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#11Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:58 pm


"I'll ask again about why the hollow numbers seem to be down around here and do you have any powers that i should know about?" i said while Ichigo just sat there with a roguish grin and i had notice that he had wiped away some sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and now that i look again sweat is all ready begining to form there again and he seemed to be uncomfortable. So i get up and while doing so ask.

"Hay Ichigo would you like a drink or something. And befort it slips my mind why do you find my Amulet so interesting?" i walk to the door that leads to the kitchen and lean agaist it while i wait for Ichigo reply.

#12Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:07 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ichigo looked at the amulet in wide eyes, he couldn't take his eyes of it, for some reason. Ash Wyvern was getting uneasy, because Ichigo wasn't reply as he leaned a bit forward and said firmly "I'll ask again about why the hollow numbers seem to be down around here and do you have any powers that I should know about?" Ichigo looked at him in surprise, the question was off the grid to Ichigo, as he coughed a bit and sighed. "The Hollows? Well, hell if I know. I'm searching for the reason too. I thought you would know the exact reason." But you don't....

Ichigo took a deep breath and continued "My powers? does it amaze you? Well, do you have a week? It will take me days to explain my powers to you! But, I will tell you this. I have the ability to turn my self to a hollow. My inner self actually." Ichigo said as he exhaled and looked at Ash, He was totally blank, he could only stare at Kurosaki. Ichigo could say that he didn't not understand what he had said now. It will take some time to understand the truth. It always does...

Ash Wyvern got up from his seat and walked towards the kitchen, but he stopped and turned himself back at Ichigo "Hay, Ichigo would you like a drink or something. And befort it slips my mind why do you find my Amulet so interesting?" Ash said kind of interested. Ichigo smiled warmly and said " A coca cola would do good. And why am I so interested in your amulet? well, I will give an answer on your way back...."

WORDS : 300

#13Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:10 pm


"ok a Coca cola was it no worries." and in saying that i move into the kitchen and while i rumage around in the fridge i think to myself.
turn into a hollow yer right and still be a human heh but then again it might explain the strange Reiatsu he gives off well i'll have to see it myself to believe it then it hit me that my Reiatsu my be heating my home since i have never tried my fullbring in a small space with someone else there as well so i return back to normalthen i had back to where Ichigo is with two cans i toss one to Ichigo while saying.
"Here catch and sorry i only have Zero hope you don't mind and you were saying about my amulet?"

#14Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:28 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ash Wyvern smiled at Ichigo Kurosaki and said "OK. a Coca cola was it no worries." As, Ash moved towards the kitchen with a faint smile. Ichigo looked at him closely. Ash Wyvern was a nice person he thought, not like the other people Ichigo had gone to talk with. Turning towards the corner of the kitchen Ichigo lost sight of Ash Wyvern. Ash had disappeared suddenly without Ichigo's knowing of it. He had vanished into thin air....

A few minutes went-by unknowingly. Ichigo leaned towards the edge of the couch, so he could be more comfortable. The house was silent. Like an old haunted house with no light and no signs of life. Ichigo yawned, he was quite bored. He started to get up from the leather couch, but he was interrupted by small footsteps appearing from the kitchen. Ichigo cocked his head up to see who was coming. But he could only see the appearance of a small shadow, slowly walking towards him. The ghost had finally appeared from its dark,isolated home...

But Ichigo was totally wrong. It wasn’t a ghost; it was Ash Wyvern, holding two cans of coca cola, as he smiled at Ichigo tossing a coke can towards him. Ichigo made a sign of relief by exhaling. Ash sat down on the couch as he opened his coke can. It made a sound kind of like a “POP”. Ash Wyvern turned towards Ichigo, as if he was going to ask Ichigo another question. "I only have Zero hope you don't mind and you were saying about my amulet?" Ash said, as he took a sip of the coke can. Do you always ask that question from everyone?

Ichigo Kurosaki sighed and scratched his head " Well, your amulet is very unique. I haven’t seen that kind of amulet in decades, you must know that, I have weird interest in ancient stuff, such as; amulets, symbols, organizations and much more. But, when I was viewing this antique amulet, I felt a sudden change. I don’t know what it is, but, I can tell you this.." Ichigo took a deep breath and said "The amulet you have there on your chest, hold a power for many things.." he stopped talking and leaned back on the couch again, regaining his wonderful thought about this bizarre subject. Very great things...

WORDS: 410

#15Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:44 pm


"What really i didn't know that it just a kind of family hairloom and it the last thing that i have from my family." as i said this i look into the mid distance and old memories come to the surface but i shake them off before i get engulfed in them. i look over at ichigo and it seems that he may of seen that so i sit back and what for what he asks if he asks.

#16Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:11 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ichigo looked at Ash Wyvern as he said with a bitter smiled on his face "What really i didn't know that it just a kind of family hair-loom and it the last thing that I have from my family!" As Ash Wyvern, shook his head hard for no reason, that was what Ichigo knew. Ichigo knew actually nothing of this rare thing. But he knew one thing certain about it. It has great mysteries hidden with it....

Ichigo leaned a little bit towards Ash Wyvern, ans said slowly, quite whispering "Well, Ash do you know any thing about this amulet? Actually, you posses it so, you must know lot about it's great secrets. So why don't you enlighten me?" Ichigo said to him, as he took a big gulp of his coke can and made a lopsided smile towards Ask Wyvern. This time, all his secrets will be revealed....

WORDS: 160

#17Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:15 pm


"Well to be true my mum and dad may of told me abit about it but that would of been before that happen and i don't remember much before it happen all i know about it now is what i can do with it and that i can talk to the dragons that share there power with me though it and they can tell me stuff as well though it. and there also another level to the form that i just showed you but i fear that if i do that in here that it may get too hot for you." then i toke a sip out of my drink and wait for Ichigo to reply.

#18Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:11 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Ichigo Kurosaki was listening to Ash Wyvern story. The story wasn't what Ichigo had anticipated, it wasn't much identical as his. Ash Wyvern smiled at him and said again " Well to be true my mum and dad may of told me abit about it but that would of been before that happen and i don't remember much before it happen all i know about it now is what i can do with it and that i can talk to the dragons that share there power with me though it and they can tell me stuff as well though it. and there also another level to the form that i just showed you but i fear that if i do that in here that it may get too hot for you." as he ended his story and took a sip of his drink. Ichigo coughed a little and said" I see, so are you interested in symbols, ancient stuff and so?" Ichigo smiled at him.

#19Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:22 pm


i take a moment to think about what Ichigo has said then i reply with.
"Well not really but if it and thing that'll spark same memory from the past then why not so what do you have in mind?" as i take another drink from my can as i wait for Ichigo to answer then i notice something from the corner of my eye but i dismiss it as a trick of my eye.

#20Just moved in, problems arise - Page 2 Empty Re: Just moved in, problems arise Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:44 pm


(OOC: is this open?)

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