meter radius.

She lifted her hand off the ground slowly after feeling a faint, but strong rumble of energy from about 200 meters southwest of their current location. The boy didn't seem to detect anything close by. It would probably be better if she kept it to herself anyhow. Jurei's eyes closed for a moment, then opened again, emitting a faint orange glow as she scanned the sky for heat signatures. There were various kinds of birds, but only a single flying hollow. They weren't particularly dangerous, or so she had gathered. They often just flew around in circles, waiting for people to die. A bit like carrion birds or crows, really. She blinked her eyes again, and stepped up onto the opposite sidewalk, the cat following along unhindered.

Her head tilted slightly as she noticed him sniff the area a few minutes after she had mentioned the scent. A bit slow in detection... It was doubtless that the feline beside her had smelled it as well, but it was probably nothing out of the ordinary, considering it was a stray. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a slight movement above a home. The heat signature wasn't too large, but it was bigger than any native bird. Her eyes narrowed and she lifted her arm to point at the creature. There a fainter heat signature in its jaws, hinting at a fresh kill.

''There...'' She wouldn't get involved, considering she had no appreciation for human life. They could all die in a hell hole for all she cared. But she wondered why the kid hadn't noticed it before. It was odd, considering he had a higher spiritual pressure than any of the others she had encountered. Much higher than a Vizard, anyhow. ''It isn't near your home, I'm guessing... but you may want to keep an eye on it nonetheless.'' She flashed a little smile and turned on her heel to travel down a side root that let to her little apartment. She was guessing he would attack it if it made any sudden moves, so Jurei wouldn't worry about her little brother back home. She turned back for a moment, and cupped a hand around her mouth. ''If you go back to the soul society... tell Nanao Inase that her grand niece says Hello!'' With that she turned back to her somewhat creepy path, hustling along because the chill was getting to her.

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